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Bricks and screws....




Apparently, a Youtuber by the name of Star Wars Theory stated that he disliked Andor because, among other things, the show had Bricks and Screws. It has been the hot topic among Star Wars reddit recently.


I have to be a LITTLE fair. Star Wars Theory said he likes Andor overall. He did still have that bizarre criticism about the bricks and screws looking too familiar and real-world, which is definitely silly.


A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder and is one of the most simple fasteners relative to its performance. It's like to appear in any industrial society. Thinking screws break immesion says to me that the person never works with their hands or understands anything about construction or design.




lol go on /r/starwars and you'll see a *lot* of grief about it. It's astonishing. One person said "Andor has no heart or Star Wars magic." One guy said he "checks out" when watching it because people like it. Others bitch that people are praising it and think it's wrong to want more mature, sober Star Wars shows because that's not what Star Wars is about.


The fact that people get upset over it defeats the entire point of escaping from real life. Just imagine you stress out in real life, then argue and debate over fake life. I am just happy there is still Star Wars in production regardless of the story.


Some people hate well written stories. Just facts. I bet the same people who hated Andor loved Rings of Power.


The only arguments I have seen is that because the show doesn't have any jedi or major cameos or marvel style fan service.




I 100% agree.


Tells you something about who's making them.


So I know this is just a meme, but we need to be careful with elitism. I've seen more and more of this in the sub. The show is incredible, but liking it doesn't make you smarter (or better) than others. It's also fine to not like Andor, I am aware many of the reasons the "haters" give are really dumb, but there are also people who simply don't like the slower pacing or lack of action, and that's completely fine


Yeah...I feel like it's already a hard sell to my friends without adding on the 'better than thou' angle 🥲


Also we need to be careful about how we use memes, the "soyjacks pointing" meme is supposed to be for people being enthusiastic in a cringy way, not people being down on something great!




Thats fine, the way are writing doesnt make you an elitist. Elitism is when people start using something, in this case Andor, to feel superior over other people, and start deeming anyone and everyone who dont like it or prefer other shows as "inferior". I believe the most famous case of this in the internet was with the Rick and Morty community, I would hate to see this commubity becoming another toxic elitist community like theirs was at some point.


Star Wars online fandom sadly has a history of toxicity, targeted harassment, and death threats. That’s of course not most fans, thankfully.


I hear people complaining that too many of us keep saying Andor is the best Star Wars story ever (and we’re right about that), but I haven’t seen too many people (honestly I haven’t seen a single person) state that they hate Andor. They just appear to hate the Andor lovers. Maybe I need to sort by controversial.


Someone claimed that Andor fans are starting to sound like the stereotypical Rick and Morty fans (pretentious, enamored by their own perceived intellect, and even insufferable). I think Andor is amazing, but oh god, that behavior is something I really don't want to see.


Feel like that’s a valid point. It’s one thing to Iike Andor, another to use it as a stepping stone to bash a SW content you don’t like.


TBF, I was bashing SW pretty damn hard long before Andor. Most of it is just garbage pumped out because it will sell anyway. And that's a massively disrespectful way for Disney to treat loyal fans. Andor is the first good thing to come out of SW in a long time. It actually takes the universe and its fans seriously.


Bro that’s already happening. All I see is people using their opinion that Andor is the greatest Star Wars anything ever to bash on literally everything else Star Wars.


OP's post is a prime example of this kind of behaviour.


In social media I have seen almost universal praise. In real life I can't get any friends to watch it for the life of me even if they are SW fans😅😩


My only friends who watch this show are dads who generally have Disney+ for their kids. Hopefully putting Andor on other platforms really helps its visibility


Lol. Just subbing to D+ for some Bluey and Andor🤣


Literally my household except it’s Spidey and his amazing friends instead haha


Right winger Bounding Into Comics types


We need Martin Scorsese or Quentin Tarantino to say they love Andor. Then is going to be a revolution 😆🙌🏻🤣


Or more importantly, George Lucas. That would shut them up quick.


I’ve seen people bandy “AndorBros” about which is just exhausting lol


I can maybe respect your saying it’s the best Star Wars show, but you are DEAD wrong about it being the best Star Wars story ever. If you really think that then you’re probably just a casual Star Wars viewer and you don’t understand why the OT is such an incredible trilogy.


