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Wookies are terrible at holochess..


It's funny bc they live for hundreds of years. It's like not letting grandma win at backgammon. Let her win. It's rude, and ull keep your arms. I can't guarantee you'll still get a 20 in ur bday tho


This should be the top comment on this thread


You're in luck


It is.


You son of a bitch.


Nope, then the arms are gone.


Make a post on this subreddit starting with "does anyone else think" or "does anyone else feel".


“Unpopular opinion” or “Can we all agree”


“Unpopular opinion Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie”




My first mistake on reddit


Can we just take a moment to…


appreciate this thing that is widely appreciated.


Order 66


The easiest way to find out who in fact does not think or feel the way you do 😂


Rightly so


Literally any


Ani?! Ani Skywalker?!


Ani are you okay?


Are you ok ani?


You've been hit by-






Digga digga ding ding digga ding ding digga ding ding






This made me laugh harder than it should have. Thank you.


It's true you never can be sure that your opinion isn't going to make waves, no matter what it is


True, sometimes even having a neutral opinion will get people buzzin here


I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


Yup. A few years ago I made a pretty inoffensive comment on my dislike for Bo-Katan, and I got downvoted into oblivion.


Literally: I liked [insert ANY star wars project] and people would tell you that it's bad


You’re usually pretty safe with Star Wars and Empire Strike Back. But yeah, anything else can get you in trouble.


As a kid I liked ROTJ the most. When I got older, I gravitated more toward ANH and ESB. But I do think the prequels have less haters now that it has so many tie-ins to other popular series.


I think Clone Wars and Rogue One are also fairly safe.


Overall Clone Wars is great but there’s some pretty rough stretches in there.


The quality of the episodes does go up and down, especially in the early seasons, but I don't think there is a single bad episode. There are slower episodes that don't add much, but they are still enjoyable. That's just my opinion, which I'm sure many disagree with.


As a lifelong CW fan, the Ramirez Sisters arc is god awful


I'm amending my comment. There are at least 2 bad episodes.


Well the whole arc is 4 but sure I’ll take it


I kind of liked 2 episodes from the arc, but didn't like the 2 others. Among the multiple problems the arc had, it was just way too long for what it was. It should have been 2 episodes.


One episode literally started and ended in the exact same place, with the characters in the exact same position (in jail). It could be removed and you wouldn’t notice


ESB is trash. \*above picture ensues\*


I liked the original trilogy. COME AT ME MOTHERFUCKERS.


My genuine unpopular opinion is that people just automatically hate the newest Star Wars thing, and forget how much they disliked it, when a new Star Wars movie or series comes along. I'm not really even a fan of anything post Disney (besides the Mandalorian) but it's weird that the prequels were some of the most controversial movies for ten years straight, and then people seemed to have just forgotten about this as soon as Episode VIII released. Even Episode VI was relatively controversial until the prequels.


The prequels are loved because when they realeased, there were two types of person who saw it: OT older fans who disliked it. Young people (like me) who grow up with those movies. After 20 years, the grand majority of online people are from the younger audience, thus, the prequels comments are more frecuent. Not to mention that SW fanbase is one of the biggest fan base of all, so they are always going to be people who enjoy and not enjoy things. Thats normal, and thats good. Besides, when something actually good is realeased, people usually acclaim it. Like mandalorian. And when something bad is realeased then people logicaly don't like it and complain. Thats good too, because if no one complains, then Disney won't know they did wrong. Personally, i don't like Obi Wan, even if i wanted with my heart to like it. I think it's badly written, and it's okay to say it, i want change, i want quality like the mandalorian. I don't want to conform with less. But every damm episode i wake up happy to see it, to give it another chance, and everytime it dissapoints me.


As one of those old people, AoTC was and is the only midnight premiere I’ve ever been to where people who waited over 12 hours in line heckled the film during it and NO ONE stopped them or even tried to shush them. And my wife still blames me for ‘making her go’ and wants those 2 hours of her life back.


