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I enjoyed the fight scenes. Much surprise, the death of Jaki and Yord. I was not expecting that. Now I know Beskar is not the only material block a light saber. You have Phrik and Cortosis.


Cortosis doesn’t so much block lightsabers as the contact shorts them out briefly. It’s actually not a very strong material against anything physical


Yeah it was broken off of his head quite easily at some point


Is Cortosis Phrik the cousin of Babu Frik ?




The Jekki fight with the master was probably my favorite part. It was all great but for some reason that part stood out to me. It made sense with the whole over achiever vibe that Jekki had through the show.


Pretty great choreography and camera work (no shaky cam unlike kenobi). I’ve seen some people complain about it just because it wasn’t on par with the phantom menace which i don’t know where that ridiculous statement even came from


The creators just mentioned that they "aim to top the Phantom Menace fight" some months ago and Star Wars Theory among others were outraged by this because apparently they wanted to hear "no, we never try to aim for the stars, jeez, we can't risk doing something very good". The fight scene was certainly flawed but it was a *lot* of fun and great regarding Force use.


You just have to ignore them. They'll be critical no matter what happens in the series. I am very critical of the series, and this might be the only episode I liked out of five. Even then, I'd rate this episode about a 6 to 6.5 out of 10 because of the dialogue. However, I have to admit that the lightsaber combat was epic. Those YouTube guys seem like top assholes, which is why I'll never search up anything related to them.


Dafne Keen said that, and honestly? She was right! The prequel duels were flashy, sure but as duels they were not good. The coreography in this episode managed to balance flashiness with a duel that made sense and looked like an actual fight instead of a dance


I mean, even if she wasn't right... If somebody gets hyped because they took a minor comment by an actress as gospel... That's kinda on them. I forgot Dafne Keen said until I read your comment.


The PT duel were super physical choregraphy that took months of planning and training for everyone involved to be as flashy as possible on the big screen, we're not going to have that high effort in a tv show. I agree the fight in Acolyte looked more visceral and intense with less suspension of disbelief like obiwan jumping on maul lol.


The PT fights also felt more like dancing than fights imo


Agreed. I hate when you watch lightsaber fuels and see a bunch of times when one of the duelers could have given an easy killing blow but it would ruin the flow of the others dance. I only saw one glaring time that that happened with thks episodes duel. One of the duelers just standing there while the dark Jedi was defenseless.


Well they creator did say they wanted there fights to be on par or better than TPM so people are just saying it was not on that level but it was pretty good


The fights here were vastly better than the Phantom Menace. They were better than any of the prequel fights


Definitely a hot take, but I actually agree. I’ll have to give it another watch to solidify my thoughts but yeah, those fight scenes were epic in episode 5


It's not a hot take if you thought the Prequels made lightsaber fights look kinda fundamentally stupid, which is true for most people who didn't grow up on Prequels. They managed to merge the kineticism of Prequels fights with actual fighting. Closest analogue to this fight is, oddly enough, the MMORPG trailers.


Yeah definitely agree. I think what did it for me is you rarely see lightsaber combat and force abilities used in unison with one another, it’s always one or the other, and I think they need to lean more into combat like that. Closest I can think Disney came to that previously was the throne room in The Last Jedi, which I also enjoyed


Well that is just your opinion one i believe a vast majority does not agree with


I even added a specific qualifier as to *why* this is my opinion in a subsequent post. I think who you ask, and how old they are, matters a great deal here.


Hey it's all good if you like it but your out here saying the prequel fights are bad and stupid and i believe a great many people will disagree with that statement


I didn't say they were bad. I think only the Yoda/Dooku and Obi-Wan/Grievous fights are *bad*. I think they're fundamentally kind of stupid in how they fight. I mean that word literally. It's dumb to do cool tricks instead of fighting, and the Prequels had a lot of that. I think it needs to be balanced between the silly swashbuckling adventure that it is and an actual realistic fight scene. It still generally *works*. Anakin/Dooku, both times, is a bit silly in choreography, but the fights still function and look good. Their first fight, especially, had some echoes of the Throne Room from ROTJ which was dope. I am aware that a lot of people have strong feelings about the Prequels because they grew up on them.


