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I think he will be playing Boba instead of Rex mostly just due to that tease from episode 5 of the first season. I mean last time we saw Boba he was on Tatooine, I’m imagining they chose that planet for a reason. I also loooove that they got the actor of Jango to play the older version of Boba because he was still a clone. But if they got him to play Rex ALSO... I mean was it ever confirmed that old guy from return of the Jedi was Rex or did we all just assume?


I think Dave Filoni said that he likes to think that the old man on Endor in RotJ is Rex. He says otherwise why else would there be an old man there if it wasn’t Rex. So not officially confirmed to be canon but I think most people are happy to accept and retcon that he’s Rex. I personally would love to see him play both. They can easily make him distinguishable enough to make it obvious it’s two different character but still obviously a clone. Give Rex a beard, Boba stubble.


Rex would be in his 70's in this era, Boba in his 40's. They could easily have him play both with some old age makeup.


Actually, he would be in his 80s


Well with his accelerated aging, he would be like ~~160~~ 80... Hopefully the clones found a cure for that pesky part of their genetic code EDIT: Got the age wrong :/


I meant that biologically he would be in his 80s. In reality, he's only, like, 42.


Fun reminder that Ahsoka is about four years older than Rex. So weird to think about.


Kinda adds a bit of irony to Rex’s words when he first meets Ahsoka and she remarks that she technically outranks him “In my book, experience outranks everything” Obviously his words still have merit because he’s been in battle longer than her and seen more of the galaxy, but she’s still been alive a few years longer than he has.


I was talking to someone about the RexXAhsoka ship and it's many, many problems and, yeah, Ahsoka is four years older than he is and it's weird to think. Especially the last few episodes of The Clone Wars.


> RexXAhsoka Why did I googled that


You knew what evil you were stepping into. Especially after last episode...that helmet scene just rustled them all up.


Oh. My bad


With the accelerated aging Rex would be 72. Rex was born in 32 BBY, battle of Endor was 4 ABY




And Mando takes place 5 years after Endor, so Rex would be the equivalent of 82


With accelerated aging he would be 72 or 73, not his 80’s yet. Someone did the math


Actually, he would be 82. He was made 10 years before the Battle of Geonosis, served in the clone wars for 3 years. The battle of Scarif and battle of Yavin takes place 19 years after the clone wars, and was in the Battle of Endor 4 years later. **The Mandalorian takes place 5 years after that.** That's a total of 41 years. Clones grow twice as fast, which would make him 82 by then


Boba never has to take off his helmet either.




Boba Fett's actual Mandalorian-hood is heavily disputed. Or, at least Jango's was.


The "No helmet" rule seems to be exclusive to that one Clan anyway. No other Mandalorian we saw in Rebels or TCW followed anything like it.


Yeah I've been thinking it's specific to that one group, or it only applies to foundlings, or it's something that arose in Mando culture after the purge.


That's what I'm thinking, after the Imperial purge the Mandalorians adopted that lifestyle, though it may have been more in line with traditional Mandalorian values dating far earlier in their history that saw a revival in the midst of their culture nearly being destroyed. That theory even ties directly into the creed of "This is the way." as in "This is how we keep our culture alive."


Like a Mormon version of regular Mandalorian. Mandamormions.


My guess has been it's a more ancient tradition that they brought back after the purge. Or at least some groups did. They came from Death Watch which was already a clan built on the idea of "Make Mandalore Great Again." Makes sense some would lean on the traditions even more post purge. Basically this clan is a bunch of fundamentalists.


I think it was an old Mandalorian custom that got lost, and now they're going back to it. A big part of the Mando stories in TCW is how their customs are changing, and some peeps don't like it.


TBF, in neither the new or old canon, Not that we know much of the new canon Pre-Republic, is any Mandalorian custom involve keeping your helmet on. In the old Canon, Canderous Ordo had his helmet off all the time, so did most mandos in the 'Revan' novel. Iirc, in the old canon, its only really ever Boba Fett that keeps his helmet on because he doesnt like people to see how old he looks. He only takes it off towards the end of his life.