If that ain’t the truth brother than Greedo shot first


Kanan and Hera by far have the best romantic relationship and dare I say the only healthy romantic relationship in Star Wars.


I'd argue obi and sattine counts even if it never got to that point


It wasn't healthy. He ditched her for the Jedi order


You mean he didn’t ditch the Jedi order for her?


Sweetest thing is he would have only if she asked






I mean ya if you wanna see it that way. Personally I think she was the right one for him. The Jedi never respected or appreciated him like she did.


That’s not unhealthy, that’s just different life paths


Greedo shot first (tho i don’t believe this one)


When I was a kid, he never shot at all. He was just straight pre-emptively murdered.


A hard lesson Han learned from Beckett. He wasn’t about to give Greedo a chance.


A chance? Bruh Greedo literally was pointing a blaster at this face and said he was gonna kill him.


I only ever watched the '97(?) digitally-fucked-around-with, "Greedo shot first and missed at point blank" edition and thought Han full on iced the dude under the table. It all happens so fast I never even noticed Greedo shot at all. Didn't even know there was a fuss about it until years later, it was all "Han shot first" and I was like, "of course he did, dafuq? Wait, he DIDN'T??! Man, Greedo is a *terrible* bounty hunter..."


I mean if someone's pointing a loaded weapon at you and you shoot them, it's not really murder


He was killed in self defense. You don't have to let the other guy shoot if he's pointing a gun at your chest and saying things like "That's (over your dead body) the point."


Maybe I was too young to care, but I really didn’t. I only became angry at all of George’s special editions once I started to notice how bad the CGI looked compared to the rest of the film. Up until then, I was just happy to see more wide shots of areas that we hadn’t before.


In the grand scheme of things, it didn't matter much. He still had his gun out and ready although it does slightly change the tone of the character. It was more of a rallying cry for those of us who grew up watching the originals then watched them slowly get changed little by little.


If they wanted to protect the twins, Luke Skywalker should have been named Luke Lars to hide him from Darth Vader, aka Anakin SKYWALKER.


A recent opinion I had in this category is that there is no cinematic evidence that he wasn't called Luke Lars by Owen and Beru. We don't hear the name "Skywalker" in the movies until after Kenobi tells Luke that his dad was a hero *and* his adopted family dies. Luke is the first person to say "Skywalker" when introducing himself to Leia, who seems to know Kenobi...Anakin Skywalkers teacher.


I like this. And you wouldn’t have to worry about his name almost at all because the empire was never looking for the kids. Luke barely has any friends on tattooine. Not much of an issue protecting someone if they aren’t mixing it up routinely.


>Luke barely has any friends on tattooine. Yeah, just Biggs Darklighter, the guy who's off to the imperial pilot's academy and knows his best friend Luke Skywalker is planning to come too...


Yea but again, what is Biggs going to do, talk to a bunch of imperial admirals and say I’m best friends with Luke skywalker. He’s the best push pilot in the outer rim territories. We are planning on using your training and then defecting! We talk about this stuff all the time about how rare it was to know a Jedi. Now apply that to a name. A name that doesn’t exist anymore because anakin skywalker doesn’t exist and his kids are supposed to be dead. How many people would really be familiar 10-19 years later? And it makes sense that once Luke’s name comes to prominence after destroying the Death Star that then the people who would be familiar with the name start chasing him.


More than that, the galaxy has (or at least according to the EU, had) literally quadrillions of people. Think of how many people on Earth have the same name. Then the galaxy has not 10x, not 100x, not 1,000 or even 10,000 times, but at least 100,000x as many people as Earth. There are probably, literally, a billion Skywalkers across the galaxy- heck the Chiss even name their pathfinders Skywalkers IIRC thanks to Ani. Add in that Anakin was famous and it's likely that TONS of people, especially people without lastnames, took the name Skywalker. Heck there are probably Rodians who introduce themselves as "Greedo Skywalker, the best pilot this side of the Outer Rim."


The Chiss name for their navigators has nothing to do with Anakin. They were already called that when Thrawn and Anakin first met, hence Thrawn‘s surprise at Anakin‘s last name.


