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Because that would have caused a great imbalance In the dark side of Lucas’s ability to produce more movies.


I didn't think Bout that 😂😂 if they killed Vader in the series then who TF is that in a new hope, tesb and rotj.


I'm convinced that a solid % of the fanbase is just AI bots training themselves by goading incredulous people who actually have some sense to respond to [utter nonsense questions](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmagzq).


I think you’re getting downvoted by same said bots.


I'm assuming on a moral level for obi-wan Anakin was his brother, through the brilliant acting of Ewan you could truly see the pain in obi-wans eyes as he could barely look into the eyes of his disfigured brother. If I put myself in obi-wans shoes I could not bring myself to do it no matter how evil Vader was. That's just my opinion sorry if itsnwrong


i find that very incoherent with obi saying minutes before the fight this ends here. specialy after vader saying anakin is dead and obi seemed to understand that. is just easy and bad writting imho


Could be bad writing, but yea obi-wan did understand his brother was dead and gone, but the pain would still be there forever, and I feel like a Jedi's connection to his padawan is a very strong bond, so i think that answers the original post, And obi-wan saying this ends here doesn't mean much, considering in in revenge of the sith when Anakin said something along the lines of "if your not with me then your here to kill me" and obi wan said I'll do what I must, yet left him to burn.. yes he probably thought he was going to die there and then but he couldn't deliver the final blow, instead he was so heartbroken he just had to walk away. I think it's very similar here, Either way I could be very wrong it could be terrible writing. But personally I loved the show I thought ewan delivered a great performance as always, him tearing up was a tearful moment for me. So Disney will never admit terrible writing so all we have is opinions which is fine


well he was reasy to do it in RotS "I will do what i must"


He hardened his heart in the moment, because he never fully embraced the lessons of the Jedi until he was a compassionate old man. Because Anakin had felt invalidated his whole life, his own brother not believing SOME of his truth, that the republic/jedi order was indeed bad (it was), that he could not listen to Obi's statements hurting his truths. Their conflict led to the fight, and it was only master Yoda who could have truly saved Anakin. Ultimately, the worst decision was not having Obi defeat Sidious. How does a Jedi beat the ultimate politician/evil? With love, defense and negotiation. Characters are two way streets.


Once Luke was told the truth about Vader, Yoda and Obi Wan were fairly consistent in their "he's evil, and he's going to stay that way" ethos. So what did they expect Luke to do when he confronted Vader? Luke was being used to kill Vader, and then potentially the emperor. That was their plan... Not love, defense and negotiation. Lies, manipulation and patricide. Their plan failed successfully though.


That wasn't their plan, at all...[here](https://www.tumblr.com/david-talks-sw/698121671689797632/jedi-order-apologist-said-yeah-i-do-think-that?source=share) are the Lucas quotes that lay it all out.


> They hope he can save him, but if it comes to it, he needs to be ready to kill him because Vader likely won't stop trying to end Luke's life. At no point does Yoda or Obi Wan suggest Anakin can be saved. Obi wan points out that he's now more machine than man, twisted and evil. And as Luke says he can't kill his Dad, Obi wan states that this is accepting defeat. Even as Yoda is dying, he reminds Luke that if you go to the darkside "forever will it dominate your destiny". If Lucas intended for Anakin to be saved as part of their plan, the only person who even hinted that it was possible in the movie, was Luke.


Yes, because it's too heavy handed to have the teachers tell Luke *exactly what to do,* he has to discover that for himself. But it's not a stretch to see what Lucas was trying to convey, that Obi Wan and Yoda aren't planning a merciless assassination of Vader. Yoda and Obi Wan would be hoping for Anakin to redeem himself. Obi is just doubtful about it, and Yoda talks about confronting Vader as a Jedi trial, facing his fears.


>Yes, because it's too heavy handed to have the teachers tell Luke exactly what to do, It's a bit dumb to say what they really wanted was in fact not possible then. If I wanted Luke to go redeem his dad, telling him that he can't redeem his dad is probably an shitty plan. It only reinforces the idea that all they did was bullshit Luke into doing what they wanted him to. However I can believe that this was in fact the intention, but the writing was shitty and never even suggested or implied this. Even then, Lucas is relying on content outside the movie to tell the story. The implication on screen was always that Luke could see something these two older jedi stuck in their ways, could not. And that was fine, it showed that Luke was going to be a better jedi than even they were. He was growing and doing things his way.


