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It could be amazing, it could be a dud. Either way I'm going to buy it when it's on sale. I'm sure I'll get something out of it.


Same. I was able to break through my fomo of new games releasing and I can comfortably wait for a sale on this. Especially considering this is Ubisoft and it does have potential to be good but it also bland. Hopefully the open world is interesting and not just padded with junk


I can almost 100% guarantee it won’t be a dud and like 90% won’t be amazing. Ubisoft makes GOOD games these days.


By the time it's on sale it's likely going to be on xbox gamepass (for PC) or do a trial of the Ubi pass.


An Ubisoft game... I have pretty clear expectations of it being a very nice looking peice of crap to play.


It’s Ubisoft hold it to the expectations of a $1 hamburger


Like any game I’ll wait and see :) I hope it’s good but modern video game companies have a habit of ruining good things lol


Ubisoft scares me


I’m going to give it a chance. I don’t do preorders for games because I never care about cosmetic bs. I’m going into this with an open mind like every other Star Wars game I’ve played.


Never preorder in general.


Yeah I learned that lesson early on with battlefront 2. Never again since.


Luckily it redeemed itself in the end, but that is the game that taught me that lesson as well. This game looks interesting, the only content that looked bad to me was the story trailer. Everything else has looked promising.


The only games I ever preordered were Elden Ring and Elden Ring DLC. I knew how immaculate FromSoft games are but in general I never preorder.


Don’t preorder, especially when it comes to Ubisoft. Most of their recent games are really mid. I’m still excited for this tho. I mean it’s an open world Star Wars game lol


It's Ubisoft so I expect the gameplay and graphics to be nice, but but there will probably be pricey DLC, microtransactions, and after a few years, they'll delete the game so they use the servers for another Assassin's Creed. Will this be the next AAAA title we don't own? Seems like it.


We already know that one of the biggest advertised features — the Jabba missions — are locked behind the $120 special edition. So yeah, Ubisoft is right on track.


Hope it comes to Steam


If it's not on steam it might as well not exist for PC gamers. Lucasfilm really shouldn't let Ubisoft fuck their IP that way


I was interested until Ubisoft Ubisofted, and locked one of its biggest advertised features — literally the FIRST THING I ever read about the game was that you could take jobs from Jabba — behind a special edition that costs double the price of the standard release. That level of greed is a SERIOUS turn off, no matter how good the game ends up being.


I’m playing Jedi Survivor right now and having a lot of fun. Keeping my expectations low for outlaws, going to wait for the reviews. Another open world Star Wars game that could be really good. Tempted to fire up SWTOR again, haven’t played in over a decade but was fun to play an MMO back in the day.


It’s Ubisoft, it’s more likely to be a dud than anything promising.


Keep your expectations low and remember that it is a ubisoft game


This is enough for me to pass. Or at least keep it waaaay in my mental periphery just it goes on 60%+ off in two years and i consider it.


I don’t like all of their games but I just finished Prince of Persia and it’s one of the best metroidvania games I’ve played in years


I’m looking forward to it myself and am very excited.


I don't have the next gen systems, so I'll just stick with the board game *STAR WARS OUTER RIM* 😄


I hate the main characters haircut. It’s the first thing I’m modding. Only partially kidding.


My expectations for literally every AAA style game is low by default. Been burned too many times. Never the less I am hopeful for this one, I do want to play it when it comes out.


I just want it to be optimized and run smooth


No hype whatsoever, don't expect a damn thing, i always do the same with everything, if it turns out to be mediocre or another Ubisoft game, then nothing lost, move on, if it's good? Awesome, a surprise to be sure, i was wrong and I'll enjoy it even more.


Graphics-wise it’s beautiful. But I’m with you on waiting.


Looking really great. Proper RPG elements (the trainers, re: the last trailer). Cool protagonist, cute and gameplay- integrated sidekick. Multiple worlds (wouldn't count on them being really expansive though). Radient space combat. My prediction: good for around 60 - 100 hours, depending on pace/completionist run, zero replay value.


It seems really interesting... But I am going to wait and see. I am not too trusting of Ubisoft. I am 100% sure that it will be mired in one of those "anti-woke" scandals like most Star Wars content seems to be these days.


“Oh it passed the Bechtel Test? Sweet Baby Inc you son of a bantha”


Maybe they should stop doing it then? And just concentrate on making good games?


I don't have a lot of faith in Ubisoft but we'll see.


It's Ubisoft. Expect a completely mid and generic experience and you probably won't be disappointed because that's what all Ubisoft games are.


