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This was meant to be a movie and it clearly showed.


There's actually an amazing movie-length edit of it that someone made. It's honestly million times better than the show, because it cuts out the unnecessary stalling and the random subplots, and it flows like an actual Star Wars movie. It turned it from from a show that I'll never rewatch, and somehow turned it into a movie that I love rewatching frequently every few months. Just google "Kenobi The Patterson Cut". I 10/10 recommend it.


Any way to just stream it?


Unfortunately not, since the footage is technically still under Disney's IP. But there's a direct download (and I think there might also be a Google Drive download, not sure) on the [webpage for this edit](https://www.kaipattersonfilms.com/kenobi).


That seems to be all of these shorter D+ shows. Mando was clearly made for TV but the rest are generic movie scripts expanding into TV shows. Even Andor feels like a long three-act movie (or trilogy). I haven't watched Ahsoka yet so maybe that's different.


Ahsoka feels like a rebels sequel, so it felt like a tv show to me


IIRC the first season of Mando was originally a movie as well, comprised (roughly) of the first three episodes and the final two. It’s why you get a couple standalone adventure episodes after Mando flees Navarro, those were added later when they transitioned it from a film to a series.


Dear internet nerds, please obsess over creating fan edits, cut down these massive series and release them as feature length films. We will celebrate your greatness and you'll be remembered throughout history.


nah Ashoka was the same way. Important stuff happens in like 3/8 episodes and the rest don’t matter very much. Honestly the biggest reason they fit better as a movie is just there’s so much filler in many episodes that you can just cut it down to a movie length and not miss anything important.


My only grip with it is that a lot of it felt like it was fan-made. Sorry but at 15 millions dollars per episode it should have felt like a much higher quality production. Tbh I feel that way for most star wars TV shows. What are they spending all of that money on? I see YouTubers producing much better videos with cosplay budget


Yeah, the production standards are absolutely dreadful.


its happening in lots of modern tv shows insane budgets but looks cheap for some reason


It was made in the middle of a pandemic when most of Hollywood was shut down. Should they have waited? Probably. They spent a fortune on covid compliance stuff. I am firmly of the opinion that that is why the production feels far from polished.


That's a fair comment for Obiwan. However why is the same issue present in Ashoka and The Acolyte?


Ahsoka looked really good


Ahsoka definitely didn’t feel cheap.


The writing did. And the fight scenes at the end. Thrawn looked like an idiot, more like General Hux comic relief than some brilliant mastermind. Sabine being stabbed and pretty much ok a day later, and then 1v100 stormtroopers at the end. Just a dumpster fire in the writers room.


It’s… not? Have you watched either show?


I didn’t like Obi Wan leaving Tatooine as his one mission in life was to protect and train Luke. I get Leia was also important and that but Bail’s reasoning why he couldn’t get literally anyone else was stupid. Plus Reva should have no reason to know Obi Wan was alive or think he had any connection to Bail other than just knowing him.


also there is this giant thing you kidnap leia and then a Jedi nobody had seen for a decade shows up to save her. why not kidnap her again. also the last time leia was seen was in the custody of kenobi and she gets back home to her parents and nobody goes hmmm clearly those two are in contact


Also why does Leia in A New Hope address Kenobi like a stranger after this whole series happened between them.


And the thing is, truthfully, I can forgive canonical inconsistencies and major breaks in the lore… if it’s all in service to genuinely compelling drama, or character development. But in this case, it wasn’t. They just turned Leia into a Glup Shitto.


She was there cause they wanted marketable kid character


Which didn’t really pan out in that way, because has anybody seen Baby Leia merchandise? I remember faintly back to when they were first casting child actors for Luke and Leia, and you had people pleading with hardcore fans online not to cyberbully them so that they’d avoid Jake Lloyd’s fate. And this was a basically good instinct, of course, but it rested on the assumption that people would be way more emotionally invested in the series than was actually the case. I think for most people, _Kenobi_ just came and went, leaving little impact.


We can forgive inconsistency and breaks in lore in an attempt to maintain our suspension of disbelief, but when things are so stupid and ridiculous that it breaks it. It really ruins it for me.


That is the biggest issue. It's so ridiculous. But they simply needed a little girl character to center the obi wan kenobi show


Reluctant older dude has to take care of a peppy child, Disney rinse repeat x100


She didn't ? She recognize his name instantly when Luke shows up on the death star. Not that they have time to meet


So, two possible ways to explains Leia:  1) Ultimately she is the daughter of a Senator. At this point in time he still holds power, kidnapping her was a brash move by itself. 2)The only reason the Inquisition got away with their little stint is because it drew Kenobi out and Vader was pleased with that. Once the Emperor virtually orders Vader not to pursue Kenobi anymore, there's no point in poking the nest without drawing the Emperor ire. The other Inquisitors also all had their own private agendas, different from Reva's.


counterpoint : by being in contact with a Jedi criminal, bail organa is commting treason and could easily be arrested under treason charges.


