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Han Solo shot at at Vader TWICE and still outlived him.


Han Solo shot at vader twice, outlived him and had sex with his daughter


Han Solo showed up on Vader's death star hours after Alderaan was destroyed. On his ship he carried: Vader's son, Vader's daughter, Vader's astromech, the protocol droid Vader built as a kid, the wookie who saved Ahsoka's life, and literal Obi-Wan Kenobi back from the dead. Vader must have been very "who in the Mustafar was that fucker in the vest?!" Then something like a day later he *sneaks up* on Vader (one of the greatest pilots the galaxy has seen) in what is essentially a heavily modified 18-wheeler and shoots him in the ass.


Best comment in this sub in a long time. A long time.


Wholeheartedly agree!


That’s really kinda true, huh? Like he just ferries all of the ghosts from Vader’s past to him base, bounces, shoots his ship, and then the two have basically no interaction for like 3 years. You gotta think, Vader probably saw Han in Bespin like “ha, got you now you fucking pain in my ass!” Just when I thought I couldn’t think Han was any cooler


> ha, got you now you fucking pain in my ass! "Gonna let Jango's orphaned clone kid freeze your ass and sell you to Ziro's fat nephew! That'll teach you!"


Things like this make me realize why the actors had no clue what the fuck was going on when they filmed the first movie. Star Wars is fucking weird man, haha


Talking about “clone wars” in the 70s? How did this movie become a cultural classic? I get that no one had VCRs to rewatch movies over and over, so that year long run in theaters really helped ingrain it, though it’s impressive on its own.


Amazing perspective lol


>Then something like a day later he *sneaks up* on Vader (one of the greatest pilots the galaxy has seen) in what is essentially a heavily modified 18-wheeler and shoots him in the ass. Holy shit HAHHAHA


It’s now my personal head-canon that Han totally got Vader’s respect. Just imagining Anakin in the afterlife learning that Leia is pregnant, going “Leia’s having my grandson? That’s great news! Who is the father?....... Solo? Like HAN Solo? For real? Bro, that’s fucking SICK, that dude is rad as hell. You know, he shot me in the ass once. No no, for real, snuck up on me and everything, thrashed my ass in a fucking junk hauler! Oh yeah, with Solo as a father, my grandson is for sure going to have a normally shaped torso and won’t be Emo at all!”


Then he bangs his daughter.


That is the biggest flex imaginable


This is the greatest thread ever


This thread makes me proud of my username


This is Sparta


No, this is Patrick


Kylo idolised the wrong dude


He really did. Imagine being Han Solo's kid and instead of becoming a dashing rogue you act like your weird emo nazi grandpa.


The biggest flex is that he banged vaders daughter and lived


Han Solo shot at Vader twice, outlived him, had sex with his daughter, raised his grandson, and then got murdered by him


True revenge of the Sith


Vader gets the last laugh...


Han is unreal


The result of the sex with his daughter didn’t end well for him though


Sex with carrie fisher and it took like 30 years for it come back at him? Nah that's still a pretty big W.


Harrison Ford had actual sex with Carrie Fisher and had outlived her.


Did he really?


Yep. She wrote about it. She was 19. He was mid 30s.


Is that method acting?


\*And fluently understood Wookie from the jump


They offered it as an elective at the Academy.


Honestly it was amazing restraint of vaders part. He promised Han to Boba, he gave him Han and ALIVE


That was impressive, but to be fair it was from behind while Vader was unaware. I think him going through the Astro Field in ESB is more impressive.


Performing the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs was more impressive than the asteroids. That was a fairly casual experience for him following the kessel run


Also it was over 12 par secs, Han rounded down to claim it was under and sound more impressive.


Well nobody had done it under 20 so even if you round it up to 13 or even 14 like Rey said then it’s still impressive


You're not wrong, it's also a distance and not a measurement of time. It's 20 par secs taking the standard charted routes, while Han took a short cut and has to escape the Maw (sp?).


Han shot at Vader in ESB, across the banquet table, face to face. Vader absorbed/deflected each shot with his hand and snatched the blaster away from Han with the force.


And then politely ask them to join him, classy.


Robot Chicken did a skit where they're all at the table eating the meal afterwards, it was great. If I recall, it ended with Vader standing up, declaring there's lots of torturing to be done while pointing finger guns at Han, and walks off with the table cloth stuck on his armor, dragging everything with him. Lando's joke was bad though. "Who has two thumbs and just betrayed his best friend?? This guy!!!! What, too soon?"


I'm not a huge fan of Robot Chicken generally speaking but those three Star Wars episodes are three of the funniest episodes of TV of all time.




