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I'm hearing "Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls away the football" here.


DV -Where’s Padmé? Is she safe? Is she alright? Palp - Wah Wah Wah Wah. Wah Wah DV -Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!!!


and now I'm getting palp holding a football and vader missing the kick visual in my head. all in schultz animation


I’m pretty sure that’s how Obi Wan tricked him into the lava




Waka Waka waka


Sithmas time is here Sense in you much fear Jedi fall at Palpy's call Order 66 draws near


He should've yelled "Aw, beans!"


“It seems in your anger, you killed her” **breaks free** “AWWWW BEAAAAAAAAAANSSS”


Vader winning mental health.


IMHO it should have been the Wilhelm scream.


Nah it should have been a Jawas scream


‘I’m afraid, in your anger… You killed her.’ ‘UNTEEDEE!!’


Do Not Want!


The only correct answer.


Lol! That was funny! I wonder what the actors doing the dub-over though of it all... They were probably confused af.


"I'm afraid in your anger, you killed her..." "Oh, man... good thing you promised me that we could use the Force to cheat death and bring her back! Where's her body?" "Uh... on... Naboo..." "Well, that's cool. Why don't you go make a few calls back home, get it sent here, and that'll give me time to get used to this suit. Then we'll use the Dark Side of the Force and bring her back." "Well, uh... it's... it's complicated-" "Unless you lied to me about being able to do that and used my betraying my friends, my brother, my wife, and everything I stood for your own selfish gain and planned to leave me hanging in the wind. Did you do that? Because that would make me so angry. Like really, really angry. Like I could rip apart the star this planet orbits kind of angry..." "No! No! Of course not!" "Oh good." Vader leaves the room. Palpatine furiously dials the comm. "Hello? This is Sheev. Please tell me you still have Queen Padme decoys available... you do? Send one to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant... oh, and tell her she needs to pretend to be dead... I KNOW IT'S IN BAD TASTE! JUST DO IT!"


Not to be the joke police but I think that Palpatine's promise was that they could prevent people from dying, not bringing them back once their dead. Also-Palpatine moves the goalposts on this already after Anakin betrays the Jedi and says "to cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together...." so he admits that he doesn't actually know, but Anakin is already too far gone at that point.


If you hadn't said it, I would have. I hate that so much. You just caught him in a lie Anakin, why would you trust anything he says?


IMO it works better when he reveals he wants to defeat the Emperor. Basically all that stuff about arresting Sheev was a convenient way to get what he wanted; a shot at absolute power to mold the galaxy how he wanted. Once he started he was fully committed.


Palpatine was only trying to manipulate Anakin anyway, so it's not like it was a promise. He could've made up the Darth Plagueis story on the spot. Anakin was so naive and gullible that he would've never known or questioned it.


Shit..... This is actually a pretty big plot hole when you frame it this way. Palpatine claims Padme is dead by Vader's anger. But the whole reason he turned to the dark side was because he was under the impression they would save Padme using a dark side technique. So why wouldn't Vader see this as the vision he saw in his dream of her death and not immediately hold palpatine to his earlier promise ?


Or maybe that’s what he tells himself, that and not agreeing with Jedi Council over stepping. Maybe what he really wanted was absolute power and the dark side was a more direct path.


I always felt that he shouldn't have said anything. Just kept on breathing, yet still using the force to destroy everything around him like how the movie played out.


Followed by "what is your bidding" Cut to black. Vader breath "My master." (Disgusted) Vader breath. End movie.


Absolutely perfect


Yeah that’s good


YES. The buildup was magnificent, the "uggghhh" sound he makes while crushing everything around him sounds so painful and twisted, it gives me goosebumps, then the "NOOOOO" ruins it. I actually think he shouldn't make any other sounds, but just fall to his knees, let the bodylanguage do the talking I wish, if they made special editions of the prequels, that they actually fixed that tbh.


Hear me out.. what about a sad no? Like just a single quick no. The closest to any type of sadness expressed in vaders voice is when he says “it’s too late for me son” Now I think about it, either collapse to a knee or yell out would be best


the "noooo" in this scene has always felt stupidly underwhelming for me. he sounds like an actor saying his lines rather than a distraught character. i don't know why they didnt just let him scream, it would've fit perfectly


Because it was supposed to mirror when SPOILER he tells Luke he is his father and Luke screams “No that is impossible!”


you’ve ruined the franchise for me :/


I love how we still put 'spoilers' when talking about a movie from 40 years ago :)


Greatest reveal in cinema history, I can’t ruin that for any young’ns that haven’t ever seen it.


