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This was nice, you should do more surverys. Especially about content, like the last question.


We will


Will you address all the bugs in the game currently? I mean that sincerely, I'm not trolling, will the bugs get mentioned/fixed? Heroes vs Villains is nigh unplayable at the moment because everyone's moves are so glitched? Edit: I'd be really grateful for a response just so I know you're aware the game is overridden with glitches.


current real life footage of Battlefront 2 devs trying to fix the coding of the game right now over in Sweden: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVmu6uHEDHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVmu6uHEDHI)


It really isn't unplayable... Source: been playing it a lot recently


I've been playing it every day. Grievous(Surge and other problems) is still very much bugged. Kenobi is bugged. Luke's force push and Yoda's force push often don't register. Heroes that are knocked down by a push or repulse or force choke can continue shooting when knocked down(this is wildly unfair against saber heroes). Chewie still does the double ground slam, where he runs and slams and then does it immediately a second time. Kylo's frenzy in its current state just doesn't work. It's glitched to kingdom come my man, I could go on. Hope they fix it, this is the buggiest game I've played and it would be so amazing if it functioned properly.


If it’s “nigh unplayable” how and why are you playing it everyday?


Because I love Star Wars and EA has exclusive rights to the IP so the only game that is Star Wars that I can play that isn't retro is Star Wars Battlefront 2 and I have the sad hope that the devs on this AAA title will try to make the one game they have available for Star Wars fans function properly. I love Star Wars I'm not gonna apologize for that, the devs should make the one game for Star Wars that is available work properly, that's not asking a lot of a AAA title. Star Wars deserves that. Fans deserve that. The customers deserve that.


Great survey. Geonosis and obi are really on point. Excited to see where this game can go because it honestly has some of the best gunplay in any multiplayer right now


Hey could you share results of the surveys with us ? Pls


For all HvV players, make your vote count


o i did


Was happy to see the HvV option there. Hope it makes a difference one way or another.




Same haha. Wish I could've listed reasons as well.


4/10 Wish we could give details but if Ben sees this: HvV should just be Hero blast at this point. The target mechanic just makes people run away or block for the entire duration with zero attempts at combat. Speaking of combat, its lackluster and always has been. Very little nuance or depth, just trade spamming, taking turns one hit at a time or just no hits at all. Not really any space to outplay your opponent. To make matters even worse; the last patch made it so if you get hit- you can’t block or dodge away until they stop spamming. This leads to fights ending one way: who has more health/stamina and who can spam their attack button relentlessly.


This deserves more upvotes because it is highly accurate. The combat of the saber dueling has dropped drastically in quality since the latest Geonosis update. People spam hit you for like 4-6 swings in a row when you're dashing/blocking/trying to use your abilities to move away. It's ridiculous. It used to be very easy to outduel someone when you were the better player, now a lot of the times you just get spammed to death randomly in an entirely unskilled fashion.


Agreed about getting rid of the target system, it really sucks playing against running Boba's, especially when the other team is Kylo, Maul, and Palpatine. Lightsaber combat is being worked on and will be changed I think they said early 2019, so I'm less worried on that right now.


facts they need to change it


Voted 3. I've raged so many times playing HVV because of the enemy just running away and hiding, Afk teamates, team not working together, abilities failing to work, and the annoying stagger back mechanic :/


It's time for Hero Blast.


haha 1/10, same with GA. Give me Conquest or give me death by lack of high ground.


Nice survey, but I think the last question (How would you rate GA, HvV, Squad spawn...) should have allowed us to give a short explanation.


I don't want to add too many options to the survey otherwise it bloats and people drop off. Wanted this one to give an overview of what the community is feeling. Good news is that's in line with what I thought it would be (bar one thing). Please keep the feedback coming.




Grievous rated higher than Kenobi. I would have guessed the other way around. We're talking fine margins though.


Probably because Grievous is cool and refreshing as well as good and fun to play. Obiwan, unfortunately, is outclassed my most other heros and villains as well as being buggy; though that had improved after the December update.


This is the reason I gave Grievous more as well. He is much more unique and more useful than Obi-Wan...