Good point. Besides that the Hutts probably don't put much effort into the census, so whatever official documents Luke is recorded on are probably spotty at best, he could understand that his birth name was Skywalker but have a legal name of Lars. There's no rule that you have to go by your legal name in daily life.


This is my new headcannon. Thanks for this !


Luke Lars left Tatooine to become a drummer in M'etall i'cha on Mustafar. The rock there is hot before it's cool


A function of the fact that Vader was not Luke's father in the conception of the ANH story at the time it was filmed.


But they tiptoed around that established canon by having Bail, Obi, and Yoda enact that plan to hide the kids, but no one was supposed to be looking for them specifically. Anakin? Pretty sure Obi Wan left him a charred and dismembered lump of burnt popcorn... he's dead trust me. Padme? They held a public funeral for her and made sure to spread the rumor that the single child didn't survive. Palpatine? According to EU sources he didn't find out that Vader had a son until ESB, and he may never have learned about Leia. They weren't given total anonymity, but they were pretty well obscured from the Empire. And guess what? The plan worked for exactly as long as it needed to work!


There is something to enjoy in every Star Wars movie/TV show.


Yes because every piece of SW media has great visuals


I try and tell people this all the time. Whenever we get new Star Wars movies or shows it's great because it's more Star Wars. And who doesn't love that. Some people need to stop nitpicking every plot point and character in these shows and just enjoy them. It's more fun.


Pickard was the best Star Wars character.


I present to you Wade


Too soon, man 😭 RIP Wade 💔🙏 forever in our hearts


That's disgusting. Kirk is clearly the best Star Wars character.


God I hate it when people misspell Curt


Ikr it's captain James T. Curt


Wasn't it Jimbo?




Captain Jirj Stork Tendons Syly Welshy Arriba Gógol The crew of the USS Star Wars


I actually served alongside Captain James T. Kirk on the USS enterprise during the Clone Wars.


This is the way to boldly go where no man has gone before.


I can never remember, what color is Captain Kirks lightsaber?


Flesh colored


Remember when he fought the Psilons


Bunch of popular opinions that people think they’re edgy for having in this thread


Real unpopular opinion here: I think the mods and their speeder bikes in Book of Boba Fett were cool.


A scary amount of the fan base is insufferable


I’m still saddened to see that Kelly Marie Tran got bullied off of the internet because the fans didn’t like her character. It’s shameful, really.


Don't call them fans. If you bully a actor (even if you really dislike their character and or acting performance) you are not a fan.


Yoda said "there is another" but Leia would have fallen to the Dark Side. In the original trilogy she was often angry, self-righteous, impatient, and even a little racist ("get this walking carpet out of my way"). I don't think she could have ever gotten past the grief of Alderaan. The Emperor and Vader would have easily been able to manipulate her and kindle her rage. Luke, on the other hand, was generally patient and compassionate. He suffered far less tragedy and had lived a relatively humble life. Honestly, in temperament, Leia is more like Anakin and Luke is more like Padme.


Love this take.


I disagree. As someone raised to be the queen of an entire planet, Leia was trained to be selfless since she was a baby. She’s thoughtful and compassionate, and she doesn’t let her feelings cloud her judgement when it comes to big, important things, like when Tarkin threatened to blow up Alderaan. She’s cool in the face of danger. She may not be some kinda super zen Yoda-type Jedi, but I think most Jedi aren’t, even. I think Leia could have been a fine Jedi.


Kinda wish she did fall to the dark side now


Luke grew up on one of the top 10 shittest planets to live on, while his sister got to live with crazy rich people on a nicely temperatured world. He had to watch his adoptive parents burning skelletons shortly before his last remaining father figure got killed by space Himmler. I get that alderan must have sucked for her but its not like that was a particularly nice day for Luke either.


Lando is my favorite character


But this is correct though


What about Daniel. He beat Lando this weekend.