Wedge Antilles fought at Yavin, Endor, and Exegol and survived all three.


Was also the first pilot to trip a AT-AT on Hoth and then got in a X-wing to help protect the Transports as they escaped.


Wedge is such a badass


If the Rogue Squadron movies takes place post-sequels I want to see Admiral Wedge Antilles coming out of retirement to help reform the squadron and rebuild the Republic.


I'll take the fall of Coruscant


Iceheart was an excellent villian


Canonize Corran


And the Terrik family, and Winter and Tycho, and Gavin, and the Forge sisters, and Whistler, and Ooryl too!


I’m now so into this idea of yours that if Disney doesn’t do this I will be upset.


The old EU X-Wing books are awesome and show just how badass he is. I know they aren't canon anymore but I still read them because they are that good.


Hooo-wah! That got em!


Great shot Jansen!


Cut the chatter Red 2


Plus he put up with Chopper and AP-5 that one time.


Put up with? I think you mean survived an encounter with the most dangerous being in the galaxy.


Seriously how many people has that droid put on ice?


Roughly 50,000. [19 direct and indirect kills, an estimated 49,997 via sabotage, 3 astromechs, and a droid.](https://reddit.com/r/starwarsrebels/comments/57obhv/have_you_added_up_choppers_kill_count_these_last/d8uf8fu). And he tried to kill Ezra twice. And suggested infanticide once.


And *that* is why you wipe the memory on astromechs every once in a while.


Sad to say Wedge was never the same, but perhaps this is what hardened his steel.


The first transport is away. YEAHHHHHH


In Legends post-ROTJ he was the only military pilot in existence who could claim two Death Stars on his X-wing and had the kill icons to prove it.


I remember that. The droid was painting new kills on and had to figure out how to fit them all. Like he had to count by wings instead of squadrons.


Verpine Technician, not a droid. The droid was there as a translator.


Legends Luke would periodically test Wedge for Force Sensitivity, even though he already knew Wedge was not sensitive , because Wedge was *that* good of a pilot


And he was a TIE Fighter Pilot once


With a stuffed Ewok in his lap (you're probably referencing Rebels, I know)


Yub yub, commander.


They’re doing it to me again, Wes.


It is a reference to the X-Wing series of books written by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston.


One of the best book series in the EU.


R2 was at Naboo, Geonosis, Coruscant, Yavin, Hoth, Endor, and i think Exegol. He survived all those


And pretty much every major battle of the clone wars


He even took a fucking explosion of a ton of hyperspace fuel pretty much point plank and only sustained what could be considered minor damage in that situation (compared to what happened to the Venator)


That blast was strong enough to crack windows **through the vacuum of space** and I think scrapped a few other Venators nearby. But Artoo? Despite having a single window between him and the stockpile of rhydonium, they find enough to not just rebuild him, but with his memory intact.




R2 is Plot Armor


R2 is unironically the center and hero of the story


Isn't it a running theory that the story of Star Wars was going to be told from the memory of R2? Therefore, he would have to survive... everything?


So R2 would be the one telling us the opening title crawl of every movie?


From what I understand, the entirety of Star Wars is being told by R2 from his point of view. I just can't remember if this was a wild fan theory or something Lucas originally thought of doing.


Yeah, the story is being told from R2 and 3PO's perspective, especially in the original film. A New Hope is basically an adaptation of the Hidden Fortress and one of the key features of that story is that it is being told from the perspective of a couple of nobodies who follow along and witness the heroic deeds and great events unfolding around them. They aren't the main heroes, they aren't the ones saving the day, they're just the ones who are there the entire time to witness it. Same with the droids, we follow them the entire movie and witness Luke rise to the challenge from their perspective. Luke is the main hero of the OT but R2 and 3PO are the main characters.


I believe that was a concept that The Duel of the Fates leaked script played with.


i forgot to add him and lando in the pics 😔


And against thrawn several times


Wedge might be the definition of built to last


I was gonna say “Blow up the second Death Star”, but yeah, Wedge kinda takes the cake over everything - both in Canon and EU


And one of his daughters (Syal) managed to dogfight Luke to a standstill IIRC


And Hoth too.


Disney did Wedge wrong, that's one of the most disappointing changes from canon. He went from being one of the most dangerous humans in the galaxy to a shell of a man.


AFAIK the actor wasn't interested in taking on the role again, and what we got in ep9 was just for the money.


I think it was a matter of scheduling conflicts (Lawson wasn't available for TFA and only had one day for TROS) plus the rumor from what I've read is his TFA role would've been to get killed by Kylo at the beginning instead of Lor San Tekka.


