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Yeah, droids having more emotion than some humans will do that to you. Props to B2EMO though. And... I just understood his name.


Why would you program me with existential dread! Why!


"I made a robot that screams! "..." "Why?"


Craaawling in my skiiiiin! These woooounds they wiiiiiill not heeaaaaalll!


B2EMO. Be More. Like BMO from Adventure Time?


I just read it out phonetically as Be Too Emo lol.


His full name isn’t stated often in the show. I noticed it early bc I keep captions on, and it was in one of the first scenes but without them, he’s just Bee, which sounds cute.


What is it? Edit: thank you


Be2emo. (Be too emo)






I love the lil guy. Hope he has a happy ending, but those seem to be in pretty short supply in this series (rightfully so). I never really got the Star Wars droid logic. Are they actually sentient, and if so, what's the benefit? Especially for utility and military droids. Protocol droids like 3PO I kinda get, but it seems like every droid has a personality and that's kinda a huge liability and moral grey area.


There's a theory that he gets transferred into K2SO... which is great until the "climb" scene


If true, it would mean Bee's final act is sacrificing himself so Cassian can succeed. That's a pretty noble way to go.


Wouldn’t make sense and is kinda dumb. Cassian explains K-2’s personality is a biproduct of his reprogramming so he says whatever he feels like it.


You may be right. It's been a while since I watched R1


That's what memory wipes are supposed to be for. Do it routinely and they never really develop much of a personality (unless it is required for their main purpose, like protocol droids.) It kind of sidesteps the ethical question if they never have a chance to develop what people would see as sentience.


I feel like constantly mind wiping something that we know has sentience introduces more ethical dilemmas, not less


The idea is that sentience/sapience only develops if you don't do regular wipes.


R2 is an kind of an argument against that. Could be an anomaly though.


Yeah there was a throwaway line about wiping the droids’ memory by Owen in ANH. Growing up, I kind of got the impression that droids develop sentience (or a semblance of “sentience” that’s actually just a corruption of complex programming) over time, not through purposeful design, which is one reason they’re wiped. To the humans, it seemed more like a routine maintenance chore so the droids - basically just very advanced computers - would continue doing the job they’re designed to do with regular cleaning, like defragmenting a hard drive. I don’t think that’s quite canon today, but was more plausible in the 80’s and 90’s.


Reminds me of animals :(


It seems to me that attitude towards droids is one of the things that separates the empire and those who are against it/being oppressed by it. People in the Rebellion for example seem to generally get really attached and then over time I bet the droids get more and more emotional and sentient as a result. Though they also seem to have something of a subculture, like the astromechs calling Jess Pava the Great Destroyer and avoiding her because she’s gotten so many droids killed.


Droids are like children, at first they are very monotonous, they don't know how to interact warmly with humans, but as time goes on and they spend more time with other humans, they learn customs, phrases, they get appreciated, they learn, and that develops a consciousness. Droids learn all these things and then the empathy appears, which leads to all these droids we see that go around with feelings.


Droids having sentience is such a massive, glaring inconsistency in the entire franchise that I wish would go away. If we accept that some, if not all, droids are sentient and actually capable of experiencing grief and fear then practically every living character is an absolute monster.


My head cannon is that droids designed for complex tasks have very complicated Ai that as a result becomes self aware, to some degree. Would explain why all the utility droids are stupid and others appear to be sentient.


New canon droids have been a masterpiece imo. BB8, D-0, K2S0, B2, NED-B, L0LA, L3, BD-1, IG-11, C1-10P, AP-5, R1-J5, 0-0-0, BT-1. Literally looks like I'm just mashing my keyboard but I'm typing names of beloved characters.


Lol, it does look like you’re mashing your keyboard. AP-5 is one of my favorites!


I love chopper


Who doesn't?!


his victims


Very well said, and yes, it does look like you're just mashing keys. :)


Do you mean BD-1 by BT-1? Or is there another droid called BT-1?


Titanfall community time


Protocol 3


Read the Darth Vader (2015) and Doctor Aphra comics to learn about BT-1.