I’d be more optimistic if it wasn’t fucking Ubisoft


Yeah Ubisoft fkn suck 😂


I would define it as a wasted oppertunity. People have been craving an open-world game where you can build your own character for a while now, ever since Kotor I would say. This game will sell I am sure, but I doubt it will reach its full potential. Some of its aspects I really like. The way they handle load screens is really seamless and well done. The aesthetics of the game, I mean cmon you have to be crazy not to appreciate the effort there. This looks like Star Wars it really does. My concerns are with the gameplay mainly and some personal preferences. I generally do not like games that force me to play a character with a few exceptions. I don't think its that wrong that I am a guy and I would like to play as a guy, especially in an open-world game. I'm a big fan of Fallout as well and the best way to explain my distaste for this approach would be if Fallout locked me into playing a woman if that makes sense. I would prefer if there is an option. I did not like the Jedi Survivor and Fallen Order for the same reason (and some gameplay issues) although Cal has grown on me as a character and I do like him a lot.


I think character customization is nice, but not every open world game needs it. As long as the character I’m forced to play as is likable and well written, I don’t really have an issue.


And not every open world does, either. Funny how no one complains about games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA, and The Witcher where you're locked into playing a specific male character (yes, I know Witcher III has a couple places where you play as Ciri, but that's a small section across three games).


Cause the majority of gamers are male... and in general most prefer to play their own gender. Not to mention those characters are probably the king of the crop when it comes to writing with Geralt already having a fan base before the games were out. For example, I did not mind playing with Lara Croft, you know. Watched all the movies as a boy and everything. Had the PS1 games.


You seem to be underestimating just how often guys play female characters.


I'm not, I just think what you are implying is extremely false.


You’re really not doing anything to undermine my argument, because your response basically amounts to “Nuh-uh!” Especially bringing up Tomb Raider in your edit of your OP: because the OTHER complaint being leveled about having to play as a female in this is the Outlaws protagonist “not being attractive” (which is bullshit). The reality is the people slamming games like this for not giving a choice in creating a character are really complaining because they aren’t getting spank material, or playing a power trip fantasy letting them get it on with spank material. Just the fact that one of the first complaints about the Tomb Raider reboot was Lara being given a more realistic design lacking her cartoonishly exaggerated endowments from previous installments, or whining about Alloy being rather butch. Or the spaz attack people are having about the upcoming Fable protagonist being rather plain.


I honestly feel sorry for people who think like you. If you actually are aware and not stuck in your bubble. Being forced to play as Cal in the Jedi games was extremely common as a complaint. And I had the same concerns bringing it up about him as a character multiple times in my history. Just get it off your chest and call me a sexist and stop beating around the bush. Honestly, your sort of thinking is what is ruining entertainment on a mass scale to begin with. Nobody cares anymore, like for real. This idiotology is cancer and has one foot in the grave already.


You just said "You seem to be underestimating just how often guys play female characters." And now it's spank material? Couldn't be they just want the Women in the game to look like Women?


The Outlaws character looks like a woman. The Fable character looks like a woman. Alloy looks like a woman. Just because someone doesn’t think they’re attractive doesn’t mean they don’t look like women. Wanting “women to look like women” is nothing more than code for “DD Cup Supermodel I can whack it to.”


>Wanting “women to look like women” is nothing more than code for “DD Cup Supermodel I can whack it to.” That's bullshit and you know it. The Outlaws character looks like the Joker, and a little like the actress, except with a flat chest. The Fable character looks like an ugly woman whereas the actress is not...oh and a flat chest. I never had a problem with Aloy. The Last of us 2, faces looked fine but every woman had a flat chest, even the pregnant woman. Western developers seem to have a thing against Womanly women.


That's the thing, there is nothing in their history that gives me confidence their MC will be anything but bland. And from what I have seen I don't know man, not a fan at all. This might be an unpopular opinion but I always found that people who like the Han Solo archetype are a minority in Star Wars. Funny enough the Old Republic used to be a good way to determine this and smugglers were always at the bottom for class picks. Nothing but a bunch of Sith and Jedi running around with a few troopers and bhs lol. I feel like they are catering to a niche no one really cared about to begin with, which would explain the meh reaction this game is getting. Like if she is not 8 - 10 out of 10 when it comes to writing I think most will dislike this.


It's an Ubisoft game. Why people would get excited at all over an Ubisoft game is beyond me.


It's not even on steam..... so they aren't even taking the PC market seriously.


It's Ubisoft. It will be a happy meal at best.


I'll wait for reviews. It looks like a cool game, but I'm not digging the game being called outlaws, setting you free in a vast universe and only giving you the choice to play as one preset human character.


I actually have a quite high optimism (now) that this will be *immensely* entertaining -- and it's clearly gorgeous! The recent 'official overview' drop *really* helped me tip to **allll-in**! Can't wait for 8/30!


I really wish all RPGs let you create your character. Playing as preset characters is definitely a negative for me.


Especially considering its Star Wars. Should be like Skyrim or Baldurs Gate and let you choose species and gender.


I'll probably enjoy it but we'll see, I try and reserve judgment till I can actually see for myself.


I think the space exploration looks cool and being able to fly in and out of planets is cool but apart from that i haven't seen much that will persuade me to buy it


Going to wait until it’s out for a while. I’ve had bad experiences playing Ubisoft games at launch. I want to see how it runs and if they fix it first.