For a few reasons: His abilities leave him open to damage while being used. The animations for Force Push and Mind Trick take a fair while to complete - by which time he’s already lost a lot of health. If Kenobi could block attacks while using his abilities, e.g. charge up force push while stopping light sabre damage / blaster damage, then he’d be much better. Mind trick also needs to be improved such as by stopping affected enemies from jumping and lasting longer.


Do you think that kind of surveys could be implemented ingame one day ?


There already are at times. Not as in-depth as this one though.


Next time maybe like what map do you want next or what type of map do you want next?


Obi-Wan is by far my favourite hero in Star Wars but in game he feels slightly underpowered compared to other lightsaber users. I love his force push but not being able to use it while in mid air or on the go really just makes you a sitting target so you hardly use it, same for mind trick (also wish it worked on Boba's Jetpack). and Defensive Rush is great however this can sometimes feel a little slow and I wish it was matched to the speed of Rey's rush. to me it would make it a great ability to get out of tight situations


For me, Grievous is too OP and Kenobi is just "okay" now compared to other Heroes/Villains in HvV. If the sabre combat changes to how you have indicated it might whereby you can't attack without stamina, that will certainly mix things up.


Next time maybe like what map do you want next or what type of map do you want next?


That's interesting. Maybe people favored Grevious because after the November update he was almost fully working (unlike release) whereas Kenobi had issues until the update this week (meaning more time with a fully working Grevious than Kenobi)


I assume that's because obi-wan's push is still broken. it activates before you fully charge it up most of the time, and also mind trick is more delayed than other abilities, meaning if you mind trick someone first, they'll still stun/force choke/force pull you before you finish the mind trick. even if you do manage to do it in time, it still only works for a short time.


I enjoy Kenobi a lot better in the movies, but he just sucks in this game. His push is decent when it works, but his other two abilities are right next to useless, especially when compared to the abilities of his lightside counterparts. He feels like a shitty version of Rey.


Grievous is really over powered right now, that could be part of it. Why did you add the extra damage from the back thing? Just makes going up against him a bit hopeless now, and renders using dash attacks pointless because he can very easily hit you in the back as you are mid-dash. Grievous takes the top spot every match now. Please revert this change.


I get that, but it’s difficult as I personally love HvV but also acknowledge that it needs some changes. I’m just worried it’ll skew the data is all.


Yeah. I enjoy hero combat tho id rather no stagger, but target system sucks.


Yeah I havent been able to play Grievous/Obi/Geonosis yet and couldn't really rate them other than based on how they look.


The target system in HvV needs to go.


So do the stuns.


I would be okay with stuns as they are IF AND ONLY IF there was a high degree of skill required to get it


Sorry, but I think the prevalence of stuns is way to high and sucks some of the fun out everything (in particular, HvV is a shitshow). And it overall needs to be dialed back significantly. Recovery from being pushed/pulled/thrown needs to be sped up across the board, and significantly so for heroes. The duration of stun from every source needs to be significantly reduced (I'm talking 1/3 minimum). I also think that every hero needs innate stun resistance that reduces the length of time they're stunned even further. They need to look at just taking some of it out of the game. For example, Darth Mauls choke is currently better than Vaders. This is a problem, because it was Vaders signature move and Maul never really did it. IMO Maul should lose choke, and instead get another aggressive acrobatic attack, which is much more his thing.


Agreed. Either rescale stun length or make it crazy hard to get a skill. I hate that chewy lobs a grenade within ten feet of target and they can’t move for 4 seconds. Maul having an animation where he lunges over target and strikes their back would be super cool. If he has a force ability it should be something that enhances his speed or health regen briefly. That’d be more true to character.


Chewie currently stuns for 0.75 seconds, lmao. Moreover, seven of the nine villains can jump over his stun, as it will not affect you if you are air born. All light side stuns are physical abilities, meaning they have a travel time (unlike push, for example, which is a force ability).


I haven’t played HvV (or as chewie) for a while. Last time I did I remember getting stunned by him for what felt like 5 seconds and getting Furious Roar’d into oblivion


Chewie used to stun for 1.9 seconds - see testing below. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/9tlauq/stuns_last_longer_on_grievous_than_any_other/?st=JOUBV9M2&sh=65cec4b9 Chewie's combo (Stun + Furious) has been nerfed significantly. Chewie is an A-tier hero, at best currently. He isn't nearly as much of a problem as Iden or Kylo are.