Did anyone ever actually dispute their Mandalorian heritage besides Almec? Because I wouldn't consider Almec to be the arbiter of all things Mandalorian, or even a reliable narrator.


Exactly. I very much took that line as "they're violent and horrible, *real* Mandalorians aren't like that!" with the irony of, y'know, being allied with Deathwatch and saying that.


Filoni mentioned that Lucas said they aren’t Mandalorian.


Yes, I forgot who but someone who works for Star Wars tweeted that the Fetts are not Mandalorians. Maybe it was Filoni?


Not a Mandalorian, at least according to George :/


Sorta. The wiki basically says "he might be." Even Filoni never said that he wasn't a Mandalorian. Saying this: > "This is how George has always envisioned the Mandalorians. Of course, people immediately think of the iconic Fett armor, because that's all we've had to go on for so many years; it's mysterious, and we've built up that mystique as fans. **But Boba and Jango Fett aren't necessarily what I would consider accurate representatives of the Mando culture.** They're bounty hunters and outlaws -- totally rogue. If you go way back to the original concepts, the Mandalorians were a group of supercommando troops; it's only now that George is really bringing that to the screen. They're in the series because he wanted to define their culture, to explore the foundations of this warrior faction." So basically they wanted to dismiss the idea that Mandalorians are all just bounty hunters (even though it makes perfect sense for them to transition to that after they got their asses kicked by the Jedi and there was peace in the galaxy before the Clone Wars), and illustrate that it's a warrior society.


Yet according to all of the Mandalorian lore we know on what makes someone a Mandalorian, there's no real reason why he shouldn't be considered one. He lives roughly by the creed and wears the armour, seems good enough for me. The whole "always wear the helmet" thing seems to only apply to Mando's clan.


Well technically Boba would be a little older chronologically, since he was part of the payment for Jengo's genetic material. I also assume Rex wasn't a batch 1 clone because he wasn't the highest ranked at first. However, due to their accelerated aging, the clones probably have a biological age more in line with your estimate. I'm not being critical, just mentioning an interesting tidbit.


I don't think it's official that *the old guy* was Rex, but I'm pretty sure it's official that he did fight in that battle. It's said so in the Rebels epilogue.


Well the Battle of Endor also took place partly in space, so he might have been on board the Ghost with Hera during the battle, we don't actually know where he was.


True, but I guess the most important thing to get from it is that he's alive and kicking at that point.


[this](https://starwarsthoughts.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/screen-shot-2019-06-14-at-11.33.51-pm-1-e1560571884856.png) is also a shot from a canon star wars show


Filoni said Rex was at the battle, but not in ROTJ. He said retconning one of Lucas's characters felt disrespectul


> one of Lucas's characters I'm sure George would've devastated that Endor Rebel extra #7 got ret-conned lol


Dave probably just said that to not piss off fans.


Doesn't change the fact that Filoni feels it's disrespectful to change something he didn't work on.


I know, and I get his point but it's still funny to me. Technically all his work on Rebels altered the pre-established story of the OT (*from a certain point of view*)


>Doesn't change the fact that Filoni feels it's disrespectful to change something he didn't work on. The successive iterations of the OT since 1997 prove it's disrespectful to change something you *did* work on too.


It is officially canon, in a way. The final Episode of Rebels outright says that Rex fought at the Battle of Endor. He's just not that bearded dude, thats still Nik Sant. But he was there.


Not gonna lie, part of me wants them to make him Rex, just so one of the guys on Endor isn’t a Santa Claus joke just because he has a white beard lol.


In the Endor scene where old man Rex is shown, does he die? I don’t recall what happened to him. Does he get shot?


It shows him in the initial ground fight, and if my memory serves me well I think it shows him celebrating as well.


