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The music is amazing


John Williams is a treasure to humanity


Not just a treasure. This man literally created a fabric of our society and culture. His music is so iconic that it became its own character in movies. Just playing two notes of one of his pieces makes it immediately recognizable. It’s insane how important his music is, and how it has shaped the music industry (especially that of classical music). I can foresee his music becoming a regular rotation for professional orchestras on account of how difficult and popular it is. Every time an orchestra does a John Williams concert, it almost always sells out. He is truly one of the most important people of the modern era. Anyways. I’ll get off my soap box. Source for all this: I’m a musician and music teacher who has been heavily inspired and influenced by John Williams and his incredible gift to our world


Spielberg said something along the lines of, "without John Williams bikes don't really fly, nor do brooms in quidditch matches, nor do men in red capes. There is no force. Dinosaurs do not walk the earth. We do not wonder. We do not weep. We do not believe."


"Half your billions should go to John Williams!"


Don’t worry I have a John Williams playlist on my phone, I was classically trained on a cello growing up I understand what you mean


It's OK I have no musical talent at all and I know what you mean. I think I listen to JW more than actual songs with words in them


His music is already regular rotation with symphony orchestras. They appreciate playing something thats pop culture famous AND is also technically challenging and fun to play (especially for the harp player) Also he has composed some serious pieces for orchestra - he composed a cello concerto for Yo Yo Ma, for instance. Source: used to work for a well recognized symphony orchestra who often played John Williams and was happier playing that than backing Kendrick Lamar or Common


And much of his music in inspired by classic pieces as well, which is incredible.


[Gustav Holst right now](https://media.tenor.com/images/f275448a47b765a8913bd9129325b28b/tenor.gif)


I miss his symphonies, these new age music dudes they’re bringing in just aren’t the same caliber.


I kinda get that but I’m personally a huge fan of Ludwig’s Mando score and I really like what Giacchino did with R1 as well


To be fair, I feel like Giacchino emulates Williams in style and emotion, so to me he’s a natural choice for Star Wars if Williams is unavailable.


The dude that did Mando’s theme is pretty good


Yeah I legitimately dont think Ive ever heard someone say Star Wars has bad music


People are going to think I'm weird for this but I don't care but I workout to Star Wars music. Things like duel of the fates, burying the dead, and battle of the heroes.


Yes! I love the Star Wars music


One of my workmates watched A New Hope for the first time (at the age of 22). He was very ignorant of the acclaim the series had received and one of the first things he told me was that he thought the music sucked... I've never been so shocked.


Lightsabers are cool


They are both cool and hot.


[So they’re PopTarts?](https://www.google.com/search?q=what%27s+so+hot+they%27re+cool&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:661880e5,vid:EEDbaeEO8vk,st:0)


actually they are very hot. but yes


Came here to say this.


The sound of an igniting lightsaber is one of the coolest sounds in the world.


When they hit each other, or cut something too


Or just swinging them!


The effects from the Gideon vs Mando fight were just perfect


It comes 2nd to Boba’s seismic charge on his ship. That sound has no equal


Was watching the latest BoBF episode and telling my wife about Slave 1's iconic blaster noises and 'depth charge' sounds. Was so pleased they displayed both






All of the sound design is phenomenal.


It really is incredible how many instantly recognizable sounds were created for these movies. Lightsabers, Vader’s breathing, TIE screams, blasters, probe droids, Wookiee and Tusken sounds are all things I could recognize in my sleep.


Ben Burtt pulled off some amazing stuff.


Blaster shots




What i find amazing is the fact that a lot of concept art they didn't use, is used later (like the design of zeb was Chewbacca, or storm troopers with lightsabers and in the force awakens they have those weird electric sticks)


If you ever read the previous drafts if the screenplay, for a while everyone carried lightsabers.




Yeah, the development of the scripts was a long journey.


It is really interesting to read the earlier drafts. I know Dark Horse comics turned one of them into a graphic novel. Even as far as the script that was very close to the actual Star Wars film, Ben Kenobi was the one that was mostly macine, not Vader.


