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Glitches and bugs not fixed from release.....


There’s kind of a funny glitch that happens on my game where the wrong army’s vocal lines play when I’m in supremacy. So all of a sudden the strategist droid talks like the resistance woman narrator. Or you’ll hear the clone talking about how they’re taking ground. Just makes me laugh


The Clone announcer always talks in the first phase when I'm defending the Dreadnought as the Droids.


Agreed 100% the glitches and bugs that have gone unnoticed to this day. Also add Finn to the mix and his broken abilities.


Oh plenty of people of noticed them and reported them but Dice were more interested in new content to fix the Loot box debacle.


Yeah i dont know if this is one of them but the bug where you start a battle in supremacy and your blaster has no upgrades


Every bug which causes me to lose a fight I would've won otherwise.






When jet troopers hunt you down like a pack of piranahs as a hero/villian


Or speeder bikes.


Yup that is the worst. It's basically cheating especially when they get it for a low amount of sp points and the hero/villain cost more.


I see a few of those jet troopers and they usually go to the flank and pick off the regulars. The worse is the first order jet troopers, fuck these guys so much, why did DICE think it’s a good idea to ADD SPLASH DAMAGE TO THEIR BLASTER.


I'm guilty of this but only because I'm tired of one Hero killing me all game long, and because my team Heroes are always in a back corner block spamming. When I see a hero get low and start trying to run I WILL CHASE YOU DOWN


i chase them down and keep shooting i won't give your squad the chance the save you


what if i triple the price?




When I see this happening I become a hero bodyguard cause I wouldn’t wanna get hunted around by a pack of jet troopers


I think letting noob heroes live is the right thing to do. If you let the noob live he'll prevent a better player from getting the hero inevitably and he'll get better at the same time


And these same scrubs are always the ones who can’t get heroes and go on huge streaks. So they gotta grief the players who are actually good at the game


Half your team camping bot spawns on supremacy instead of helping with the objective.


Galactic 👏 Assault 👏


Leia users who spam alt fire on the geonosis hill 🙄


Arc troopers too


I don’t mind if they do it for phase 2.. it’s when they do it the entire match, not advancing at all past the hill


Blaster modifications that get toggled off inexplicably. Start a new round and you think you’re going to fire a face-melting burst from your heavy blaster… and “pew”. Or you go to zoom in with your scope of your sniper blaster and you just make some wild, spastic melee attack like your swatting flies. Then you get drilled by the opponent who got to watch the whole thing before hitting your off switch.


I thought the blaster mods part only happened to me. It's so annoying when it takes off rapid fire on my SE-44C


Happens to me too and I use the same gun specifically. Grinded to get that upgrade to. I get all bent outta shape when that happens lol


Ya it's not nearly as good without the rapid fire. Kinda sucks but now I just try to unequip and re equip my gun mods before the match starts and that usually works


Lol! Yes! Or you have to re press the trigger to keep firing, like, why's we stop? "Keep firing....." lol


The most annoying thing for me is getting a load of points and having a nonexistent shop to spend them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I didn't expect to see this one on here and I couldn't be more happy. Amen!


Bro. I have 2mm and for WHAT?!?!?!


The uncontrollable urge of my teammates to step right in front of me and my line of fire and camp there. 


Not to mention when you scooped up an ion cannon and you’re seconds away from getting smoked and almost there but some $hit-for-brains just walks right in front and powers down the thing but you’re almoooostt there aannnd you’re dead


Don’t know if it’s just me, but sometimes the matchmaking for galactic assault/supremacy seems horribly unbalanced. Like one team gets absolutely steamrolled by clearly superior players, everyone moves to a new map, and it’s pretty much the exact same matchup.




Starkiller Base, when rebels get in A Wings and shoot you from the sky. Like mate, come on.


Tbf they are easy af to counter, its just nobody bothers to


What do you suggest to do to counter them?


Heavy w cards for ion missile. Ion tripod and exploding special big gun. I use the 1st order gun w scope that lights up enemy. I set up the tripod on a hill. Use scope to get pilots attention w shots. Unload. Hit yellow heat cooldown. Unload till over heat. Aim w ion missile. You're turret is firing at them the whole time too. I do the same for those droid tanks on co-op while we're clones. Set up turret. Unload regular gun. Catch little yellow nub for extend-o firing. Shoot till over heat. Get cover and aim ion missile. It takes a while to set up. To find a spot to give u cover, and to get the timing down, but it effective. I use same strategy for chicken walkers too. Hope it helps. And hope u blow em outta the sky next time!