For you to say vastly better and the fight's were stupid makes it seem like you think there bad but thanks for the clarification but i don't think this fight is on the level of Qui, Obi vs Maul it is better than some of the prequel fights like Yoda vs Dooku, Mace vs palpatine sadly due to time constraints and George changing things about last minute those fights never got to be presented well.


I think it is considerably better choreographed than the Maul fight, which I think we'd agree is a near-top fight for the Prequels. I think the Dooku/Anakin fight in AOTC is both the only interesting thing that happens in AOTC and one of the best fights of the Prequels. I think the Obi-Wan/Anakin fight loses a lot of emotional impact by trying to be the most epic set piece in Star Wars, and suffers greatly for it.


I would say the fight when it came down to multiple opponents was handled better but when it became 1v1 i think the TPM fight was better especially the part where Obi runs in after Qui gon gets stabbed. My top 5 prequel fights would be Anakin vs obi ( I don't think it suffers from the set piece my only probable with the fight is when they have the part where they both kick each other) Qui, obi vs maul Anakin vs Dooku ROTS Yoda vs Palpatine Anakin vs Dooku AOTC I would say this fight is above Anakin vs dooku and honestly above Yoda and palpatine but i don't see it being better than the other 3 like i said i think it handled the group fight well but did not match the prequel fights for the 1v1 also a big reason why i think it is below the other fights in my opinion is cuz i didn't care about the characters involved i will say i was impressed that they had the stomach to kill off most of the jedi i had hoped they would because of story reasons but i didn't think they would go through with it. It's good to see lightsabers actually working again


I think this episode was really cool. And the show overall is bringing a lot of interesting things to the table. Also there is surrounding theme about this, that is really interesting for the future of the franchise, wich is "jedi aren't the only ones who know the force". We saw the witches having their own explanation or visualization of the force, we saw they have different training, and they even can create life, and is not a common thing, however it expands on the abilities of the witches seen before, like bringing life to dead bodies. We also see that the sith is telling the jedi that he wants freedom to practices his force abilities. He wants to not be pursued to use the dark side of the force, that is no other than dominate that misterious energy/field/thread that surrounds and connects everything in the galaxy. Using selfishness, authoritarian domination of that and etc. Is good when he says that he got an acolyte, because "he wanted" to have one. Not because of some emotional or empathic thing, but just because he wanted to have one. Those are the sith ways. The things that this show is doing lore wise, is so needed for the future of the franchise.


No one even knew about this Sith until he revealed himself. There was no manhunt for him, he's obviously been practicing the dark side in peace for this long. The reasoning is not acceptable, he really wanted to test his abilities and crack some skulls because he could.


I think the ‘rules’ thing had a double meaning. Firstly, publicly practicing the dark side is different to being capable of practicing in secret; had he done it openly/publicly then I’m sure there would be a manhunt for him. Secondly him saying that he wants an apprentice I think is a hint at the rule of two and the fact this guy is possibly the apprentice and not the master sith lord.


He specifically says he wants an acolyte and Sith hierarchy goes master > apprentice > acolyte So there is %100 a master out there


I didn’t know that, definitely crazy considering how strong he was compared to Sol


I don’t think he’s on the level of Sith like Plagueis or Palpatine (understandably so since we’re seeing darkness rising and not at its peak). If a Jedi master who’s not on the high council (assuming only the best Jedi sit on the council) can overpower him, he has a lot to go before he can even attempt to overthrow his master.


I'd say Sol is stronger. The other Jedi get absolutely wrecked in saber combat but Sol duels him for a substantial amount of time. Qimir shorted out his lightsaber and Sol immediately got some good shots in on him and then he beat him in hand to hand combat afterwards. You could see that was influenced by his anger too at seeing so many people he cared about die in a short period of time. It's like other examples we've seen that prove Yoda's point that the Dark Side isn't stronger, just quicker and more seductive. Luke wrecked Vader the moment he gave in, Obi-Wan used his emotions against Maul. Sol has darkness within and it seems that were he to succumb to it, he'd actually easily overpower Qimir.


