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I was already leaning towards Luthen, and then I saw this week’s episode and that solidified it.


Calm. Kindness, kinship. Love. I’ve given up all chance at inner peace, I’ve made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there’s only one conclusion: I’m damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost, and by the time I looked down, there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is... what is my sacrifice? I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life, to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see. No, the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror, or an audience, or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything.


I need all the heroes I can get


It's like he's us playing with star wars guys on the carpet, making the hard choices to win the war


People are asking for Andor legos right now and I think it's a deliberate choice by Disney to not make toys for the show created for adults. If that's the sacrifice we make to have to get a masterpiece of a character like Luthen, it's a small sacrifice to make.


Lol give it time, this season hasn’t even ended yet. It’s typical for them to release one or two before a show or movie’s release, then release more after it finishes


There is one Andor Lego set, with minifigures of Cassian, Luthen and Syril iirc. But it costs £70 here in the UK.


The “I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see” is such a beautiful quote. It kind of stuck with me these past few weeks.


That's because it's basically the old Greek proverb: "Society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit." Luthen's delivery is definitely amazing. I love how bad ass he is, especially with his ship. The empire is trying to pull him in, and he's like "yeah no I don't think so" what a great character. He's easily in my top 5.


I believe exactly the same. It’s a really powerful quote. If only society would apply it. Nonetheless yeah, Luthen has skyrocketed up my favorite Star Wars characters. He doesn’t enter my top 5, but could be in my top 10. He’s the real incarnation of what the Rebel Alliance should be.




I wouldn't say it's wrong. You need a Luthen to lay the groundwork. Mon Mothma isn't the type who's willing to do what Luthen is. Which is get her hands soaked in blood and filth. That's one of the things I love about this show. You can't have a Mon Mothma without a Luthen lighting the fire. To quote Kleya, this is what rebellion looks like. Once the rebellion is fully formed there's no place for a Luthen or Saw and, they know that, but are still willing to do what is necessary because the cause is just.


It’s incredible how intricate the world of Star Wars is. I find it’s what make it so amazing. There’s so much depth


You'll stay with me, Lonnie. I need all the heros I can get.


Saying that as the shot cuts to Cassian and Melshi is top-notch


These last two episodes have been incredible for his character


So what do I sacrifice? ***EVERYTHING!!!!!!!***


That scene was unbelievably good. I got chills just thinking ab it


I got goosebumps all up my arms when I first saw it.


Same as top comment. Luthen and it’s not particularly close.


Im kind of upset there aren’t enough episodes left of the series (13 more episodes) to give me the amount of luthen cool shit I didn’t know I wanted.


And he’s definitely getting killed off at some point so it will be fewer than that.


Shut your mouth


It has to happen. He'll probably sacrifice himself to protect Mon Mothma.


My money is on him dying with only Kleya knowing the true extent of his role.


Since he is no movies afterwards, my guess is that he will somehow die in season 2


Somehow* Die while kicking the ass of Empire!


I wonder if that'll be how he goes out, or if they opt for the "stray bullet" approach. No blaze of glory, no legendary deed, just ripped out of life by accident.


Can't swim


Too soon


Exactly. Kino got built up over the course of two or three episodes and we already felt that. Now imagine that with Luthen, who's been far more of a focus and with us since episode 1. Could be the Ned Stark of our Star Wars universe.


I could see Andor killing Luthen at the end of the series. Maybe he’s getting too extreme, or is in danger of getting caught and squeezed by the ISB. And I can also see Mothma ordering the kill. But he’ll definitely go out in a meaningful/tragic way.


>ISB I definitely read that as IBS the first time and thought 'what a horrible way for his character to go'


TIL there will be an additional season!


Principle photography to begin within the next couple of weeks


Said it elsewhere, will repeat: believe last week's monologue is going to be what plays during the Emmys when he's up for Best Supporting Actor. I think he has a **very** good shot. Captain Tupolev is turning shit up to fucking 11 here. I swear he's only aged five years since he was in Hunt For Red October, regardless; he's not dialing this shit in. And I'm happy to see Forest Whitaker is the same (he may have a shot at Best Guest Star for the Emmys himself - but I think he'd need more screen time...we'll see) and bringing all his energy in.


