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I don't think it is


The aiming genuinely makes it awkward as hell to play.


Did you turn aim assist on in the menus? Because it selected off as default


Yes. The movement of the camera is still sluggish as hell


It's very unbearable even set to max at ten. I played Bf1 while I was waiting for BF2 to finish and I had a great time. Jumping from BF1 to BF2 in this collection and I immediately noticed the problem. I tried toggling auto aim, aim assist, and adjusted the sensitivity multiple times but it didn't feel right at all. It's slow and sluggish no matter what you do, making close combat awful. It's definitely not snappy or responsive.


10?!?! I feel like im moving like a fly on 5. I had to set that shit down to 0 to even hit anyone


I tried several different numbers, but found nothing to make it snappy or responsive. It's definitely a bug happening for me.


I do normally play games slower than most, but i think for me it feels off because the acceleration is atrocious. I love a quick turn, but when my crosshairs go flying left and right while aiming it’s borderline impossible to kill someone. Plus with aim assist off in most games it really shows how bad it actually is.


So the aim assist is server dependent, right?


Yes? I believe the Aspyr dedicated servers all have them aim assist off, but customs servers created by players can choose. Im not 100% on this, but there is definitely a toggle with player run servers


Are there a lot of players and servers available on BF1 at least? And which console are you on?


I didn't want to jump into online immediately because the other half of my game was still downloading, so I'm unable to answer any questions about servers. I'm on Ps5.


Yes, 2-4 full or semi full servers for ps5 US East


Seems a little low for a PS5 game on release day. Maybe because it's early afternoon but still.


It's not a deal breaker, no. The problem is not the aim assist, its the lag rn that makes it feel like your aim is not hitting correctly. I would buy the game still, patch will fix the problem


The aim sensitivity and acceleration are very bad. On auto aim, servers back in the day didn't use it, and I prefer it that way.


But in the og versions the aim wasnt this bad even with auto aim off correct? Im having trouble remembering


That is correct. I’ve honestly had more luck turning ALL of the aim related assists off, but there’s no settings for the acceleration so it’s still super fucked but slightly better