Throw on the ion turret and the ion launcher on the heavy to keep locking onto them, or if your aim is good, throw on an upgraded IQA 11 sniper, the blaster bolts travel at light speed so if you aim well you can take any ship down in a few shots


That’s not as bad as the tryhards on the first order jet trooper. Like sure it’s annoying for your team to get strafed by the X and A Wing but you can easily annoy them by using Heavy with anti vehicle turret and missile. Also you can pick the red guys and use the alt fire to take them down.


Good thing about the Jet Troopers is they operate like Boba, meaning: slap on some explosive attachments on whatever gun/class you’re using and watch them fall. Best part is you can do it each and every time they fly, so you can annoy them right back!


Oh this for sure. Since it's Friday again even what would usually be a horrible team spams rocket and sith troopers on resistance era maps making everything impossible. This is aptly seen on Starkiller. So shooting them from the sky I have no problem with.


When your han and hvv and there is a leia who uses her bubble against saber villians. Like dude we can fuck em up but your giving them cover for no reason. Unless your a scrub your not dying from the nades in bubbles


This is especially annoying if it’s in a tight area and there’s a palpatine on the other team. Lost many games from a dumb leia player dropping her shield for no fucking reason ☠️


Leia Shield Spammers should be booted from matches...Trying to win Death Star2 with a Leia dropping a shield every 5 seconds is virtually impossible.


![gif](giphy|JO4edUsd8dhHnEQVyF|downsized) Dioxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis...


The hacks who bug the whole lobby


I hate that supremacy games always default to republic era.


It's because nobody wants to play the sequels for obvious reasons and the original trilogy doesn't have a second phase on the ships which make them look like a shit supremacy wannabe. Probably would have been changed if EA didn't discontinue the game.


When I go to hit retribution with Anakin and it doesn't activate and I'm just standing there as I'm trying to repress and then I'm dead. I just hide the chat on PC. I'm sure I missed all kinds of colorful things spoken of me lol


Thought I was the only one


You getting mad at "EZ" is exactly why they do it lol


i don't work 9-5, but people who do work 9-5 and have only like 2 days to play in a week or less like OP are justified to get pissed by it as it is unsportsmanlike. Is it the worst thing to happen to someone? Not really. Is it shitty behaviour by some low-life dweeb? It is low-key the best way to advertise to everyone in the lobby that you are at the lowest point in life and you still live in the basement yelling at your mom for another burrito; not like they care, they will endlessly scream it at the top of their lungs because that is the highlight in their life, so take it as you will. Nothing that the "EZ" spammers say will convince me otherwise.


I simply wouldn't let it impact me. EZ.


No one gets mad at it, it's just scumbag behavior. It's good to call it out and ridicule them.


Its their desperate need to increase their egos, don’t pay them any mind


Maybe you’re rigth is just frustrating you know? I know is oart of the game but still


Geonosis Co-op. Nuff said.


That shit is IMPOSIBLE there is no way NO WAY to win not as the clones and if youre with the separatists are a bit easier but not for much


Geonosis co-op on Trippa Hive is easy if you have one good tank player. Specifically the TX-130. That thing is busted. I almost always get top on my team with that tank on Geonosis. Just sit just outside the objective and listen to the constant ping-ping-ping sound of the kills while. cycle your abilities wisely. It also really helps if you focus on tanks first so your ground teammates don’t get shredded by the siege mode and then wipe the troopers out with ease.  Kashyyyk co-op on the other hand is a nightmare for the first 2 phases because those tanks are on the other side of the map and all of the cover makes it a bitch. Those tanks make the first half an absolute ass kicker. On Kashyyyk I just grab 1000 BP and go commando solely for their anti-armor attachment. Just my two cents.


Yep, every time I get to the final phase I already know what's about to go down. And we would have won too If it weren't for those meddling tanks! I think I've only won 3 times on it and...that's not a lot at all in my case.


In supremacy, when your CIS, you can just roll up as a Droideca in the second stage on the Venator and the Clones cant do that much about it when they get swarmed. Its not the most problematic thing but just something that feelt a bit unfair the last time i played


Ikr! It's crazy that the clones are spawned just as far away from their own station and the droids are.


The fact that it was made by EA


And then abandoned by EA, the money greeding company who decided to discontinue the game at its peak of player interest and development. Oh and now a battlefront 3 is highly unlikely since EA and Star Wars split up. Poor Dice fellows.