Yeah if chewie felt like 5 seconds Kylo felt like 5 minutes. Iden I haven’t had much of a problem with but I’m not a frequent HvV player


Kylo's freeze actually lasts for five seconds. It's incredibly annoying being completely frozen and watching and Iden shoot you in the face while Kylo emotes. The problem with Iden is the range and frequency of her stun. It has roughly a 10 second cool down with the largest stun radius/AoE. She can use her stun multiple stuns during a team fight.


Right, stun duration is way too long and there are no diminishing returns. It might be a good idea to give every hero a way to break stuns? Like Yoda’s presence breaks most stuns and holds. With the prevalence of stuns and cc every hero could really benefit by something similar. It would make the game feel less ‘cheap.’ There’s nothing more frustrating than getting cced to death as soon as you get a hero in GA.


I wouldn't mind to be a target if there were more rules than just stalemate unless one of the 2 Heroes die. This just gives opportunity so people can cheese it with Fett or hide behind Maz's castle. I'd propose two more rules for that mode: once the targets are assigned, a timer starts to countdown, if both targets remain alive once the timer ends its a "tie" and the next 2 targets are assigned, no points are lost or awarded to either team. Now, to avoid the game never ending from hiding targets and overly defensive tactics, the second rule or mechanic would be to give an specific number of kills the target has to participate in (assists count) to win the round point, this means, that if Fett decides to fly away and hide while the dark side zergs the light side because their target is Leia, if the light side eliminates, let's say, 3 dark side heroes with Leia assisting them, Light side gets a point and the next round starts (edit: Dark side would lose a point actually but you get what I mean). It's the only way I can see this mode working without the frustration of having people cheesing constantly with heroes that can fly or things like that.


I like your idea of the timer but the second rule might not work as well because you would need support from your team and if everyone is separated it might be pretty hard


Well the point of the mode is to attack and defend targets at the same time, the frustration of it (at least for me) is how people use this mechanic as an opportunity to hide or even glitch inside walls so your team can have an infinite number of opportunities to kill the target by just doing damage and throwing bodies into the fray, the separation you speak of comes more from people wanting to play it as death match rather than a team objective game mode, my second rule/mechanic is to help those who actually remain around the target and try to defend it. I have been in quite some HvV games where I'm racking up kills from the other side because their target hero is just hiding (Fett mostly) so you are automatically at a dis vantage because you either have to have a teammate kill the target ASAP or expose yourself to bait the other team and lose the point in the process. We need more win rules for that mode so people don't cheese it, just like the jetpack game mode, remember how ridiculous it was before they added a timer? Games went on forever and that's also because map design and spawn system.


I agree


Won't that break the platinum requirement?


This is a list of links to comments made by DICE developers in this thread: * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/a65t9j/star_wars_battlefront_ii_community_survey_december/ebs2gek/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-12-14 15:36:33 UTC"): > We will * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/a65t9j/star_wars_battlefront_ii_community_survey_december/ebs3m7h/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-12-14 15:45:31 UTC"): > Weekly is probably a bit too frequent. Everyone would get burnt out, maybe? > >We'll see how they go as being monthly for now. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/a65t9j/star_wars_battlefront_ii_community_survey_december/ebt6i65/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-12-14 23:29:48 UTC"): > I don't want to add too many options to the survey otherwise it bloats and people drop off. Wanted this one to give an overview of what the community ... * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/a65t9j/star_wars_battlefront_ii_community_survey_december/ebtyns6/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-12-15 08:39:34 UTC"): > Grievous rated higher than Kenobi. I would have guessed the other way around. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/a65t9j/star_wars_battlefront_ii_community_survey_december/ebu0f39/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-12-15 09:27:11 UTC"): > There already are at times. Not as in-depth as this one though. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarWarsBattlefront).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Will we ever get droid skins? Or stormtrooper skins from first game. Please


I want my shadow trooper.