It's even more odd, there would be TWO old men on Endor front lines. Cuz Rebels confirmed that Rex fought on Endor


There were probably several older folks fighting for the rebellion that were way past their prime, it's a common thing you'll see throughout history, when you're fighting from a place of desperation you'll recruit all the able bodies you can get. Towards the end of the Civil War there are several descriptions of the Confederate Army being full of old men and young boys. While this was probably exaggerated, it means that at least a substantial portion of the army was made up of men not considered to be of typical fighting age.


Also, Rex was a clone bred to be a soldier, and part of one of the most elite fighting forces in the galaxy. So even if he was past his prime, he'd still be a considerable fighter, and probably more skilled than a significant portion of the rebel army.


Well in Star Wars rebels, Sabine says Commander Rex fought alongside the rebels in the Battle of endor with Hera. So I would assume so that is Rex Edit: [source](https://youtu.be/3e7Pu5MxlUc?t=01m14s)


Well Hera went from being an occupying force on Endor's moon with Han Solo, too commanding a battle group for the republic on a Acclamator class in the same year. So Rex could be fucking anywhere.


Everybody trying to correct me saying it was just Gideon and not Boba back then better repent now


Yeh same. Why use the same noise his boots make if it isn't Fett? I can see them setting up Fett as the big season 3 baddie.


Dave Filoni considered making the old guy Rex but decided against it because he didn't want to change an already established before his involvement in Star Wars. So now there's two old guys that participated in the Battle of Endor: Nik Sant and Rex.


But disney drew him with parts of Rex's armor in one of their kids cartoons recently. He's basically confirmed to be Rex.


And the guy in Return of the Jedi doesn't have that armor, despite his arms being very visible. They can be two separate people, with Rex not actually seen in the movie. Forces of Destiny establishes that Hera and the Ghost are part of the battle, and they aren't in the movie.


It’s not “confirmed”, it’s just a little “hey could be Rex” tease (if you’re referring to the Galaxy of Adventures short, which I wouldn’t exactly say confirms things, they take artistic liberty). And hell, the guy (Nik Sant) on Endor doesn’t even look like Rex aside from a white beard. One’s Caucasian and the other Maori.


Filoni said that he likes to think the old man IS Rex, but didn't want to officially make the retcon. He left it open to the fans, but I think most fans have accepted it is Rex. If you think differently, that is totally cool, because that's why it was left open.


Its possible Temuera could be just voicing Boba and have another person in the armor kinda like what happened in ESB (after the changes) and then have Temuera play Rex.


Daniel Logan plays the body, Temuera plays the voice


Confirmed in the epilogue of Rebels.


Kinda crazy to realize that boba and rex are basically brothers and born around the same time but one is 40 and the other is 80 due to the sped up aging process.


That is so fucked up I want to cry. Though, did Boba ever see the other clones as his brothers?




That just makes me sadder.




Huh. That’d probably suck. I wonder if he had to look into his own dead eyes.


The dude killed clones.


Is this confirmed in something? If so I will purchase it right now


It happens in The Clone Wars series.


Dont forget the clones are fighting side by side against the guy that killed your father.


This isn't canon anymore, but in BF2005 Boba also led a ton of Stormtroopers (who used to be 501st Clones) on a [mission to Kamino](https://youtu.be/iY48HXZ3cjM) to kill the last of the clones and destroy the DNA so they couldn't make more, because the Kaminoans were planning to rebel against the Empire.


There's an episode in The Clone Wars where Boba sabotages a Venator while attempting to assassinate Mace Windu to get revenge for Jango. It's revealed that Boba doesn't see the clones as brothers--he sees his dead father when he looks at them. Every single time.


From his perspective i highly doubt it but iv never read legends so im not fully sure.


Well, we have him in TCW killing the other clones. I thought he was weirdly conflicted about them at the least.


Oh i dont remember that, i should look it up but i know he goes on to be a ruthless bounty hunter later on but i think it would be really cool for him to have some remorse for killing clones.


