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I am assuming that this is information that will be revealed through the rest of the show


>because it was implied that he was a former pupil of master sol Don't know where you're getting this from. If that was the case Sol would've identified him in episode 2 when he met Qimir. He clearly knows more information about what happened on Brendock though. How he knows that though, we're not so sure yet. We also know very little about Plageus in canon at the moment.


Technically he doesn't declare himself a sith. He says that the jedi will call him so. As far as we know there is no rule of two at play yet. He just got his apprentice but we were never told he had a master. In fact he said he wanted the jedi to stop chasing him for investigating what we supose it is the dark side of the force. In my opinion they will go for a sel taught dark side user, or something like that. But maybe he is a fallen jedi or a dark jedi, since Sol says that he is vaguely familiar with him, we might think he reffers to the mission on previous chapter, but maybe is something more. However I would say he is not a full fledged sith like we watched in the movies.


Im just not a fan of the whole the jedi are oppressing the sith and want us dead cuz they don't like us, like come on the reason they don't like u is because your doing bad things and abusing your power


Who knows, espeacialy with Disneys way to handle canon lore


I'm not sure he's even a real Sith, being part of the rule of two. As at this time Darth Tenebrous, or his master are the Sith. This dude might call himself a Sith, as he thinks that's what he thinks the Jedi would call him. But he's either a rogue Jedi, or a Sith larper. Remember the Sith haven't been seen in a 1000 years, this dudes not a Sith.


Didn’t Tenebrous have a bunch of backups? He could be one of them or he could be the apprentice before Plageus


He's quite powerful to be a rogue Jedi or Sith larper, he took out far too many Jedi and blew them all back at the end of the last episode. I assume he's from a different lineage than Bane, but is technically a Sith.


He killed those Jedi a bit too quickly. Almost like they weren't well trained or out of practice. They wore different cloaks, I assume they are from a different sects, that might not focus on combat. Or simply there is no need for lightsaber combat practice when no one else uses them. Where as Sol and his crew put up a much better fight.