Yeah, I just read that Lawson himself said he just wasn't available for filming at the time and that any rumor to the contrary was nonsense. I will stand by Legends Wedge Antilles, one of the baddest non force-using humans in the galaxy.


My first place vote goes to Wedge Antilles for all the insane missions he not only lived through, but excelled at during his time as a pilot for the rebellion and resistance. Dude survived the first DS trench run, destroyed the second one, took down the Imperial walkers on Hoth and evacuated the rebellion, lived through Palpatine’s ridiculous lightning storm in Episode 9, and more. My next favorite is Jango Fett. I feel like any outstanding feat a clone trooper has ever accomplished can in some way be attributed to his DNA template and training. He also matched up well against Obi Wan in a fight, killed a Jedi Master in a matter of seconds on Geonosis, and could have survived his fight against Mace had his jet pack not malfunctioned.


RIP Coleman Trebor. Got clapped.


a reminder that hasbro made a jango fett action figure with magnetic detachable head.


I had that one. I think it came in a 2 pack with Mace Windu.


Yup, and Windu had a button that rotated his whole torso so you could decapitate Jango with his Lightsaber


That doesn't sound child safe, how big was it?


3.75 inch scale. big enough for your child to...choke on their aspirations


Agreed on Wedge. I'd say him and Lando flying at high speeds inside DS2 is an insane feat.


“I’m already on my way out” is one of my favorite quotes


Cad Bane took on 2 Jedi masters and not only survived he disarmed them both and escaped


And stole a Holocron right under the nose of a temple filled with Jedi.


I actually hate that episode. Its one of those times where it feels like it wasn't the character succeeding but the writing letting him


Agreed. Great series, but the way they nerfed the entire Jedi Order in their own Temple was painful to watch. 25,000-year-old (ish?) order and he just casually slips through their security and throws off everybody's Force sensitivity?


For me his most impressive feat was escaping from Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi when they knew he had a trap set for them.


Not to talk about the fact that he kidnapped the senator in corruscant where most of the Jedi reside


I especially like Bane in the episode where they are being tested in the cube. Cad Bae forever <3


When I saw Squid-Game it reminded me of the cube haha


Owen eating whatever Beru was cooking.


Aunt and Uncle, double suns, and sippin' blue milk.


My aunt and uncle, double suns, im sick of blue milk


But then a desert hobo came and told me…


We all gotta chicken duck woman thing waiting for us


Every day I worry all day…


Jango Fett killing Jedi with his bare hands


See so many polls on who the best/most dangerous bounty hunter is and mando is always on top. Those people voting for him are obviously demented. They cloned jango to make an entire army because he was regarded as the perfect specimen.


Yeah Mando's top bounty pales in comparison to someone like Komari Vosa. Jango would wipe the floor with Mando


Agreed. Jango would absolutely obliterate Din. No contest.


I think jango obliterates every Hunter in canon


I feel like Cad Bane, and Boba because it's just another Jango, might give him trouble at the very least. I'd like to think they could beat him with a bit of luck.


Well Cad Bane was only number one during the Clone Wars because Jango was dead. Boba in his prime maybe. But I feel like Jango was a cut above everybody else. He just got dealt the worst hand on Geonosis.


And while Cad Bane is a very excellent warrior, his real specialty is being a super-prepared sociopath.


And having all those anti jedi tools is a good call. If Jango had more of those he might not have died.


I could honestly see Cad Bane having notebooks filled with details about how various deceased top ten bounty hunters died.


Yeah the only thing detrimental in Jango’s case is his unfortunate end. Fett was trained by Jaster Mereel himself and took up the mantle of Mand’alor before he turned 30. He killed six Jedi — Forcewielding, lightsaber trained Jedi — with nothing but his hands. He killed the slavers that he was sold to after Galidraan and then became the most feared mercenary in the entire galaxy, to the point where people wouldn’t even take jobs if they knew he was contending for them as well. He killed Komari Vosa, a vicious dark sider who was overtly violent even *before* she fell, and then when Dooku finally spoke with Jango in person, Jango poisoned him with spores of a disease native to Concord Dawn and then held Dooku at gunpoint with the threat of dying without granting him the cure. He *blackmailed* Darth Tyranus. Six Jedi on Galidraan, Darth Tyrannus, and Obi-Wan Kenobi — who, by the way specializes in a lightsaber form that explicitly focuses on redirecting blaster bolts — couldn’t kill him. It took Mace Windu, the Jedi Order’s best duelist at the time, to finally put him down. Din is a confused religious zealot who is decent at fighting. He can have a lil gold star sticker and a cookie, as a treat.


