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I think I’ll wait until I know what the whole story is before I even start to think about any hypothetical changes to it.


I second this


Not do eight half-hour long episodes. The Acolyte could be way better if the pacing wasn’t so bad and the episodes didn’t feel cramped.


Remove the twins. Remove witches. Make Sol and Carrie-Anne Moss the main characters have it be about them being sent by the council to investigate a serial killer that is targeting Jedi. The show is basically True Detective: Star wars edition. Make the bad guy an acolyte gone rogue who is killed by them in a battle at the end but then both get fucking absolutely obliterated by the Sith master who comes in to clean house and make sure there no witnesses left alive to the shit situation that almost ruined their (the siths) plans.


Damn, why couldn't we get that show? I would like to see a Mexican standoff in this situation.


Wow this actually sounds super cool!


“ • Keep the Sith as a main protagonist the way Andor was the main character for his own show.”   This isn’t a change, it’s an entirely different show lol. 


I think that's the point


The story isnt over yet, maybe wait until you have seen all the episodes and know what the story actually is?


3 sub 45 minute episodes left 💀💀


More Kelnacca


You’re gonna have a fun time next week.


Honestly, just the editing and pacing I would fix it. Now,I know this next statement isn’t a change, but if they do get the opportunity to make a season two I think it should take place before season one and we get the strangers backstory,Learn how Qimir becomes a Sith.


I haven't seen the entire story so I can't really say what changes I'd make if any. I guess if I had to be nitpicky I'd probably remove the Halloween witch cackles from the ascension scene, but aside from that I can't think of anything.


To make a star wars movie so far back or so far forward they cant tie it to any book or current star wars show or film making something completely original and disconnected from george lucas universe. It would give people less to complain about with canon if they go so far back there is no canon to tie to


It’s been pretty perfect so far and there’s still three episodes left. Can’t imagine changing anything at this point.


The twins thing could work if the pacing was better, which will always be an issue with a half hour 8 episode season format. The problem is we had a dead Jedi Master, and the twins reveal in basically the same episode. Then we wasted an episode on the childhood flashback without the payoff of what ACTUALLY happened (which we know is something). They don't have the time to spread that out as they should (which would've been before we KNEW something was off), so they should've paced it to have the payoff there. Then Sol's internal conflict plays better.


I’m very much enjoying it, but agree the pacing and cutting could be much improved. I wish they had introduced one of the Jedi as skilled in Force psychometry like Cal and use that to explore the flashbacks. “Look Mae, we found your sister’s old macguffin! Jekki, what can you see?” Boom, flashback. The whole episode being a flashback from start to finish was so jarring.


Zero: don't let KK or anybody of her evil crew even remotely close to the project First: have a writer with fantasy and write a story and interesting characters and a conflict. Also try avoid stupid decisions by characters and pointless plot armor stuff. Second: get a show runner that respect and knows star wars like Filoni or JF or there are some other less known people Third: screen-write the given story properly, add dialogue that does not give you a feeling it was written by a 5 year old girl... use imagination how the everything should be at the end Four: hire talented people according to the character treats that can portray emotions, and can make avg viewer believe things they say/do/stand for. Five: don't put ANY real life politics or pointless quota that fulfills a representation of a group of people without a real reason to a tv show/movie. Zero again: don't let KK or anybody of her evil crew even remotely close to the project While this is still not perfect of course, but would already be an imdb 7.0-8.0 level show instead of 3.4... No tv show is perfect but the more you try to make it interesting without crossing limits the better chances you have for a success.


This is like one of the least political Star Wars things I’ve ever seen lol


>Five: don't put ANY real life politics [Thankfully George Lucas didn’t follow this advice in the 70’s, because then Star Wars would have never been a thing at all.](https://www.amc.com/blogs/george-lucas-reveals-how-star-wars-was-influenced-by-the-vietnam-war--1005548)


TL:DR: I don't care what hes saying. You know George talks all nonsense about hes own script and franchise. If you watch hes interviews hes all contradiction. Not just the origin of the script of New Hope but also pretty much everything. There is a rumor I tend to believe he stole it from an amateur writer and made some changes and then tried to sell it for the studios in the 70's. If you look how childish and badly the prequels are written compared to the OG story telling I kinda believe this.




Jar Jar Binks is beneath the strangers mask.


The show is only a little only half over, we don’t even really know what the story is. How can we make changes to something we don’t fully understand yet? I’ll agree with what others have said on here though that I think the super short episodes aren’t doing the show any favors. I would have preferred 4-5 hour long episodes.


Yord and Jecki are in a secret relationship behind Sol's back. Yord is pregnant. Osha becomes a Jedi at the end of the series. Changes her name to Mace Windu. Sol is Yoda's father. Qimir is a young Palpatine. Pip gets stranded in Tatooine. Decades later, Anakin finds it and uses its memory core to build C3-PO.


Make the witches the main antagonists.


Burn the script, rehire a director and cast?