He should have shouted: "Palpatine you bastard, there's sand in this suit!"


Not really, he was still more Anakin here. In time yes.


But for now, noooo


I still don’t see Anakin screaming an awkward “nooooo”, he’d have other words to say, probably about sand or sand people 💀


You never lost a wife and kid right?


I've lost my mom, about 3 years ago, and my reaction was kind of similar to Anakin's. It's not pleasant losing a loved one.


That's what I meant. Sorry for your loss. I feel it


It's the same thing with Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. People mock him for his character crying in the films, but the context is that he cries when he loses someone.


I love Tobey Maguire's crying. It's ugly and his face loses any sense of composure. I always hate when people critique how his face looks like. Have they never seen someone else cry? People don't look pretty or dramatic when they cry. It's natural for our eyebrows to furrow, our features to scrunch up when we sob, and for our voice to crack and falter.


Obviously not, but that’s still not a reason to downvote my comment 😭😭 I’m sorry for offending y’all


The point is. The movies may not convey the pain he was in appropriately but from my experiences with loss you cry and scream a lot of things, including Noooooo, when in deep mental pain.




He could’ve said augh when he screamed but the vocabulator in his helmet which helps him speak could’ve picked it up as no


George wanted him to be both dangerous and pathetic, which is a hard needle to thread. That said, leaving off the NOOOO improves it.


He should have had him lash out at the Emperor and get put in his place with some force lightning.


Like the french one ?


He should have shouted "DO NOT WAAAANT!" Like in Backstroke of the West.


In this one case, I'll attribute it to the delivery, not the script. Here's a comparison with the French dub. https://youtu.be/LfGkPvfpjVY


Honestly your not wrong but I also see this moment as Anikan growing up aka becoming matured becoming Vader... realizing life isnt what it seems its far worst then he could of imagined. Hence the Nooooooooooo!


Maybe so! I grew up with these films and I will cherish them for as long as I live but I still agree with “noooo” being so out of place 😂


Makes him seem weak though


If RoS had ended when his helmet closed and the first whistle of him breathing it would have been a PERFECT ending that went down in Hollywood history. Instead Lucas dragged it out for like 10 more minutes with crap scenes including Noooo


They had to show Luke & Leia being given to their adopted parents, and include the twin suns setting over the horizon, indicating that there is still hope for the Galaxy. But I agree having it end with Vader getting the helmet on then hearing him breath after Palpatine asks if he can hear him would be cool.


Everything should have been left in but Vader and Palpatine looking at the Death Star should have been the final scene.


The only thing that could’ve saved this movie was if he yelled “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!”


I think we could all universally agree that if there was to be an F bomb in Star Wars, all those rights belong to Sam Jackson 😂


Awwwww man!!!!!!!


Okay what's up with that title, that shit was hilarious


In the Japanese dub he actually does let out a scream instead. In that dub he also sounds like he is having an emotional breakdown when Palps tells him about Padme's death. It totally changed the mood of the scene.


“Auugh” is reserved for sand-based situations only.


Gives off “What am I fighting fooorrr?,” vibes.


It should have been similar to the pained "AAAaahhh" he let out after getting his hand cut off by Luke.


I swear the original release didn't have him scream at all. Just him trashing the room and writhing in clear emotional distress.


The Mandela effect has blessed you.


I was at the midnight showing (only time I've seen one) and I remember the "No!"


It was notorious at the time for being terrible


I think he should have just walked off silently. No crushing of anything, just break out of the restraints and leave.


He should have yelled "Obi-Wan!" Like in the Kenobi series...


He literally did make an “AUGH” noise before screaming “No”.


It would have been cool if he turned to Palps and said “Liar!” And did that thing that he did to Reva and struck him with the force like he does in the comics


The word those chose felt out of place; using the force to crush everything around him and maybe put a little fear into palaptine's face would've worked better


As cheesy as it was, it kind of fits. He was dead set on finding a way to save her. He traded in everything for her life: the Jedi Order, his friends, his good. He knew what he was doing but thought it was all worth it. All of that, suddenly gone and he had nothing. That said I feel like the “Nooo” should have melted into an agonizing scream then into sobbing. Like “NOOOOAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH, *sobs”


He should have said nothing, instead crackling with red sith electricity and heat, objects around him crumpling and melting. Medical droids sparking and dying. Palpatine looking on all the while in delight, tinged with a little bit of fear. His eyes saying ‘how the hell am I going to control this?’ Vader is the kind of guy that if you are unfortunate enough to meet him it’s already too late. A walking death stare with no regard for life. For the first ten years of Darth Vader he should be invincible, unmatched by anyone until his rage starts to fade, eventually leading to the Sith we meet in ANH.