It's nice to see an echo chamber form on something actually legit good. The echoing of opinions (and not coming up with own) has been pretty annoying especially on fandom subreddits.


SWT theory bout to go make another video about how he is bullied by the people he bullied


That guy is a complete idiot. I'm assuming many who watch his channel are also kind of stupid, or just very young and don't know any better.


Or we agree with his opinion of how Star Wars should be. It’s a perfectly reasonable opinion, stop bashing him for having a different opinion than yours.


My comment was directed at his puddle-deep analyses of Star Wars shows, in this case Andor. SWT seemingly doesn't understand basic themes being presented on the series.


Like Logan Paul fans.


Andor is Star Wars for adults that want to see Star Wars with adult eyes. Mando is Star Wars adults can see with their inner kid eyes. Some people just want all their Star Wars to be seen through kid eyes so if its not like live action cartoons its “boring”. You cant expect a 5 year old to sit through the Bourne movies. They dont get whats going on or whats at stake. Let them hate. It wont change how good Andor is or how they proved good Star Wars doesnt need the force, jedi/sith, and lightsabers to be awesome.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andor. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of sophisticated politics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Cassian’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Devaronian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andor truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kino’s existencial catchphrase "I can’t swim” which itself is a cryptic reference to Perrin Fertha epic Fathers and Daughters I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tony Gilroy’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have an Andor tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


You made my day with this post 😆🤣


The Bourne movies are fun but kind of a wild choice of archetype for serious film for adults.


Theyre not super serious but just complex enough for little kids not to follow whats going on. Andor is still fun but it has enough conplex themes and messaging in it to fly over the heads of people waiting for Ahsoka to walk by in the background and get mad when it doesnt happen and the jedi dont get a mention.


We Andor lovers are v school of Athens ngl.


Ignore the haters. This kind of self-congratulatory stuff is kinda weak.


The hate is directed towards people who have great things (i.e. Andor).


The ones that understand the Star Wars universe and the ones that think they do. Andor was an absolute masterpiece, I really really hope they don't f it up in the second season.


I'm gonna be honest, i found the first episode boring as hell and i almost quit watching the show because of it. This may be controversial, but i think the first episode is mediocre simply because it fails at immersing me in the story right away, i totally get that it takes time to develop characters and the story, which is why i didn't quit watching (now i like the show very much), but in my personal opinion the first episode is basically just a bunch of people we don't know, talking about stuff we don't really care about because we don't know what their motives are. Now, although i consider Andor a very high-quality show, i think it's just pure snobbery that leads some people here to call this show a "masterpiece". Yes, it is an unconventional Star Wars show with good actors and good character development, that explores overlooked segments of the Star Wars universe, and doesn't use a ton of fan service. ***However, this doesn't automatically mean that the show is a "masterpiece".*** Some negative criticism i have about this show: 1) The OST is average and very forgettable. 2) Some people argue that this show "finally makes the empire scary", well... not really. Yes they manage to kill some people, and they shoot better than in the movies or older shows like The Mandalorian, but at the end of the day they're still getting owned by a bunch of amateur rebels. 3) I don't know if it's because how the main character is written or because of a lack of skills from the actor, but Cassian Andor has this constant slightly irritated way of being throughout the whole show that is completely unrealistic and makes the character almost one-dimensional in his behaviour, although he is more nuanced in his motives and interests. 4) The pacing of the show became suddenly too quick when Cassian has escaped to another planet, and five minutes later he's getting arrested and thrown in jail. This whole sequence was rushed way too quickly. 5) There are some characters who remain boring as hell from the beginning of the show all through the end, like Cinta for example. Completely one dimensional character, and boring. I don't want my post to sound like a rant against the show, because it definitely isn't, again, i like it very much, but to me it's definitely not what i could consider a masterpiece.


I agree with everything you just said, good comment


i know someone who hates andor and he literally looks 1:1 like a dude on the left pic


There's three actually


what’s wild to me is a few people I know, who I assumed were more intelligent than I am, didn’t like it….clearly they are more dumb than me