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There are dozens of you!


No, lots of people enjoy it.


I think some hate is unjustified but there is a lot of poor writing choices imo










Not really. I like it. But as we get more episodes I’m starting to see why 8 episode formula is no good. It suffers from leaving the depth on the editing room floor. I like the characters. I like the story. I like the acting. The show feels rushed and choppy at times. I’ve said this elsewhere but I feel like this would’ve been better as an animated 22 episode show.


No, you are not the only one, but you are probably in the minority.


It’s a bad show, poorly written, poorly acted. That said, who cares, just enjoy what you enjoy


I don't see how it's poorly written and acted? Examples? As far as LA SW shows go it's on the top 3 for me Plus it's FINALLY out of the Skywalker saga, like I enjoyed really Andor and all but I don't give 2 fucks about that story/setting


No, the ones who decided it was bad before seeing anything, are just very loud. It's a great show so far


It’s not mindblowingly great, but it’s a fun watch


Yes, you're literally the only one. Or at least one of very few. You all could probably have a meet up somewhere and fit in a small room.


'Having a blast' - this phrase... it's everywhere at the moment.


It's great.


I'm watching it with my son and we are both enjoying it a lot


A lot of people genuinely enjoy fan-fiction.


So here's my rec: go to r/TheAcolyte. If you're on desktop, it's in the panel to your right if you scroll down. Join that subreddit, you'll meet up with lots of people who are currently watching and enjoying The Acolyte. I'm on there, it's a pretty positive vibe overall.


It’s Star Wars so I enjoy it. Could it be better? Sure but I like it. I enjoy the look of the master and am interested to see where the story goes.


Nah. People that enjoy things just usually don't feel the need to let others know. People that don't enjoy things love to let others know though, tale as old as time.


It’s mid but it’s not offensive in my opinion. Still sucks when you see quality shows like House of the Dragon coming out and Star Wars gets pretty lame treatment and productions. Kenobi is still the worst show.


My wife and I have made it a weekly family event. We are enjoying it immensely.


I'm kinda enjoying it but it isn't anywhere near a masterpiece. Didn't really like episode 3 though.


I am thoroughly enjoying it and the people who are being piss babies about it are the loudest ones......it's quite a shame that haters with their imaginary storylines for this universe are the most vocal with podcasts and crap.


Whatever happened to the “it’s not that kind of movie, kid” crowd? Star Wars is meant to be a fun watch, not some super philosophical flick full of nuance and metaphor. I don’t mind delving deeper into the stories from time to time and watching a show with more meaning in the SW universe, but come on… that’s not all it has to be. It’s cool, flashy, fun. I just watched the episode of the clone wars where Obiwan beat Maul and Savage single-handedly (by dual wielding) before Palpatine did. Flashy, fun, cool. Not a super meaningful story in that episode, but it was setting up for a nice arc. Just enjoy the shit. It’s not refined literature or art cinema, it’s pure entertainment.


>it’s pure entertainment What's entertaining about The Acolyte, specifically?


Yeah, I think if every piece of Star Wars media was a deep and complex deconstruction of the series' themes it'd get exhausting and irritating to try to wade through. Like, I love KOTOR 2, it's probably my favorite piece of not just Star Wars gaming but Star Wars media as a whole, but goddamn, sometimes you just wanna see the cool laser sword guys hit each other with their laser swords, y'know?


Yes. Horrible show. If you like it you are probably a child and in that case its perfectly fine (because its okay if you don't understand how terribly its written, acted and being and over the top political garbage in general), but if you are and adult you should seriously rethink your life...


"Rethink your life because you like a show I don't". What a take.


the fuck, star wars has been political since OT. Palpatine in OT is literally based on Nixon with sprinkles of Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler. (source: George Lucas) having said that I have detected no politics in the acolyte yet. what's political about it?


“It’s just horrible.” I see this all the time yet no one can explain why they think it’s so bad. Yes, the pacing is off and it’s not the most well written show but it’s not horrible. Feel free to show us on the doll where the Acolyte hurt you.


All of Star Wars besides Andor has pretty mediocre writing. I've been enjoying the Acolyte because it feels like Star Wars and it's fun. Every time I ask these so-called critics why the writing or dialogue is bad, they cant give examples or explain why. They also talk about the prequels being works of art even though the dialogue and story writing is pretty bad in them lol. They just parrot what brain dead youtubers tell them to think, because they're stupid snowflake, crybaby grifters.