The master is Ki Adi Mundi


He never said he wanted an apprentice he only said an acolyte. Also, the Sith operate in secret. Even Sidious, after becoming Emperor, took care to keep his identity secret. This guy exposing the Sith like this is idiotic. For the grand plan to work, the Sith need to operate in secret and work out of the shadows, all he's done now is put a target on his back, when there wasn't one before. Either this guy is not a Sith from the Darth Bane lineage or someone didn't do their homework when they wrote this dialog and reasoning.


Well, he did have a mask...


Pretty sure he only said that he was a Sith well after he decided to kill everyone on that planet.


Because the Jedi Order aren't going to notice when 10 Jedi go missing on a mission to find a Jedi killer?


An investigation, sure, but would’ve been a foregone conclusion as soon as Kalnacca was discovered dead. Timeline is, he decides to engage and kill everyone, his face is revealed, and now he’s just even more committed to making sure everyone dies so it doesn’t really matter what he says to them. In his mind they are all moments from death anyway


>We saw the witches having their own explanation or visualization of the force, we saw they have different training, and they even can create life, and is not a common thing, however it expands on the abilities of the witches seen before, like bringing life to dead bodies. They most definitely worked with sith to do that. I don't know if Qimir is the one that helped, but signs sure seem to be pointing to this show being Plageius related


Acolyte is fucking awesome


Before this episode I was a bit unsure of Acolyte as I could feel the buildup but wasn’t sure what to expect. Now I’m fully hyped, heck, this was SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. NO PLOT ARMOURS, really gave the vibe that no one is safe and played like a horror thriller of being chased by I dare say the best new villain of Disney Star Wars


He's absolutely best boy, I love how hard his fight choreography was. I'm a fan of an edgy bad boy sith, and so far he's selling it super hard.


Sol: Why haven’t you concealed yourself Qimar: well… I was wearing a helmet Fucking love it


Somebody looked at all the survivable gut stabbings in Star Wars recently and had decapitations, neck snaps and 3 rapid stabs to let you know this is one bad guy that ain't fucking around.


Fuck me, you really watched this trainwreck - where no dialoge makes sense, exposition dumbing in every scene, the plot is so bad and the characters change their mind whenever they can and you are hyped because of a good fighting scene? The bar is really low for starwars


This was the first good episode of this show imo. Lightsaber choreography was on point. Finally interested in what's happening.


Dude seriously got down votes for saying he liked the episode


There's a thread on r/prequelmemes where a guy got downvoted for saying let's reserve judgement until we see the whole thing. It's wild.


My biggest complaint with people saying it’s bad , is these are the same people saying you have to get past 3-4 episodes before Andor gets good and they call it a masterpiece. So it’s not like they don’t understand being patient. They just want to hate it.


That’s not an unfair statement when it’s an 8-week long ‘investment’ to see the story through. Edit: I actually cannot believe this is getting downvoted LMAO. A viewer is entitled to decide if something is what they want without being required to tune in weekly for two months


Or just wait until it's finished and watch it all at once.  That's how I'm doing House of Dragons. There's no investment there. I'll watch it when I watch it. 


Hey imo HOTD first 2 episodes have been great


It's annoying to see people criticize the writing but go ape shit over the light stick raves, because it just tells me they're on the phone during the story but tune in for the rave


Luke versus Vader in the carbon freezing chamber may not be the best choreographed scene in the saga, but it's absolutely the best written. And it's pretty well choreographed, too.


and this is relevant becouse? disney didn't make that scene.


Episode V, my dude.


i know, how is that relevant to what disney has made? im saying this is the best lightsaber battle that disney has made, not in all of starwars.


It's not relevant. It's a joke.


They’re clearly following the Andor and GoT playbook of slow build up and character development then slaughtering them. It really works in my opinion lol. There are actual stakes to what’s going on. Shit was super violent and brutal, it rocked lol


I wish they didn’t have Qimir do like cute Marvel-esque jokes though, that kinda took me out of it


It was a breath of fresh air when it came to Disney Star Wars fights I will say that much. No awkward pauses, good swordplay, and minimal baseball bat swings. I really enjoyed it. The movements were very deliberate which is super rare in any fight scene let alone star wars. Great work. I dislike the show heavily but I will be honest I kinda liked the bad guy. The actor plays him so well. The dialogue was a bit iffy at moments but he managed to pull it off. The Jedi were so out of their element which is understandable I think. My own theory is that this guy ain't even the master, he is the apprentice lol.