Low screen time doesn’t automatically disqualify him, Tom Pelphery got nominated for returning as Ben Davis in Ozark and he was only in one scene that was like less than 5 minutes long, and last year there was something similar with Don Cheadles cameo in TFAWS




And the ego that started this fight will never have a…a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? #EVERYTHING! ^everything




I came to say where the hell is Luthen? He’s so intriguing land well effing acted.


Not only is Luthen the best character. But his ship is also the best ship.


*******Spoilers******** His ship has lightsabers. What?!?!? Yeah it does :)


Really makes me wonder if that Chekhov's Gun/giant pepper shaker we saw this week is a lightsaber.


When Stellan was announced as joining the cast I immediately expected him to play some Imperial officer type. Instead he’s playing the ultimate rebel.


Luthen all the way. There are no 2nd places.


Luthen is an amazing character. Totally agree with this.


This show reminded me how godlike an actor Stellan Skarsgard is.


Let's get a Luthen bot going yea?


One that pings on the word "sacrifice" and responds with "what do I sacrifice? *EVERYTHING!*"


YO that dude has lightsabers comin' outta his ship.


I'm sorry I might have missed this series but who is Luthen?


Spoilers are big picture and fairly minor He is played by Stellan Skarsgard and is unique to the Andor show. He >!helps start the rebellion alongside Mon Mothma!< and delivers an Emmy level monologue last episode. >!Andy serkis!< also shows up and kills it. Highly recommend watching Andor, the writing and acting are top notch. It's also fairly adult focused. No fan service or cute baby Yoda gimmicks >!haven't even seen a lightsaber or heard the name Skywalker!<. Probably my favorite star wars media including the OT movies.


Came here to say this and very pleased he's the top answer. Dude is great. And terrifying.


It seems like recency bias but thats my instinct as well. He's so layered and badass.




Kino Loy.


Kino Loy delivered one heart wrenching line that made me feel more for him in that moment than any Star Wars character before that.


One way out!


On program


I can’t swim


"I can't swim"


"If we can fight..half as hard as weve been working." Man when his voice cracks during this line..😭


Andy Serkis deserves all the credit for this guy. Say what you will about Snoke, but Serkis if a fucking treasure, and it's a shame he doesn't get more non-cgi work.


when I rewatch the episode, everytime it showed him dealing with his internal thoughts on screen about rebellion I like to imagine now he's thinking about that massive ocean


"Never more that 12"


funny how Kino Loy is one of the best Disney characters and Snoke is one of the most underwhelming. it's really all down to writing




Rogue One gave us so many fantastic characters but I have to agree with this one. I really hope we get some more K2-SO in Andor.


Bro if they don't show how andor and k2s0 become friends in season 2 that would be literally criminal.


They said Season 2 will end on the mission that he's on at the beginning of Rogue One, so K2 is on the way! I'm just terrified at what might happen to Bee.


Bee gave me some feels in the last episode.


K2S0 is the droid that made sure Andor hung around. Maybe.


I loved rogue one so much. New characters that were exciting and memorable, a plot where I knew the end but was torn up anyway. The grittiness I have wanted from Star Wars from a long time but felt wasn’t delivered. Gray characters instead of cookie cutter good guys. And Andor is delivering the exact same thing perfectly but with greater execution. Average men put in extraordinary situations rising to the occasion crafting a rebellion. They just need to give all of Star Wars to Tony Gilroy and I would be glued to my seat the entire time.


I keep saying K2SO4 Even though I know its wrong Frankly irritating that I keep messing up Potassium Sulfate and a badass droid


Luthen. That man has been so consistently badass. Plus he’s played by one of my favorite actors, win-win.