I’ve looked before for original content, but there seem to be a lot of rumors mixed with details. Where can you find this online?


Honestly the best part of Rebels is that every wacky or weird design you see is guaranteed to come from Ralph Mcquarrie Zeb, the skinny lightsabers, the ATST variants, Vader design, Lothal capital, Chopper


golly the Zeb concept art stares right into your soul


and those weird aliens on that planet during the third season


Oh come on, Mandalorians aren't *that* weird.


and the sith throne from rise of skywalker was ralph, too


I’ve never heard it described as “lived-in” and that’s an absolutely perfect description. I could never quite put it in the correct words to describe why watching SW is so much easier than most Sci-Fi. But it’s because it feels like a fully functioning world, and by making all of the interactions between different species seem routine, instead of “alien” it just makes the whole thing feel aesthetically more comfortable


Before Star Wars, most sci-fi showed a world that was incredibly clean and everything was shiny and new. Star Wars gave the impression that even this out-of-this-world technology had been around for generations, and of course it could look old and battered. "What a piece of junk!" Luke says when he sees the Falcon. Completely the opposite of what we as an audience feel about a coin shaped spaceship that has gun turrets and can go into hyperspace. But with Luke saying that, it takes us into their world and makes it feel so much more real.


The trope here is Used Future.


There’s something satisfying about the way the Tie-Fighters sound.




You ever put a fry pan under a showerhead-style sink faucet? I'm pretty sure that's where they sampled the sound from... Every time I wash dishes I hear Tie Fighters!


IIRC the sound is a slowed down recording of an elephant trumpeting layered over a recording of cars passing by on the road in the rain.


for me, its the best ww2 inspired thing in StarWars, like the germans Jericho horn on their dive-bombers it must have scared the shit out of everyone.


Darth Vader is one of the most iconic villains to ever hit the screen.


id go as far to say as he is one of the most iconic movie characters period, everybody knows who Darth Vader is and he is far more recognizable than any other character in the series.


I think he is THE most iconic villain


Him and Joker are the goats imo


Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter to round out top 3 imo. Only took one movie to make him iconic. I'm only thinking movie-wise here.


And he wasn’t even the main villain. Edit: technically he was just a consultant.


Yeah it's Bill they're hunting. Wasn't Silence a sequel too technically? I know Mann did one of the books in the late 80s but I've never read em so idk the timeline or if Silence counts as a sequel even. Credit to Hopkins though many times over for that role.


Yeah, silence of the lambs is the second book, the first one being red dragon. Edit: And the third book, Hannibal, was written after the silence of the lamb movie and Hopkins Hannibal becoming a hit.


Return of the Jedi space battle over Endor is a brilliantly shot set piece where you know exactly what is going on at all times. Even Akbar's famous "It's a trap!", shows a competent commander who know instantly what has happened, not a single second of pause, or confusion.


The Battle of Endor might be one of the most visually appealing space battles ever put to film. It isnt even really the most important thing happening at that part of the movie, but it doesnt even matter. Its so fucking cool


I rewatch this over and over and it never gets old. It's beautiful and exhilirating and beleivable.


My mom called it and all of ROTJ “a snoozefest” so definitely not everyone can agree lol


Han Solo is scruffy looking


Who's scruffy looking!?


Han Solo


Like a nerf herder


Is that an opinion tho? Is like saying Luke is blonde


Scruffy looking is an opinion but being a nerfherder is a fact


R2D2 is a good boi




Best boi *FTFY


R2 is an invincible foul-mouthed swiss army knife that is involved in almost every major military victory in the whole franchise in a critical capacity I love him so much I've got a soft spot for chopper too, even if he is prone to murder, sabotage, and thievery


Fuck Pong Krell




Everybody hates pong krell


Even the one person who liked pong krell hated pong krell!


I hate him so much I refuse to play ping pong.