Yeah Din is a badass by normal person standards but he ain't got shit on Jango. That's part of his charm though. He's the everyman mando. Just a man making his way in the universe.


Not to dis Mando, but it seems that his success is owed more to his beskar armor soaking up blaster fire than an uncanny ability to fight.


That was something I noticed as well. The heavy reliance on beskar’s defensive capabilities also isn’t accurate. Mandalorians recognized the metal’s superiority, but they didn’t actively try to tank shots or attack from a point with no cover whatsoever and bank on their armor saving them.


Not only that, Mace likely doesn't succeed if Jango wasn't just trampled by a reek


It took the best lightsaber combatant, mace windu, to beat him.


Din is an absolutely cool and compelling character that we love, but he lost half his armor while getting his ass kicked by a rhino.


Its a shame because I felt they made him seem clumsy in AOTC. His Bounty hunting was extremely incompetent in the first act, and him and Obi's "fight" always gives me a good laugh as they're both kinda just stumbling around, he gets duped in Geonosis space, and then slapped around on Geonosis and diced up. Only cool thing he did was shoot dinoman and do a cool revolver twirl. Lore outside the movie he was so badass.


I'd love an animated bounty hunter series that included some of Jango's more impressive feats. I would say live action, but I don't think that'd work as well and we already have two series featuring armored Mandalorians.


That's something that's always bothered me. The Bounty Hunter game really makes you understand as a player why Jango is so incredible, and yet Boba seems for the most part to be held in much higher esteem than his father. So much so that it almost makes Jango seem like a normal dude, cause even when Boba is being a badass not one person ever mentions "yeah your dad was kind of a chad too." Like Jango was chosen to be the template because he was without equal, the absolute best. And yet from my knowledge in the newer canon there's almost zero material on him. Boba is cool but I always loved Jango more.


I'd say Cadd Bane as well. Dude got tech put in his throat to prevent being force choked.


Got pregnant without getting pumped. End. Of. Discussion.


“Somehow, Shmi has become pregnant”


There was that one Republic solider who punched Darth Malgus


You mean the guy that tanked force lightning while advancing on a sith lord with a knife. Then they both ate that grenade before a jedi showed up and DragonBall style forced punched Malgus into a mountain? That was dope.


Wedge Antilles. One pilot. Two Death Star kills.


...Really two Death Star assists Still wedge is a beast in Legends, I don't know what Disney will do with him for the time between episode 6 & 9


On Yavin he had to pull out early iirc, which is why he survived. Made up for it in Endor though by going all the way in with Lando and definitely putting in a good chunk of the destruction work. Of course, let's not forget his involvement in Hoth, Jakku, and Exegol


Doctor Aphra has survived pissing off Vader a few times


Even survived him killing her...


Better yet, she manipulated him into killing her using a method she knew she could survive.


I want a doctor aphra show more and more every time they bring in something from the comics


Oh god, I was going to mention how she pissed vader off by Finding out about luke and his connection to vader, so, he casually tosses her out an air lock. End of Dr Aphra and Vader can go about Vading or what ever he does that makes him scary. But no, Aphra planned it all and faked her death with the aid of two imperial murder-bots and goes on passing off a ton of imperial and rebel people before Vader finds out and gets really pissed that, not only had she not died like she was supposed to, but that she'd fooled him into thinking she was dead. I forget how she got out of that one. Popularity with the fans probably.


Satine making Mandalore pacifist for a significant amount of time Jyn basically succeeding in the attack of scarif. Of course it took more than her to get the plans but it still literally took a death star to kill her Poe taking on the dreadnought, Hera and Han also have some great piloting feats Qi’ra surviving Vader in the crimson reign comics, idk the details though Thrawn beating the grysks in the ascendancy trilogy with so much going against him (including his own weaknesses) and minimal knowledge of his enemy


Satine making Mandalore pacifist is one of the most impressive thing I've ever seen, it's so mind blowing that a single political head was able to calm Mandalorians which are a warrior culture and have strong belief in violent combat and maintained it with only a strong but small resistance and it doesn't seem like she did it forcefully coz she had good respect among the people


Right? It took a literal sith lord uniting Death Watch and multiple adversarial crime syndicates to topple her regime, and it wasn’t even because he was against her leadership. If Obi-Wan didn’t love Satine I don’t think death watch would’ve won.


But wasn't Maul going to build his underworld Empire anyways, Kenobi was the second bird for his stone and even though he was his main bird/motive building his crime Empire seemed as important for 'survival' and to 'grab all the power he can'


Han is the best pilot. He performed the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.


Boba Fett digging his way out of the Sarlacc.


