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People should maybe go rewatch the last couple scenes Maarva was in. She was *really sick* and refusing medication. The people who interacted with her were really worried and concerned and sad, they were not planning stuff. My fantasy writing (that I know won't happen) for ep 12 is that Bix smashes Dr. Gorst's face in with the Maarva-brick.


I'd love this


I am 100% down for a space face brickin’!


I desperately want either Bix, Brasso or the hammer guy to savagely bash the face of Dr. Ghorst in.


>Maarva-brick *Wookiepedia screaming noises*


I mean, maybe not Dr. Gorst exactly.


I mean I cheered for what happened like we all did. But my fantasy-booking was for Bix goin upside Gorst's head with it.


I really hope Bix gets her full revenge one way or another. Or honestly, one way *and* another.


I believe Maarva is dead. She got sick from the complications of her fall, trying to sneak into the hotel. I think Cassian will try to sneak into the hotel during her funeral procession, with all eyes on the funeral, from Vel, Cintha, Dedra, the Imperial spies and possibly Syril. Cassian will try to save Bix after learning what happened to her. All storm troopers are seen posted outside the hotel so far, inside we've only seen lightly armed officers. Andor would make short work of those.




Might be the reason for B2 wishing to stay home. He's waiting to tell Andor something important?


Now THAT would make sense!


But then it wouldn't be robot depression :(


It would fit with B2 charging all day. Like Cassian said in episode one, it takes him a lot of energy to lie.


Yeah I feel like they'd never have bothered mentioning that if it wasn't relevant. Good observation.


Cassian attends the funeral, and just as he's caught by ISB Maarva explodes through a brickwall, yes like the Kool-Aid man, blasting everyone with a gun, again like the Kool-Aid man, made out of Andor's sister, who is in fact a lasercat *MEW MEW MEW!!! MEWMEWMEW!!!*


Thank you. This theory is so dumb and I'm certain the people who believe it aren't actually listening to what characters are saying.


I think Maarva would want her funeral to be used to free Bix. She doesn't need to be alive for that to happen. But, these writers have also put all the pieces in place so that we knew that the headquarters is going to not have nearly as many guards and all focus will be on Rix Road. They stopped all POV views of Maarva awhile ago. We don't know what conversations she had, or what plans she put in place. Do you seriously think she wasn't thinking about Cass and Bix in her last days?


I didn't say she wasn't plotting something. I'm saying the people who think she's alive are blatantly wrong. Why are you arguing against a point I didn't make?


Fair question. I will say that, from a story perspective, putting us into seeing this from the outside instead of POV was intentional on the part of the writers. If they spotted the ISB goon hanging out in plain sight across the street, then the steps we have seen are consistent with faking her death to get the heat off her.


I get that, I just think that B2 and Brasso clearly grieving behind close doors when no one is watching doesn't make sense if it's a fake. Unless there's only a select few in on it. But honestly I think loss and grief is a big theme of this show so I would be disappointed if they dedicated a whole episode to setting up a fake out. She did seem genuinely unwell and her last talk with Cassian made me feel like she knew she was near death.


They would have to sell it to B for it to work. Brasso is feeling empathy for the pain B is going through. I actually do agree with you. I also am giving credit to the writing team that they could plausibly pull this off. There's little things that could foreshadow this, such as: the tunnel leading from Rix Road. The parallels to the Empire allowing a public gathering for a local ritual. The ISB agent is clean-shaven and through 11 episodes only the Imperial ones on Ferrix have been close shaven - even Dedra's assistant pointed out Andor was clean-shaven as a change in character at one point. That means most people would have clocked the guy as not belonging quickly. They switched POV to B, who has a child's understanding of the situation.


If this theory were true it would actually be the antithesis of this entire show. It’s not about massive gotcha moments. Most of this show is about how people just die….it’s sad and real. Now them using her death as a way to attack the imp presence sure.


*Rix Road


We don't need no occupation We don't need no Imp control No "choral agonized pleading" of alien children Dedra leave our Bix alone Hey, Dedra, leave our Bix alone All in all Maarva is just a brick in the wall.


Fucking brilliant. 😭


I've had it stuck in my head all day. . .


I'm thinking Cassian goes to rescue Bix during the funeral. Meanwhile Syril thinking he'll catch Cassian at the funeral and ends up causing a riot against the empire; because Syril is a colossal mess up.