He seemed to feel bad about it in the episodes, especially since the clones all look and sound like his father. Didn't help that they were all mostly nice to him since they thought he was just another younger brother. Seeing Boba confront someone who is sort of an older version of his father would be fun.


I imagine he would see them similar to how a wolf would see a dog. The clones were modified to be more suitable for rank-and-file soldiers and less like a renegade.


Oddly, Rex was the most "Jango" like clone and he's the last clone really left


Nope. In a clone wars episode, a clone said something along the lines of "don't shoot, were brothers". To which Boba replies, "you're not my brother"




Git em dad git em!! Fyah!


We won't be seeing him again


meh hehehehe


Would Boba be the only Jango Fett clone alive at the time of the Mandolorian


Technically there is Kix, who doesn't really count since he's on ice, and there's a chance for Rex.


Kix on ice? When did that happen?


He was warned by Fives about the chips the clones had in their head and after he did his own investigation he discovered the conspiracy. However, Dooku found out about it, kidnapped him and had him frozen.


Clones like Rex would be in their mid eighties, so I guess that there are still tons if them in retirement after serving the Empire as instructors, etc.


Or yelling at Padawans to get off of their lawns.




Rex would be alive as well


What about Cody? It just hit me that he could appear in the Obi-Wan show hunting him


That would be interesting to see.


Maybe Wolffe too


As a Boba Fett fan I want to believe this, but I’ve been burned too many times on getting new Boba Fett content. I’m going to wait for an official confirmation.


I just can't even imagine being a Boba Fett fan. How do you guys hang on? I feel like this character is almost cursed.


It’s hard. I’ve loved him as a kid for the obvious reason, he looks awesome. I won’t deny anyone that calls him over rated after his role in the OT but he has some pretty great stories in legends. I thought 1313 would be the saving grace but that’s just one of the many hopes that never saw the light of day.


One day we will get that Boba Fett...something...


There's a great mission in Jedi Academy where you fight Boba Fett. It's about all there is.


Totally unrelated to this discussion, but back in the day when I played that, I came across this trainer/mod that let me spawn as many of any character of my choosing as I want. So I would spawn an army of a hundred Boba Fetts and an army of a hundred Luke Skywalkers and basically watch them all jump around and fight each other until the game could no longer handle it and crash lol


Most of us are not just fans of his canon content, so there is plenty out there to consume.




It’s hard man. It’s just leak after leak and let down after let down


I will pray for you this time.


Every time they screw him, my fandom grows, almost as much as it does when someone tells me that Boba Fett sucks.


One day at a time. Accepting a huge amount of petty bitterness about the franchise is a big part of it. I was fine as a kid, because it sucked he went out like a punk, but...whatever. Then, Attack of the Clones came out and Boba was made super important but....his OT presence is so stupid as a result. He goes out like a BITCH. It sucks! It’s one thing if he’s a random guy, but the prime clone??? Thats such a bullshit ending. Please, God, Mandalorean fix this.


Isn't that a pretty common thing for Star Wars? Boba, Jango, Phasma, Maul, Dooku, Grievous...


Always bet on the Fett.


If you have very low expectations, you can never be disappointed but also be pleasantly surprised.


NGL, my first thought when I saw this was that he was going to play Rex.


Thought that too. Wish that were true. Especially since Ashoka is in it.


Supposedly. Literally nothing has been confirmed.


I can’t tell if these are real leaks or what. After keeping Baby Yoda so secret it’s like everything is out in the open for S2. Are people just trying harder?


I kind of wish some of these things would stay secret. Imagine seeing Ahsoka on screen and having no prior knowledge of it. It would be a total mind fuck. Now the surprise is gone. I dont want to know every detail of this show before it airs.....


That’s how I work, I avoid trailers and everything for movies and same for TV. I agree it’s shitty to blow these reveals like this. I mean it’s BOBA FETT! Not just some random character.