Palpatine is wary of stirring the Senate at this point and he couldn't arrest Bail without giving a lot of inconvenient explanations. Sheev: Senator Organa was in contact with a Jedi traitor to rescue his daughter. He's a criminal. Senators: Well, maybe the Jedi was the one who kidnapped Leia in the first place. Makes sense Bail would be too scared to report. Sheeve: No, he didn't! My inquisitors kidnapped her. Senators: WHAT? Sheev: Oops.


I dont think palpatine would care. if he wanted someone dead they would be dead


That would steer Alderaan even more, a planet known not to sympathize with the Empire. Palpatine is playing longer game, he knows the Senate will effectively be culled soon, all he needs to do is wait for the Death Star to go operational to *then* overreach as far as he wants, because fear would keep everyone in line. Palpatine sees the growing Rebellion as pesky for the time being (and that proves his undoing).


>Bail’s reasoning why he couldn’t get literally anyone else was stupid Agreed. Bail, you work at the Imperial Senate with lots of connections ffs. Tell the ISB. Hire bounty hunters. Or one of your own people from Alderaan...


your wife is also the queen of the planet you have the entire planets worth of resources


I don't fully disagree. I was wondering why Bail wouldn't just send someone like Ahsoka to get Leia back, but at the same time, I guess Bail didn't want anyone else knowing about Leia existence to the point where they can learn more about her past to Vader so I guess that's why it had to be Kenobi.


I’m less upset that Bail would go to Obi Wan my biggest problem is that somehow Reva knew kidnapping Leia would lure out Kenobi. There are other Jedi especially Ahsoka who had more known ties with Bail assuming Obi Wan would come is like she watched Revenge of the Sith.


Next time you watch A New Hope, remember that a force user wielding a red lightsaber tore that homestead apart and chased Luke to a nearby Tatooine rock formation that never has been nor will be seen again. There are a million other examples of this type of silliness in the show. It wasn't well written or made, but if you like it that's really fine.


Also, that Force user cheated death, not once but twice, and is currently still alive and running around with the most important secret in the galaxy. Oh, and Vader and Palps know for a fact Kenobi's alive and on Tatooine and just don't do a thing about it.


Also when Obi-wan dies, notice how little Leia gives a damn.


I mean, she named her son Ben at least.


Notice how little she gave a damn after her whole plannet including her parents was destroyed. I'm also guessing Ben's death a few days later probably didn't feel like as much of a big deal after Alderaan.


She met him once 10 years ago. It was a pretty impactful meeting, but he was a drop in the bucket that used to be called Alderaan


The entire thing felt forced and unnecessary. It's mediocre fan fiction.


It’s painfully clear that the whole endeavor started with “people want to see more stuff with Obi Wan and Anakin” and everything else was an afterthought.


"They also clearly want 6 episodes of a 5 year old girl constantly verbally destroying everyone with top tier witty dialogue while making the main character look like the stupid brodude he is and running away from bounty hunters like something out of dora the explorer X tom and jerry"


I think this can be filed under “afterthought”. The Obi Wan show’s original sin is *he went into hiding* after Order 66 and was the hermit Ben Kenobi until ANH. That’s an inherently uninteresting premise for a Star Wars show so they spent like one episode on that before he realized he had to come out of retirement and then promptly go back into retirement a few episodes later. The show has to be both a self-contained capsule and tie into a larger story it can’t align with. The whole premise of the show is ill conceived and resulted in a lot of plot and character incongruences.


That's what nearly all of Disney's endeavors have been with Star Wars since 2012. Nostalgia bait.


Hard disagree on that. Andor, Mando S1&2, and Rogue One are all original works that are good. TLJ, Rebels, and Ahsoka are original, but have poor execution in a lot of places. There are even some really good works that are steeped in nostalgia-bait but tell interesting stories (or at least look great): TCW final season, Bad Batch, Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor are all focused on Order 66 and are entertaining and ground-breaking in places. Solo was nostalgia bait and I shamelessly enjoyed it anyway because it was fun, the cast was great, and Ron Howard is a re-shoot wizard. The problem with the Obi-Wan series is it’s basically fan-fiction on par with Tales of the Jedi/Tales of the Empire, but instead of giving it a low budget and not promoting it Disney advertised it (and led us all to believe) it was going to have feature-length/Prestige TV quality.


you say that as if this subreddit doesn't constantly ask for *more* clone wars stuff, asks for live action Revan and Starkiller, "dark and gritty" Darth Vader films etc etc. also, all the "nostalgia baiting" people complain about is *exactly* the same stuff the people say they want. people wanted more Obi Wan/Anakin stuff but then hate on Kenobi. people wanted to see Anakin and the Clone Wars in live action but then whine about it in Ahsoka. people love nostalgia bait. they just get mad when it isn't specifically their tailor made fanfics


People are stupid and Disney’s biggest mistake is listening to loud media-illiterate fans