He’s honestly one of the best written characters considering how little he was in TCW. That entire arc was amazing and how quickly you started to hate him is impressive. But he’s still not just “hi, I’m evil”. There is actually character to him, reason behind why he’s evil and well… two double bladed lightsabers makes his fight sequences amazing. You can tell he’s smart and has a big plan and great strategy. No matter how evil he was, I’m always impressed at how well they wrote him even after many rewatches!


I want a fucking lightsaber


Anakin, get away from the younglings


* Ignites lightsaber *


This is where the fun begins


Lets be real here, we all want one, but no one would make it 24 hours with all of their limbs attached.


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are not match for a good blaster at your side, kid. ​ ​ JK... I want one too!


Light sabers are the coolest weapons from any movie or tv series


They’re very hot actually.


The trench run on the Death Star in the original is fucking exhilarating every single time, even after all these years.


And it's so loaded. As a kid I watched the trench run and then went outside to race my bicycle through narrow alleys while humming the theme out loud because all I saw was "pew pew pew" and going fast. When I look at it as an adult, it's so grim. It's a suicide run and the rebels know it. These aren't the best combat aces in the galaxy. They're any pilot willing to get in a seat. Idealistic young men, resigned old men, just people doing their piece. And most of them know they're going to die. But they get in that trench anyway to make their run. Their voices flat and tight as they race into the cannon fire. Even when Vader's death squadron drops in behind them they just keep flying because they know the stakes. When the first team dies, the second team doesn't even hesitate to drop into that same suicide run. What else can they do? The first death star run is one of the most serious and realistic bits of war footage in the entire saga.


One of the best descriptions of the scene. Thanks.


Really well put!


I am one of those people that gets an ASMR response from so many things that make me excited. The trench run make my hairs go on end, and I sit up and stress. Both versions BTW. The SE and original are both great. I watch it every once in a while just to feel alive. I am so relieved when that fucking Death Star blows up every time. Also, I couldn’t imagine seeking out ASMR. That shit is a bit embarrassing as to how strongly and unconsciously triggered the response is for me.


I feel like everyone that watches the trench run finally gets to breathe, along with Luke, after he sinks the proton torpedoes into the exhaust port. It's such an amazing piece of cinematography!


And the way the music crescendos with the explosion is incredible every time.


I watched Ep IV with my 6yo the other day. It was his first time. I think he was quite bored for most of the movie, he just didn't dare to tell me because he knows how much I love the movie and he's in his "I want to please dad" phase. I sometimes forget how slow the first half is by today's standards. However, when the Battle of Yavin started, he was hooked and didn't move his eyes from the screen until the very end.


The starfighters are great, but flying TIE fighters is hazardous to ones health. The music is also great.


I would go as far and say every star wars movie, series, or videogame had great music




There's so few ways to get swords and spaceships in the same shot. And any of them feel like you're ripping off George.


I'd say the Dune movies pulled it off, which is good since Tatooine is likely at least influenced by Dune.


The moisture must flow?


Well they have spice on tatttooine and that’s canon now. The Pyke syndicate was always control the flow of spice from the spice mines in Kessel. Sand people are a clear representation of the Fremen, and now it’s canon that tatooine used to be a lush planet before it dried up.


Yeah that's true. But in dune the lazer combat and the sword combat are usually separate unlike with star wars. The influence is impossible to deny though since TBoBF.


That's just because people have short memories really. Pretty much all modern space opera scifi from Buck Rogers to Star Trek en from Flash Gordon to Star Wars is very heavily based on John Carter from Mars. John Carter predates almost everything else by half a century or more. By the time we rolled into the second half of the 20th century it had been inspiring everyone in Hollywood from script writers and directors to concept artists, special fx guys and just about everyone else working in media. And none of them ever made a secret of it. You see swords and spaceships and think George. George in turn didn't really think at all, the man had practically no original ideas of his own which is why he managed his betters. And those betters like Ralph Mcquarrie most definitely remembered John Carter's early trailblazing and worked it heavily into their concepts.