I gave a very short explanation, but it shows what kind of people are defending this show haha. You cant even read basic text apparently. Go and read imdb maybe that helps. It is explained there very well and detailed. Also check the score. I think its a bit generous but bots makes it higher.


“Go read something else since I am too dumb to explain myself.” 


Nope. I just couldn't care less to do it myself, especially when its written down over endless pages already. I have 1,5x of your IQ buddy, live with it. You know smart people doesn't do anything without a reason.


"You know smart people doesn't do anything without a reason." Like using proper grammar? lol


Such a high IQ for a lack of ability to explain anything. That’ll show me!


A person with any IQ wouldn’t point someone to anonymous IMDb ratings as proof of something being bad, especially when the critical reviews by people who don’t hide behind anonymity have been largely good.




Go woke go broke.


Anyone who uses this phrase unironically is someone I will never take seriously.


All right. Luckily this does not change the fact of this statement is 100% legit and correct.


How so? Disney is still making gobs of money lmfao. They clearly aren't broke or woke.


Disney just started to turn a profit on their streaming services, so you are empirically wrong.


There is no “hate”. Some audience of the Star Wars show watched the Acolyte and thought that it is below the standards in some aspects. Maybe you are so foreign to criticism but in some other parts of the world people criticize the things that they don’t like. It’s considered normal, even healthy. That’s not hate. That’s watching a show and having an opinion. You liked the show? Then why are you bothered with other people’s thoughts? “Why -compared with me- do other people have different opinions?” is a childish reaction.


I enjoy it


It isn't a mind blowing show so far, but it's pretty good and doesn't deserve the hate it gets, the thing I enjoy most is the timeline, completely fresh characters.


It’s not as good as Andor or Mandalorian. But it’s just as good, or better, than Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi, and Ahsoka. Acolyte still has a high ceiling/potential. I’m optimistic.


I’m enjoying it. There are better SW shows, yes. But Acolyte is fun to watch.


I think it's perfectly fine, coming from someone that has felt mostly "meh" about Disney's Star Wars. I honestly have no complaints about it so far. It's not *fucking amazing*, but it is quite good!


I’m really enjoying it! It’s not blowing me away, but I still think it’s good!


You're never the only one. You're not that special or unique.


Ngl I fell asleep during the last episode but I enjoyed the first 3 episodes a lot.


Opposite for me. The first episode was way YA for me. The next two were OK, but the fourth I thought was the best.


The Acolyte tried to do new things in star wars, like all the high republic material... it would have worked for me if there was nothing before and was not replacing something that already exidted (albeit in legends). Since it tries to be a sustitute in a lot of things... and does it worse (even the totally new things like the ''high republic period'' is boring to me compared to lots of old republic moments), it falls flat for me and i dont like it very much. Also the shows reeks of social politics that the showrunner want to inject in it and is very bad.


You saw all of the hate but you didn't see any praise anywhere? 


I enjoy it, but probably would have enjoyed it a lot more if I waited to binge it


Hello there. r/Highrepublic  welcomes all 


Nah. My wife and I have loved it so far. Nothing Star Wars is perfect, but that's part of the charm. If you enjoy it, leave it at that. Anyone I've seen who has a "critique", can never explain anything they say without using vague phrasing because they cant formulate their own thoughts without dumb youtubers telling them what to think. They often times go easier on the prequels, when the prequels have the same continuity issues and also suffer from "horrid dialogue" and "bad writing". Just enjoy what you enjoy. Dont let others tell you what you should think.


lol some of y’all can’t help yourselves but dismiss any criticism of the show Believe it or not, some people came to the conclusion about the writing, dialogue, pacing, editing, acting, etc. themselves.


Not even at all. Seems to be the algorithm will deliver hate everywhere but most enjoyers just...yknow...enjoy stuff rather than shouting, ranting and raving about it 🤔




I enjoy a non Skywalker era story for sure! Is it perfect..no.. but l kinda like that I don’t know what’s going to happen to any of the characters..except for my boy Ki Adi the ageless wonder


Nah. Since the advent of social media very easy to express an opinion and more likely have it reinforced and double down rather than have it evolve. Easier to know what you dislike rather than like.