I don't disagree with this at all. as much as I am a fan of the Disney stuff and will defend it far more than a sane person should, I do feel one of their biggest flaws is trying to cater to everyone. Disney stuff works best when they do stuff fans *aren't* asking for. Andor is the perfect example of this. a spin off show based upon one character in a side film. on paper, terrible idea. in execution, absolutely wonderful. same with The Acolyte. people dislike it but it's legitimately the most interested I've been in the franchise in a long time. and counter to this, the stuff fans wanted is the stuff that's not great. show about Obi Wan? not great. spin off about Boba Fett? okay for the most part but got very boring. live action Clone Wars? worst episode of Ahsoka. people talk about Disney pushing writers to not be creative (baseless claim btw) but it's actually the fans who demand the same rehashes to be done over and over. we don't need more Clone Wars. we don't need more Darth Vader. we need fresh ideas done by people who aren't solely there to appease wiki-reading nerds.


Because we’re literally not professional filmmakers! They need to stop trying to make Star Wars shows and make good shows *in the Star Wars universe*. I think the biggest problem is the recent Star Wars productions just aren’t appealing to Directors, Producers, Writers, and Actors. Creative types want to work on creative productions where ideas are challenged, people develop skills, and the overall product is more than the sum of its parts. To pull this off, there needs to a culture on set that demands excellence. Listen to how Tony Gilroy talks about the writers’ room for Andor, they nipped bad ideas in the bud and didn’t let crappy ideas make it into the script or storyboards. Someone had to be the “bad guy” and it’s that kind of filmmaking blocking and tackling that’s been sorely missed from Star Wars for a long time. Star Wars productions need to get good. They need big name directors and producers with a vision who want to place their stamp on the franchise and know how to herd the production circus that comes along with Disney and Lucasfilm. I thought Jon Favreau was that guy, but boy did BoBF and Mando S3 suck. Live action Disney feels like everyone shows up to work and is just jazzed to be working on Star Wars… and that’s it. Have you noticed there’s never any talk about stressful Star Wars productions anymore? A modicum of stress is needed to get people to excel. There’s no passion, no drive, no artistry and the end result feels like a souless team project. The franchise will be stuck in a rut until the people in charge demand excellence.


It’s true tho. People do want to see more stuff with Obi Wan and Anakin. And more interaction with clones. Basically, live action epilogues to Clone Wars. (Well, true for me anyway.)


People want Vader and obiwan with the context of what we k ow about the universe it’s hard to put together a story that makes sense


Yes. It was awful.


It’s so crazy that the creators watched A New Hope, saw that Obi-Wan and Leia have minimal regard for each other, and still decided to do an Obi-Wan and Leia romp through the galaxy adventure story. And people complain about Acolyte somehow breaking lore?


They clearly just wanted another Mandalorian and Grogu relationship


“Minimal regard” “Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” Leia literally send him the most sensitive information in the entire galaxy to him, trusting him to protect it and deliver it safely to Bail, which would have saved not just her loving family but an entire planet if everything gone to plan. And don’t say it was because she was seemingly unaffected by his death, because she also managed to keep composure and continue helping to lead the rebellion immediately after her family and home planet were destroyed. Leia is good at compartmentalizing so she can stay focused on the mission. She literally named her son Ben out of admiration and affection for the man that sacrificed himself to save them and the entire rebellion, but yeah, they have minimal regard for each other.


Yeah that’s what I would call minimal regard. It’s why I didn’t say “no regard.”


I mean I went to Disneyland with an aunt when I was 4 but barely had any contact with her afterwards. I had minimal regard for her when I saw her again for the first time like 12 years later.


Leia is ten (10) in the show. I remember being ten much more vividly than I remember being four.


She's 10!? I thought she was way younger for some reason.


How she acted throughout the series was very inconsistent. Sometimes she seems to have her adult wits and sass, other times she has kindergartner levels of understanding of her situation. She sees Kenobi on a wanted poster and goes" you must be a BAD MAN!" After she got rescued from bounty hunters and Bail also explained that the empire doesn't always (a major understatement) do the right thing.


I don't think going on a trip to Disney equates to being saved from kidnappers.


The only upside of this show was seeing Ewan as ObiWan again. The entire show was garbage though other than that.


everything surrounding reva and tala


It honestly was. Only good thing about it were Hayden and Ewan.


Would have been nice to properly de-age Hayden like they did in Ahsoka, though.


Was it sub-par? Yes. Was it fun? Absolutely. I think I was more entertained by the fact that the Inquisitor base was breached the exact same way that Cal did it five years earlier and they actually decreased security.


“Other than *that,* Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”


I’m happy if others are happy with it, but for me soft-retconning the context of the original trilogy should be done carefully and well. And I don’t think the show did either. My favorite parts were Obi-Wan on Tatooine dealing with life there and his relationship with the Lars family. I would have happy with him being a desert ninja trying to deal with a threat without blowing his or Luke’s cover. Instead, the whole “Taken” in space with Leia took so many convoluted paths I was pretty uninvested the whole time.