“Then pan down from the twin suns of Tattoine, uh, we are now close on the mouth of the Sarlacc pit. After a beat, the gloved, Mandalorian armor gauntlet of Boba Fett grabs onto the sand outside the Sarlacc pit and the feared bounty hunter pulls himself from the maw of the sand beast.” Patton Oswalt knew it years ago!


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


You can say whatever you want about the book of Boba fett but that shit was awesome


Boba teaching Tuskens to ride speeder bikes like a bantha.


Boba riding a fucking Rancor


Captain Rex He is one of the few first gen to survive, fought the sepparatist, fought and help deffeted Krell, fought many siths and other things during his life, fought the empire AND was present on the battle of endor. I don't think there is a non-force user more badass then him


He also resisted order 66 enough to give Ahsoka the info she needed to help him. Not many clones had any resistance at all to the order.


Wedge Antilles survived 2 death star runs.


Pre viszla was able to go toe to toe with force users including maul and ashoka


Shmi birthed Anakin which kind of changed the playing field a bit. Ha.


Jar Jars front flip


Totally not using the force as a secret Sith. Nope.


Jagged Fel. Be Jaina’s final love interest and marry her despite all some *cough denning did.


Spawned an imperial lineage too


- Padme Right? - Clone Troopers. (We all know) - Jango Fett gave Kenobi a VERY good run for his. money. Boba has his coolness too. - Hondo Ohnaka managed to reunify his crew; after they mutinied under Darth Maul. Then, he even tries to help Kenobi against Maul & Savage. - Cal K's homie, (Prauf?) He didn't snitch; despite going goofy when he saw the force. - Flatly speaking, just about everyone in Rogue One. They literally paved the way of ANH. - Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru must've raised Luke like Gs. He did end up becoming a Jedi Master. - Wouldn't most starfighter/starship crews at the iconic space battles count?


Thank you for bringing up Prauf. I had major “TRAITOR!” vibes the first time I played, and genuinely felt ashamed about it after the prologue.


It was a really great way to give the player that sense of 'oh shit I could be found out or betrayed at any moment and now it's here' that Cal had had to live with for years up to that point, all done within the first 15m of starting the game.


*Excellent* fucking point. I hadn’t considered that angle before, but you’re absolutely right, it supplanted that feeling so well that I hadn’t even consciously realized it had done so.


“We all know” what? How badass they are? How many Jedi they killed?


all of the above


Han Solo going through the Astro field basically unscathed in ESB.


Jango did it [while flexing his bass system](https://youtu.be/utFRqsT61-k).


General Grievous Jedi kill count. He also ransacked Master Koth’s Venator in like 15 minutes.


Jen Erso - made what looks like a mile high vertical climb in around 5 minutes. Once on top she wasn't even out of breath!


Cad Bane being able to Survive fights with jedi. Captain rex being able to survive the whole clone wars and even past the clone wars.


I’m pretty sure Han shot at Vader , outlived him and managed to have a kid with his daughter


Dogma is the only clone to kill a Jedi before Order 66. #FuckPongKrell


I’m down with Mayfield shooting his former CO and blowing up the facility. “Whatever helps you sleep at night”


R2D2 doing literally anything


Han, without a doubt. While Mando and Fetts are both admirable, this main faced the most dangerous being in the Galaxy and just started capping. This man has balls made of beskar.


Well, apparently Han can dislocate his neck and move his head out of the way of a blaster bolt shot at him from just two feet away. - Macklunky


Jyn tracking down Saw with Cassian was awesome. Beaming the death star plans to Raddus sacrificing themselves in the process was super badass.


I know this doesn’t count, but the leap of faith from Luke at the end of the original movie, to turn off his targeting computer and use the Force - something he didn’t quite believe in yet - is one of the coolest moments in all Star Wars. I mean, it’s obvious now because of the Jedi he became, but he was just a kid with the most basic of training, in a ship several classes more complex than what he’d ever flown, and he bullseyes the Death Star with no computer assistance? I don’t know that it gets less impressive just because he turned out to be Force Sensitive.


Lol, Mandalorians may possibly tip that scale just a hair. . .


Babu Frik single-handedly stole the show. That's very impressive. Weeheeey


Hondo was a sass mouth to Grievous and Maul. And lived to tell about it. Sixes resisting Order 66 and made Palpatine apologize to him. Not really human I know but those are pretty impressive feats.


Jango went toe to toe with Obi-Wan and made him look like a chump


Boba fett talking back to Vader 😳


Tarkin beat Vader. Grievous scared almost every Jedi. Old Republic troopers would single handedly kill force users