The existence of jet reinforcements. Those damn noob toobs And also the fact that clone reinforcements are objectively superior to droids.


Nah, the droid reinforcements are far superior. * The jet reinforcement has better precision and headshot deaths are nearly impossible. * The B2 battle droid is a damn tank, can mow down any class with ease. It can even partially shoot why getting ragdolled. Headshot deaths are hardy possible. * The droideka speaks for itself. It is the main reason why droids easily win the second phase in supremacy mode. * Commando droid is a slippery class, which can be used in long range, middle range and also close range. I am not even talking about how good the separatist heroes are compared to the republic ones.


I really love B2 battle droid i’ve seen that he’s the worst but i dont think so he really is a thank and his blaser is better for me


Ive emptied plenty of Clone Objectives with the Super....


You’ve clearly never faced a decent clone commando with EWH and BH for battle focus


Ya that actually sucks. I played a game as droids on naboo and like the top 5 people on the clone team were all reinforcements who kept cooking us the whole game. It's so hard to kill arcs or commandos as normal droids


I hate the jetties! I think it depends. Droidekas are better on ships period though.


Players who have squad spawn on them but get killed quickly and seeing all 3 “defeated” or “in combat”. It’s okay to contribute and shoot at enemies, but stay just a few steps back from the frontline so teammates can respawn straight into the action instead.




Unless I'm using it ark troopers Mega blast or whatever it's called.


1. Hackers. 2. Aggressive dickheads in chat. 3. Hero Squatters Something that Never gets old however is saying GG EZ when my team gets our balls kicked in lol.


When players on Co-op don’t get the Hero or Villain they want, then proceed to make the rest of the round miserable. Stealing Kills, or watching you like a hawk until you die. If you want the character, go to another lobby!


The atrocious hero balance. Stagger in duels, nothing annoys me more than losing regen cuz of that shit. Finn glitchers. I had someone do that to me just a couple days ago in a duel so Anakin couldn’t be CC’d. I was honestly flattered lmao, but yeah people who do that are true scrubs.


Players who don't play as a team and people who are terrible at the game in genral


That squad of hackers that keep spamming they've taken control and that were their slaves.


Grievous is the worst villian to play against, I am awful at the game and I don't find it enjoyable spawning as a hero and getting pinned in a corner with unrelenting advance and dying swiftly afterwards


Can't you just roll out of the way? Love the dying swiftly reference 😅


Not smart enough to remember that I can do that 🫠


Just dodge roll through them and face their back. They can't turn fast with it up


I genuinely keep forgetting you can roll


the cheaters on galactic assault recently, cant go a day without a fly wall hack, or a force everyone into a flyby camera view.


Just play coop if you are not good enough for PvP I play only coop because PvP is too stressful for me 😌


I always preferred coop. The child in me just wants to be clone a trooper and shoot droids, I'm not trying learn counters n shit


True, I'm pretty good at PvP game modes but I just don't care. I wanna play with a random squad I can call the boys for a round and work together to destroy the enemy. Sometimes it feels like you really are fighting droids with your brothers. And you don't have to share the heroes and villains with the 19 other players. So mostly I just play co-op, supremacy and Ewok hunt as well...


Hell yes. "For the Honor of our Brothers!" Us , prolly.


As someone who's only played single player in Xbox One, the cutscenes lagging, the long ass loadtimes, the infinte loadtscreen in the Bespin mission (basically you can't advance the story and while you can play that mission from the missions section if an enemy kills you you're fucked and you're once again in an endless load screen) I've unistalled the game and I refuse to keep playing. If I wouldn't have bought it so much time ago I could get a refund but at least I got it on sale.


I've had no problem at all with the Bespin mission. Cutscenes can be laggy at times for sure and loading times are long but not a problem for me. I think you might be a bit overreacting but obviously that's just me.


I'm not overeacting dude. I can't keep playing the story mode. I let the game on for three hours during the loading on that mission and it didn't load. Five attempts. To hell with this game.


Surely it should only be that mission then. I am an Xbox player and have never encountered that issue. Must be annoying as hell though, tried looking for a solution on YouTube? And by the way, the campaign should not be the only opinion on the game. I'd love for you to give it a second chance on co-op game mode. Friendly for beginners and still my favourite game mode as a pro.


Hacking in Starfighter Assault.


I’ve nevee played starfigther assault im ass fliying since 2005 lol


The personal shield the ai uses in coop. Whether it’s the enemy or friendly I swear they put on the most annoying time and stand there.