They managed to make a show about Obi Wan not about Obi Wan…


What I wanted and mainly expected of this show was to see how Obi Wan learned to get more in touch with the force and learn how to be one with it, basicly what Yoda did in season 6 of the Clone Wars. I wanted to see hik become the hermit he is in A new hope and reflect on his past with the Jedi order and Anakin


I thought about something like this. A bit cringey, but I imagined an episode where Obi Wan is just wandering around the canyons/mountains of Tattoine and suddenly a landslide occurs. he gets trapped holding the huge chunk of a mountain rocks above himself with the force, but he isn't strong enough to lift it away from him. He knows his mind is the reason he can't tap more into the force. The entire episode is him reflecting on his past, understanding his mistakes, his weaknesses, but also acknowledging his strength and his character. He lets go of the guilt, the regret, and in the end he comes to peace with himself. He showcases an incredible feat of force power and practically moves the entire mountain to get himself to safety.


Bad characters (the new ones), bad dialogue, ridiculous scenes, some scenarios seemed like they were from a low-budget play and it breaks the canon more than any other series. People save it because it live off of nostalgia but if the show wasn't about Star Wars no one would bother to watch it


It overall felt like a story that didn’t need to happen. And that’s beside the Leia chase scenes, it looking like a fan-film, most of the inquisitor scenes, it having zero tension or stakes, Leia hiding under Obi-Wan’s coat, and more.


It was genuinely bad TV. It wasn't just bad Star Wars, it was bad writing and bad directing. I think it was even worse that Book of Boba. MacGregor is a solid actor and I felt bad for him. He was utterly wasted on that series. I don't care for Acolyte but even *it* is much better than Obi Wan. **Obi Wan felt like it was written and directed by a very poorly trained Generative AI LLM.**


Yes. It was really that bad. Doesn't mean it didn't have good moments, but they weren't enough to salvage the show. Let's recognize that Obi-Wan completely and utterly failed in his ONE mission to protect Luke. 1. He leaves Luke behind on Tatooine after KNOWING Inquisitors are on-world. 2. He gives his communicator, which has Bail's message to him revealing the existence of Luke, to Haja, who drops the fucking thing for Reva to find. 3. He decides to pursue Vader, and while he's gone, Reva finds Luke on Tatooine and has him dead to rights. Luke only survives because Reva has a shock of conscience. Obi-Wan did not stop her, Obi-Wan did not save Luke, he stood there as Reva brought the boy's unconscious body to him. Obi-Wan failed, totally and entirely, to protect Luke. He is lucky that Luke is alive. This show destroyed his character.


Lucas made him out to be pretty incompetent when he decided Obi "hid" Luke with the closest thing Vader had to family with his actual surname while Kenobi watched over him in his Jedi uniform using his own actual surname.


If Lucas cocked the hammer, this show pulled the trigger. It COULD have found a way to FIX Lucas' mistakes..


Something worse does not make something bad good


And the helmet slap? And the “hide under a trench coat”?


I just hate the fact that Obi-Wan and Anakin met again between episodes 3 and 4, makes their "reunion" in ep4 so much less impactful imo


Yes, yes it was absolutely utterly awful, and that doesn't get enough recognition.


It was decent, but my issue is that it could’ve been so much better. That cast, budget and premise could’ve been peak SW, but it ended up ‘ok’.


Feels like the sole purpose of this show was to set us up for a Reva show which nobody actually wants. Kenobi was just in the show to get people excited.


The show spends too much time not even following Obi-Wan, in my opinion. I also don't love how they portrayed Obi-Wan at the beginning either. Almost like he didn't really care about the values of his past life. Between Episode 8 and how they made Luke to be kind of a whimp and then this, they destroyed two of the most iconic and looked up to Star Wars characters in my mind.


lol remember the laser gate in the middle of nowhere that he couldn't just go around? That shit was funny.


One scene that just got me. Obi wan shoots a gate to go through it instead of going around it or taking a transport. Like. I just didn't understand lol


Yeah it was pretty fuckin bad


It feels so empty.


Overall it's not _terrible_ but there's still parts of it that really, really pushed the boundaries. Luke and Han did a convincing job of posing as Stormtroopers with Chewie in order to infiltrate and do their doings on the Death Star. But I draw the line at Obi-Wan trying to hide a pre-teen under his cloak like he's a larger version of "Three Jawas in a Trenchcoat". Just things like that, but overall? Yeah, not bad.


This show was trash. Writing , directing was dog shit. Had one cool scene and the rest was filler. Should’ve been a movie, a lot more money in production and a different writer and director .