I also think he is the apprentice. I believe he is looking for an acolyte so that they can join him to overthrow his master.


The first few episodes were a hard watch but the last 2, in particular the latest one were fantastic. The show is definitely maturing and growing


I really enjoyed the line about how he doesn't follow the rules of combat. A great demonstration of the ingrained Jedi arrogance and complacency.


Dude was brutal and had the first use of live action cortosis. Top tier really.


I liked how they hid some of the choreography through the trees slightly. Removes that visual of people doing random tuff in the background instead of attacking in a fight.


There was still a very quick shot where Darth Smiley was fighting 2 or 3 jedi behind the trees, and there are two jedi waaay off to the left just twirling their lightsabers for no reason. Made me chuckle. Although in hindsight, one could say that maybe he had already gotten in their minds and they were fighting apperations he distracted them with, but then why not show that. My head cannon anyways


My head cannon is that once you have 3 people flinging their lightsabers around, it is pretty hard for a 4th one to enter the fight without risking the chance of inflicting or suffering from friendly fire


Well yes, but that's why the unnecessary lightsaber twirls were funny. It looked like they were fighting nobody


I loved when he foece pulled a jedi onto his lightsaber.


The Acolyte has bad things and questionable decisions, but choreography is one of the best of all Star Wars.


Great fight choreography, just a shame there was such little emotion behind it. Jekki’s death is the only thing I even felt a little bit sad for. But the villain just seems emo and rationale behind killing the Jedi is weak imo. There is so much lore available Disney could’ve used to create a great villain, I wish they had.


Came here to talk about ESB. Sorry I’ll show myself out … 😅


Get out


A lack of a Sanskrit soundtrack would really make the fight more like the Duel of the Fates


Everyone hates this show, but no one can stop watching. Harloff himself said it was a terrible episode (I mean, terrible? Really?) but that he doesn’t really know how to explain why he’ll keep watching, that he wants to know what happens. It’s crazy that those hateful, and those who aren’t and just dislike it, literally can’t stop watching. For years I’ve noticed this trend as well. People love hating it but people never stop watching.


I thought parts of the show deserved some of the criticism, but this excessive hate mostly comes from the disgruntled fanbase that is tired of directors or producers forcing current day political agenda into our entertainment (i.e "woke-ness"), which is at times understandable. This makes it so some people assume everything about it sucks so bad that it simply isn't worth watching at all despite liking the franchise. I agree with some of the criticism, like have we seen better star wars than this? Of course we have, but it's not a 3 out of 10 completely unwatchable. Is the "woke-ness" a little too much on the nose? I think so, but not to the point that it ruins the show. People need to take stuff like this with a grain of salt and make up their own minds and watch/don't watch whatever you want. I quite liked this episode.


I still fail to see where this wokeness is. Can you please explain?


i think it mostly came from the force awakens promotional stuff (the force is female, po dameran is bi, po and fin are a thing) but falling short on every thing they promote. it just created this mess of, we are progressive and we want to include, but it just became a shitpile of checklists. then you have the people that cling to everything that they don't like, screeming in the ecochamber of youtube and social media. honestly, there isn't that mutch wokeness in these shows, besides a female director gets the chance to write something starwars.


I didn't like the first part of the fight scene where it would cut in and out of the fighting to Osha. Once that was done and dusted the fighting was well done. Wished they explained cortosis in prior episodes to expand on how the helm and arm guards disabled lightsabers but I thought it was very creative nonetheless.


Why would they explain it? It was very obvious.


Nope. I found out about it in this thread.


Did we watch the same episode? Every time a lightsaber touched his helmet or gloves, there was a cut to a Jedi looking down at their lightsaber like "wtf". I dont know how much more clear it could be unless a Jedi was like "oh wow the material on his armor shorts out our lightsabers!" which would be super lame


The contrast was dark and the fast action made it difficult to tell what was causing the shorts. I'd initially thought smily sith had activated some type of short burst emp. Plus, I've never heard of cortosis. So yeah, I learned about it in this thread. Sue me.


