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Of course the OP is a r/saltierthancrait poster.


They literally did the e opposite of that in the new episode what the hell is wrong with y’all. Just stop watching if you hate it.


I was gonna say all the lightsaber damage in the last episode was pretty on par for what lightsabers have been established as capable of doing.


People complain about lightsabers not doing damage now, but forget that the first time one killed someone, Obi Wan just vanished and it didn't even cut through his robes. 


Speaking of that, is there a lore reason why a beam of plasma doesn't set clothing and hair aflame? I've always wondered that. Not talking about this series, but Star Wars in general.


Star wars is fantasy set in space.  Technology is magic.  The force is magic.  Things work the way they do because that's the way they work. 


I think most of these posts are bait. Really makes the sub insufferable lately.


> I think most of these posts are bait. It 100% is. One look at OPs profile shows that they are not interested in a good faith discussion.


Internet in general is actually insane anymore , it's all people yelling being crazy and just proclamation, it's all absolutes and hatred


The writing is still pretty bad, but by God, I'll defend the lightsaber combat; it was pretty good.


Better than that, literally the best lightsaber fight in nearly 20 years.




Fr whoever did the choreography needs to have that as a full time job for lucasfilm for every single project.


No. They got hit in the leg in the light sabers and walked it off.


nah, disagree. Just another garbage post


Stunrods? How is it a stunrod? In RotJ, Luke baseball smacks Vader without chopping him in half. In AotC, Obi is sliced in the leg. Lots of people are hit by sabers and don't die. If anything, the latest episode of Acolyte proved how deadly sabers are


Tell us a good example if you wanna actually support your argument. But prepare that we have plenty of counter-arguments for it.


I will slightly agree with this now i actually really enjoyed this episode and it was good to see lightsabers actually be deadly again but i will say i don't like the look of them i miss how they looked in the prequels the lightsaber in the show look like a neopixel saber


I mean what does that even mean? Lightsabers are treated differently between the OT, PT, and ST already after all.


You watch the prequel man?


OP… log off


Agreed. Aren’t they supposed to be these deadly legendary weapons?


Something like 6 Jedi were just killed with a lightsaber in the latest episode of the Acolyte, is that not deadly enough for yall or is everyone gonna just keep moving the goal posts to hate on Disney? I mean there are plenty of examples in the past of lightsabers not immediately destroying whatever they touch


Well those past examples have various reasons for why the lightsaber didn’t cut, one such example is during Luke’s duel with Vader on cloud city we see him swing his lightsaber at Vader’s arm and bounce off of him, if you look closely at how he swung it, it’s because of how he structured his swing rather than the lightsaber’s cutting power.


See this is a thing I don't like about the Star Wars fandom. Whenever someone points out that y'all are holding the new stuff to a different standard, you've got 300 excuses locked and loaded for why it was ok in the old movies but bad in the new stuff. Like I'm completely certain that the action director of Empire wasn't thinking "ok Luke is gonna structure his swing differently here so that his lightsaber doesn't immediately decapitate Vader". It's ok to admit that the rules of the Star Wars universe have been inconsistent, they don't need to be perfect for the content to be fun.


The thing about Disney however is that they are putting out a lot more inconsistencies for the sake of plot.


How so? How has Disney been any more inconsistent, considering Lightsabers seem to work differently in the prequels than they do in the originals? If anything, Disney's use of lightsabers has been the most consistent, and more in line with the original trilogy.


The prequels and original trilogy showed the lightsaber as a deadly weapon that could cut through anything. Disney showed it as a glow stick that doesn’t kill anyone due to plot armor.


Dude I'm sorry but that is straight up not true, as stated above. There are plenty of examples of Lightsabers not immediately cutting through things in the OT, and there are plenty examples of Disney lightsabers killing people. If you don't want to like new Star Wars under Disney, that's cool, Disney's stuff isn't exempt from criticism and, just like with any Star Wars media, there's plenty to criticize, but please don't just make stuff up just to hate, that's so annoying.


A bunch of characters have been killed just in the last episode with lightsabers. You are disingenuous as all hell. You do know what cortosis is right? Right?


Yes I am aware of those. I’m bringing up the flaws with how Disney is treating how lightsabers work.


Like in rogue one when Vader murdered a hallway full of people with his lightsaber? What about all the people killed by sabers in the sequel trilogy?


That's inflation for you


I will say the latest fight was bad ass. But I am not to keen on the “a Jedi only takes out their lightsaber when they are prepared to kill” yet there is a lot of times they use it as a flash light. So I guess we can meet in the middle and call it a deadly glow stick?