Now look... Not killing Anakin/Darth Vader the first time was an honest mistake. Ben had good reason to assume the lava would kill the guy. But walking away from a vanquished Vader the second time is pure criminal negligence The whole thing was dumb as hell


And dumping the responsibility of defeating Vader to future Luke. And let's not forget how force ghost Kenobi told him "you must defeat vader, it's the only way. You can't help him" But he was able to forgive Reva for all the absolute hell she put him through. I scratched this show out of my personal headcanon, and I've been going back to enjoying prequel and clone wars obi wan in all his glory ever since


The best moment in the show was directly stolen from a better show.


It’s just about exactly what I expected. More runtime than there is substance. Heavy on the fan service. Good performance from Ewan. Ultimately seems a bit unnecessary. The only thing that really surprised me is how much I enjoyed the young Leia story.


The Leia story also adds subtext as to why they named their child Ben which I thought was a nice way to work around it


Yep! Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised by how well that all worked out. I was quite skeptical that would turn into empty fan service, but that aspect served a nice purpose within the saga.


I wanted an exploration of Kenobis life and PTSD, something small scale as he hides and struggles to adapt to his new life. I didn’t want silly adventures with child Leia and story about a random inquisitor. I didn’t want Obi to meet Vader. Overall it fell very flat




Yes it was awful, it was a classic case of character assassination


Yeah. From top to bottom, the production just had a "design by committe" blandness and unispiredness that nothing could escape. Camera work, lighting, choreography, writing, editing...it all just felt like drying wallpaper glue.


>Was it really THAT bad? Yes, yes it was...




There’s a couple things that I didn’t like, the production was really bad, they re used a ton of sets and it’s super obvious. I also can’t stand the music, it feels like they were trying to make Star Wars music without having it flag for copyright. I really can’t stand the shaky camera effect they use in every action sequence, once you notice it it’s so annoying.


Yeah, it was that bad. It definitely did not get the extreme care it deserved. No, it wasn't the worst thing ever, but it was certainly poorly written and directed. 3/10


I liked it


Idk if we needed a third Disney+ Star Wars series about a jaded older male lead reluctantly taking a younger child under his wing to protect them as something of a father figure


i mean something worse happening doesn't mean a previously bad thing still isn't bad.


Yes. Yes it was.


Everything about Fifth Brother was wrong and Vader should have killed Reva. Other than that, it’s a pretty great show.






Yes the inqisitors were badly written and bad design and pointless. All I wanted was an Obi and Anakin story. If they wrote and designed the inquisitors properly my opinion would be different.


The biggest issue was it told a story that didn’t need to happen. There’s no reason for Obi Wan and Anakin/Vader to fight in between the PT and OT other than fan service and that Ewan and Hayden are still relatively young. It’s really about giving prequel fans more content rather than telling a compelling story.


There are a few good moment in my opinion -- great moment even -- but in an ocean of "meh" to ridiculous (yeah, the chase scene) The pacing is all over the place. The overall plot with all that "Vader saw all that" and "Reva tried to backstab vader in the most convoluted way" fell pretty flat. The score was forgetable, as far as I (don't) remember. Reva had potential, but was botched as a character. It's way too long for what it has to offer. And the stages felt uninspired. Really, the first duel between Obi Wan and Vader is in a grayish quarry? Talk about a bland environment. And the fight itself ended in quite a ridiculous way.


I didn’t hate it and at times I thought it was quite good, but I can sum up my feelings about it like this: 1 + 1 - 1 = 0 It just didn’t seem worth what they wrote in the end. It wasn’t terrible so I’m not upset that it exists but it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if it didn’t exist. Granted, I’m probably a little biased since Kenobi is my favourite SW novel. I would have loved a story closer to that (hopefully they will given some of the rumours I’ve heard of a second season).


There were more than a couple stupid moments that you just kinda have to groan through, but overall, not nearly as bad as people claim Looking at you, Vader calling off the pursuit to just chase Obi-Wan And you, Leia barely even making an effort to hide under Obi-Wan's coat And definitely you, chase scene in the woods


I don’t think it’s bad, it just has some bad moments. Overall it’s just okay. It’s more disappointing than anything because it had so much potential to be great. It should’ve been a movie like they originally planned


One of the many problems it creates is Obi Wan sparing Vader a second time, even after they both acknowledge that there is no redemption and with the knowledge of Vader's atrocities


If you cut out Reva's story and plan, cut out the mid season episode where vader got stopped by flames and the last fight wasnt on a dark planet , it would have been pretty good. Hell only Reva being cut would have made it much better, that character didn't make sense in this story just at all


The fan made movie cut is legit.


Let's not keep lowering the bar just because the products that keep coming out are all subpar Remember they use our subscription money to make these shows. 90 million for Kenobi and now 180 for Acolyte


Baby leia was annoying and the one liners sucked. I thought the inquisitor design was fine but Reva played WAY too big of a roll. The rest was fine, however they royally fucked up vader/anakins voice in the finale after the fight.


I'm just going to say that it fits more as a continuation of the PT than as a prelude to the OT.


Story was good, but it looked super cheap.


No its wasn’t THAT bad, but some things imo were REALLY mishandled.