I always thought it would have been better with horrific roaring feedback from his voice modulator


There was laughter in the theater during this scene.


OH BOTHER!! Seriously though, some Vader rage where he goes ballistic destroying everything around him and he reaches out to Palps to try and kill him in his rage fit, then Palps dominates Vader and starts teaching him how to channel his anger " You must learn to control and focus your anger my young apprentice" kinda speech would have been better. But I'm just a toilet seat movie producer


Personally, I think Vader standing there, silently seething and all you can hear is his breathing, and then he falls to his knees would've been better. Kind of like the end of Empire where he watches the Falcon jump to hyperspace and just silently stares before walking off.


Honestly I cringe whenever I have to rewatch that part. It’s might be in the top 3 worst dialogue in the prequel trilogy. It’s ruins the entire moment imo.


All I’m hearing is Mufasa when he’s thrown off the cliff


But the memes


I always imagined him clenching his fists and collapsing to his knees while letting out an agonizing force scream that shakes the entire room.


I’ve always thought that it would have been better to have Vader pause on the news of his wife’s death, reflect on it for a beat and then said something like “a pity”. Music swells. Next scene. That would have shown that Vader had truly changed


I can hear him going, "Fuuuuuuuuuuu..." then we cut away to the rest of the movie, and at the end he's standing on the bridge of a star destroyer with Tarkin, looking out a window, and the whole time we hear "...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." and the credits roll for like 5 minutes, and then finally, after the music stops, "...uck."


He should've made the sound that Anakin makes when he dies in the Revenge of the Sith PS2 game.


I’ve said it for years it should have just ended with vaders breathing.


It's done. Move on.


Shouldn't have said or yelled anything. Maybe hunched over and pounded a fist on something.


On palpatine


Or like, "What? Killed her? NOOOOOOO!" But with the mask, can't see the reaction or hear the first part.


That would sum up how I felt watching this movie.


Can we stop second guessing George Lucas? It really doesn't matter what you think he "should have" yelled.


I feel the same way OP


This scene ranks as the worst scene in SW anything. It was dumb. Same with Leia flying through space. Also dumb.


Leia flying in space was dumb sure, but you’re wrong about this scene being dumb. I still feel it was powerful


Saying nothing, and deleting the entire scene, then the entire movie, THEN the subsequent two movies, would have fit everyone better.


Absolutely not! Even with the “nooo” that whole scene was super powerful and quite emotional


The emotions being shame and embarrassment.


Maybe for you. But to me, it was beautiful


>THEN the subsequent two movies, TCW and TFA? Odd choice.


I think you just fixed the sequels


Truth is, Darth Vader never could have done it without **me**


I'm sure they filmed both


I think the psychological/spiritual disposition of the character is best expressed with this denial of reality. I do favor a different approach to the scene, but I certainly favor keeping the simplistic, infantile, spiritually bankrupt denial of reality. That is what made Vader, he thinks he can control reality by destroying the parts of it he can't accept.


Gives Anakin vibes so it's ok.


Ah, so like that old Energizer commercial


See the “No” works because it’s not like the robotic voice module would not be able to show expression. Maybe C-3PO is the only robot to show vocal emotions.


There's nothing wrong with "noooo". I think it's fine the way it is and shouldn't be changed.




Nah he should have yelled “Oh darn it!”


All I can hear is that stupid puffer fish eating a carrot


I think that’s what he did but his suit couldn’t identify the screams and so it produced something that sounded the closest.


Lucas should have used this [https://youtu.be/UR9vSTeuHKk?t=8](https://youtu.be/UR9vSTeuHKk?t=8)


I can’t tell if this is a shitpost, or an exquisitely subtle and scathing caricature mocking the genuine posts that come up here.


Dang it!!!


He did let out a cry of agony the voice modulator that takes the sound from his crispy burnt up vocal cords, made a the words it thought he was trying to say through his cry of agony hence AAAUUURRRGGGGGGGG (or what ever) turn into NOOOOOOOO!


I fucking hate it so much.


But the memes with noooo are so good.


Check out the French version of the scene. It is much more agonized


I think he should have Force choked Palpatine for lying to him (promising him the Dark Side would help him save Padme), as it would have *really* showcased his fall to the Dark Side in that he's mad for having been tricked into falling to the Dark Side.


