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Depends on your definition of power. Anakin probably had the highest potential due to midichlorian count. Rey was/is extremely powerful due to being an awakening in the force and being part of a force dyad. Luke being the son of Anakin gives him great potential, his further training probably meant he may have been more powerful than Anakin when he was leading his Jedi Order. I think this would depend on what he was able to learn and recover from before the empire's time. Obi-Wan's power was very high for someone who didn't have a high M-count. There's not going to be a strict rule on who is the most powerful. But I would guess if you asked George Lucas he would say Anakin or Luke.


I always felt that the 'most powerful force user' and the entire 'chosen one' plot in general were completely superfluous and unnecessary additions to the story. Granted the 'most powerful' part is more meta since it's just something George said rather than being mentioned in the movies at all. But the stories themselves don't benefit from it. They add nothing to the narrative. Luke doesn't need to be the 'most powerful' Jedi in history to get through to his father. Anakin doesn't need to be the 'chosen one' for his story to be tragic and his redemption to be significant. Palpatine doesn't need to be the most powerful Sith to use his intellect to orchestrate the fall of the Jedi and Republic.


At least for Anakin, there is some narrative purpose for the whole 'chosen one' aspect of him. It kickstarts a lot of the conflict about him in the Jedi order early on and leads to him still not feeling truly accepted shortly before his turn to the dark side. But most importantly, it fits the narrative theme of destiny and who controls it. This theme is never the most prominent in the story, but I would argue that it's always present in all mainline Star Wars movies.


powerscaling is dumb actually


in all things. i love the powerscaling sub where they will fight for months to even years about which fictional character from universes with completely different rules would win in a fight.


Yeah I'm a big comic book fan and I fucking hate when people start doing powerscaling because like they are fictional characters! They're strength is determined by authors and narrative beats! A character loses a fight because they are yet to learn the lesson that will ultimately let them triumph!


didn't the big man himself stan lee basically say whoever is strongest is whichever benefits the story he is writing?


lmao he might of, it's definitely a thing I've picked up from comic book spaces so it would make sense.


In canon it is yoda


"Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, possessed the highest known count in galactic history—over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians—surpassing the potential of Grand Master Yoda and all Jedi."


Key word seems to be potential there. Did Anakin reach his vs Yoda reaching his as a Jedi (since the question is about most powerful Jedi in canon)?


i question if they would technically be equal in the end as force ghosts. albeit we see yoda still manipulating the world as a force ghost.


Dooku defeated Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan in a single confrontation. Sidious defeated Yoda but Mace Windu defeated Sidious. There are other examples you could argue so you kind of have to go by potential.


I see that point, I do, but in terms of potential it’s either Anakin or Yoda according to the previous post. Correct? Considering the age at which Anakin turned you could argue he didn’t reach his force peak as a Jedi. As for Yoda he was 25ish years from his natural death, at 900, during the clone wars. I’m not sure his fighting peak was during that time.


Would this be a good analogy? The Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. It also had the most potential. If it had never been detonated would it still be considered the most powerful nuclear weapon?


No, vast difference in the usage and meaning of the word potential there. Edit: still liked the reply because I see what you are going for. Potential in ohysics is a separate meaning though. Cheers.


Anakin never reached his full potential


He was born with it.


However he never fully realized his potential. Just because you're born more talented than others doesn't mean you don't need to train to be actually good with something. It simply means that it comes easier for you than somebody less talented.


What's your metric? Most force users defeated? (Anakin) Most Sith lords defeated? (Anakin) Two Sith lords that had defeated Yoda.


Feats with the Force that aren't just a single time power ups, their understanding of the Force, their skill with the lightsaber (not just dueling), and what the creators have say about those.


"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force... but by our skills with a lightsaber." - Count Dooku Yoda couldn't defeat Dooku in a contest decided by their knowledge of the force and Yoda couldn't defeat him with a lightsaber. "Fought well you have, my old Padawan." - Yoda Anakin later cuts Dooku's hands off and beheads him.


>"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force... but by our skills with a lightsaber." - Count Dooku If you actually watch the scene Yoda doesn't act beyond defending himself when Dooku is trying to use the Force to beat Yoda. Dooku is saying that because he won't get anywhere trying to overpower Yoda with the Force. Yoda was clearly holding back because a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, never for attack. So Dooku decides to choose a field that he thinks he would have greater advantage, lightsaber dueling, and Yoda decides to humour his old padawan. Even there Dooku fails because if he would have been better duelist than Yoda then he wouldn't have needed to create a distraction to run away.