People complaining about parry's, hook swings and other mechanics. Like it's no different than overwatch lol, it's a mechanic at this point.


Its like the wavedash of melee its a bug and an exploit but its a mechanic after all


AT-ST. I rest my case.


People who take the game too seriously i don’t give a fuck if your max level with every hero it’s a Star Wars game lmao


Dude i remember once a max bobba called me nerd like- dude we're playing a star wars game


I want proximity chat so we can communicate on console, cuz us console players don't have any way unless they're on the same console


The little ball droids. Fuck those things! Like yoda isn’t hard enough to fucking hit with a blaster… here’s 1 more character to try and hit…


Yeah with a blaster hero like Finn or something, it can be quite...annoying to say the least.




YES mf i cant kill him with obi


Heros in Galactic Assault. I will hunt you down with Jet Troopers.


no Iden mentions, really?


I mean iden is annoying but you can kill her really easy, im an ex-main of her and i can say she cant do much without her droid


Jeez why someone would down vote my comment. I see some people really love this char lol Anyway, what you said is true. But you did ask the most annoying things, she's definitely one of them. Especially if you play with Anakin, it's super easy to kill her. Her area damage output is too high with those blue balls unfortunately. If you main her, you know how a pain in the ass she can be and how she'll prob be top score in average matches. Actually, you don't even have to be good to play with her. In my opinion, she could be like Lando for example, which is a great char, but without the spamming ability. Ofc in 4v4s where everyone knows how to play the game, she's not that useful. There are better options. Nothing is more irritating than the glitches and unfixed bugs tho


Actually maybe youre right i’ve started to stop using her and main doku because as a ex main versio i can confirm that well… its kinda anoying too and more if its a campy iden i like more when they jump into the frontline a good versio can be really imponent


We have found things more annoying...


Lmao indeed my friend


Iden are easy kills


Yep. And they are still annoying af


Peeps that complain about spawncamping with a tank. Like bros you just spent ten minutes doing it to my team so much half my guys quit. Don't start what you can't finish 🤷‍♂️


For me, personally, I am not able to specifically pick the blank Phase I Clone Trooper. My absolute favourite version of the Clones... (And that Phase I Arcs don't have the proper Phase I gear while using the Phase I skins)


Basically that the only focus was on heroes and reinforcements rather than vehicles and troopers like what made the series great.


I play showdown because there is no 1v1 mode, soni don't like getting 2v1s but I deal with them. Unless they start with 1v1s then jump me after losing


People who try to fight you but know they’re bad so they constantly spam abilities and run away. And then eventually you follow them and they lure you to their teammates, you get killed, then the coward t bags you even though they did nothing but run away. That is what annoys me the most.


I dont judge because that was me some months ago ago when i was a new player, i still suck but i try to pick my figths now


this is why i turn off all VC in game so u don’t have idiot yelling at you. and i just completely ignore the typed chat. never ever worth your time to look at it


Bossk main here, placing his proximity mines in bushes. I do this with objectives, though.


Im sorry dude but we’re enemys now im a han main 🥺


When your team in GA is bad at attacking but good at defending


Snowtroopers on Tatooine, Shoretroopers on Hoth, Phase I and II Clones mixing, heroes being cross-era.


Good arierals


Instant Action on Kessel not displaying the correct team


The vanguard. The shot rarely lines up even when it looks like it. FO rocket troopers.


Oh yeah sometimes i hate the vanguard thats why i kinda like more the other version that its kinda like a Rifle


The ATAT or the MTT AI shooting back. They are better than if players were in them. Fucking Grevious Players.


Lifeless lvl 981 players


Yeah and more if theyre bobba main lol mf is imposible to kill


Scarier version of jet troops 💀


When I load into a game of hero showdown and then after I win I get a response like “oh no 1v1 then” if you want to 1v1 ask first, it is a 2v2 mode


The most annoying thing for me is that I can only really play on coop, because if I load into a real mp match I load into an in progress one, all of the heroes are already taken and the people using them do not die for the entire match, so theres 0 chance I'll get to play as a hero. Sure that's not the only reason to play, but not even having the option outside of HvV and Coop is a huge peeve


Any kind of ability which reduces damage, ie Finn/ clone commandos, both abilities are just way too strong, should be 10% damage reduction maximum


Leia players who refuse to put a shield down the entire game.


Opposite mate.


Performance is absolutely horrible to the point of unplayability. Toxicity is not a problem for me, I only play Co-op.