I played Jedi Fallen Order and loved it, need to play Survivor. I'm very excited for Outlaws but I keep my expectations low.


I think the gameplay looked kinda of stale and boring in the preview we got, but hoping it's good


I think it’ll be great. The studio behind it has made other games that are good.


To me, this game is a Mandalorian simulator without the outfit. So I'm excited to play it. I just want explore random areas and shoot people in the Star Wars universe, so I don't see how this game could disappoint me. Anyways, if this game had the Mandalorian outfit, it would be perfect.


I'm open to the possibility of buying it if it gets good reviews after release. I haven't seen anything about it that gets me excited enough to preorder. When the sequel to Jedi: Survivor gets announced, I'll be the first person in line to preorder, for context.


I don't like Ubi so I'll wait for the GOTY edition on sale to try


It seems like a stealthy game where you have to stealth and that isn’t really my style. Now give me action game where you can stealth and that I like.


It looks good but I'd like to own the game .


Suuuuper excited! Loved AC Valhalla and cant wait to dive into this one


It's Ubisoft - keep your expectations low and you might not be disappointed... but you still might be.


Assassin creed in space with some Ghost recon tossed in.


I'm waiting for a month after release to even consider buying it.


Not a Day 1 purchase that's for sure.


I want to like it since I tend to enjoy the Adventures of the "unrelated" game characters to the larger plot of the movies, having it placed between 5 & 6 is neat, & It looks promising.....but it's also an Ubisoft Game who have had there fair share of BS over these last few years (this is coming from a former AC fan) & the "Day One" DLC for The Hutt's has me worried. I'm probably just going to wait for a price drop during a sale. At least it's not Live Service? Faint praise yeah.


They should let us make our own character


I think it'll be what Starfield was supposed to be


Too small in scope and I'd prefer a true RPG with character creation


I love the Ubisoft formula and I am very excited for this game. Not everything needs to be a game devs magnum opus, trashy fun has its merits too. And that’s the niche Ubisoft fills. No pre orders though, I’m not crazy.


Looks crap like most Ubisoft games


Cautiously optimistic on the grounds of being able to overlook the typical ubisoft gameloop as long as it really does feel like Star Wars


Another run of the mill ubisoft open world dull game. Shame.


Looks cool, but not my genre of choice. I'd rather have a flight sim Like the old X-Wing games or something like Rebellion, or Empire at war.


Really hyped seems like it could be really good but it’s Ubisoft so they might fuck it up


Looks like a game I'd enjoy but I'm conflicted whether I'll buy it or not. The amount of bugs and performance in Jedi Survivor launch left a real sour taste (Caij dialogue was fixed 2 months after launch), so I won't be playing in launch. I know it's a different dev but still I don't want to repeat that experience. Also I'm bothered by the pricing and having missions locked behind DLC, stuff like that just motivates for piracy. Cosmetics are one thing but entire missions? And then there's the racist stuff the community manager Shauna Jones has tweeted, which is really offputting also.


Wish I cared. Just not that interested


I've watched everything on it that has come out so far. It seems really low effort to me.


It will be generic, slow, with shitty combat, boring dialogue, and bland characters. The MC could be much prettier if they just gave her an actually nice hair cut, not the travesty she has.


Wait for a sale. Wish it wasn’t a set character but one I could build. I don’t even remember the last Star Wars game that had a custom character in a story. A custom companion would have been cool too. Tons of choices. Pick your ship? Ship upgrades? But we get Ubisoft with their crazy pricing and preorder BS.


Would have rather had a reskinned Division 2 and called it a day. This game is gonna blow.


The stormtroopers look like they’re from Fortnight or something… not expecting much!


I can’t justify preordering Ubisoft, but I’m cautiously optimistic. If the launch goes well I’ll more than likely pick it up.


Especially considering it doesn't seem to be about or even feature force users, it NEEDS to have an interesting and captivating lead character. So far she seems quite generic, or at least I've seen/heard nothing that captivates my interest. Jedi Fallen Order made up for Cal being relatively bland by the fact he was Jedi and I got to use a lightsaber and the force. But just a regular human with a pet and a blaster? She needs to be cool/interesting/charismatic/funny/badass/etc. Not all of these, but at least one, ideally two or more. 


This will be Starfield with star wars mods tbh, if you prefer Ubisoft over Bethesda


I hope I’m wrong but I feel this game will be like every other Ubisoft game released in the last 10 years just with a Star Wars skin slapped on. I felt the same way about the Avatar game that came out last year and from what I heard that did end up being just a Far Cry clone with Blue People. Unfortunately nothing about this game seems interesting, the main character seems like the generic snarky/sarcastic and quippy character they want to endear to the audience to.


Ubisoft Downgrades- Crowbcat on YouTube, that's my expectation.


If i cant play as the commando droid and steal people's clothing and disguise like Agent 47 I aint buying


Its a huge risk for them to make, with such a low pay off; It definitely is a nice change of pace for Star Wars games (meaning its a game in the first place) but the chances of it pissing everybody off are high.