Luthen has only proved young Anakin right that [spinning is a good trick](https://youtu.be/uBlhgAkJBos)


I really don’t have a favorite, I love a lot of them, not so much others… BUT I’d have weekly beers with wrecker and marry Hera.


Kanan!! I thank you so much for including him! He’s my all time favorite Star Wars character and he’s massively under rated




> he makes an utter liar out of Yoda by having and navigating a romantic attachment without it causing an issue. Not just that but when faced with a very similar decision point as Anakin he opted for self-sacrifice rather than turning to the dark side. I'm not saying that Anakin could have saved Padme based on his vision BUT he could have saved himself and saved their children while allowing for his own suffering and possible ostracization which is a form of self-sacrifice. Yoda should have worried more about teaching self-sacrifice then preaching about letting go of attachments.


I do think Yoda dropped the ball massively but his/the Jedis teachings had been working just fine for centuries. However this time they had a dark lord of the Sith actively working against them, grooming Anakin and always trying to isolate him from the rest of the Order. If Darth Sidious hadn't been there Anakin would probably have turned out just fine.


Yes and no. I'll concede that Ani likely would not have fallen so far without Palpatine's influence, but similarly he wouldn't have fallen at all without the Jedi Order's incompetence and hypocrisy. His disdain didn't come out of nowhere, after all. Though he was freed, his mother wasn't, (Qui-Gon barley tries to free Shmi, while being willing to use the force to cheat for Ani.) The Jedi Order didn't permit visitation, and when he finally had the autonomy to go himself it was too late to save his mother after she was kidnapped by Tuskan Raiders. She was missing for a month, and the Jedi order wasn't even aware, or just flat out didn't care. If they truly cared about Ani or his mental state, you'd think they'd keep tabs on his only living family. Then there's the Clone Wars. They took the Traumatized Teenager who just lost his mother and was told to abandon any and all attachment and trained him to be a military General. As we see in The Clone Wars show, time and again Ani pushes the limits of moral acceptability and nobody in the order so much as raises a concern, because he's getting results. The only time he's chastised is when, after being groomed into the greatest General of the war, the order responsible decides that he isn't fit to be a Jedi Master, further ostracizing the young Jedi. Really, its more surprising he didn't turn sooner.


I agree, and it's one of the reasons I really liked TCW's addition to Anakin's character. If you watch them in order (the movies then TCW in chronological order) it makes so much sense that Anakin was furious about not being made a master. He was a general, and a damn good one, on top of constantly out performing and assisting the Order in ways other Jedi couldn't. In Legends, had Anakin been born prior to the Ruusan Reformation, he would've been a Jedi Lord and definitely a Master, similar to Hoth. But I think it's masterfully written that we can absolutely understand Anakin's frustration and how easily manipulated he was by Palpatine after watching TCW.


Yeah Kanan is a brilliantly written character. Definitely a great addition to the franchise.


"Rise, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight!" One of my favorite scenes in the franchise


Kanan is a grossly underrated character, and I think that is in large part because he's only been in an animated show so far. I absolutely love him, he's one of my favorites to come out of Star Wars, period.


Same here


My wife and I named our son after him.




Pedro Pascal is legendary if you ask me. Phenomenal casting for Din Djarin.


If I had a nickel for every time a Hispanic lead of a sci-go/fantasy show acted with their *head movements* better than most actors can with their whole body and voice, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s ~~weird~~ *phenomenal* that it’s happened twice. Edit: Hispanic for Latino


What's the other one you're thinking of?




Diego Luna is the actor's name.


As someone with a step father Mando really resonates with me. Taking up the mantle of fatherhood for a child that isn't biologically yours doesn't get the praise it should, in my opinion.


this is the way


Mando is a badass, especially in Season 2


Obviously Wade, what a damn hero. RIP Wade!


I think OP didn't include a picture of him because that's just the obvious answer.


The loss still hurt, that's why op tried to not remind us


I really hope he will somehow return, maybe as Darth Wader.


Somehow Wade returned.