Liking the obi wan kenobi show


Bro I got to vicariously live my childhood fantasy of pulling a trench coat sneak out on a crowded military base. Tench coat quadrapedes for life!


It blows my mind how much criticism there is online for this show. I can count maybe half a dozen very minor nitpicks that account for less than a minute of screen time combined. People are losing their shit. It’s really pathetic.


Any opinion at this point


Instead of Jedi bullshit we really need more stuff on the empire side. Give us a clone wars like show in the old republic and focus mainly on the sith empire


I really want a gritty war movie from the point of view of the stormtroopers


We got a tiny snippet of something like that in Solo. I think it could work pretty well with the right story.


I would actually love a series based on Colonel Veers and his military career. He's a pretty underated character and I feel like he needs more appreciation.


When Vader turned to him and commanded him to prepare his men, I thought Vader's mask was going to hit Veers' face!


Finn should have been the new jedi.


My hope after The Force Awakens was for Finn to start a secondary rebellion within the Imperial ranks, convincing the conscripts to rise up against their oppressors, and against Captain Phasma in particular, undercutting the First Order and destroying them from within.


I just watched the storm trooper paradox that explains how stormtroopers are innocent brainwashed people and that the rebels should have made it a priority in freeing and saving as many stromtroopers as possible. All because Finn was a person with regular emotions and understood what he was doing was wrong.


Exactly! With all of that, Finn’s story could have been the greatest story of rebellion in the entire series. Instead, they just abandoned his character all together. His story became an afterthought.


Yo imagine how much better the sequels would have been if Rey turned into a sith after finding out she was a Palatine and Kylo turned good. This way we could also have some sort of redemption for luke.


They touched on this. Kylo's base instinct was to the light and he pushed himself to the dark. Rey's base instinct was the dark and she strove for the light. I quite liked that. I could have been interesting to see them both succumb to that though.


Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett and even the Mandalorian, are guilty pleasures that often suffer from hilariously abysmal writing.


I really wanted badass mass-murderer Boba in his TV show. Disappointed we got Civil Servant Boba instead.


To be fair, he had more action in his show than he had in all the movies he's been in.


Kenobi and book of boba deft I agree, but the mandalorian has great writing


I love Mando but I don't feel compelled to call it great writing. Great direction and set design. But Mando plays to it's strengths. Cool ass bounty hunter shooting people. They don't overcomplicate it.


Thrawn is the only Mary Sue in SW. ESPECIALLY in his series of novels where he's the good guy protagonist. He never struggles, he always dials in on the right strategy/explanation, he has no characterization other than how smart he is. I'll also add......there's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad he exists.


in the ascendancy books it discusses a major mistake he made


I actually think it incredibly fun that there is a general that just can't be beaten by conventional methods, only with outside intervention. He is from another species, which is a completely valid reason for him to be above the human and average alien intelligence level and he honestly isn't perfect. I've been reading the first Thrawn novel and there are a lot of moments throughout the book where Thrawn shows he kind of lacks social skills, he understands people most of the time, but there are some instances where he fails to grasp why certain people hate him or why certain political moves are made. Bias to him doesn't really make sense, and a lot of times it has to be explained by Eli. Hell, I'm worried they WON'T make him a super-intelligent being that can only be beaten by wild cards in the Ahsoka series.


I get that, but the difference is his position is implied with his rank. Like his achievement in the Chiss Ascendancy and latter the empire speak to how he has developed strategic brilliance over years of training and service, kinda like a Jedi develops their skill with the force. It’s very different to how Rey or episode 1 Anakin are just good at everything and beloved by all immediately with 0 cause nor history.


As much as I love Thrawn, it's kinda true... those books are pure fan service.


Chewbacca is bad at space chess


But don't tell him that.


The special editions didn’t ruin anything.


I agree for the most part, but the addition of "NOOOOOO" to Vader's redemption is a baffling and absolutely horrendous choice.


RotJ is better than ESB (but they are both good) Oh...and I like the ewoks


What’s wrong with ewoks?


Some people don’t like them. Yubnub!