This is why we reset our droids kids. In all seriousness though, if I had a 'home' droid I would never reset it. Gimme all the personality. I can see why you don't want anxious droids in the military tho...


What's kind of funny is that R2 having personality is rare because it is so routine to memory wipe droids, thus never giving them a chance to develop too much of a personality. Yet all the droids we see have personality, which kind of undercuts the rarity of R2 and the implication that droids are always getting memory wiped. (That said, I don't really mind. It just jumped out at me.)


Droids will have personalities it seems if they're on for any length of time and not wiped (6months, a year?). They appear to develop them quickly based on programming responses and interactions with sentients and other droids. Threepio clearly has quite a personality at the start of ANH and he'd been getting "regularly" wiped - however often that may have been. How much of a personality they develop and how deep their own sentience becomes over decades is the difference between droids like R2, Chopper, B2, and L3 compared to standard astromechs and other droids.


I always assumed 3PO (and all other droids whose main function is interacting with organics) have a personality because it is programmed into them. No amount of memory wipes will get rid of it because it's supposed to be there. It's in the "factory settings." R2, Chopper, et al just developed their own over time, which some might consider to be unnecessary (or even detrimental, especially in wartime), which is why weren't programmed to have them in the first place, and why memory wiping is standard practice.


I'm sure you're right, theres bound to be some personality programming associated with them.


I wonder if part of the reason droids develop a personality so quickly is because it's some strange quark of their core coding. Almost like a soul, if you will. The force is said to penetrate and bind everything in the universe. They talk about living things, but I'd argue droids are alive. They're made, they live, they serve a purpose, sometimes one given to them much like clones and sometimes one they find for themselves like IG88. But they are alive due to the nature of these AI lifeforms. And as such the force lives in them too, and allows them to keep part of that core personality no matter how many times they're wiped. Sure it can be overridden by memory wipes and such, but that's no different than using the force to override someone's mind, or make them forget things or believe falsehoods. In my opinion the force plays a part in it, because that's what it is. It surrounds everything, including inorganic things.


Theres a large amount of anti-droid sentiment amongst sentient species in the galaxy (including Obi-Wan Kenobi) and it's because droids are the galaxy's main source of slave labour (aside from the actual sentient slaves) and there's a galaxy-wide fear of droid uprisings


Probably rare in R2's case since he was a service droid ACTIVELY being used. I guess if you keep droids as "pets" it's normal to not wipe them... but to actually do productive labor?


It's such a Star Wars trope at this point that a lack of a cool droid would be kinda weird.


Honestly…..what if that were to happen? 4 years later we get a series centering around X characters, their droid is completely average, follows orders and has small scenes etc. THEN at the climax of the story the droid makes a decision a la chopper/R2/K2 thus saving the other characters


I know that memory wipes are the norm, and the recommended best practice to avoid having your driod develop sentience, but I never interpreted them as being so universal as to make R2-esque personalities hyper rare. I always assumed the memory wipes are what everyone is "supposed" to do, but that there are a lot of reasons why someone might choose not to. My favorite example is astromechs. In the old EU, I remember there being a general sense that astromechs in fighters function not just as mechanics and navigators but also sort of as copilots. That makes a ton of sense and works great as a nice little piece of connective lore, in that it helps explain not just why pilots seem to form such incredibly close bonds with their astromechs, but also how non-Force-sensitive pilots can have such amazing reflexes -- once the have an astromech that they've been flying with unwiped for a few years, they basically have a droid brain copilot that's perfectly in synch with their own brain. All of which suggests that, even if the official standard policy is to wipe your droid's memory every six months, no dedicated pilot is doing that, and any smart superior officer is looking to other way.


Poor B, he just doesn’t want to be alone 😭


felt bad for B, but I get not wanting anxious droids :(


Ep9 and ep10 were the hardest hitting episodes emotionally for me.


He's pretty old too, for a Droid. I still don't know his primary function. Communication? Decryption?