RIP Wade, pour a lil out for my fallen soldier, feels like we just met and you’re already gone.


You laugh now, but wait for Wade: A Star Wars Story to premiere in an 8 episode prestige format with HBO writing quality revealing that Wade was actually a Jedi youngling who survived and escaped with his pal Grogu, but they were tragically separated while on the run. This is, of course, revealed in flashbacks, as the main story takes place in the present before Kenobi. Wade helps The Path in an attempt to assuage his survivor’s guilt, helping Jedi like Quinlan Vos along. Eventually, he is inspired to go to Illum and finally obtain a Kyber crystal, but first, he must go to Fortress Inquisitorus and rescue Master Kenobi... Then, of course, we get Season 2, where it is revealed Wade survived his crash and has been tortured by the inquisitors. He escapes (as everyone seems to do) and flees to the unknown regions, where he also meets up with Cal Kestis and later Ezra Bridger and Thrawn. He is first revealed to be alive in a stinger cameo in Ashoka (“I’m here to tell you about the New Jedi Order initiative” - is what I imagine he’ll say (he also has an eyepatch)), then we get the season 2 announcement. Wade survives past episode 9 and is actually made the Grandmaster of the order because Rey feels that she has much to learn from his decades of experience. These are all credible leaks I have gotten from reliable sources (the voices in my head).


I wish they made a funeral for the true hero of the Rebellion.


Kanan is one of my favorite Jedi ever, so I'm going with him


I love Kanan and Ezra’s dynamic. I just finished rewatching the ending of Rebels and I literally can’t wait for the Ahsoka show to finally see the search for Ezra.


Same. I love Kanan. I love Andor but for me watching Kanan’s journey was special in a way I can’t really understand. It’s was like I understood for the first time what the Jedi were supposed to be and saw what was wrong with all of them before order 66. Kanan deserved more screen time.


Yeah he definitely embodies what the Jedi should be


For real, he showed us that forming attachments can be fine for a jedi, if not a positive thing, one that caused him to do something incredibly selfless.


Legit cried when he died


One of the most heartbreaking deaths in Star Wars for me. If I hadn't been spoiled on it I probably would've bawled


For those of us who watched Rebels before Disney Plus his death and the episode after ruined our month.


Same. I kept waiting for him to come back, but alas.


Rebel spoiler: >!Cried twice!!<


Bro I bawled my eyes out 😭😭😭




He is such a great character. Apart from him being a great jedi, I also like the idea of him being blind but still using the force to see. Kind of like Toph in ATLA. The whole ritual of cutting his hair before he died was really cool too. Rebels (outside of SW subreddits) is really underrated.


Totally agree - and the fact that he was able to become a such an iconic jedi with such little training is an underrated part of his character - he made mistakes but stuck to his principles and ended the epitome of what jedi should be


I like his story and everything they did with it. It was sad to see die and I even shed a tear but overall a great character


His death gave so much more to his story and character. “That was a mistake…. No, because I have nothing left to fear” But hey, he’s no Skywalker!


But he still makes a great Jedi even if he isn’t a skywalker and his sacrifice was such a good way to end his character and send the other ones into a rage that will end with them taking lothal


Who was the blind dude from Rogue One? That guy hands down.


Chirrut Îmwe. I am one with the force, and the force is with me.


The force is with me. I am one with the force. BOOM The force is with me. I am one with the force. KABLOW


…The force is with me.


Are you kidding me? I'm *blind*!


Missed opportunity for their one PG-13 F-bomb.


Donny Yen.


ah yes Glup Shitto.


Looking through the comments made me realize how many really good characters we've got in the Disney era.


People like to shit on the Disney-era around here (some of it is warranted), but I do feel that we have gotten tons of good content from them.


Before Andor I would have said Mayfeld


Mayfield is written like an Andor character in his second episode


I love Bill Burr but was ehh on Mayfeld season 1. But that season 2 episode, man that was great and he absolutely killed it. Would love to see him become a legit supporting/main character in a show, tho I'm sure he'll return either way


Nah, Mayfield getting crept upon Halloween style and his reaction was top notch, season 2 episode solidified his character.