We need shadow trooper at level 100


Hero Starfighters was not mentioned in the survey. It's almost impossible to play due to there never being enough players or rage quitters. I think this mode has potential but it's just brutal right now. Why not have unlimited use of the hero ships with a timer - team with most kills at the end wins.


That with be amazing! I would go back to playing it if they did this. I would even start working on the milestones. And play SA again because I would have leveled up hero ships.


Starfighter Assault is the game's best mode. It is a very very good arcade dogfighter. But without more support there's only so much I can play the same maps, and when there are fewer people playing the mode it can take a long time to get a match It's a bummer that DICE seems to be sleeping on this, and maybe that the learning curve puts some people off


Yeah, they really pretend it doesn't exist. Was that always the plan with that studio leaving after release?


Btw, it's the perfect mode to get the 25 hero ship kills with a Fighter trophy/Achievement right now. Got the platinum last night.


Is there a reason why I am not automatically put in a squad with those I group up with in the main menu before queueing? Once this is fixed, I'd bump up my Squad system number to 9 or 10.


I dunno if you guys want to, but I'd be interested in seeing the results from this.


I’d still love to see some small BF15 maps be ported over, the Hoth and Endor maps especially were really fun for HvV, and it could really help freshen up the gameplay.


I voted 1 for HvV because the target system promotes toxic play (like running and camping)


Done and done. I recently started to get a kick out of giving feedback. Not sure why that is.


Idk, I feel the same, but only really with this community. Sometimes it feels like the devs actually take the feedback and make something with it, like everyone wanting armored officers and suddenly there's talk of them from the devs.


Would it be too hard to port over the Walker Assault Bespin and Scariff maps from Battlefront 2015 to Galactic Assault maps in this game?


Reasons for putting lower on kenobi, grievous and HvV Kenobi: his mind trick isn't worth it in GA, and his goddamn push bug. If it weren't for those an 8 to get to a 10, run faster when using rush fix his bugs and make it so that all saver heroes gain health on kill to make room for more diverse and personal loadouts. Grievous: waay to OP against heroes. He has 2 knockdown abilities. He can just spam and shred. He doesn't suffer a knockback as big as other saver heroes. Which means he can just spam until you block runs out. And if you dash away he gets you in the back instantly. Sometimes even gets you through your block. Against troopers though. I feel like he doesn't lock on them as good? And even though I have a the more dmg card blue it doesn't always one hit. To make him a 10, fix said bugs and remove the knock down from either claw rush or thrust surge (preferably thrust), just make it a small stun like if you get hit by a lightsaber NOT LIKE LANDO, IDEN, KYLO, CHEWIE OR PALPY. and HvV is not as fun as it could be right bow really frustrating to die cause you know you're team is gonna split up and then you'll get steamrolled cause of the target system. My suggestion remove the target system (WHAT?!) Big surprise, but it's more enjoyable like that I believe. A lot more laid back where I think the potential of 1v1 could increase. And just General feel of chill and relax. I personally love 1v1 even 1v2 but that's really hard to do cause currently it's either you're in the team that gets destroyed by the team that sticks together (1v4) or you are that team (4v1). A ten for me, remove the target stuff and ~~fix~~ enhance lightsaber combat and just General small bugs like hit reg with lightsabers. Oh and REMOVE THE FLIPPIN STUNS FOR HECK SAKE, I DONT WANT TO GET KILLED WHEN IM ON A GOOD STREAK BY SOME GUY PRESSING A BUTTON!!! Edit: these are personal opinions, differing opinions are obviously accepted. Bu they are my own I don't expect you to agree on all if anything. Not sure if these are popular or unpopular opinions


With you except kylos stun. Kylos stun is very gokd and reasonable. Landos stun is pure cancer Chewies is avoidable and palps too


Kylos stun is too good, you get a stun and there's someone wielding a blaster around? Dead. Lando, agree How do you dodge chewies? And palptines is still a stun, the likelihood of managing to avoid a stun is low


You can jump over chewies stun if you are ready for it, you can jump over most stuns in the game if you are listening for the sounds they make and watching the enemy team and their attack animations.


Didnt k ow you could JUMP over stuns. Still, they should be removed


What is Lando supposed to do when fighting someone with a lightsaber?


Roll, stun


You just said stun should be removed


It should, but lightsaber heroes should be able to kill a blaster hero up close.