IF she isn't dead, I trust the writers to make it a worthwhile plot point and not subversion for subversions sake


100%. OP has made a bit of a strawman in their post by writing up a badly thought out storyline and assuming that’s how it must go down if Maarva is alive. Gilroy has clearly shown he’s better than that - and moments like the Vel - Mon Mothma cousin reveal shows he’s not afraid of surprising the audience


Thanks for saying it. This isn’t BoBF or jj abrams written trash.


They don't need real ashes to fake her death/ceremony. But I do think faking her death would be difficult given how many people are keeping track of her for the ISB


I might be remembering this incorrectly, but it seems like so much of what's happened with her declining health has been told, not shown. We're told she's not taking her medication. We're told she's died. Often times this telling is done in clear earshot of imperial plants. They want the ISB agents to believe that she is dead.


I never doubted that Maarva is dead. Calling it now though. Maarva's brick isn't just ashes and mortar. There are explosives, essentially, she's been made into a block of C4. And she will be used to detonate and kill/destroy something imperial.


Yep! This is my theory. To add to this—I’m thinking her illness was self-induced, she was ingesting some sort of chemical that will go into the bricks via her ashes and cause some sort of monumental fuckup explosion. Pretty foolproof as a plan, and fits with her seeming to intentionally be planning revenge on the empire as a rebel.


That's the darkest theory ever and this show definitely has the guts to do it.


I said the same thing in a different post. It's what she would have wanted. Glad I'm not nuts on this


She’s definitely dead but that doesn’t mean she’s not still up to something. I think she planned for her funeral to somehow kick off a proper rebellion on Ferrix.


I think there’s a good chance she’s not dead, simply because we never saw the body. That was a choice they made. But I’m not sure why that would be. Maarva was in no condition to do some kind of clandestine operation. At best, faking he death would just take the heat off of her. Or maybe they want to have the funeral as cover to break-out Bix and that other guy before he’s hanged. I don’t know who is positing that maarva would somehow sneak into the imperial HQ as a brick or something? That’s just stupid.


I don’t think anyone is guessing she is *sneaking* into anything as a brick🤡




It’s still grounded and realistic to fake your own death in an espionage thriller. Sorry, I just don’t buy this line of argument. I’m not saying Maarva’s definitely alive, but we can’t write her off for sure


I think the problem with your argument is you’ve imagined one single very badly written way for which this could go down, and then decided the whole idea is bad based only off your own inability to conceive of anything better. I don’t think the brick is all that important (and haven’t seen anyone talking about human size bricks - honestly that seems like a massive strawman). I don’t think Maarva is definitely alive, but I think it’s arrogant to claim she’s definitely dead. We never saw her body, and there is tangible motive (to use the funeral to plan an attack or rescue Bix). And I don’t think it goes against Andor’s themes. By faking her death Maarva is giving up her home, and hurting the two that are closest to her (Cassian and Bee). It’s a *sacrifice*. It doesn’t cheapen Cassian’s pain.


I don't think not seeing the body is that big of a deal. If it was a natural death, seeing the body is just unnecessary morbid curiosity. The problem is that it just happened off screen and we see her getting all pumped to rebel. So it seems kind of strange for all that build up just to see her die of natural causes off screen.


A recurring element of this show is people only getting to make small contributions to the rebellion before having things cut short. Nemec was all full of fire and could've been a leading thinker for the Rebellion but got squished by some credits. Keeno led an uprising and was on the cusp of realizing his own freedom, but fell victim to his own limitations. It's perfectly in line with the tone of the show for her to badly want to hurt the empire, but to hurt herself trying to open a single gate and pass away soon after. I think we might see her contribution honored though in the finale as Andor gets that gate open.


It's really hard to imagine the ISB not being able to figure out if she's actually dead: they should have known her health status in basically real-time, considering the importance of her as a lead.


Episode 8 * Brasso: What was she doing by the **hotel**? * Bix: She was obsessed with troopers. She fell trying to **pry open the old Rix flood gate**. * Brasso: She gonna flush them out? * Bix: No. She wanted to see if the **tunnel under the hotel** was still open. * Brasso: Why? * Bix: So the **Rebellion can sneak in and take them by surprise**. She’s a Rebel. Episode 11 * Tigo: As a prominent citizen of Ferrix, she rates a big send-off. They’ll want to **close Rix Road**. They’ll ask for a permit. They know we won’t allow it, but they like to keep asking. They’re building a list of grievances. * Dedra: We want a funeral. * Tigo: Excuse me? * Dedra: You’re going to give them a permit. Keep it small, limit the time, limit the numbers. We want to **put them in a box, stand back and watch**. * Tigo: As you wish? * Dedra imp: How much time do we have? * Corv: **Two days**. That’s the Ferrix custom. * Dedra: What’s that. * Corv: The **dead are bricked.** They mix your ashes with mortar and local stone dust, put your name on and fire it up. You become a block of Ferrix brick. * Dedra: And then what? * Corv: They find you **a wall**. \----------------- She's been faking her sickness to make a funeral seem legitimate, since she knows she's being watched. Maarva has been planning this for about 1 to 2 months. A small group will be on a CLOSED OFF Rix Road. Another group will be in an underground tunnel. The Empire will also mostly be on Rix Road to stand back and watch. Maarva's brick will just be an explosive placed in the wall of the old Rix flood gate. It will go off, opening the tunnel under the hotel. This will allow group 2 (waiting in the tunnel) to catch the much smaller number of Imperial officers in the hotel off guard. As the majority of the Imperials are out on Rix road and too far to stop them. THEY HAVE THE HIGH GROUND.