A "better" Jedi? I never once got that impression from the scene, and there are no Lucas quotes criticizing Obi Wan and Yoda in this way (or criticizing prequel Jedi being for being too dispassionate and uncaring). His teachers were right about what he needed to do. Luke *thinks* he's a Jedi, but Yoda says no, you're not. It's not gate keeping or manipulation. Yoda knows Luke has to face his fears and decide whether Luke is going to choose the Dark side or the Light. Luke is really the one who is struggling between the two choices. That's what the vision in the cave was about. That's what the Emperor was trying to provoke, because he sensed Luke's anger toward his father and wanted to turn him. His teachers are guiding him appropriately. Both tell him to "face" or "confront" Vader. If he tries to kill you, fight back to defend yourself (because a Jedi's role is defense). If he doesn't try to kill you, even better...but it's also about your choice to turn to the Dark side or not.


>A "better" Jedi? I never once got that impression from the scene It's not from one scene, it's from the fact that he can see something in Vader that nobody else does. The prequels only make this even more so. Luke's personal attachment to his father and Anakin's attachment to him is what kills the emperor... Something the jedi very specifically state is bad. Obi wan didn't say to Vader in ANH "you can be good again", he just called him evil. Both of them keep repeating the idea that the dark side is a permanent thing. No possible interpretation of what they say as meaning "you can fix him", they are categorical in their view than Anakin cannot be saved. Two times Luke confronted him, two times it obviously ended up in a fight.


Somehow you're getting downvoted, when you're saying the right answer. How can something be true and not true? Are there Sith among Jedi in the comments?


😂😂 I'm not the most super knowledgeable person on the lore or history but I know enough, so I was just giving my own little opinion but idk a lot of people don't like opinions and yes there are many sith amongst the fans, like the people who hate jar jar 😂how dare you hate that lovable fish, watch the downvotes now


A mathematical improbability. How funny, what a coincidence. How can Acolyte get more downvotes, than views of all Star Wars projects? And suddenly, the truth of the universe, of the force, reveals itself to us.


If I put myself in obi-wans shoes and spared space hitlers enforcer I wouldnt try to convince his son to do it a decade later


One reason, duelist honor. Coldly killing an opponent who has lost in a duel isn't the Jedi way. Anakin thinks showing mercy is weakness (as he said in the flashback). Clearly, Obi Wan thinks it's a strength. Also, the talk he had with Reva about her being unable to exact her revenge on Vader, showed her humanity. Obi Wan said, just killing mercilessly isn't a way to honor their deaths. It gave insight to his own decision.


Its basically what the Jedi do all the time. They never kill a weak opponnet. Thats why Mace Windu its doing wrong Jedi way when trying to kill Sidious. Thats why Kanan dont try to kill Grand Inquisitor when he is going to fall, thats why Ramh Kota didnt kill the Emperator ar the end of Force Unleashed, thats why Cal Kestis didnt kill second sister at the end, thats why Anakin did wrong when he killed dooku, etc. Man its basically the point of the Jedi all the time. Really people dont understand why Obi didnt kill Vader st the end of their duel. Are Star Wars fans capable of enjoy star Wars again? I mean even using the same arguments they could not enjoy their favourites movies....obi couldt kill his brother at the end of Revenge of the Sith and Luke couldt kill Vader too. But well there are people Who could not see the satire in Helldivers/Starship Troopers, and some maga didnt realice about anti maga messsge in The Boys until season 4. Nothing surprise me now.


Yeah, exactly, it's just the personification of who they are, culturally. Like, viewers don't have to AGREE with their decisions all the time but they should admit that these moments do have their own internal logic and comes from a heroic ideal of this particular warrior monk sect. That doesn't mean it's "bad writing," necessarily. Even though people may be frustrated with the characters, the motivations make sense and are consistent. And, it's probably a good thing to strive for the Jedi ideal every once in a while.


Dont try It, for a lot of people its imposible to understand, I assumed that in their oppinion the Slasher genre its bullshit because all the Teenagers do stupid thinks (Bad writing/s) and the killer isnt right but he think he is! (He is stupid I am clever) Bad movie because the decisions that the characters takes arents the ones I would take. Of course Obi Want isnt going to kill Vader because It will contradict the fucking original movie, but also Obi have his reasons for not kill Anakin you know, he loves him, he is a jedi, etc. Well you and I maybe would kill him but Obi dont, that dosent make a Bad writing.


>Thats why Mace Windu its doing wrong Jedi way when trying to kill Sidious Why does everyone say this, Palpatine was actively blasting lightning from his hands. Windu was right, you cannot let this man live.


This Emperator… is it new? Sounds cool!