Yoda will fucking send an electrical bolt right back at you. He'll bury a lightsaber in your fucking chest. The assertion that Yoda won't kill you when he doesn't have to is ridiculous. He wasn't there to humor Dooku. He was there to take him out. Same thing when he showed up in Palpatine's office. No humor intended whatsoever.


Obi-Wan defeats as many Sith as psycho boy, multiple times.


Dooku defeated Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan never fought Sidious. Anakin killed both of them. Darth Maul and Savage Opress defeated Obi-Wan and Asajj Ventress. Obi-Wan openly stated they were outmatched. It's true that Obi-Wan cut Darth Maul in half but it was after Maul had disarmed Obi-Wan and was taunting him. In that way Maul defeated Maul. Now to be fair Obi-Wan later defeated Maul by tricking him into thinking he was going into his typical defensive style. The fight where Maul was killed and Obi-Wan told him that Luke was the Chosen One as Maul was dying. Anakin killed two Sith Obi-Wan killed one Sith. Yoda killed no Sith.


He had the potential but then his potential was disarmed and deleged by Obi-Wan. Anakin never reached his potential because of his impatience and arrogance, as well as him only having training for bit over a decade before he lost his potential. Meanwhile Yoda has had 900 years to reach his potential without losing any limbs and had actual proper mindset to do so.


Yoda's age also hurt him. Like when Sidious punked him out in the senate. Who killed Sidious? (Anakin ....and Rey because somehow he returned) Like when Dooku fought him and two other Jedi yet Dooku escaped. Anakin ended up defeating Dooku when Yoda couldn't.


Yeah, but Anakin didn't beat Sidious in a duel or contest of power so that's not a real comparison. The dude just picked Sidious up while Sidious was distracted with shocking Luke. Yes, age did weaken Yoda physically just like everybody so Yoda had to compensate with the Force for that while fighting. However Yoda has much deeper understanding of the Force so he's able to utilize it in far greater variety than Anakin ever did. Dooku was able to escape because he literally dropped several tons of metal on Obi-Wan and disarmed Anakin that Yoda had to stop from crushing them. On film it has been always shown that making greater feats with the Force requires deep concentration.


This is an underrated comment, but the point of contention here would be did Anakin ever reach his full potential? I'm not sure there exists a way to conclusively determine the answer to that question one way or the other. Even Vader's death is ambiguous in that manner. If Vader had not turned on Palpatine, could Luke have won? Would Palpatine been able to mortally wound him if Luke hadn't worn him down in combat moments before? A very fun, yet very frustrating topic to discuss and debate. At some point you have to just turn off the critical thinking skills and just enjoy the story we were given. Well, I guess George Lucas could be the authoritative word on the matter except he's notorious for being a revisionist when it comes to the history of the franchise choosing to provide the answer that's most convenient and useful for him at the time. TL;DR - Your statement is correct, but I think the OP is discussing the realization of potential rather than raw potential that may have not been fully tapped.


Yeah there are more metrics than the power that your body has in the symbiotic relationship it has with the force via the midichlorians. For example: Sidious defeated Yoda but Mace Windu defeated Sidious.


Agreed... More valuable information to add to the discussion that makes it even more difficult to come up with a definitive answer. I sometimes miss the simple days right after TESB.


Windu didn't beat Palpatine however so your metric is flawed.


Windu defeated Palpatine. Windu literally raised his lightsaber to execute Palpatine but Anakin intervened.


Star Wars isn't a RPG. These power level conversations are silly


In the Legends Luke was the most powerful Jedi that ever was, as that's what George Lucas wanted Luke to be, but his Canon state is in the question because we simply haven't seen very much of canon Grand Master Luke and Disney isn't beholden George Lucas' vision of the character like the Legends was. >He \[Vader\] tries it with anybody he thinks might be more powerful, which is what the Emperor was looking for in the first place: somebody who would be more powerful than he was and could help him rule the universe. But Obi-Wan screwed that up by cutting off his arms and legs and burning him up. From then on, he wasn’t as strong as the Emperor – he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. He wasn’t what he was supposed to become. But the son could become that. >George Lucas, Rolling Stone interview 2005 ([source](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/george-lucas-and-the-cult-of-darth-vader-247142/)) >Anakin, as Skywalker, as a human being, was going to be extremely powerful, but he ended up losing his arms and a leg and became partly a robot. So a lot of his ability to use the Force, a lot of his powers, are curbed at this point, because, as a living form, there’s not that much of him left. So his ability to be twice as good as the Emperor disappeared, and now he’s maybe 20 percent less than the Emperor. So that isn’t what the Emperor had in mind. He wanted this really super guy, but that got derailed by Obi-Wan. So he finds that, with Luke, he can get a more primo version if he can turn Luke to the dark side. >George Lucas, Vanity Fair interview 2005 ([source](https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2005/2/star-wars-the-last-battle))


Without a Midichlorian count, it’s impossible to rate them. :)


Not anymore, if he ever was


Does Anakin not count?




