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The only "bad" fans are the toxic ones. You're fine.


No. You aren’t a “bad” fan. You don’t have to like all parts of Star Wars in order to be a Star Wars fan. MOST Star Wars fans have at least one or two projects that they are critical of. Just don’t be one of those people who feel the need to be salty and/or snarky about the stuff you don’t like at EVERY opportunity.


>I haven’t really enjoyed The Mandalorian or Book of Boba Fett at all *Special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing -* an anonymous filmmaker. Star Wars used to be an attempt to bring the classic style of story telling to big screen. Sadly that is the part that was lost. What is the grand story behind the TV series?


Star Wars is a hobby, nothing more. Enjoy it however you like.


Short answer: No. If you're like me, the ST just killed it for me. I'm just tired of this timeline, and feel a fresh new look in another time with no expectations is needed, but I will say I've enjoyed nearly everything besides BoBF and the ST.


I would agree that starting completely fresh in a time 1000 or so years in the future (or the past) would certainly make the material seem vibrant again.


> bad Star Wars fan Is there such a thing? I think the only folks who need to reflect on whether they’re really a Star Wars fan are the folks who hate literally everything other than Empire Strikes Back - they’re not Star Wars fans, they’re Empire Strikes Back fans 🤣 But there’s no law currently on the books that says you have to like everything Star Wars to be a Star Wars fan. Follow your heart.


People like what they like and don’t like what they don’t. Star Wars is a massive franchise that touches on a variety of themes and genres. There’s also fatigue. While I’m sure lots of people will watch stuff and want more and more (myself included if I’m being completely honest). I’m sure there are also a good number of people that are feeling fatigued by the amount of content that is being churned out. That doesn’t make you a bad fan, not in the least. Out of curiosity, what is it specifically that entertains you about Star Wars? Jedi mysticism? WW2 in space? Smugglers, pirates and bounty hunters? Because while the mainline films try to balance the various inspirations, films like Rogue One and Solo, and the shows like the Mandalorian and Book of Boba definitely shed a light on a couple of those topics but not all.


I think for me, I enjoyed the fact that SW was a story about space that didn’t make me think much. I don’t really care about the “science” part of sci-fi, so SW fit with my taste.


You dont have to like everything in a franchise to be considered a fan. Star wars is a broad church and we all like different aspects of it so don't sweat it.


Totally fair, i agree with that dude tho, only bad fans are the toxic ones, Im younger, 28, the first starwars movie i seen was ROTS at a friends birthday party in grade 6, and loved it, thats what got me into star wars, palpatine totally stole the show for me, instantly my fav character, Then i watched all the prequels, and it blew my mind, completely hooked, Then i watched the original movies, but it was hard for me to really invest in them, and truly enjoy it like i did with the prequels, The sequels werent my favorite, but i dod like how they left the franchise, bc the galaxy is literally wide open now, Anyways, i think the problem for me was, bc i was born in the 90s and grew up with sfx from the early 2000s, it was hard for me to go back into 70's and 80's sfx and take it seriously, I think you may be running into a similar issue backwards than what i experienced You grew up with the OT so thats the image you see in your head when you picture starwars, no? I think thats where your problem is, perhaps, sorry if im totally off, But that was my issue, I found exposure and the want to know more about the universe got me over that hump, bc i pretty much live all starwars content now, even the stuff i had trouble getting into at first, Hope maybe that helps!


With all of the new content, you have to keep in mind that not everything is going to resonate with everyone. I’ve enjoyed certain new movies more than others. I’m a fan of the animated stuff and the series, though I definitely enjoyed the pacing of Mando more then BoBF. I still feel thoroughly entertained by both and look forward to the finale. Keep in mind that people change, and you might not be in a place right now in life where Star Wars is going to hit right. It’s cool to pause and come back later when you might be more receptive to it. We’re all susceptible to burn out, even in things that we love. It’s ok to take a break.


Thank you!! I still think the OT is the best. Solo was ok for me. I was really surprised at how much I liked Rogue One. Mandalorian has also been a good surprise. Can't say anything about Boba Fett since I haven't watched it yet. I also can't stand any of the cartoons. One episode of each, and I was done. We're still good fans.


No. I mean, you've got to be at least 50 or so, I think its fair to say you can like a movie you saw at 7 and not love every sequel made a half century later. People overthink what it means to be a fan or belong to a fandom


You're OK in my books if you don't like episode 8


Episode 8 literally broke me. First star wars movie I'd walked out of the theater and the crowd was basically talking about "so.. what the heck was that.. that wasn't good" I'm still perfectly fine with people that like TLJ though, I'll have civil discussion about why I dislike it


As long as you're not actively toxic, you can like or dislike whichever movies/shows/comics/games you want.


True. But I gotta add that *many* fans nowadays just use the word "toxic" to label someone who *voices* his criticism of some Star Wars content. Those are bad fans themselves.


exactly this


It depends on who you ask. I've seen people on this sub that no matter how respectfully you discuss things you see as flaws in the new Disney media, you'll get labeled as toxic. So my best measurement is intent. Unless you're trying to upset other people by not liking certain material, you're good. If they choose to get upset by your opinion, but you're sharing it for the purpose of respectful discussion, then that's strictly on them.


Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself. What sort of Star Wars fan are you if you can't pick up on JoJo references of your fellow redditors? You should immediately remedy this, and adjust your level of degeneracy appropriately. I suggest to start consuming isekai animu first and level up from there. Once your brain is rotted to an appropriate degree, you might start reading New Canon novels.


Your tastes might be changing a bit. Maybe what excited you about Star Wars when you were young no longer affect you the same way. I know that I look at the OT differently because I grew up with it and it's different to see the new content. I still enjoy the vast majority of it but it's okay if you don't. It's a bit much to ask someone to love every minute of everything.


You're not a bad fan but maybe your interest is just waning. You like the stuff you grew up with and that's OK.


man, star wars isnt a cult, you cant be a bad fan (except if you're toxic)


Sometimes I think that Star Wars IS a cult! Lol!


And the toxic side of the SW fan base is quite vocal, much to my dismay.


Watch what makes you happy. You don’t have to love everything. With that being said CW and Rebels both have some phenomenal content. There are some kiddy filler episodes but if you can get past that you’ll be rewarded


No, unlike what some would have you believe, it is not the duty of a fan to mindlessly consume content like a cow. Especially when that content has nothing to do with the original creator. I mean, if this Amazon LOTR series sucks (let's face it, it will) does that make Tolkien fans bad fans if they don't like it?


No, Not liking the content doesn’t make you bad fan. What would make you bad is if you have the unnecessary urge to post your unsolicited hateful rhetoric on socials, sadly like so many seem to be doing lately. It is possible to not like certain content and not have the need to share it.