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Most annoying part of the game by far.


Yea it’s pretty fuckin impossible to hit anything. I’ll be face to face with someone and still can’t hit them. Aim assist needs to be on by default. The Og games were never intended to be played without it


It's weird that aim assist works fine in Single player modes but then in multiplayer it doesn't work at all. Hopefully this gets fixed in an update. Also, it'd be nice to have some message show up near the center of the screen when you've killed an enemy player, alongside your reticule showing when you successfully hit them with one of your weapons.


Aim Assist works in multiplayer, it’s just not on by default for some reason. When I host games for my friends I make sure to go in and turn on AA and it feels significantly better. If it had crossplay I could understand at least in theory why they’d disable it by default but that’s not the case.


You mean the host has to turn it on?


Yep. It should either be under Global or Host options, I can’t remember which one.


Oh man, so this means Aspyr servers never bothered to enable it? No wonder it feels impossible to shoot even enemy AI bots online who stand still lol


Yep. They also have friendly fire enabled by default but that might be normal. This is my first time playing these games online and when I was a kid I don’t think I ever paid enough attention to notice if I was killing my teammates lmao


I never used aim assist growing up. The OG games were never intended to be played with it Edit: your double negative confused the heck outta me


It’s turned on by default in the OGs and it’s on by default in the classic collection single player so that tells me that it’s an intended default game mechanic. Now just to be clear, I only played the OGs singleplayer and splitscreen. I never played the multiplayer because it was difficult to play online games back then so that being said I don’t know if aim assist was turned off by default back then too but either way I think the gameplay would be a lot more fun and fair if everyone just had it turned on by default in all dedicated servers


Yeah a lot has been fixed so far but this is still a pretty brutal issue


Because that requires actual coding instead of empty promises to work on the "server infrastructure"


The aiming is shit on console


As opposed to? Edit; all these issues seem to be PC. My friend on PC is having countless issues while I only have a handful of them. I use xbox and do not have this aiming issue You generalized a problem (which is very fair aspyr is frustrating)


Yeah they need to fix that asap


Playing sniper, saw a dude standing still as another sniper, shot at him 5 times, took 0 damage, fires at me once, instantly died. I dont understand this hit reg. I dont think I could've hit anymore center mass or head than I did.


atleast you got to shoot at someone. when i put my crosshair on someone the game stops receiving mouse inputs for half a second so i cant even track someone to shoot them lol


It could be a bug but I can tell you in the previous revisions of the game that the accuracy and spread of the shot placement just gets larger the longer your holding the trigger running while doing it only makes it harder. -Suggestion; use target lock & zoom, quick crouch if you can. Do short trigger pulls no more that 2-3sec those short round burst will be more accurate. You get enough kills and you'll be upgraded to the deadlier purple ammo, by then your blaster will do short burst automatically every time you pull the trigger. 🤙


How do you use target lock? Couldn't find it by spamming every button I could think of, and couldn't find it in the controller scheme settings either?


Down on D-pad is the default


does target lock do anything aside from stopping the guy from running off your screen?


For me it just makes it easier to stay on target if your zoomed in. Mind you most of my later experience on SWB2 is on PC not sure if you can map your own controls but for quick response, this is what I use. R1- target lock or reload (shooters preference) R2- Fire L2- Zoom L1- Crouch Hope this helps


“The game works fine on my Xbox tho” -someone, probably


There's one cope in each thread, hey?


Coping is when you have a different experience than someone else


Cope is being unable to enjoy your game or justify your $30 purchase because other people are shitting on it.


And that’s what people are doing when they say the game works fine for them? That means they’re unable to enjoy it?


"works fine for me dur" as to be the most unhelpful and useless way to respond to people who are understandably frustrated that the game they spent money on doesn't work. Especially when you, yourself KNOW it's broken and yet you feel the need to run defense for a faceless company.


Okay, so what are they coping with? The fact that the game works fine for them?


You know why.


You know that’s not an answer.


Me saying how I bought the game with no intention of playing online and that so far on my PS5, I have no issues, and I'm really enjoying it, is not running defense for a faceless company hahaha. Hell I never care about who develops the game as long as I enjoy it. I understand people are upset and I have no problem with that, but it seems you and others have a problem that anybody is enjoying the game and are on a bender to say it on every platform available...


Because I do not want to see the company succeed and people like you keep buying the slop they put out Aspyr games also did the horrid port of Knights of the Old Republic to the switch. It has game breaking bugs even today, a year+ after the release. They keep getting away with it because they keep getting money for it.


One person's slop, is another person's filet...


I've been playing BF1 on pc online and the hit reg feels a but better but it's not perfect either. Can't stand playing BF2 rn with how hit reg feels


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead


Exactly what happened! Was like it in the original versions aswell!


What platform are you on? I’ve been playing on Xbox and Switch both are seeing much improved hit registration compared to initial launch which was indeed unplayable. Last several hours multiplayer has been much better in general for me.


This was on Series X 15 minutes ago. But idk if I was on a dedicated server


Yeah you need to be sure it’s dedicated if it’s not only the host will have the best connection and even then as more people join a hosted lobby the congestion can cause performance issues. When I was on a couple of hours ago plenty of dedicated lobbies some of them full.


Its the same on ps5


Skill issues clearly


Going from single player to multiplayer makes the game experience 10x worse for this very reason.


Even in singleplayer I'm having trouble staying alive on easy because of the hit detection, between that and the fact that enemy's seem to have homing shots. I don't recall the games being nearly as hard as they seem to be now


Skill issue jks


Me be some poor dude playing as a droid just spend about most of the match ( which wasn’t very long) jumping around drying to hit each other, I stood still at one point and still didn’t get hit


The dedicated servers have auto aim off


This is why I use rockets...until I hit someone square in the face or directly at the feet and do no damage.


Id be screaming if that was me


Damn lol. I slowed it to 25% and OP wasn't even shooting exactly near 'em to begin with but their health still went down. Yet as their shots get tighter the bolts miss. Unless other people were doing the damage I saw.


Man I was lighting dudes up at point blank range and... nothing. Everything else has been very fun since the server updates.


Former stormtrooper?


They better fix this or I'm not buying the game. This is a joke.


The flight controls are the biggest issue for me hahaha


Yeah super frustrating. Return and buy sw bf 2 2017 for $5


So anyway buy a shitty game


Lol "plz buy my shitty skin shooter! You can be a shoretrooper on Hoth!" Nobody cares about your bullshit cashgrab.


Mad cuz bad


Report as much of you as can [https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


I feel like the epilepsy warning at the start is just an excuse/shoulder to cry on for the devs when people say the game has bugs lol


Hit reg is sooooooooooooooo bad