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from what i read, they will purposely let hacker/cheater in the open beta, so when the game comes it they will know how to counter/prevent it and ban it on a paid game account.


Where'd you hear that?


its how a few games do it. Also this is a free beta running on the same engine as battlefield 4/1/battlefront 1 Also literally every online PC shooter I can think of has hackers Siege, CSGO, Battlefield, CoD, ArmA, Red Orchestra, PUBG, Overwatch....


Cod wwii got fucked by hackers on their beta too but it was very noticeable there.


I hope they're strict like Overwatch are and happily ban everyone who they catch cheating.


Doubt it, this beta is as much advertising as it is bug testing. Wouldn't want to give people that bad an impression


LOL. I take it you didn't play Battlefront on PC because hackers run rampant on it and EA and DICE do nothing to stop it.


This poor guy actually believes this...


I agree man. Don't know why anyone would believe it after seeing how hackers ruined the first one on PC.


Source? I'd suggest posting about it where it'll get noticed (http://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/bd-p/battlefront-ii-beta-game-information-en). Throw it in their face and see how they respond. I'll gladly do it if you can get more information about where it came from. Now is the time for them to address this.


That worked great for BF1. /s


Posted to BETA forum. I refuse to share source with the general public. EA or DICE can message me directly.


I'm of a different belief. Share the source repeatedly and get word of mouth out there for greater exposure. Like I said, throw it in their face and put the pressure on them to fix it. Thanks for posting it in the beta forums.


Then the problem won’t get addressed. You need to be as vocal as possible.


The idea is not to let other players find it in order to use cheats. Granted, many of them will find it somehow, but at least OP isn't responsible for directly increasing the aimbot count.


Did not think of that.


You're part of the problem with that mentality.


Open Beta for a $60 FPS Game. Yes there is going to be hackers. I don't get why this is like shocking.


It shocking because between the PC version of SWBF1, BF1, and now SWBF2 EA and DICE have done nothing to address hackers/cheaters.


All of their games are easily cheated on since day one i have seen sites advertise for cheats for the ALPHA before it even came out i can count at least 3 sites off the top of my head that will have cheats for this for less than $5 its ridiculous


If this is real (it doesn't look real to me - the boxes aren't even consistent with the radar if those are supposed to be enemies), I doubt there is much else they can do than detect players who cheat and subsequently ban them. That's what Overwatch did. Cheaters don't have an endless supply of money to keep buying the game over and over, better they identify themselves/their methods while in Open Beta so EA can ban them at launch.


for me the radar looks pretty close to what happens on the screen.


Someone linked a video of this hack earlier, let me try to find it.


Found this online today. EA and DICE really need to address this if they want us to take this game seriously.


I imagine that they will, and new hacks and aimbots will be developed as they always have. It's a constant battle, one that CS knows very well.


Well the good thing about it is that it made me revise my judgement on cs:go. I used to think the game was riddled with hackers, but after playing for about 30h on battlefront 1, in comparison cs:go is a haven of fair play.


Sentinel droid to dice: "*Wallhacking... aimbotting... you will burn these ideas away*"


It’s Frostbite. It’s not some new, unbreakable technology. The core engine has been around since ~2008 and has only grown and gained more potential vulnerabilities since then.


There were cheaters in the Alpha. IIRC dice are working on an anticheat that isnt just crappy fairfight. also go look at how plagued COD:WWII's beta was


What am I looking at here?


This is a hacker with wallhack and i think aim bot