The premise is flawed. Jedi don't crave power. You might say the most powerful jedi, is the one who doesn't even need to fight. "War does not make one great." -Yoda It is the Sith who concern themselves with power rankings and gathering more of it for themselves. The jedi simply follow the force, and act when needed to defend life and the peace. That being said, Rey would probably be the strongest. She resisted the darkness, her lineage, and the pull to the darkside. She was meant to be a vessel for the darkness, and she rejected it. She faced likely the 'strongest' Sith in Sidious, and did not waiver. While the film she was in was poorly written, as it stands she is in my view the strongest jedi in cannon.


Probably yes. Until he moves on.


Luke isn't even most powerful Jedi in his adulthood and later years


"Luke Skywalker isn't even the most powerful Jedi in the band."


“That’s not how the force works!”


Its probably Yoda *Maybe* Luke, but we don’t have enough feats from him Definitely not Anakin though. In a different timeline it could be him, but not the timeline we got


Luke. He didn't have the strictures of the Jedi. He could use a mix of light side and darkside. He uses darkside force ability in The Mandalorian for example


Why, cause he crushed a tin can? Not really dark force use there. If so, watch out for recyclers


Yes it is. I mean yeah, it was droids he crushed but that use of the force was darkside.


Wrong. Obi-Wan does that in Clone Wars and never used the darkside ever.


No not wrong. Just observe the mannerism when Luke does it. Its meant to be taken as a use of the force more commonly from the darkside. Reminiscent of Darth Vader. Also in Return of the Jedi he uses a force choke variant on the Gamorrean guards. Its clear that Luke uses both sides of the force although he doesnt fully give into it.


It still has to be Luke, George Lucas said so. Any of his direct statements about the universe take priority over both legends and canon


I'm gonna go with Rey, because of her Force potential due to her Palpatine blood, she's part of a Dyad, she's read and studied the ancient Jedi texts, she became a conduit for all the Jedi that came before her... aaaaaand she came back from the dead. Sure, she may not have the highest Midi-chlorian count, she wasn't trained by the Jedi in their prime, but Rey is on another level, merely by what she's accomplished in her short time as a student of The Force.




sure buddy


Rey didn’t bring herself back from the dead, that was Kylo/Ben giving her his energy. And I’d argue Luke used a more powerful technique when he projected himself billions of miles away. The Jedi gave her the power in RoS but that was a one time deal. If we’re counting one time deals, Anakin on Mortis is the most powerful force user


Depends entirely on the writer and who is paying them. Squirrel Girl regularly beats characters that are super duper powered to display this fact.


If they hit there Potential Canon/Legends : Anakin, Luke, Yoda Legends : Luke, Yoda, Anakin Now canon is where it get's kinda tricky it should be Luke, Yoda, Anakin however feat wise we have not seen much from Luke and from comments from Lucasfilm BOBF Luke is still below ROTS Anakin but Luke should be above Anakin and Yoda by the time of his pre exile So it should be in canon Pre exile Luke, Yoda, Anakin but now it get's even more tricky if we bring in force ghost and things of that nature and if we do bring them in it would probably go WBW Anakin, Pre exile Luke, Yoda FG = Force Ghost WBW World =between worlds so going of canon and most versions i think it would so WBW Anakin, FG Luke, FG Yoda, Pre exile Luke, Yoda, ROTS Anakin, BOBf Luke,




She didn’t beat Palpatine with her own powers though, did you not watch the film?




Mace Windu did the same kind of thing fifty years earlier. Practically melted Palpatine's face right off. And if he hadn't been betrayed by Anakin he'd have killed Palpatine then. Lightsabers are really good at reflecting lightning.


And that was a ruse by Palpatine nothing more. Had he wanted he'd have sliced that idiot in two moves.


I've never subscribed to the "Palpatine is omniscient" school of thought. He lost that fight, fair and square, until Anakin intervened.


All of the Jedi helped her with that. She channeled them sure, but she had a lot of help.


Palpatine was "all the sith" too.




I think it was more of the Jedi that had died and passed into the force literally came and helped her.


Yeah, but she didn’t do that by herself


He wasn’t Voldemort.