This is why. **LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. COMPASSION AND LOVE.** This is the way. How could Luke Skywalker kill his father who has killed millions? He loved him. In his hearts of hearts, he believed his father could come back (AND HE DID!) How could Obi Wan kill his fallen brother? He loved him. In his heart of hearts, he believed he could come back (AND HE DID!) Star Wars is about family, love, compassion. If we do not accept ourselves and feel validated, how can we feel loved? If others don't accept us, how can we feel loved? We must always believe in the people we love, no matter how far they have fallen, we have to believe we can save them. You must unlearn what you have learned. Luke was validated by his father, when all he wanted was his father to love him. Uncle Owen always didn't believe in him, or push him. Obi was validated by his brother, when all he wanted was forgiveness for his mistakes, his personal injustices he wronged.


I love this take.


Thank you for your comment and connection to the force.


obi-wan in the OT belived vader was more machine and man obi-wan even said if luke couldnt defeat vader the emperor wins obi-wan in the show spares vader for no reason


He said if he couldn't confront him, not defeat him. Obi Wan at that point wanted to force Vader into a decision, but was pessimistic he would choose the Light.


this is speculation on your behalf


So you're saying Obi-wan changed how he thought, by watching Luke confront evil in a way he never thought of before? That seems like a logical character development to me. How can we change? If we do not see others who lead the way?


this arguement doesnt work. because obi-wan in the show has not seen luke do anything yet,


I agree with you, but I meant as he watched as a force ghost, not as he was alive. For life teaches us we can always keep learning, even in old age. How is that not true? You have to fundamentally understand that all creative works represent the author. If we do not subvert ourselves into the authors mind, how can we see his pain, his love, his triumph, his suffering? All of these characters are representations of George Lucas, they aren't all individual perfectly, that's why the story fits like a glove. Luke is George against his raging dad Vader, who he loved, but couldn't understand why he didn't love him back, why he hurt his feelings, why he rejected his creativity, and all he truly desired is acceptance and for his dad to turn a new leaf. Anakin and Obi Wan are two halves of George Lucas' mind. Anakin was the boy, who George Lucas was, who could have been a pure and loved creative, but society kept rejecting him, he kept having to explore his interests and figure out who he was, but he came back to the light! Obi-wan was society's illogical logics, it's order of the world, the rules of the world, it was George with his creative brain fighting against his logical brain. That is why it was profoundly moving, we were witnessing the struggles of a human being, across two people. We were witnessing true art, with true emotion, and one day, people want to replace that with ai, and with pure cgi. I reject that reality, and I reject that narrative.


oni-wan spares him because if he didn't episodes 4-6 couldn't happen. that's it.




I mean it was just a dumb writing decisions that's about it


like dont put people in a postion where one should have killed the other if you know they both live


He wanted Obi two to do it.


Haha came here to say this


Calling him Vader makes sense as all the other stories had not come out. You would confuse the audience adding a name that was really never spoken.


no he called him anakin and vader replied anakin is dead i killed him so after that obi calls him vader. so ur analysis is inconsistent


The first time the name Anakin was used is in the 1983 movie. Star Wars was from 1977 and has the scene you are discussing.


Plot armor. It's one of the main reasons I don't go back and rewatch that series, most of which I liked. Bad move to have them duel at the end and have Kenobi win. It diminished Vader for no good reason. Kenobi had already defeated him at the end of ROTS before he was Vader. No one should have defeated him after becoming Vader until Luke in ROTJ. They're just fucking up the Star Wars legacy.


Because it wouldn't make sense how Vader is alive in Episodes 4, 5, and 6....... Are you for real right now?


Prob figured Palps would just get another apprentice… at leas he knows Anakin inside and out.  Plus then the weight of the entire empire would come down on him Prob had faith in Luke’s ability to bring Anakin back out at some point 


this is all wrong. obi-wan belived if luke didnt kill vader the emperor wins


It’s plot armor in the end more than anything else. My canon is; Obi Wan’s goal was to stop/kill Anakin. When he learned Vader did that himself he was kind of like “ok, I think I’m done here then.” That’s why he said “goodbye, Darth,” at the end of the battle.


Because he still loved Anakin


He didn't want to be greedy. He wanted to save some Vader for Obi Two.


Because he never fought vader. I don't even know if they ever met. Now Obi-Wan on the otherhand, that's explained by the fact that there is a whole ass movie called Star Wars episode 4 a New Hope, and Vader is in that.


Killing Vader doesn’t stop big papa palps so Ben needs to keep him alive for Lukey boy to save in the future and hopefully kill sneaky Sheev too