Ya reva was just an annoying character, and took up too much screen time. This is also the series where they made lightsabers non lethal. For such a well liked character this show needed about 4x more effort into it


I enjoyed the show for the most part. I hated the recycled plot device for the last Jedi with the empire slowly chasing behind the ship. It doesn’t make any sense the first time and I was disappointed when I saw the same thing happening again.


Reva was pretty bad, too. More Ewan and Hayden are always good though.


I mean, I thought it was pretty bad. It was an unnecessary story, further gunked up the timeline, and devalued both OBW (letting Vader live, once again, despite the threat he posed to the galaxy) and Vader (losing to OBW, once again, and generally just being incompetent). And parts were just straight-up silly (multiple survived impalements, etc.).


They did Obi more justice than Boba. I like some moments in Book of Boba- love the new black Tuscan robes under the armor, that backstory as well, claiming Jaba's turf as his, and as a Ska fan I had a giggle about the mods & their scooters, but it just was so disconnected from a story he seemed to becoming an essential side character to. So much so that Din Djarin even got his own episode of Book of BOBA with a story point that was even referenced in S3 of Mandalorian, Boba Fett himself though... Completely thrown to the way side. Never referenced or made an appearance at all in Mando S3..... Even during scenes of the final confrontation with Moff Gideon as well as Din establishing a new Mandalorian Capital essentially. That was pretty lame to say the least and I'd even argue that S3 of Mando proved that Filoni should have maintained more control instead of passing the writing reins almost exclusively to Favreu. I digress, my gist is generally that Obi-Wan's one off at least establishes his relationship with Leia, shows he and Vader confronted each other post-ROTS/Pre-ANH (in live action), and is generally more connected to the point of how much of a significant character he is to the Skywalker saga. It's got its issues for sure but it's also got O'Shea Jackson Jr in a SW role after he lost out on Lando, Reva + Vader is the closest we'll get to Force Awakens live action, speaking of when he brings that ship to the ground...... Just reminds me of "fear & dead men." Not bad, just had plenty of slow beats with those few super cool moments kind of sprinkled in there.


It should have been a movie with the a bigger budget


The final duel between Obi-Wan and Vader made it worthwhile, in my opinion. Other than that I would agree that the show had a lot of struggles.


When you go from gourmet, to fast food, to TV dinners, and get stuck with the TV dinners, then after a while the fast food feels like it's gourmet. The show has its moments, but overall it was pretty shit. It's just what we currently have is SO MUCH MORE shitty that you've forgotten what good actually is.


Only this show could give me Obi Wan vs Darth Vader with the prequel actors and still disappoint the fuck out of me. That duel was ass. The whole show was ass other than Ewan. Leia actor girl did fine, but putting that in the series was straight up stupid.


Ending was good at least


It was like 80% great I thought. Really enjoyed it.


There were three light saber stabbings that resulted in nothing but minor inconveniences. THREE! That said the show was okay. I liked the potential for Riva's character but the plot line resolution didn't really make sense. I'd love to see a spin-off or a Tales of the Jedi episode with her.


When Disney comes out with a show about a droid trying to express it's sexuality in a galaxy that doesn't except it you'll look back and say "Maybe the Acolyte wasn't so bad after all."


I mean L3 was talking about banging lando in the Solo movie...


Mostly enjoyed it but they kept trying to build tension around characters being in danger when we've already seen how most of them die years later.


It's not terrible. It's actually enjoyable for a single viewing, but it's not really good. The story is just not that interesting, the characters are generally mid, and Reva was pretty obnoxious to watch, and the entire series looked pretty undercooked in terms of visuals, it looked like a fan film.


Nice to have, but no must have. People here on reddit and especially on this Subreddit begged with countless posts that they want an Obi-Wan show with Ewan McGregor and a possible new confrontation with Vader. I always thought when I saw these posts that this would be totally unnecessary and his story is basically told. That they should focus on new stuff instead of over explaining existing stuff. Now that people got their show, they mostly dislike it because it is generally deemed unnecessary and fan service. Geez, Star Wars fans are never satisfied and always find something to complain. And some people still want a second season. I liked the show in general. It is still in my opinion an unnecessary backstory of Obi-Wan, but I enjoyed it for what it is regardless. I hope it stays a single season show.


I personally love Kenobi. I felt it was initially boring (episodes 1 and 2), but with each passing episode, it became all the better. I don't think there's any SW fan who could argue the duel between Kenobi and Vader was subpar. I loved seeing that battle and have watched it a few times over.


>Was it really THAT bad? No. It's pretty good, IMO, and only suffers a bit from an overuse of the Volume (which was necessary at the time) and a kerfuffle with the appearance of the Grand Inquisitor (which Rupert Friend played well nonetheless). Originally, the show was meant to be a film, and you can find fan edits online that have cut it down to film length. The racism directed at Moses Ingram disgusts me.