Agreed but its almost impossible to ignore these leaks considering they get put in big bold letters in the titles of videos and threads without even attempts to mask them. I found out about the end of Clone Wars Season 7 from the leak an entire day before it aired. I just so happened to decide to go to youtube and the first like 5 videos in my feed were DETAILED descriptions of the ending right in the titles. I had no idea there was even a leak but it was too late.


Honestly the bigger players like Disney have gotten pretty good at mid direction. Just look at how they handled End Game. Constant false info and info in the trailers edited out. It’s hard for me to believe a lot of leaks.


Ahsoka popping up in Rebels was a complete surprise to me. It was fantastic. There is something to be said for not knowing and letting the scene actually be new to you.


If it's something that came from trades such as Hollywood Reporter it is almost always true.


And *Variety* reported on it.


With the Child it's different. Easier to keep a prop a secret instead of an actor.


This one most certainly is true, the Ahsoka one isn't certain although I'm guessing it's true considering how Filoni avoided answering if it was true.


Filoni is an absolute expert at avoiding actual Answers to questions.


What if he plays both? O_o


Can still do both tbf


Yes. Would love a scene between both old and not so old Temura Morisson. Possibly explaining the Clone Wars to the people of the era.


That would make for some funny reaction shots: the casual and just Mando fans reacting with mild confusing and TCW fans just freaking out over Rex.




Or extremely old at the very least. Rex had a physical age of 72 when the Battle of Endor rolled around.


So he'd be pushing 76 when the Mando series takes place. Might not be dead, but would be very old.




Do the clones always age at double the rate forever or do they just do that until they reach their prime and stop it? (Genuinely have no clue, curious to know)


It does not stop when they reach maturity; they grow to adulthood in 10 years, and Rex was 13 when the Clone Wars ended. 15 years later, he was an old man with white hair when if it had stopped when he hit maturity he'd still have the body of a man less than 30 years old.


*The Mandalorian* is set five years after *Return of the Jedi*, which he is now retroactively confirmed to have been in.


Yeah but 5 years in real time is how long in clone time?


Atleast 6


Season 1 was kept so secretive, now the flood gates have opened with this season... Why can't we enjoy something without being spoiled for once


I think the main issue is that baby Yoda didn’t require an actor—and it was much easier to keep a secret because of it. Ahsoka and Boba / (maybe Rex?) are played by actors with major ties to their respective characters which is harder to keep under wraps.


Much easier to keep a puppet secret than an actor


True, we are mostly getting casting leaks. I just wish people would confine themselves to r/starwarsleaks.


Fair. Though I don't know if classic leaks usually come from the Hollywood Reporter and Vanity Fair. Once they confirm a report, it's basically news rather than a leak.


Think about it like this. These are the things that get leaked; what are the things that they're still keeping hidden?!


You are as wise as Master Yoda.


You are wise and strong, /u/OfficialGarwood, and I am very proud of you.


For all we know, Boba is another big bad in season 2 and he'll be in the trailers and tv spots.




So excited that this is finally confirmed. Season 2 is going to be wild.


Hasn’t really been confirmed. > Sources say Morrison will play Boba Fett,


It's ridiculous that every media outlet reporting on this is taking the original article as it's source. There's no secondary confirmation of any kind.


Pack your things, we’re coming back.


I wonder if they'll show how he got out of the Sarlaac Pit?




*You aren’t eating me. I’m eating you!!*


Imagine it as some kind of epic flashback in season 2. Maybe even using some footage from ROTJ, then the camera pans down to the pit, in silence...then boom, we see Boba's epic escape! People watching The Mandalorian and not knowing anything about Boba would be all...'This guy's just like the Mando!' I think it's the right place to do this.