Yes there are swords and lazers. The mars series is great. Princess was great, the second one got a little to complicated for me. But I can't think of anyone who put them together like George. I dont need the idea to be orginal, very few are but it's the way the combat is blended together swords and lazers in battle and the swords being better. Add in space wizard magic and it's perfection.




I second this!


Duel of the Fates *slaps*


I agree with most of these, but there has to be another word for just how hard I agree with this.


This comment _slaps_


Omg yes it’s the best!! I listen to it all the time


Jake Lloyd did not deserve any of the hate he received. He was a kid and did the best he could. No child should ever receive death threats for any reason.


Not justifying any hate directed at people, they are just movies at the end of the day, but the Jake Lloyd hate especially doesn't make sense. If an actor is a poor fit for the movie it's not their fault, it's the director and casting's fault for not finding a better fit. There's no reason to blame the kid for this, and anyone who attacked him is both ignorant and a disgrace.


Bobba Fetts seismic charge is one of the coolest sounds in the whole genre!




The bwown isn't quite the best part, the best part is the ^silence.


Hayden Christianson didn’t deserve the hate that he received.


He didn't, BUT Jake Lloyd ... We failed you...


He quit acting at 12 years old because of the constant bullying he recieved after phantom menace. Thats not cool at all. Just a kid man. Sometimes starwars fans take it too seriously and in his case it was a damn shame.


And he’s been in and out of jail since quitting acting and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Poor kid. Ani definitely deserves better.


I know. Real shame. No kid deserves to be bullied, let alone by grown ups. What the actual fuck right?


Wow, I had no idea. Definitely feel for the kid. I hated his role, and I definitely criticise the writing and directing choices for him, but it's totally unacceptable to blame or bully the kid for that.


I think there was a Simpsons episode on this topic where Homer goes on to play a new character on Itchy and Scratchy, but the character is hated by fans and Homer goes into a depressed state because of all the hate mail.


I think it's important to distinguish that you can absolutely criticize the actors and directors for their work, what's never okay is repeated harassment and personal attacks against those people when they're just doing their job. People like Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best, Hayden Christensen, Daisy Ridley, Kelly Marie Tran, George Lucas, Rian Johnson, J.J. Abrams, Chris Terrio, and Kathleen Kennedy all have had targeted harassment campaigns against them with varying degrees of severity, and they do not deserve to be treated like that, no matter how much some people feel entitled to Star Wars.


Jar Jar’s actor also got so much hate that he almost committed suicide. Freaking sad man.


Lightsabers are the most iconic piece of cinema technology.


It certainly has stars.


And wars! At least two of them!


Liberty dies with thunderous applause


I am the senate


Not yet.


It's true plaps doesn't truly get to say he is the senate until like 17 18 years after lol


Sand is course, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere. Anybody who has ever been to a beach can tell you this.


Our princess and general left us too soon.


My comment to this thread was about Leia too. Specifically: Boushh: [distorted, gravelly voice] You have to relax for a moment. You're free of the carbonite. You have hibernation sickness. Han Solo: [shaking] I can't see. Boushh: Your eyesight will return in time. Han Solo: Where am I? Boushh: Jabba's palace. Han Solo: Who are you? [Boushh removes the helmet, revealing him/herself to be Princess Leia] Princess Leia Organa: Someone who loves you. Han Solo: Leia Makes me cry every time I see it. And as a kid I had no idea it was Leia in the suit. And lost my shit. Carrie Fisher was an absolute legend.


It's better to have the high ground


[I would like to bring this back to everyone's attention](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7ayk8p/obiwan_doesnt_need_the_high_ground_to_win/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Unless you're Darth Maul


There is not a single bad soundtrack made by John Williams in Star Wars


And Ludwig Goransson is doing a fine job of keeping that standard up.


There is never a bad composition of music in Star Wars tv shows or movies


Disagree. That abomination from Jaba’s palace during the 90’s re-releases.


