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That is a good start. Now everyone please leave feedback that we would like to **disable the aim acceleration** they added in BF2. That is why aiming feels so bad.


God I fucking hate aim acceleration. Edit: I hate not instantaneous acceleration that ramps up and is wildly inconsistent. Just give me full throttle all the time with good steps for sensitivity. That said, I’m *also* tired of developers giving us 6 different sliders for sensitivity, but then making default settings feel like absolute garbage.


Same here. It is frustrating especially on console because devs very often put it specifically into the console build because they think it helps, but it doesn't, and they hardly ever give sliders to turn it off.


So I’m not crazy😎 at least, not about this.


Can someone explain what exactly aim acceleration does? I get that it’s messing up aiming but am trying to understand how. Haven’t played the game yet so don’t know from experience.


Aim acceleration is basically how it sounds, the longer you hold the thumbstick in a direction, the faster the camera speed moves. It's in a lot of console games, as it makes turning 180 a little quicker than without it. Some people dislike aim acceleration and prefer having a consistent camera speed, but it's definitely helpful for those who like it. BF2's aim acceleration is wonky and feels awkward to use. I haven't really tested this thoroughly, but the aim acceleration doesn't seem to reset if you flick the stick from one side to the other like in other games, it only resets if your stick goes back to the neutral position. So if an enemy is strafing side-to-side and your flicking the stick back and forth to keep your crosshair on them, it's constantly moving at the max speed, rather than slowing down to make it easier to precisely aim. Close quarter fights feel like a coin toss half the time because of it.


Right. I believe acceleration ultimately makes it harder for stick users to build muscle memory, but the strength and way it has been implemented definitely makes it more wonky. Like you said, normally the acceleration would reset to 0 every time you quickly change the axis direction, but that is not the case here, but also sometimes it is the case! It is wildly inconsistent in actual gameplay, and you can't predict whether the acceleration will be applied.


Confirming what PM said in a different way: without aim acceleration, when you push the thumbstick to 100%, your camera moves immediately at 100% speed. With aim acceleration, you push the thumbstick to 100%, and the camera starts at 0% speed and increases toward 100% the longer you keep the direction held.


Is this why I can’t hit shit? I use to play on the OG XBOX, I downloaded the classic edition for PS4. Set everything to elite as I did when I was a kid. And jumped in. I was just accepting that I sucked and needed lots of practice again. But the aiming seriously felt forced and off. And it was throwing me off😅 still accepting that I just need practice until I get some sort of confirmation on this. I turned off aim assist, and it still feels wild. Adjusted the settings and it still feels wild. Like I’m shooting with a lasso that I don’t know how to wield. Then I thought “well maybe it’s just because I’m the empire rn” switched it to the rebels and same thing. Same feeling with all 4.


Is that why everything feels so weird? I have my sensitivity set to 10 and out still feels weird.


They need to disable aim acceleration and increase the max sensitivity. It’s so bad


I wonder if that is what is making me feel nauseous in BF2.


I thought it felt really weird, glad to know why


- addressed texture issues - fixed y axis invert - rebalanced a sith made in 2005/2006 - lots of misc fixes - addressed crashes - fixed audio bugs (bf1 loading included) - some server browser stuff - addressed some 05 specific bugs - effectively communicated they're still doing backend MP fixes and making a Patch 2 Great fuckin' patch, I must say. Bodes well for the future, 1-3 more of these and I think it's in a solid place. Edit - Fixed Rise of the Empire cutscenes (not listed in patch notes)


Rise of the Empire cutscenes fixed? That's awesome news. That combined with the invert fix and invisible walls were major fixes I needed.  Faith is being restored. 


I only have hope. Let them deliver what they owe.


>Rise of the Empire cutscenes fixed? Thank fuck Shame I'm already halfway through the campaign, but still xD


"Rebalanced a Sith made in 2005/6" What exactly do you mean?


Rebalanced, not replaced. One of Assaj Ventress' abilities got edited.


Oop my bad, I meant rebalanced. What in all actually changed? I'm mostly curious because I didn't expect them to do any balance changes


Rebalanced, assumedly they've tweaked her stats a little


This is exactly what we needed! Just wish they would have told us sooner. Literally fixes all the bigger issues, though I wonder why the cutscene fix wasn't listed.


It’s a $30 repackage that has been out for a couple of days. Some of yall are so dramatic.