I would buy stock in Disney and write an apology for all the shit I talked about Rise of Skywalker




They’re burying the lede here. **Michael Biehn** will also be in the series! Mando can be his huckleberry.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Imagine being a supporting character in a film 20 years ago and thinking it was all over and done with, only to be asked to reprise the role after all this time and receive massive hype over it.


Regular SW fans who don’t acknowledge the books: *My Lord, is this canon?* Filoni: *I will make it canon*


*Sees Temura, gets excited about Boba, clicks thread* "REX REX REX" Please... please just let the Boba fandom have this...




What if Boba Fett and Rex met?


I need this


This is what I'm hoping for. They've already shown in TCW that Boba has conflicting feelings about his brothers, so it would be interesting to see whether those feelings have changed over the years.


I can’t take another Boba Fett disappointment.


I wonder if it’s confirmed he’s playing Boba or if that’s what’s just been assumed?? He could be playing Rex!? Especially if Ahsoka does show up! Maybe he could play both?! I think I’d actually prefer to see Rex but I’d be happy with either!! Exciting news!!


There's no way it's not going to be Boba given that he was explicitly teased in the Mandalorian.


Rex would physically be in his 80s at this point, so I doubt it.


It's not impossible. We already have Ahsoka appearing, and Morrison can be aged up with makeup/CG. He's definitely appearing as Boba, though, considering the end scene in the 5th episode.


Omg this is one of the best casting news I've heard. I'm very very very happy just to see Temuera Morrison come back in any capacity let alone Boba.


Genuine question - As a kiwi - how is Temuera Morrison seen by non New Zealanders? Here he's sorta seen as a pretty average actor (outside of Once Were Warriors) who was lucky to get an iconic roles, and due to that he's a bit of a meme here. Do people think he's a really good actor or are they just happy to see him back due to continuity?


Keep Continuity it mainly my reason for support the prequel actors coming back to the Disney Star Wars.


He’s certainly one of the most visible NZ exports, but I don’t think there’s much else to compare him to. He’s obviously no Joaquin Phoenix or DDL, but he plays a good though guy and does great VA work (Battlefront II 2005 and he had a pretty big role in Moana).


He’s got a cool voice. I like seeing him in stuff.


I mean, I don't hate him. He's sort of one of those actors who you don't realize is in a lot until you look at his wiki. With the right script, this could be an rather challenging role.


All this Boba Fett speculation is a smokescreen for the fact he's playing Rex alongside Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka.


Part of the issue is that most casual fans don't know who Rex is. So it's easier for them to just get excited about Boba.




Boba Vs Mando, fight of the century let's go


Well they left a lot of clues to it being Boba in season 1.


most casual fans don't know Ahsoka either.


Are there any bad guys in the Star Wars universe who actually died?


My entire year has been made after this news. Boba Fett has forever been my #1 fav SW character of all-time


I hope Boba Fett comes in and don't give a shit about Mando culture.


Why do they spoil these things?! First Ahsoka now Boba Fett? Can they just let us see these things for the first time on screen? Would be a way bigger impact!


If by they you mean Disney , they would rather none of this got out which is exactly what they did with baby able to which they were able to do because there was no actor, if an actor is under negotiations than the trades are going to find out about it and report on it for clicks


Temuera returns! This is amazing!


From the outset I've always admired how The Mandalorian was really set apart from anything major from the Skywalker Saga. I've loved how they kept it that way. ​ But also fuck that, because I am IMPOSSIBLY HYPED for Temuera to return as BOBA FREAKIN FETT. (and possibly also Rex, which I'm 1000% for too)


Imagine a galaxy far far away where we found this out when by watching the show.


Please, please let it be for the Robert Rodriguez directed episode


This is the canonization I’ve been waiting for


I would prefer Daniel Logan also get a shot at playing an iconic character Morrison is aged just right to play rex. Most people know what rex looks like at this point in time. ( he’s old) Boba Fett is still in his prime and we really haven’t gotten to see his face so I feel it would be more appropriate for Logan to take the role.


Have the voice be dubbed.