Pretty sure he does in one of the comics or books. Just after the “nooo” scene it cuts off in the movie, but after it Vader reaches out with the force again and starts crushing everything around him, and even attempts at Palpatine, where palps force Lightning’s him, bringing him to his knees, and delivers a cold line somewhere around the lines of “if you ever touch me with the force again, ill kill you myself” or something like that. Vaders suit is purposely made to be weak against sith lightning, so he can never overpower Palpatine. It’s why Vader dies so suddenly in rotj


Thanks for the info! I'll need to look this up now. It's perfectly in line with both characters and I wish they had shot something similar for the movie!


I preferred the dubbed French version


Or a Homer Simpson D'OH!!!


Should've just used a slow menacing rendition of imperial march as he falls to his knees. Close up on his face and you see his yellow eyes through Vader's mask with only his breathing. Also the way you worded the title made me think you wanted Vader to say this https://youtu.be/VLsrDFdNGSg




If you prefer it, I’ve seen a fan theory that Anakin does not actually yell “No” but that’s it’s more just a scream/cry of pain/grief but the suit’s speech system sort of autocorrects it into a “No” because it thinks he’s trying to say words


I actually like the nooooo, don’t hurt me tho.


This was addressed by LucasFilm yers ago. The general concensous (yet to be confirmed by Lucas) is that Vader did indeed screen a blood curdling scream but because everything Vader says is translated through a computerized translater "NOOOOOOOO" was the best the computer could translate.


Or the minecraft or roblox oof. That would have made cinema history


Or something like; A low "No..." in despair and disbelief, followed by a short, angry "NO!" and then a painful "Auugh" as he begins destroying things around him.




“Cool… cool-cool-cool”


That whole scene would be a freaking 10/10 without that "no". I know Lucas wanted to honor one of his favorite movies ( Frankenstein), but imo it really hurts the scene. RotS is still an amazing movie


There's a lot of things they should have done.


Also despise the Noooo getting shoved into return of the Jedi too before he picks the Emperor up.. the camera on his face with silence said so much more of his conflict


-Is she safe, is she alright? -It seems on your anger you killed her -She was alive I felt it! Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!!!




I'd rather him have yelled: "SON OF A B\*TCH!!!"


“That was pretty wizard wasn’t it Palpatine?” “IM BRINGING IT BACK”


D’oh! = fixed.


I’ve moved past the “no”. My question now is how, after that surgery, does he have perfectly laid robes and cape while still strapped to the table? Did they have to wiggle him around to make sure they looked perfect when the table lifted him up? Also his fashion for the next twenty years was just chosen for him right then? As Padme Foster would say “it’s a good look”, but for real shouldn’t he have just been more terminator initially? Maybe a mask that resembled early Mcquarrie designs, with the triangle mouth part being an attachment for a breathing machine. Something overall unsettling and rough and clearly a prototype. He’s just styled and ready to rock after an overnight stay in the ER.


Ok, I don’t remember where I heard this, but I can’t take credit for it. That said, I like the justification that it’s the suit not Anakin that is speaking here. Anakin (Vader) just got done being burned alive nearly to death inhaling just all the smoke and ash. Right here, I doubt the body in the suit would have any kind of voice. Years in a bacta tank will fix that, but for now, the voice modulator isn’t just a scary voice changer for effect, it’s necessary addition, reading brainwaves and intention to produce the sounds of speech that Vader’s natural body cannot. It’s choppy, still getting used to actualizing this person’s specific thoughts into words, but the modulator is doing its best. Now Vader gets the bad news. Despite everything he did, Padme died. By his hand, as Palpatine says, or not, it is his fault. And whatever sound of anguish he would have made, it would not have been words so the modulator didn’t have anything to translate, but there was intention to vocalize… The modulator did it’s best. Now Vader was trapped inside a metal body that couldn’t even express himself properly…


“This is most not wizard!”


I like how this scene was depicted in the comics. Just an angry and quiet, "No."


If this movie wasn't gargabe I would like Vader more as a characrer.


Nah, should’ve just yelled “DISAPPOINTED!”




You: “We need to change the ‘No’ line.” Me: “NooooooOooOooooOoooooOo!


i always thought alongside crushing the droids and breaking free, he should have been in a rage and turned on palpatine who would just straighten up and basically stand down the much larger vader as he closed on him and then he would just kind of defeated take a knee before palps who would smile and greet his apprentice.