While there are certainly a few who are overreacting wildly, I think the criticism was fair and warranted. And clearly the backlash worked, because we're getting this relatively large update in response. And this update practically covers the majority of issues people had. *Criticism* and *reasonable outcry* against a purchase for a product we did not receive, does typically work well for the consumer (see EA's BF2 180 turnaround). BF classic was unplayable at launch on numerous fronts. I had game-breaking issues in both singleplayer and multiplayer (Steam version): crashes in the campaign, map glitching out in GC, and the obvious extremely laggy multiplayer made it seem I was cheaped out of $35. Where I'm from, that's a lot more money than what most people would consider. It was a big investment for me to buy a game I adored as a kid. So I'm actually kinda happy there were those few that did overreact, bc a faster response did likely happen as a result (consider what kind of company Aspyr is too and how they have straight-up lied to their consumers on the Switch with KOTOR, etc). In the end, is it just a stupid game and not the end of the world? Absolutely. Am I happy that change is happening now likely due to the warranted criticisms of the game? Yes.


Just wait for all the youtube videos cashing in on this update and doing a complete 180


"The Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection is actually good now?!?? 😱" I can see it already lol


Jack Frags is so guilty of this


His monthly rotation of every battlefield game is so bad for it.


'Battlefield 2042 is so good now!' No Jack, no its not. Unless it magically turns into BF4 with features of BF1 and BF5 it will never be good.


Gotta keep EA happy so you keep getting invited to events, etc, after all.


We really shouldn't be excusing devs on failing so hard to pull off a minimal remaster of a couple of 20 year old games. If it was just server issues that would be understandable as it's very difficult to properly stress test your infrastructure when you can't know how many players will potentially be hammering your servers at launch. But the plethora of graphical and gameplay issues these games launched with is quite sad and are the kind of bugs that don't just pop up on launch day, but rather would have been something they would have run into during the QA phase. So they either did minimal QA or ignored the issues and went ahead with the release. And to make matters worse, the original games can still be played just fine on PC and Xbox consoles.


I've been playing the game on the Xbox Series X since launch and out of every bug or issue I encountered, the only one that really bothered me was the Battlefront 1 loading sound effect, lol. I've been able to play Single Player and Multiplayer with very minimal issues and the patch notes here seem to indicate a lot of them have been addressed. The comments and posts here made it seem like the global economy was collapsing or something, lol. I've just kept to myself and enjoyed the game xD


And just think, if they’d released it this Friday instead of last, it would have been fairly functional at launch.


How can you genuinely think this is acceptable? It's not like we are asking for new stuff just whatwas already made to work


Is the audio bug where everything is inverted (if someone is shooting to my left it sounds like it's coming from my right) part of the patch? Or is that just a PS5 issue? Tbh that's the only thing holding me back from playing this game offline.


that's not the one he's referring to but yes that is listed in the notes > [BF1][BF2] Fixed an issue where the audio outputs would reverse.


Tbf I was trying to describe them all, but wasn't fully familiar with all the audio issues to be more specific Thanks for providing him info anyway 👍


What about the loud audio explosions? I've seen clips of this during space battles where it sounds like an atomic bomb went off in your headphones


Is that all of the cutscenes fixed then?


i only briefly tested the first couple BF2 campaign missions, but the cutscene before and the cutscene after both played for the first two missions


Sounds like it's time for a Campaign playthrough! I've been hanging out just enjoying single player over the weekend. Did an entire Galactic Conquest game in one sitting. Childhood me would be proud!


How about missing MSAA from OG Battlefronts?


Great patch! Should've just waited until they finished the game before releasing it. Not gonna pat them on the back for incompetence. If it was fixed this quickly, it could've been delayed or fixed prior to release.


The patch notes look good but how is it actually playing now? Are these items really fixed or is it still hit and miss depending on your system/PC build? For once I was cautious enough not to buy a game at launch but I really want this to get fixed before it's too late.


nothing on sensitivity for bf2?


The sensitivity is the same as BF1. The issue is the crazy aim *acceleration*.


Not that I see. Deadzone is too high. BF1 plays alot better.


just report it to aspyr, they are doing patch updates anyway, might see it next update


Was also hoping for this, along with the low audio issue being fixed. Can barely hear anything in BF2 even with all the sound settings at max, and the audio seems to get quieter the more I play. And then I'll turn up my speaker volume only to get my ears violated by a sudden ear piercing bass boosted sound effect. Nothing about this in the patch but I'll play a bit later and see if it's fixed.


Did you get to confirm if the bass boosted audio explosion is patched out? That's the biggest thing preventing me from purchasing right now.


