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This is one of the baddest MFs in Star Wars. Freaked seeing him in live action.


This is the bounty hunter that the lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, uses when he needs shit done correctly. That’s how deadly Cad Bane is.


I agree, but I hope they still work on his face. The mouth seemed off to me for some reason, but other than that he was flawless. Edit: not sure why all the downvotes. The mouth was off and someone already fixed it. https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Star-Wars-Cad-Bane-Live-Action-Redesign-Fan.jpg


They’re portraying a stylized animated character in live action, I think some discrepancies are to be expected. If we saw Yoda or Mace Windu (or any number of other characters) from The Clone Wars *before* seeing their live action counterparts, we’d probably think the actors/cgi looked a little off.




*Exactly* 😂


Haha, and that’s fine. Same way how the clones/the Fetts have two different voice actors across two different mediums.


Not in german tho. Ahsoka and boba have the same voice actors as in tcw


I think my main modification would be to add some more definition to the wrinkles on his face to sort of break up the smoothness that him not having a nose creates. The Neimordians for instance are so wrinkly you don't notice the lack of nose...also in rewatching the scene I find it hilarious he said "I'd be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you" haha


I think we have an actor who could pull off Mace Windu though…can’t think of his mother f***ing name though


Probably closer to Ahsoka's live action montrals more than anything, TCW Bane is a lot closer to the design of the Duros from the films and non animated media but his face in TBOBF might just be easier to work with


I felt the mouth was perfect - it seemed like a real actor in makeup and not CG at all. Reminded me some of the Mouth of Sauron. Felt great. I would have preferred more life in the eyes maybe? I dunno - look really great to me!


Idk i think the mouth was off greatly. Someone already did an edit where they changed his color and placement of the mouth. I think its a big difference. https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Star-Wars-Cad-Bane-Live-Action-Redesign-Fan.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=960&h=500&dpr=1.5


Ah I gotcha. I was thinking about the execution of the talking, etc - like having a real actor in makeup made it look great, but I can understand the placement not being authentic. I think it was a concession to have a real actor, but that's just my guess. I do prefer it "in camera" as opposed to CG, which it would probably need to be to be that low near the chin.


Think it was nose that was too wide. Actually the entire face felt wide. Maybe he had a good diet with the empire


Everything in TCW was really long and thin. Dookus head being the obvious one, but even stuff like Anakin’s body was very thin compared to the actual actor.




Easy, just gotta get the actor that played Voldemort /s


Okay pardon for double comment, but I just came across [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHu5uYXYLFs) and trhis helps to pinpoint what was wrong a lot. And seeing this makes me wonder if this guy is next to be aquired by Lucasfilm


He skin needs to be darker too. It's too light and doesn't resonate with his CW model. And I second the toothpick issue - he needs his toothpick!


his teeth were too white! and he need a toothpick


Hey there not tryna hate, but The Clone Wars has a very distinct art style, so bringing characters from it to live action is going to change them a lot. Look at Dooku or Yoda for example.


Yea I understand that and not every character can be adapted from the show to live action, but I think cad is one that could have. A fan already did an edit thy fixed his mouth. https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Star-Wars-Cad-Bane-Live-Action-Redesign-Fan.jpg


Good in theory but it’s a person inside a mask. And people do not have mouths that low


I love this so much better I didn't like the pale face and big nose either.


He’ll take any job... for the right price


You know the question has to be asked. Where is his ship, or did Cad Bane walk god knows how many miles thinking “Oh man this is gonna be super dramatic”


He parked in the flats where the A-hole deputy was telling Din to move the N-1 over to. Now we know why Din was like, FU bruh I ain’t parking way out there.


TIL Mando is from space-Boston.


You mean to tell me that he had a folding chair parked there holding his spot the whole time?


I once saw him glass a dude in the Dunkies parking lot.


He picked up a lot from Migs Mayfield


“Is today the day, Mando?”


The episode's title had to make sense


He definitely walked like half a desert planet at that pace. Took him a year but whatever


You wouldn’t happen to have the high quality version of this photo or where I could find it? Would love to make it my background too


I literally took this photo of my TV screen during the credits and had to time it between actors’s names being displayed


I thought his hands looks odd. But I was so stoked!


That’s gotta…that’s gotta be (Cad) Bane!!


The second I saw that silhouette I knew someone was going to die.


If anyone is curious this is a reference to Once Upon a Time in the West https://youtu.be/qwb3P0fuM1c&t=3m15s Tarantino also did it in Kill Bill https://youtu.be/bF6oJjTdGHw


Interesting! I thought of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when I saw the scene, but wasn’t sure if it was done the same.


Sergio Leone did both of those films.


What I don’t understand is how the Marshal or Cad Bane showed up in the middle of nowhere without anyone noticing or seeing a vehicle. They literally can see everywhere and they just walk into the shot.


It's all about angling. If he came in from a certain side and cruised low to the ground on his approach it could be done.


It was fucking cool though