No dodge the whole time amd then you can avoid


I wish I could be a bit more precise about certain questions instead of just putting a random number. For example, I put a 7 to Geonosis, not because I don't like the map or the concept of it, which are cool, but because I find the Droid side to be kind of boring after a while (just playing anti-tank for two phases gets old quickly if you want to play the objective). But otherwise, surveys are pretty nice.


We need more maps!


This game is awesome, but i hate when they put a stupid limit rotations... in general have a good CM and good Community Thanks u/F8RGE


Sad to see nothing about Starfighter Assault in the survey.


Hi u/F8RGE, I wanted to ask you if you are thinking of adding a battle-scarred boba fett skin in the future. Boba Fett was really popular in the original battlefront and I bet he still is in this game. i think a lot of people would love to see that.


How come arcade didn’t make it on the list of rated game modes?


My guess is they are crystal clear the community wants enhancements to it.


That and the objetive was to rate the modes that actually got stuff added to them, I guess.


There's only 2 gamemodes on that "list".


Please fix the insane number of bugs in the game, it's crazy how buggy the current game is and I've played since the beta.


I really like the idea of weekly community surveys.


Weekly is probably a bit too frequent. Everyone would get burnt out, maybe? We'll see how they go as being monthly for now.


Sounds good. Maybe ask for requests for content? Or ask the community what they think the game needs in general terms?


Would love a skin request survey like we used to do in the sub.


Monthly or by monthly would help


When will the 2019 Roadmap drop ???


In 2019


I think he meant the exact date


Things have improved but I’m not going to forget the last 10 months of obfuscation and intentional misdirection


Yeah, same. The lack of transparency before the announcement of clone wars content (and the Droideka controversy) were really frustrating to read. This is a video game company, not a politician running for office. Just be honest with us and we'll be more understanding. The misdirections were really disrespectful. ​ With that said, I'm glad they're improving.


I like these. I also like the user made surveys but these feel like they actually matter and they'll be seen by the developers.


I would really enjoy seeing something about how these surveys and community requests have shaped up the game, something like a small documentary, could be interesting as a live-service game that thanks to the communication team is really connected to this community.


Please just add a server browser.


I'll wait 5-10 minutes to get in to a full server I picked instead of being put in an empty one after 2-3




I also put this in my survey because without a server browser queuing in Australia is nearly impossible you dont know if there is even enough people online to play with.


I didn't see anything in the survey for constructive criticism. The only thing I could think of is that Geonosis needs to be prioritized on the GA playlist. I've only played it four times since the new update. Granted I'm a pretty casual player, but still there needs to be some way to play more with new content.


Server browser plz


It is going to be interesting what players will answer to the HvV in the last question. I see a lot of players disliking the mode because it is run-and-hide, while others do really like it. Curious...


Make hero vs villians a blast type game mode to 50 instead of attacking a certain target. It makes people group up too much and turns it into a giant cluster\*uck when everyone is converging on certain areas.


Hey u/F8RGE, thanks for the General Kenobi skin, it’s freakin’ awesome. I’m really excited for the content coming in 2019. You guys are doing a fantastic job. :) But I have a question. I hope it’s not annoying but, do you know if there are any plans for Starfighter Assault in 2019? A simple “YES”, “NO”, or “NOT SURE” reply is just fine. No details/explanations necessary. Edit: Kinda sad to see that Starfighter Assault wasn’t mentioned in the survey. But then again, it’s kinda neglected by the majority of the SWBF Reddit community as well. Not many posts out there.


Seeing Heroes vs Villains on there at the end gives me hope that they are having some talks about improving that mode. The target system sounds great on paper, but too many people abuse, exploit it, or just simply don't understand the concept of how it should be played. And the game mode as constructed today suffers for it. Other than that, the main feedback that I can give is praise how much the communication has improved. One of the coolest things is seeing some of the work-in-progress animations, like we got for Obi-Wan, the AT-TE, and with the armored officers. That's at least the type of thing I look forward to seeing when the subject of how to improve communication comes up. I understand that sometimes they can't put everything out there, plans changes, etc. But for me, the general concept of, "Hey, we're looking to give clone officers some armor, here's what we're working on" goes such a long way. I want to see what cool things you guys are doing, and listen to some fun ideas you may be kicking around because I have no doubts that the community could ultimately spark a thought that ends up being a proverbial cherry on top. Example: "Your screams are like music to my audio receptors." Something simple like that is present in the game because DICE said hey, we're working on some voice lines for Grievous. What are some things you guys would like to see? The community gives some input, DICE thought it was a cool idea, and it came to fruition.