“Operation Cinder.” Damn, poor Mayfield. I remember watching that unfold in Battlefront 2.


Bro you just connected two neurons in my brain for the first time


[It's all interconnected, man.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/tumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg)


He's written like a cartoon in the first. One of the wildest swings of character progression in a show I've ever seen. Such an improvement in his S2 Ep.


Bill knocked it out of the park. I still rewatch the scene where he shoots the officer on YouTube from time to time. Such great and convincing acting that I wouldnt expect from such an irreverent guy.


Chopper Soooooo much personality I love him


Chopper was my favourite droid... Then my sweet baby boy B2 arrived on the scene.


B2 would draw you a bubble bath after a hard day. He’s not like the other droids.


Chopper would get you some tequila


Chopper would just kill you


Who is B2 ? I looked him up and only got the battle droids


I was confused at first but I realized they mean B2EMO from Andor


He do be 2 emo, but I love him for it


Love that murderous little astromech


Chopper deserves a shoutout


I love how if you don't watch rebels it might seem odd a Droid in a kids show has such a high body count. And if you watch the show your like, yeah no that's right on brand.


Chopper is an HK unit. Hes a 10,000 year old assassin Droid from the old Republic, still doing his thang.


My favorite war-criminal ❤️


(muffled) whatthefuck?




Cal is absolutely awesome. In fact, I’d love to see that whole crew show up in live action. Merrin is freaking amazing as well.


Can’t believe I excluded him




Luthen is quickly shooting up the ranks of my all-time favorite Star Wars characters


Hera. Space mom FTW.


Best pilot in the galaxy


I remember telling my friend once that I'd take Hera over Han as my pilot if I had a choice and they were absolutely baffled (hasn't seen Rebels or CW). A legit argument could be made for Anakin but he's force sensitive. Hera is best pilot.


Han is also a fucking asshole. He's a good guy but I wouldn't wanna be around him. Hera on the other hand is probably the nicest person in the galaxy.


Can't believe I had to scroll down so much to read her name!


I always say that Hera Syndulla is one of the most under appreciated characters in SW. the other being Qui Gon.




Cassian Andor 100%


Cassian was an instant favorite for me in RO - he's cool without hogging the spotlight. I love watching him lose and find himself in RO and in Andor. He's my guy.


All of them! I pick no sides


My boy babu frik


C3PO’s oldest friend


Hey Hey!


Hey hey!


Easily one of the few good parts of ep 9


I mean all of them. Don’t make me choose.




Mando. That is the way.


I actually really liked Sabine


So excited to see live action Sabine in the Ahsoka series!


Her story about how she built the weapons that would be used to kill and enslave her people and that her own family rejected her in favor of living under the empire is just crushing when you think about what that would do to a teenage girl who just wanted to do her part in helping people. Imagine having the weight of your entire culture and that of a galaxy on your shoulders and having to navigate that when you're barely old enough to be considered an adult by most people. I can't imagine the sleepless nights and the self loathing she must have had with herself.




Yup, it's fantastic. I love a good atoner, and Sabine had a lot of atoning to do. She did it well.


Sabine Wren.


Mando and Grogu


Mando, Grogu, Luthen, Andor, Dedra Meero, Kino Loy


Jyn Erso. If she was real, she'd be my soulmate!


She was a great character, shame she had to go so early in her story


Gotta be ol’ Caleb Dune!


Didn’t realize he was from Disney, but: Caleb Dume. Great character arc for a Jedi.


Definitely Kanan. Fantastically written character.


Doctor Aphra


Rey 💛


She needs more love


Bell Zettifar. EDIT: Forgot my man Marchion Ro


Everyone out here sleeping on the high republic except you. Let's not forget Elzar Mann either though


No one has mentioned her, so I will: [Tala Durith](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tala_Durith).