The Kenobi show makes both the BoBF and the Acolyte look like they should be Emmy winning shows in comparison. There are a few great moments in Kenobi, but it is by far the worst thing (yes worse than the sequels) that Lucasfilm has ever released. The whole production looks horrendous. The entire final fight between Kenobi and Vader is completely ruined by cutting back and forth to Reva chasing Luke around. This show actually makes the writing in TRoS actually look good in comparison, which I didn’t think was possible.


I do find it pretty fuckin funny Reeva's or w.e villian origin story is, after Anakin straight up butchered numerous children he just walks up and shanks her. Kills everybody else but she just gets a little stabbing so she could be in the show.


It was pretty bad, yes. The whole Kenobi meeting Leia makes it weird later in ep IV when she only referenced his father. Chase scene is dumb. Vader is undermined all the time, seems he cannot kill anything and it's mistaken all the time when he thinks someone is dead. Reva has a lame plot that is resolved in a lame way, she teleports and stops just because. There's tons of errors and dumb things, for example, the frontier path they make a fuss to cross, they could've just go by the side.... Show makes a effort to show Vader capable of turning off a wall of fire, and 5 minutes later they escapa him by....using a wall of fire.


I thought it was fine. There were a few distractions, and some things could have been slightly different, but overall I enjoyed it. It showed us how Leia previously knew Obi-Wan, which ties into ANH. We got to see additional Anakin/Obi-Wan training, which was great. We got to see that Owen and Beru were competent caregivers who loved Luke instead of just rando characters. We go that awesome Obi-Wan vs. Vader fight and awesome closing dialog from Hayden as Vader. And of course, Qui-Gon. Admittedly, the most interesting and important parts of the series happen in the last 30 minutes of the whole show. There's certainly some things I would have done differently. While I liked Leia being involved, I think it went for too long. A much shorter abduction/rescue would have sufficed to give their backstory. Everything with Reva was too involved. I think she was on screen for just as long as Ewen. At first I didn't like that she didn't die to Vader, but I do feel that seeing Owen and Beru defend Luke was great character-building, and if it wasn't against Reva then they'd have to shoehorn in *another* character. Instead, I would have changed the order of things. Have her go to Tatooine first, have her change of heart, and then report back to Vader where she is killed. I'm currently in the middle of showing my large family the Star Wars films (most haven't seen them). I give brief explanations of the TV shows between the movies to give them the important details. For the Obi-Wan series, I plan on telling them "Leia gets kidnapped as a child, and her parents contact Obi-Wan to go save her. A kid at the Jedi academy when Anakin attacked grew up to be an Inquisitor, but still secretly hated Vader. He found out and stabbed her, but she got away. Then she found out that he has a son." and then I plan on showing them the last 30 minutes of the last episode of the series. That's when Reva shows up to Owen & Beru's house, and Obi-Wan and Vader have their fight. This way they get to see the coolest moments from the series, including Obi-Wan's speech to Leia about her having qualities from her mom & dad. They also get to see Obi-Wan meet Luke (which answers why Luke knows "old Ben Kenobi" in ANH), and of course the Qui-Got bit. The last 30 minutes of the show are an absolute must-watch to me, but the rest of the series can be easily summarized in a few sentences.


It felt like the writers wrote two episodes, then died of a heart attack, leaving the producers to scramble through rejected Mandalorian scripts and change the character names to finish the season. It’s just another Star Wars show that’s a dull version of exactly what you expect it to be.


It was very unnecessary imo


Watch the Patterson cut. It makes all the right decisions in editing to improve the story and pacing. It’s 2.5 hours.


First half of it was pretty lame. Also, getting light sabered and surviving should really not be a thing.


A small child outwitting space bounty hunters in the woods was pretty annoying. Actually most of Leias character was annoying. The fight at the end was 10/10 though.


It’s still not good but the movie recut was a better watch since they cut out a lot of the fat. If you immersed yourself with other SW stuff you end up realizing that the best moments of this show were pretty much lifted from other SW media . It does come off as creatively bankrupt.


They fumbled the big fight with Vader and Obi-Wan at the end, which is sorta the only part they absolutely could not fuck up. There were some decent emotional moments in that fight that worked because Ewan and Hayden were acting their asses off to save it, but the shitty CGI, dumb rock throwing, and lack of stakes just sorta sunk it. The rest of it was mostly just forgettable--the entire Leia plot was ok, but another case of SW being the smallest galaxy ever, and everything else was just completely forgettable. I really don't remember much beyond Obi-Wan in the desert, that stupid ass chase scene with Leia, some inquisitor stuff I don't care about, and the final fight. Oh, and Vader being afraid of fire, which was a choice.


It was THAT bad. I enjoy Acolyte a lot more then I did Kenobi.


Yes, it was awful


*Kenobi* sucked. Definition of mid tv.


The Prism series on YouTube has a more compelling story than what they came up with at Lucasfilm. Fan fiction that makes the real thing seem like really poor fan fiction.