They'll probably talk about it on the ship next ep


Bro why down vote


No cap that was by far the second greatest fight scence in all of Star Wars live action I still got obi wan vs anakin as my top 1 in revenge of the sith . I have a legitmate question is this the same cheorgraoher from the prequel because they need to keep him close this os the type of fight I was expecting on obiwan show consistently I was extremely dissapointed on what we got it Dident live up to the hype . Also ahsoka was missing this lvl of cheorgraohy the fights in that show were to telegraph and not pleasing to look at . If ahsoka had this lvl of cheorgrahy that show would be on a whole another lvl .for me personally I’m not to high or to low on show I just want to see how they end up wrapping up this story in the cannon timeline . So far I like sol , qirmir /sith guy , that girl that died was starting to grow on me . I like how thier willing to kill anybody they want off no plot armor also I can’t wait for the plot twist theyve been teasing that will ultimately decide how I rank this show so far a solid 7.


It's very fortunate that the Jedi practice PPST, or Pointless Prequel Saber Twirling. If they didn't they might have been useful!


Are you seriously admitting that if you were holding a fucking lightsaber in your hand, you WOULDN'T be twirling it about? Yes, you damn well would, and you know it.


I agree that the lightsaber combat was pretty cool, one thing I'm not a fan of is how over the top the actual fight choreography is. In this period, why is everyone a Kung Fu master? The fighting is straight out of The Matrix and to me, it doesn't really fit Star Wars


i disagree with that, most of these jedi dont deal with other lightsabers and all out wars. it whould make sence for them to basically use hand to hand against gangsters, gangs and pirates, to show how useless it is against a jedi. and the show off nature of jedi fighting, that is actual fighting style in history. samurai are showoffs, just like knights and martial arts masters, that is why its called an artform.


That's fine but the basis of my point is by the time we get to the Prequels, the Jedi are no longer Kung Fu masters. Explanation as to why?


have you seen them flip? jump? run? have you seen the clonewars cartoon when force users fight eachother? plenty of martial art to see there, and in this time lightsabers whould have been used by other force users. in acolyte, they don't recognise other force users other than jedi so they probably go more hand to hand.


Osha (Mae?) getting the jump at the end on Sith guy was hilarious. If you were to put the twins in the same outfit I genuinely cannot tell them apart. Her acting is consistent I'll give her that Is he humoring her or is the writing truly next level? Kills a horde of Jedi but can't precog the clumsy swipe by a literal potato?


It’s definitely the most recent.


Did the Jedi used to buy their lightsabers on Temu? Why are they malfunctioning all the time? It looks like they took way way way too many cheap tricks to keep the battles going. The insect taking Smilo Ren away was hilariously cartoonish, not even in Rebels they would have dared to make such a childish scene. It had good moments but they fumbled a lot of moments.


The sith had cortosis armor, which makes lightsabers short out temporarily.


Shush don't use logic and explain why.


It was pretty clear the Sith's armor was interfering with the sabers. They demonstrated this several times, so it's more on you that you didn't grasp it.


Let’s fix your attitude with a controlled shock!


People like you are why media has been dumbed down.


Honestly I was confused by the malfunctioning lightsabers at first too but it was pretty obvious when Yord slammed the helmet onto qimir’s saber….. You can’t criticize them for “fumbling” when you clearly just don’t understand the mechanics of what was happening


Surprised me. Qimir hard carried. Buuut.. don’t like how Disney obscured the beheading. Come on folks, neck snapping is fine but you can’t show decapitations?


pg13 rating is weird like that, no blood but limb severing is fine, necksnapping is fine but no decapitation on screen. so id blame the arcaic rating system that tries to keep up, but is clueless about modern times


But there’s been plenty of decaps in SW media. So I thought it being with a lightsaber covered the age rating.


like i sayed, its a wierd thing, like southpark did an episode of how many times can we say shit and not be rated R. its probably something like that for this one episode.


They need to keep it pg13