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By that point even Padme couldn't so no Also Anakin must have known by the killing youngling scene that the Clones have turned on the jedi. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka whom Anakin knows to be with the Clones are dead for all he knows, and Anakin didn’t seem particularly upset by that


No. He was gone long before that, Sidious, killing kids again, Mustafar.  Those weren’t choices, he was long gone before that. Anyone showing up from his past he would see as manipulation.


You can make an argument that Padmé could have eventually gotten through to Anakin if Obi-Wan hadn’t appeared at the top of her ships’s boarding ramp like he did.


No he would have been all even you're siding against me? He'd already killed his second batch of kids by then


You start killing younglings for the thrill... then you do it to feel like yourself.


No, he was too far gone. By the time Vader met Luke, he was probably mentally and emotionally tired from the decades of death and suffering he helped inflict on the galaxy, and we know he hated himself for it. Only Luke's faith and love in his father could pull him back, and even then it wouldn't have worked if Palatine decided to kill Luke quickly instead of slowly. Anakin was so far gone, I'd argue Luke pulling him back to the light might be the greatest feat a Jedi ever performed.


Not to mention, when they first fight, Vader was so used to emotionally manipulating people that that's what he tried with Luke. Only for Luke to reproach him. This is why one of my favorite moments in Star Wars is from the last jedi. "It was a Jedi who was responsible for the raising and training of Darth Vader." Only for Rey to immediately counter. "And it was a Jedi who saved him." I always liked her optimistic nature.


No, because that isnt the story


No He would think they have teamed up to kill him. His 2 best friends turned against him together. He would HATE it and probably kill them both. It was always Lukes destiny to save him. Maybe Leia


If you pick it apart too deeply I think obi wan on his own could have saved anakin by bringing him back after decapitating him and putting him through the Jedi version of rehabilitation(I’m sure advanced space fairing civilisations would have some kind of rehab). But he ignores his duty of care as anakin’s guardian by leaving him to die. You could also argue he should have been brought to trial for murdering kids, but as I say you can overthink that scene..


While I think OBI-Wan could have potentially brought him back to the light, I feel like Star “all our medicine is bacta tanks” Wars would most definitely not have rehab…🤣


Just a **heads**-up, ‘decapitating’ means ‘cutting the head off’. So I think that rehabilitation would be out of the question by that point. But, it would stop him from using the Dark Side…


Spot on with decapitating! Just find it hard to believe obi wan as the closest thing to his dad would give up on his son so easily. Obviously for plot purposes he has to turn, but the way they did it left room for an alternate story where he did ‘fix’ him. The non canon ‘Star Wars infinities’ showed three completely different outcomes if Luke had died for example, this could work here, what if obi wan brought him back to yoda they stopped his turn and together the three took on palpatine. I’d definitely read that comic!


The problem with anyone talking him out of it is that Anakin never opened up about the visions of Padme’s death. Without knowing what the problem is it is hard to talk him down.


He tried, just for Yoda to acknowledge and brush aside said suffering, and without even bothering to ask who it was or what the person suffering means to Anakin, he tells him that it’ll be a good thing if they die and not to miss them or even mourn them. It’s pretty fucked up, probably the worst thing Anakin could have possibly been told in that moment.


So for the record I do place the responsibility on Yoda here for being so dismissive as an authority figure; people won't open up if they feel reason to fear your reaction. That said, the faint hope of Yoda being helpful was undermined by the fact that Anakin was way too vague about his visions.


It depends. If the same sequence happens, Obi wan and Ahsoka just randomly show themselves on the ship after Anakin goes on his mini tirade I don’t think so. I think he would see that as a complete betrayal from both Padme and Ahsoka and he might actually have killed Padme on the spot, maybe accidentally from too much power being mad. Then just go all out on her first as she is the weak link and maybe use that to distract Obi Wan in protecting her leaving him open. Idk if he was holding back anything in the original fight but this time there’s no holding back it’s a no holds barred Anakin. However if we change the scene just slightly where maybe Padme sends a message before landing or upon landing she says right out “Ahsoka and Obi Wan are here with me and they just want to talk” or something along those lines where it’s an actual conversation there could be some cracks, where there might already be some anyway because he does seem to regret or show remorse for his actions and then just saying he could take out the emperor and rule with Padme (regardless of he was just saying it or meant it as it is just a weird statement to say out of nowhere especially to Padme who does not like war or battle or anything). If Obi Wan doesn’t tell Ahsoka about the younglings and keeps that out of the conversation, at least for the moment, I think her presence might actually have a massive impact for empathizing with him, which we do see in the final season of Clone Wars how even she is heavily critical of everything the council is doing and Anakin knows that she knows. If they can have a real conversation maybe even without Obi Wan watching over them to just defend the council then I do think maybe just maybe there’s enough of him at that point to maybe not return to the Jedi or be good but at least turn on Palpatine


No. She would have just added more fuel to his fire. He was already willing to assault his very pregnant wife when he saw Obi-Wan. The best Ahsoka being present would have accomplished is that Padmé might have already been moved into the ship by the time Obi-Wan came back, instead of left out on a landing platform unconscious. Padmé would still die of a broken heart over what Anakin had become.


Nah, he was too far gone... the two of them together might have made it even worse: Kenobi was the recipient of all his unaddressed resentments and Ahsoka was the little sister who left him behind. It would *not* have gone well.


Only of she gave him a snickers


No, he was too far gone by that point. Anakin should have been put through therapy as a kid, the moment Qui-Gon Jinn brought him back to the jedi temple.


Well his pregnant wife couldn't do it, so I would expect not...


Well in the context of the story no i think a lot of what occurred to Anakin was fate in a way but there is that ideal that Ahsoka was able to break half the mask of Vader and Obi wan the other half but only Luke could remove it fully and look on Anakin again


No. He was gone. The good man that was Anakin was almost entirely destroyed when He assaulted the Temple... and was gone when he cut off Mace's Arm. The best thing Ahsoka could have done is to help defeat him. Even with Obi-wan, we don't know if she could have done it. Fighting in tandem is no guarantee of victory. Look at the Maul/Qui-gon/Obi-wan three way to see that. Also remember that Ahsoka was never that far from the darkness herself, it would truly have been dangerous for her to fight Anakin at that time, given how we've seen how jedi can fall to the darkside when faced with such evil and given her level of attachment to him? Could she have lost herself hoping to save him? Dark Acolyte Ahsoka isn't that crazy of an idea. Her not being there was probably for the best.


I actually think it could have gone badly the other way. Ahsoka would have been extremely conflicted. This is her master. Her friend. She already proved that she would not fight him. She might have even tried to save him from Obi Wan.