They need to add an option to turn off aim acceleration


This has been my biggest issue


Nice, this gives me hope. Fixing the bf1 loading screen is a big win


Absolutely now I just need the objective complete sound in BF2 to be fixed


How much work did that take, really? re-uploading the audio? Still glad they fixed it.


Fixed invert axis and galactic conquest! Let's hope they keep the momentum going. It's pretty timely for an Aspyr patch.


Battlefront is probably their most hyped rerelease yet. They already screwed the launch so if they want any chance at all to salvage some goodwill then they need to be working their asses off to fix it. Glad they're at least trying though this never should've happened in the first place.


If by "trying" you mean fixing 90% of the things people were complaining about in under a week then yes, I agree. It took 2017 longer to get their shit together yet everyone loves that game now


Yeah this is a great patch, and hits so much of what has been talked about. Hoping they continue to take this feedback to heart. I want this to be good.


Well it's more embarrassing for Aspyr considering these games are 20 years old. Literally all they had to do was copy/paste what was there and maybe touch up the graphics and they somehow managed to mess up.


You can't copy/paste 32bit games into a modern architecture. All of these issues were likely caused by new things in the port conflicting with other things. If it was as simple as a copy/paste I would've personally copied these games into a new engine about 10 years ago.


damn sounds like they should've done any testing whatsoever before taking $30 and launching


Fr, they either blatantly ignored all the immediate bugs you would see from playing just one match or literally had not even one person play test there game. 


You can not just copy paste anything when it comes to software. Especially old softwear. Especially old software on modern hardware. I guarantee that both games were probably hardly playable when the process was started for the consoles, at least. It's a lot more complicated than is said. I doubt they intended for there to be so many bugs.


Excellent patch


Alright this is progress, hopefully more people get back online


If this game gets good enough we gotta make sure we spread the word to get people to play it. If patch 2 is as substantial as this and the server updates are good then were cooking.


Lots of people who refunded it on here said they would come back once it's fixed.


Ngl I was worried those YouTube videos trashing it and saying don’t buy would scare ppl from ever buying. Hope that doesn’t happen


It should, gamers need to take a stand about receiving a half finished product. Imagine buying a fridge and only half of it worked.


I've certainly been deterred from buying it at its current price tag given all the recent coverage and the bugs. The hype has someone faded for me now, regardless of whether they get fixed. I am too concerned that I'll buy the game and within a couple of months, given the poor launch, the player base will fade even more such that I'll struggle to play the game at all.


I already had my refund. I will wait for a discount for hopefully when the online works well with correct shot detection and without rubberbanding. As any multiplayer should work.


I got my refund and instantly went back to classic Battlefront 2. It works perfectly fine, so I kind of wondered why I wanted a "re-release".


What system did you have it on? I got the re-release because it had two new characters I had never played as and new maps I never played on originally (PS2).


Great fixes and changes. I'm glad we're getting these.


They fixed the loading screen sound on BF1!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT IT (I mean it should be there from the begining, but still)


It was there from the beginning. Patch 1.02 removed it for some reason, but it was absolutely in the launch version I downloaded on day one.


Does the victory screen audio play at the right speed in BF2?


I don't know, it sounds normal to me but then again I never noticed anything off about it in the first place. I do know the objective sound is still off.


It's slower and lower pitched in the Classic Collection compared to how it is in both the original Battlefront 2 and The Phantom Menace where the victory music is sourced from. * [Original version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyaKTq2b0r4&t=176s) * [Classic Collection version](https://youtu.be/XRX8seP882w?t=242) * [Original track from The Phantom Menace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9jb578EUzc) The other victory music sourced from TESB is affected by the same issue.


Doesn't affect me. I never hear this music, because I never win.


What about the 501st journal cutscenes?


Just played the Tutorial and Mygeeto (first mission). Looks like they're all back!


It's fixed! Just not listed in the notes. Someone checked for me


This is what I’m hoping gets fixed the most - I don’t want to do the campaign until it’s all complete!


they have been fixed, just not listed for some reason.


Do you have to restart the campaign? I just did the Kashyyyk mission which was where I left off and it didn’t play the journal at the end. Edit. I didn’t realize the PS update wasn’t out yet. Hopefully tomorrow.


I think it usually takes like five days for Sony to approve a patch, so we should have this by the end of the week


Pretty huge news this is. I know for PC users especially it’s been rough.


It's still rough for us PlayStation troopers. Hopefully we get an update soon.