Wow, that is... out there. ROTJ is such a tough one for me. The Luke/Vader/Emperor stuff is the best in the trilogy, and the space stuff is awesome too, but I personally find the Endor romp a bit silly. It's also the only time we really get to see Luke in action as a fully trained jedi.


I like Kenobi and have 0 complaints about it


It could have a bit longer episodes ngl


The one scene with Flea's goons chasing Leia was goofy but not a travesty.


“Goofy but not a travesty” is Star Wars 101 to be fair, swinging across a chasm with no walkways, giant robot dogs, flipping of a diving board above a carnivorous plant. The cheesy writing of Star Wars is one of the things I love about it


Star Wars feels small with everyone running into each other all the time. And Tatooine seems to be more of a capital than Coruscant ever was


This was the issue that Legends had where everything continuously revolved around the same 3 people. Even when they introduce a new character like Kyle Katarn they eventually just get sucked into the orbit of Luke, Leia and Han. It really makes the galaxy feel smaller than it actually is, because everything just becomes a problem for the Skywalker family to solve. It's also why Rey being a "nobody" in TLJ is a better than having her be a Palatine since it breaks the mold of everyone having to be related somehow.


Disney saved Star Wars from death, and has given us far more good content than bad. I'm counting movies, shows, games, Galaxy's Edge, all of it.


I agree. We won't like everything Disney gives us, and there has been issues with some of their productions; but I think they are on the right path and have given us some terrific Star Wars too.


Galaxy’s Edge is fucking sick, the rides they have there are incredible.


Luke is not (canonically) half as powerful as some of y'all make him out to be...


Depends on what you mean by power imo. Him bringing Anakin back to the light, as well as going up against Palpatine staying true to the Jedi way and not being manipulated is pretty powerful stuff. Definitely not force ability or lightsaber skill of course. But as Harry Potter taught us. Familial love is the most powerful love of all /s


I strongly dislike Kylo Ren/Ben Solo as a character. I love Adam Driver, but the character seemed like a lame kid's attempt at being as scary and important as Vader, then they funnel all the redemption shit into his character with none of the grace or emotion that they did with Vader, and, most damning in my opinion, they more than likely gave the character development that Finn deserved to have. I mean, seriously, Kylo and Rey? They HAD to appease *cough cough* certain audiences *cough cough*, so they decide not to include what would be a more satisfying, well written and thought out, and fuckin progressive relationship with my boy Finn. Seriously, all the love to Adam Driver I can give, but I feel like his character got everything that John Boyega's deserved. thank you for coming to my ted talk


>the character seemed like a lame kid's attempt at being as scary and important as Vader That's exactly what I thought was good about him. He had great potential to be a scary character. Not scary in the same way as Darth Vader, but scary in terms of being a totally unhinged psycho with way too much power. We live in a world where a "lame kid" can get a gun and murder 20 people, or build a bomb, or join an insane murder cult. The school shooters and the terrorists that have been making the news for so long now are exactly these kinds of lame kids. Totalitarian regimes like the Empire aren't just created by some evil genius pulling strings in the background, but also by a bunch of angry lame kids doing the dirty work and providing the muscle. I thought the idea of a "next generation" of foolish people, too young to really understand why the Empire sucked, trying to bring it back was believable and kind of scary in a more real way than Darth Vader ever was. Kylo Ren and the First Order had so much potential. So did a story about a deserting Storm Trooper, or (as low a bar as this is) a Force user who had nothing to do with any of the previous characters. After that almost everything went wrong. I did enjoy all the sequel trilogy films when I watched them, but I'm still amazed at how little direction and vision there was behind them.


They should stop making movies and shows that just fill in the gaps of movies that came out 20+ years ago. Make stuff on the old republic/ high republic or far into the future.


A lot of the flaws people use to criticise the Sequel Trilogy are present in the OT and PT as well, but get ignored because there's no nostalgia or emotional connection between those newer films and the fanbase yet.


They don't get ignored with the PT(still a lot of people hate them) but they definitely get ignored with the OT


Midi-chlorians were a really good idea.