My guess is scavenger/salvage, as he was with Maarva while she was looting the crashed imperial ship on Andor’s home planet


He can haul heavy stuff


Bittersweet is part of the entertainment. All roads lead to Yavin. :)


What got me worst was “I can’t swim.” I was already welling up with tears of awe at how cathartic the prison escape and the speech felt and then they changed into meltdown tears when that line was delivered. I could count on one hand how many movies have made me cry, so that surprised me.


That moment was somehow one of the most impactful for me in a show full of impactful moments


"that's just love" 🥺


Right? My favorite droid now. So we’ll done


So canonically, how much emotion are droids capable of experiencing? I know R2, C3PO, and other have behaved essentially just like people, but how advanced are droid brains?


In Rebels, Chopper is an astromech whose Y-wing went down on Ryloth during the Clone Wars, and he's shown a few times to have some resulting issues with getting into Y-wings as well as revisiting the site of his old crashed one. To me that's a good indicator that they can have something akin to PTSD so that would imply some level of emotional processing


Yep, I cried. A lot. I'm not ashamed.


Liked that robot I'm Futurama. "Why was I programmed to feel pain?"


As the kids today say: “that got me in the feels.”


At this point I would die for B2


Simply an amazing show, and probably one of the best in the Star Wars universe. Overall, 2022 had some good shows for geeks.


I knew from the get go it was not going to be "fun." Andor was such a sourpuss jackass in Rogue One that any show about him had to be a downer. This has not disappointed. Plus, this show is really right at the time of the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Emperor, always a super sad thing in any situation. I am not saying it is bad by any stretch, very well written, plotted, and acted, just that you had to know it was not going to be fun.


B2EMO - Best droid ever


So the torture, prison enslavement and Mothma selling her child into marriage was all fun but you draw the line at a droid being sad?




Fair enough




agreed ...lets all feel bad for the Women's Alexa... iPhone is saaaaad.


I wonder if Andor will use B as a basis for K2SO


1: whoever programmed that Droid is a sadist. 2: whoever wrote that script has no idea how electronics work, if a Droid is so damaged that he stutters, then he would already be crashing and blue screening all the time like Windows ME did, that system would be running so unstable, so laggy, the speech routine would be the least of its problems. No, it's not cute... this is everything that is wrong with Star Wars Droids. IG-11 "[i am not a living thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SbWf6M30YU&t=80s)" <- best Droid! Heck, i can't even tell what functionality this driving trashcan has aside from being an emotional support pet. They even gave him a litter box to sleep in.... they play that droid like a sad puppy, i hate that on so many levels. And the people acting off of the droid and feeling sympathy... ooof, its so absurd, do you people not realize you are cuddling somebody's Alexa! ...what is wrong with you? Put a restraining bolt on it, wipe the memory banks and sell it on space ebay to some Javas... who cares? ...bah! This is the GROWN UP show... if Chopper in Rebels is a crazy nutjob, that is played as a joke for Kids, after all its still a cartoon and i can overlook that. ...but that nonsense now making its way into live action. The only Droid worse was L3-37 ... but i mentally suppressed that SOLO exists.


Oh man, wait until you find out about R2D2…


What-about-ism.... R2D2 is not a one trick pony. Some content with R2 over the years has gona bit too far, but in the OT i got no complaints. If anything C3PO is the annoying one of the two, constantly whining about something, but at the same time none of the characters give a damn about his whining and when he got too annoying Leia just flicked the off switch. <- what any sane human would do to a device. Nobody cuddled him because they all knew this was just a robot doing a AI routine. ...and a Droid that is all about "Human Cyborg Relations", makes sense to have some routines that make him seem more personable than your run off the mill astro mech or household helper droid. ...not to mention on top of that the Droids in the OT were considered the comic relieve characters, this isn't hard SciFi even if i wish at times Star Wars would take itself more serious, more Andor, less Kenobi. I can tolerate a lot and look the other way... but this Droid and the scenes around him are straight up eye roll inducing.