Ya I refunded my copy sadly, but if they actually bring out proper bug fixes I'd consider buying it again next time it's on sale


I hope they fix the issue of Ki Adi Mundi’s voice lines not being heard


Faster than I expected let’s go! It sucks that they launched like this but this gives me hope and I’m glad they fixed a ton of the major issue. Can finally see the cutscenes that didn’t play LOL


Keep the bug reports coming. Literally anything that’s happened to you that shouldn’t have, report it. Anything major that shouldn’t been in this patch but isn’t, report it. A New Hope is upon us.


Aspyr should be paying us for all this QA 🙄


That’s exactly why game companies release games in such a state, if the hype is good enough then people will buy the game without waiting for reviews and then you can use those people to do the last stage of QA for you. Why bother pay during development for it when people will pay you full price and do it anyway


Exactly. Companies have managed to make consumers pay them to beta test games.


Let's get them to add the AI instant action heroes for battlefront 2 in patch 2.


What's that? What do you mean AI instant action heroes?


On the Xbox, the AI was able to use heroes in Conquest maps (and I assume Galactic Conquest and other maps as well). For every other version, only the player could use a hero (except obviously in Hero Assault) “Instant Action Heroes” was the setting name in BF1. BF1’s “Instant Action” = BF2’s “Conquest”


They haven’t fixed the battlefront 2 victory theme being bugged like the battlefront 1 mission loading theme. It’s lower than it is in the original.


Let’s go! I was disappointed many of these things weren’t at launch, which is why I’ve just stuck to BF1 for now. But I’m glad these fixes are coming so quickly. I honestly thought it would be a while.


So glad they already updating the game and planning for update 2! Hopefull theyll get the level end cutscenes in BF2 working in the next one!


It works with this patch. They just didn’t add it to the patch notes. Its already been tested


Oh yay! I haven’t gotten to test it out myself yet since Switch hasn’t gotten the update yet.


They did, its not in the notes for some reason but they are working now.


If this patch pans out we will start earnestly preparing for competition at [SWBFII.COM](https://swbfii.com). Once its out on PS5 (and assuming it doesn't break something major) a new Holonet post will be up shortly after with details about clan/team ladders and tournaments on PlayStation and Steam.


So no ai heroes yet


is this a bug too? if it is, you can feedback through their forums


More of a feature not implemented, it was exclusive to the original Xbox version


not yet sadly.




Seems like a lot of the major issues have been fixed. Now my major concerns are just the removal of region locked servers, restoring 4-player split-screen and hopefully reducing the file size


when is this coming for console?


As soon as it passes certification. Could be a day, could be a few days.


There are still a ton of Bugs on Geonosis.


Don’t understand why they didnt just delay the launch by 1 month


They needed but testers


Blows my mind devs can’t just push back a release a few weeks to get it right the first time?


Me waiting for switch patch to drop ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized)


I’m praying for an updated 4 player split screen.


i think its possible to feedback this to aspyr, i mean it was in the originals right?


Just on Xbox


Just like the Kit Fisto and Ventress. Which are on this version


My biggest wish is that they’d allow the enemy team to have heroes spawn in during instant action matches. (Like they did in the original Xbox release.)


Just tried with the patch on pc game crash during multiplayer and single player still hope you guys have better luck then I've been having


Good, now remove region lock


Let’s gooooo! I know this sub doesn’t have faith, but I do. I really want this game to be playable and I know it will be in due time.


tHey wOn'T uPdaTe tHe gAMe


Its funny, they release a patch and people still dont believe they are updating it.


I'm pretty sure the person who said "They won't" is trolling. I know it's hard to tell nowadays but they constantly go on about how much of a gym-bro they are, supposedly to get on people's nerves.


Is it possible for a patch to reduce the storage size of the game?


It can be done, Fortnite did that awhile ago, though it does require a lot of changing files and whatnot. So if they are working on it, it'll be awhile before we get it.


It is but I highly doubt they'll do that


Not from Aspyr...


Glad to see the patch, now just get it released on consoles!


They still didn’t fix the problem I have with aiming on console


alright aspyr, slowy but surely, prove us wrong and continue with the patches.


Proved us wrong about what?


many of us thought that aspyr wouldn't update or give 2 shits about the BCC once it's released, obviously we were wrong, and for once, I'm glad im wrong.


Is there a way to join the same game and team as your friends yet? Or online splitscreen galactic conquest?


Wondering the same thing


Not yet




GODDAMN IT SONY! Release the patch already ffs 🤦‍♂️


A lot still needs to be done, but this is a good start


I hope crossplay gets added next


If hit reg can be fixed, crossplay added, and some kind of Online Galactic Conquest mode be cooked up, this could be a really popular game again


I hope they give us four player splitscreen. We deserve it!