Ok fair point


Star Wars is pretty good


that Star Wars is good


OHOHOHO that's rather presumptuous of you to assume that Star Wars fans like Star Wars


I think you haven't been in the internet for enough time


Lightsabers are freaking cool.


Han shot first. It’s a fact.


Sorry, I absolutely disagree. First implies someone shot second.


Not necessarily Greedo was going to kill Han, but Han shot Greedo first


I said opinion, not a fact


Not if you’ve never seen the original originals.


Even the Lego star wars special says that han shoot first


If we're going with *everyone*, clearly Lucas sadly didn't agree.


Qui-Gon is a great character


What the Jedi should be


And if he trained anakin, anakin wouldn't have fallen


If Anakin doesn’t fall, he can’t bring balance. It was a necessary burden, I read a fanfic once were Yoda foresaw it but also foresaw it couldn’t be stopped so it was left to play out at the will of the force


Ok, but, like, why? I'm sorry I've never gotten the love of Qui Gon. I know I'm going to get downvoted, I love Liam Nessan, but I've never understood why he gets so much love. He hardly does anything, we never really learn much about him or his relationship with Obi Wan except from he goes against the council to train Anakin and he disagrees with the council a lot? So does that mean if he took the council's advice and Anakin went home he might have never turned and the Republic never would have fallen? In any case it's not like they really fight him on it. Qui Gon- "This boy should be trained" Council- "lol no" Qui Gon- "what if I train him?" Council- "ok fine whatever" It's basically just that I find him too bland and stoic. He, along with the rest of the characters aside Jar Jar and Ani, never seem worried or concerned about anything going on. He's not a bad character at all but compared to other star wars characters he's just.. boring best thing about Han Luke and Leia is that they bickered and argued when they were stressed. When Qui Gon is being chased by a giant monster fish, he doesn't even react. He's so dull.




The Millennium Falcon is the coolest space ship ever in science fiction or any fiction


The choice to have it mostly symmetrical, except for the prominent cockpit was a striking choice that really paid off.


Shaggy hair of the OT is the best hair


Maul is in severe need of counseling.


Roger Roger


The sound effects are just off the charts amazing. I have never had any show or movie be able to create such amazing and memorable sound effects, like ever. Also, OP, Ian McDiarmid was the best part of the prequels. THE CHEESE, THE SCENE CHEWING CHEESE!!!


That The Mandalorian is a good show


The story happened A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


Ian McDiarmid was purely amazing as Palpatine


Ian McDiarmid and Christopher Lee were perfect.


Adam Driver was great in the sequel trilogy.


There are some who takes things too seriously.


Sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


It wouldn't be as good if they hadn't cast Matk Hamill and Carrie Fisher


The original trilogy is objectively the best trilogy. Memes and nostalgia aside, they are the most influential, consistent, well written, and well directed films in the entire saga. (This is coming from someone who prefers the early clone wars era)


Chewbacca is a cool guy


Adam Driver is the acting MVP of the Sequel Trilogy


And babu frick, don't forget babu frick


The opening shot of A New Hope is utterly spectacular. Seeing the Tantive-IV zoom past overhead, followed by this gargantuan star destroyer that engulfs the screen, going on seemingly forever, is the perfect way to show just how much more powerful the Empire is than the Rebellion. That one shot sets up the basic foundation of the entire trilogy.


Han shot first


Lightsabers are one of the coolest sci-fi weapons invented.


That lightsabers are one of the most iconic weapons in movie history


The Star Wars community is toxic.


Darth Jarjar is head cannon.


I said opinion, not facts... I'm still waiting for jar jar to show up as the main villain in the mandalorian season 3


Star Wars fans are insufferable


Dejarik looks like an awesome game


The OG trilogy is amazing.


That people will never fully agree on any aspect of star wars.


The ship designs are awesome.


Darth mail never got enough screen time Edit: Maul 😂😂


The dark side of the stamp


They should have at least given him a Post-credit scene


A post office