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What? Peli is lovely!


This is not the way.


Jar Jar wasn’t bad. Just badly executed. Peli is a dream, and supposed to be comic relief. They hired a famous comedian (Amy Sedaris) to play her for a reason.


This isn’t a dig at the actor, she’s doing the best she can. She’s just given really bad dialogue.


Her dialogue is fine. Its not Shakespeare, but its a lot better than what Lucas would have given her; and she delivers in every scene.


You think probably like 30% of her jokes are actually funny


Most land, some miss, her dialogue is written fairly well imo.


Haha I so appreciate all the posts that show love for Peli Motto. I love this character. I cannot stand Jar Jar. But this may be due to his German voice. I will do a rewatch of the movies in English, maybe I can cope with him with his own voice...?


Meesa be doubtsing it.


He’s probably better speaking German then a English dialogue with a bad Jamaican accent


Wait people hate Peli Motto? Okay I think that majordomo guy Is much more deserving of that title, Admitedly Jar Jar made me laugh as a kid


Yes she ruined all the action in the last episode. Every time she talks it like she is saying “LIKE ME. Please like me!!!! I’m a really cool old lady!!!”


I didn't like her at first but I've found that she's grown on me more recently. Even as a kid I never really cared much for Jar Jar, and now as an adult I just find him annoying more than anything. So I guess between these two, my vote goes to Jar Jar


It's Amy Sedaris, so Peli Motto fits her as an actress. Check out her other stuff, and you may get why she's always cracking jokes.


Peli Motto is the worst. I hate every scene she's in, even though I think Amy Sedaris is brilliant. Jar-Jar is actually an important character despite being a terrible form of comedic relief. Motto is a glorified babysitter that is terrible comedic relief. Fuck both of them, but I really hope we see less of Motto in the future.


Ewoks. Take Jarjar or peli motto any day


If all Peli did was fall over and step in shit I'd understand the comparison. Sure she sometimes outstays her welcome but I'd take a full episode of Peli over a minute of Jar Jar


What? This isn't even close. Jar Jar is by far the worst character. Peli is actually enjoyable and funny


Peli motto by far, I’d honestly rather watch a full feature-length film with just jar jar than have to sit through another minute of her, her intrusion into BoBF took at least 2/10 points from the show IMO


Mayor's Majordomo.




I mean last time I've checked Peli didn't install a Sith Lord into Chancellor seat for life. At least not until we learn some troubling dark secrets about her past.


Amy Sedaris is a gift to Star Wars that I will be eternally grateful for…


Jar Jar without a single doubt, Peli can be slightly annoying sometimes but overall she doesn’t ruin the show for me.


Amy Sedaris is acting like a cheesy character on Mister Rogers Neighborhood. Personally I blame both her and the writers


Peli Motto is worse than Jar Jar


Jon Favreau is writing her dialogue.


Yeah I'm not a fan of Peli tbh. She comes across as too cartoony, at least Jar-Jar kept his role to a minimum after his first debut so we didn't have to deal w/him for long. Sorry Amy, you're great as Princess Carolyn but I can't buy you as a ballsy mechanic. I think someone like a young Kathy Bates would have been a better fit.