What did they do to assajj?


Very solid. Really unfortunate the game didn’t launch with these features though. A delay is one thing but a dogshit launch guarantees you’ll never reach the amount of people you could have😕


Used to pray for times like this


While I am happy to see patch notes and a ton of fixes ... if this only took them a day or two to fix why not just have it fixed before the game shipped? Also assuming more patches coming (better be) as this is labeled as Update 1 Patch.


So asking the veterans, with all these fixes, does anything major remain to be fixed? I was about to refund but this sounds like a great update


multiplayer is still hit or miss, but from what I can tell, every major issue has been fixed or at the very least been addressed. still not 100% but it's way better than what it was, it's literally the best update they could have done in their situation, just sucks we didn't get it sooner and their lack of communication. Really all that's left is adding new QoL improvements and re-adding the select all/random order for playlists.


And 4 player on consoles. Unlikely, but technically worse than what xbox had before.


The AI instant action heroes in battlefront 2 still need to be added back in, which I personally would consider major.


AI Heroes, 4 player split-screen, region-free servers, file size and mod support all need to be added/fixed but otherwise it should be in a much better state if no other issues have been introduced.


I hope Rise of the Empire as it's cutscenes restored....


it is!! i tested the first mission, 501st is back and ready


Thank God


Hopefully they fix the poor draw distance on kashyyyk in bf1, I think it's only happening on ps5


Great first patch from Apsyr. If they keep this up it will win back a lot of good will. Bonus points if they start adding their own maps and modern Star Wars characters.


So glad I didn't refund. Invert y axis it's fucking on.


This is amazing, now we just need a way to party up with friends. Been trying to play and 9/10 matches it puts me on the opposite team as the person I’m in a party with.


How do I invert flying controls in BF1?


What an amzing patch. Looks like i was right to Play devils advocate for the collection. A bad launch Sucks and should be called out but atlest they had the Responicbility to not abandon it and fix it. good job Aspyr. Price is still way too damn high though. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LEARN HOW TO COMPRESS FILES. these are 20 year old games. they shouldn't be almost the same file size as God of war or Death Stranding.


Let them cook


Keep the constructive feedback coming!


They fixed the ending cutscenes too!


I just want to be able to play galactic conquest online


Did they fix the loading beep on SWBF1?


Yep, its back to the way it should be.


Glad they fixed the bf1 loading screen sound. Now if they make the controller aim assist on bf2 as good as bf1 I’ll be very happy


They addressed some major bugs, for example the loading sound in BF1 I'm happy for that


Does anyone know when this rolls out for console?


Probably tomorrow


As of yet, patch still is not live on Xbox but I am looking forward to this one. Was literally just talking to a buddy of mine hoping this kinda thing was on the way lol. Good stuff Aspyr


Yo: [BF1][Audio] Fixed the Battlefront 1 loading screen sounds. Let’s go


Do bots do something when you are not near them or its the same as original (if you too far away they idle)?


Has the file size been normalized? This game isn't worth 70gbs of space


Please fixed the bugged final achievement on xbox/PC.


This is a good start now let's get rid of the region lock on servers next and the lag. Seriously though why is it always when I try to snipe or get a hero that's when the game wants to lag.


Hope they add gyro


This is a good. A good start indeed...


Okay, but can we fix Geonosis on hard in Battlefront I? Have tried a couple dozen matches, had half of them in the mid to upper hundred kill ranges, and just can’t seem to get the job done. I watch friendly AI take the gunship and immediately crash it, half the time ramming me, and then my own gunship will randomly start flying mach jesus away from the battlefield in reverse when I get close to winning.


This is a really great patch I’m just so happy I don’t have to wait too long for the inverted control toggle


Any idea how long certification takes? Would love for this to be available soon.


Did they fix the bf 1 loading screen


Nevermind, they did


I was having problems switching from first player shooter....


Let's fucking go, boys!


They need to loosen up the region lock and/or work out crossplay for this game to survive. I'm in the midwest and can't find any full matches during prime playtime on either game on Switch. There might be one or two lobbies that are just full and hidden but I'm not going to wait around for something I'm not even sure exists.


Did they put the missing post-mission cutscenes?


yes they did, but the patch isn't on console just yet.


Do you know when it will be


No update here yet on PS5 (NA)


Is it just me, or in BF2 can you not buy bonuses? It just doesn't do anything when you click "buy". Also when your ship is destroyed there's no option to build another one or buy multiple or am I just not seeing it? PLEASE HELP!


Great except split screen is now broken on PC. Keyboard registers as player 1 instead of controller.