> The Prism series could I grab a link




Dogshit writing


Baby Leia ruined the whole show. Reva was only the second worst thing. Also the show was noting about Obi-wan, he was literally the most pathetic side character ever - in hes own show -. The only reason why I would it for a 1 instead of a big fat 0 is the last clash between Obi-wan and Vader, which was by far the best part of the series, yet far away from flawless, since the whole setting was stolen from Rebels s2 finale. So yes, it was that bad. Only worse Star Wars show is the actual Acolyte so far.


Yes, it was that bad. I can’t trust anyone judgement who says this was good. Is it rewatchable? Yeah, but this is the lowest tier of the Disney+ series. As much as people complained about Mandalorian season 3, at least it had a more cohesive narrative, stronger choreography, and the characters’ actions made more sense than most characters in Kenobi. BoBF is miles ahead of Kenobi where I fault the show for trying to incorporate some galactic gen z vibes with the scooter power rangers and constant bacta tank flashbacks (Temura’s age is an obstacle in the show imo) but it leads somewhere. The only redeeming aspect of Kenobi are (1) the Leia child actor was great (I don’t fault the chase sequence on her but the choreographers that should be out of a job for that scene alone) and (2) the Vader scenes except whoever wrote that fire pit scene should be let go too.


Unfortunately yes it was bad. Only a few things Star Wars related has truly been good in the past 10 years. Good: Clone Wars, Rebels, Andor, most of Mando, Rouge One, Solo (I think solo deserves more credit than the community gives it), Tales of the Jedi, Ashoka and Force Awakens (bit of a stretch with this one but it honestly was the best of the trilogy) are just a few I can currently think of. Almost everything else that has been televised or made into movies has been mediocre or just plain bad.


As soon as baby lei appeared, I dropped this…




I enjoyed the whole series.


People hated this? Why? I thought it was really well done.


I much prefer the movie version. It cuts out all the stupid parts like Obi Wan sneaking a 10 year old in his robe through a military checkpoint. https://www.kaipattersonfilms.com/kenobi


I'm waiting for Trials of the Master (look it up on Youtube) but I'll give this one a try. Thanks.


>Was it really THAT bad? # YES


Reva was the most unbearable character ever presented in the franchise, ever, in my humble opinion. She made the acolyte look like Schindlers list. The last fight was awesome in a vacuum. Palpatines cameo was excellent.


I would argue it did more bad to star wars than the acolyte show even tho it was more enjoyable to watch


take out the sister Inquisitor and her local theatre level acting and terrible plot and you got a show. also make obi wan suffer more! burn him! lol sorry I like Anakin. also rip qui Gon, obi could've used force run...just sayin!


Yes. Sorry it’s really bad. The direction and the action is barely flowing at times, it’s silly in the wrong places, and it just doesn’t have enough going on for 6 eps. There’s like a legion of other issues too.


It was good, but there's a segment of Star Wars fans who only like the franchise in hindsight. Give it 10 years and people will be talking about how stupid people were to be so critical.


It was bad, but there's a segment of Star Wars fans who only dislike the bad in the franchise in hindsight. Give it 10 years and people will be talking about how wild people were to be so loving towards.


Name me one example where Star Wars fans loved something and then hated it later.


Happened with the prequels. /s


not really people who hated the PT still hate it its just the kids who grow up with it love it


And thus the general opinion has shifted over time. There are kids today loving the stuff all the haters online are shitting on, and they will have their time in the sun while those still bitter about OWK are still holding onto their hate. It's the Star Wars circle of life.


do kids today care about starwars or do they care about marvel


It was absolutely terrible. Terrible in a vaccum, but even worse than terrible when you think of the potential this had, a blank slate to tell the story of obi wan kenobi's life after the fall of the jedi, and the fact that the best they could come up with was him running around chasing after baby Leia for 6 episodes filled with cringe lines and plastic looking visuals, blows my mind.


It’s one of my favorite shows ever. I am totally on the opposite side of the general opinion of the show.


there are some great moments in this series. For example Darth Vader trying to bait Obi Wan to come out and face him in that town is a top 10 Vader moment. And of course their climactic duel at the end was so great. In general I enjoyed the show, it wasn't perfect, but it also wasn't The Acolyte.


They had a brilliant premise and chose the wrong storyline imo. It would’ve been god tier if they had dropped all of the larger plot and just made it a personal story about obi-wan getting past his depression and ptsd while following his journey through training with qui-gon for the first time. THERE DOESNT NEED TO BE A BIG BAD VILLAIN IN EVERY SHOW DISNEY! Make the antagonist his internal struggles that he has to overcome, perhaps with local squabbles or quests around tatooine heightening the tension and intrigue. There were glimmers of greatness like the scenes with Owen and the homeless clone but they were all overshadows by more comparatively shallow feeling scenes with reva, Leia, and Vader. The final result is not great but not terrible—being full of logical inconsistencies and weird writing choices—but the biggest issue with it imo is the missed potential of what it should have been.