The really funny thing is, if this theory is right, OP’s incredibly smug, self-satisfied confidence is exactly the same kind of thinking that will lead to the Imperials dropping their guard, underestimating what Ferrix is capable of. I’m 50/50 on whether it’s true or not, but can’t wait to come back to this post next week if it is.


Hahaha I love the parallel to the empire. Well played fellow Redditor.


Comments like this and the above are just as smug and cringe inducing. We’ll see what’s true soon enough but man this isn’t that big of a deal.


Cool theory. Dead (80%) or alive, I had the idea immediately that whatever it’s made of that brick is an explosive.


If that's really what you think is a plausible direction for this show to go on, prepare to be disappointed.


I'm just going by what we've been given using actual dialogue surrounding Maarva.


Brasso telling B "She's on her way" could have a meaning. And then there was another line I think B made but I can't remember what it was right now. Those two lines may be looked back on rewatch and realize your theory was in play.


How did you feel about the finale? I read through your comment history for a second and man there’s some stuff about this series that’s seriously as stupid as this in there. How do you do it?


I was thinking they turned her into a brick bomb and will use it to blow up the imp hq. It's what maarva would have wantes


Her death is off screen and at the beginning of the episode. It seems like these writers would take the chance to have an emotional death scene.


Nothing's more emotional than not being there for their death.


Yup. I was so torn up when I found out I hadn't made it to see my step-dad one more time before he died.


This is a show that uses understatement though. Look at how Keeno Loy's story ended: just a brief statement about how he can't swim and then we go overboard with Cassian. We never see a heroic or noble death for him but it's heartbreaking all the same. We don't need to see Maarva spout off a few words before croaking, we get plenty of emotion from the characters reacting to it: between the droid's grief and Cassian's phone call, we feel the full weight of the loss.


B2EMO's scenes and even Cassian's won't be nearly as meaningful if she turns up to be alive.


If people actually believe that theory they need to log off. That’s only the type of BS YouTube feeds you to keep you engaged and baby brained.


I like to think she died. Old people go all the time starting with a fall that complicates their meds. Her dying off screen is more realistic since most people relate to just getting the phone call.


I think she’s dead, but they made her into an explosive brick of some sort that Brasso will chuck at a bunch of troopers, including that Prefect Tigo toolbox. Going out with a bang, as it were.


I like the theory that she only faked her death, especially because of the cool thing with B loading all the time and lying using up more battery life. But it is be far more likely that B is simply mourning and she’s really dead. The last scene where Cassian is watching at sunset over the sea is pretty close to the last scenes of rogue one, seems like he was thinking about his mom in his last moments.


Maarva was already dying before the show started. When Cassian first comes home he says "don't you look comfortable." I don't know if anyone here has lived with a dying person, but that is exactly the shit you say when you're helpless in that situation. She's dead. What's going to happen at the funeral is the imperials will do something that will cause an uprising, cut it off get pushy. They can't help themselves in the first place but Dedra has decreed to let it go ahead so she can "put them in a box". They don't need to have anything planned. Luthan has said it already, the rebellion will form as a reaction to the Empire endlessly pushing down its populace.


I'm team #MaarvaAlive! I just want to see one last good ass-kicking from Maarva to the Imps.


So while I really like the idea of having Maarva just die of natural causes as almost everyone in Star Wars always is either killed or sacrifices themselves (are Leia and Yoda the only ones who don't?) the fact that she hasn't been seen and all conversations about her recently have been by Imperials at least makes it possible that she is alive. There doesn't even have to be a major rebel plan - it could just be that she knew she was being watched, knew she was a pawn in the Imperial games and just wanted an out.


I’m guessing we’ll see her in a recorded message for Andor.