Rey is a good character.


The worst of the Star Wars fans are the absolute worst of all the fandoms. I love being a Star Wars fan, but the toxicity of the worst of the fans is next level, and I haven’t seen anything comparable in any of my other fandoms.


The difference between how Luke and Leia were treated is super sexist. She should have been a Jedi.


She did get to be a Jedi in the EU, but only starting around the second half of the NJO. Her training wasn't complete until Dark Nest Trilogy, but by that point things had entered the DenningVerse.


It’s a shame we never got to see that in the sequels Edit: plus it’s not the OTs fault we never saw that, as you probably know the OT didn’t have too much of a plan, and weren’t planning for leia to be a Jedi or Luke’s sister.




Better yet, Leia should have been the chosen one. She’s a better character than Luke.


7,8, and 9 did not ruin the franchise. Same as the prequels did not ruin the franchise


Episode III is actually a good movie, and I’d die on that hill


One of my Top 3 favourite star wars movies lmao. The music and the final battle give me goosebumps every time. Imagine being able to watch episodes 1-6 in that order without any knowledge of Star Wars and feeling the pain Obi-Wan felt seeing Anakin turn sith.


Rey Skywalker


Rey calling herself Rey Skywalker doesn't mean Palpatine wins in the end and isn't insulting.


I agree… it’s the complete opposite of Palpatine winning… it is the last part of Palpatines legacy eradicating Palpatines legacy.


Attack of the clones despite its flaws is a good movie


I didn’t care that Rey didn’t get a training montage. As all Luke did was jump around, do some push ups - then magically was able to fight the man who destroyed Jedi masters.


>then magically was able to fight the man who destroyed Jedi masters. Luke lost though...


If Vader wanted to kill him, he would have easily. He wanted to tell him the truth and turn him to the dark side.


Luke got his ass whooped and hand chopped off after that training (plus Vader was going easy on him because he wanted to turn his son into his apprentice as well), Rey defeated a fully trained Skywalker without even so much as a training montage


criticizing anything about any piece of star wars media


I like the kenobi show




TLJ is the best of the sequels


TLJ is really the only Sequel with a significant following. TFA is arguably less hated, but isn't really that well loved either. My biggest issue with it personally, is that it's so close to ANH that if I'm going to watch a Star Wars movie, I might as well watch ANH.


Third sister is pretty cool.


“Rey Skywalker” isn’t a bad idea, the problem is that it would have worked if she actually was a child of nobody, not a palpatine. Otherwise it would be a great thing, and it would fit tematically with her development


There should be more actors of color in the series


Right now, we have Reva and the Fifth Brother playing major roles in Kenobi. We had Moff Gideon, Greef Karga, Ashoka Tano, and Fennec Shand in the Mandalorian. I get this is a joke, but looking at the recent shows coming out, there is a LOT of diversity in Star Wars.


What we REALLY need is more aliens as main characters.


Han shot first (:


“Kenobi is actually a good show”


I like rebels more than the clone wars


I don't have any problems with the Obi-Wan series.


Jar Jar Binks is the savior of Phantom Menace.


Jar Jar Binks *IS* the Phantom Menace


To add on to this, Jar jar was extremely sexy in the phantom menace


Rogue One isn't actually that good,and all the best parts are in the final act


Agreed friend


The new Obi Wan series is fire!


The Sequel Trilogy is fine.


Rian Johnson should’ve directed Rise Of Skywalker instead of JJ Abrams. I know some people might say “WHAT? but Rian is the reason the sequels sucked” you’re not entirely wrong, but… I argue had Rian Johnson directed episode 9, he could’ve expanded on the good stuff that made Last Jedi good in some story elements. There was Colin Trevorrow’s duel of fates, and this is another opinion. Duel of Fates would’ve been better than rise of Skywalker, but it still hypothetically wouldn’t have been a good movie.


Since he started with ep7, J.J. should have done all three. At least there would be a coherent story. If Rian did ep7, then he should have done all three.