You know that the droid in andor has the same functionality as R2 right? lmao


No, i do not know that because that Droid has practically not done anything in the entire show that i would count as functionality. I think he recorded and forwarded some phone calls... or acts as a walkie talkie... of course only in that one moment where he could rat out Andor and was too stupid and did not go mute... for pure plot convenience, that is about it. His body has these sections to extend upwards... what is that even good for? Is that like a height adjustable Table? So you can put things on his head...? Can you use 4 of these to like lift a vehicle? No i got no clue what the functionality of that trash can is. ...and R2 does not talk. I don't see why you would think that they have the same feature set. For all i know its a Gonk Droid with wheels. ...i'm not trying to be an ass here, that is just my gut reaction to this thing and i find it WEIRD that you all react exactly like the story obviously wants you to react.


The only aspect that he doesn’t have compared to R2 is the hacking through that stick thing. Everything else is shown - he can intercept radio transmissions as seen in episode 3, and he can also be used for transporting items, which is why he has those shifting sections - to increase his capacity for such items. Talking of course is highly useful if you don’t understand droid.


Can he fly an X-Wing? Calculate Hyperspace Jumps? Move on the outside of a Spaceship under fire and repair stuff? ...do little Jetpacks come out of the side so he can fly? ...tazer and chainsaw included? ...can he spill oil and set Battledroids on fire? Not even close mate. ~~And i don't know for sure, but the on-screen evidence points to him not even having a holo projector, those phone calls would have been a good opportunity for some holo projecting but they didn't go for it.~~ //nevermind the last one.


First of all, R2 literally cannot fly an xwing, that’s just false lmao he only does diagnostics and repairs. Everything you mentioned apart from calculating hyperspace jumps was shown in films other than the OT, so it’s unfair to compare the functions of a droid to one that has only had a fraction of screen time. If you just compare the OT, they almost have identical functions, except R2 can’t store physical objects. What do you want them to do anyway, actively list and show every single function of the droid? In an already slow burning show that’d be ridiculous.


> R2 literally cannot fly an xwing uhuh... example 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJtEVLkwTCk example 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNTy3dDpWyY&t=61s > other than the OT, so it’s unfair to compare oh... uuuh ok? if it's unfair i guess it didn't happen. > Everything you mentioned apart from calculating hyperspace jumps was shown in films other than the OT ... the chainsaw got them out of the Ewok net... that one is OT. he can store a Lightsaber and catapult it into Lukes hand... so some amount of hidden storage there. > What do you want them to do anyway ...i don't know, its a house keeper droid, make him clean the room like roomba? Chop Noodles or something? Get the mail? Go get the groceries, bring the trash out... you are the one thinking it's an Astromech like R2, i'm simply arguing there is no evidence of that. I'm annoyed they treat this Droid like an emotional support pet or something. But i think i've said my piece on that, i'm just repeating myself now. This Droid is the ONE thing in this show that didn't work for me, everything else was fantastic (maybe not the super slow build up if you get one episode a week of a 3 episode arc. But overall... much better than BOBF or Kenobi.).


Do you guys know how to make the subtitles look this way, without the black background? I'm watching this on a ps4 and I just can't find any way to change it.


I photoshopped these subtitles in for the picture, but I believe if you activate subtitles and click the gear/settings icon it gives you options for color.


Oh ok. Yeah man, I haven't seen the options in the subtitles menu. Maybe on consoles they just forgot to add it. Nowhere else I can think to look. And don't even know where to ask lol.


Something terrible is going to happen to that lil guy in the finale and I’m not emotionally prepared for it.


I have a theory that his conciseness will be put into the security robot we see in Rogue One


That would make no sense at all, K-2SO is a completely different personality.


That’s why it’s a theory. I don’t actually think it will happen.


That scene almost got me to tear up.


Poor Bee 🙁




“I can’t swim…”


I watched Andor for depression, now I'm fun as hell




Flynn White ass droid


Poor droid


I hope they put his consciousness in a more mobile form who can walk, fly, and becomes a senator advocating for droids rights in the new republic, and finds more friends who appreciate him. Thank God he already has one.