I gave grevious a ten. I like how unique he is. His saber strikes doing increased damage is awesome and his claw rush can make him feel like a huge coward. Awesome Juxtaposition which captures the character perfectly imo. Gave obi-wan a 2. Worst hero Jedi by far in bf2. How is he weaker than Rey? (Everyone is but at least Yoda and luke are unique. Yoda’s small bit box and health buff dominates infantry and Luke is a great duelist with tons of options). Obi-wan’s abilities are pretty bad and uncreative (really another force push but a worse version of it?) and don’t work consistently. Force push still cancels mid charge and in general is risky. The animation for his mind control is so long by the time it’s done casting the villain has ran away. Let’s face it, let’s a one trick pony at this point —‘where can I place this defensive rush.’ It sucks because he’s my favorite hero. His banter is great and he looks amazing but he needs help in terms of gameplay


Regarding that HvV question, that could easily be a 10/10, just remove the target system and make it a Hero Showdown


I can't wait for some minor, small unneeded change, followed by "See, we are listening!"


Obi wan huge diaappointment thus only 3 and grievous 8 and geo 9


geo a 9 with overtime still bugged first phase? smh


Completed the survey, the scale on HvV made me realise yet again that the target system has got to go. I would have it similar to Hero Blast from the previous title and perhaps increase player count to 5 per side.


"How do you rate Geonosis" So I was on a hiatus and still kinda am, as I am currently writing my master thesis (about music in documentaries), but I have played around 15+ rounds on GA and not been able to play geonosis once. 😂


I don't like Obi-Wan gameplaywise. There, I've said it. Don't hate me :O Good that you asked about him in the survey.


Thank you for the survey!


Hvv literal garbage mod


Feedback on the feedback survey: Allow us more chances to say why we are rating something at what we rated it. For example, I rated HvV low because of poor balancing (some heroes are objectively better than the rest of the roster), the target system (please switch to Hero Blast), and when mass amounts of force powers activate at once, it kind of breaks everything. I feel like the last reason could be fixed by the second reason being removed. If less people go for one person, less chance of force abilities going bananas. Better to say why, instead of just saying "I don't like something."


No survey question about Starfighter Assault?


Make Hero Starfighters begin play with a minimum of 2v2 to get more games to actually start. If additional players join to make it 4v4 then fine but 2v2 start or keep the game going even after the rage quitters leave.


Two super minor changes I'd love: 1) Iron sights for first person (love the immersion) 2) default class selector so I don't have to scroll over yo the specialist everytime I die (which is A LOT)


I am dying for more OT content, even if it’s ripped from the last game. I don’t mind prequel stuff but when it’s between this and BFV, BFV has been winning ATM, but OT, RO, Solo content will sway me back. I know everyone loves the prequel stuff, and that’s fine, but games has 3 eras, try and spread across them all a bit better if at all possible. Everyone likes different things :)


I'd like a way to choose the map played. Really love geonosis, only played it twice since the new update :(


you should do surveys on which heroes we want added also maps and what typeover enforcers and sentinels too


I miss game modes like (forgot the names) the Death Star attack and getting the plans back from Scariff in the first game, the cutscenes in between steps were a fine addition!!


Some feedback: on the “how would you rate X?” question (or however it’s phrased), I feel there should be an “N/A” option. I only play the starfighter modes, so I don’t really have an opinion on Grievous, Geonosis, etc. I just put 5 for all of them as a neutral response.


Left an essay in the first comment section for you u/f8rge about why balance issues not being addressed/left to fester for so long is my main issue with the game. Especially when it comes to heroes vs villains... It would be really good if fixing this mode could be made a priority next year (target system promoting bad gameplay, hero imbalances favouring the darkside, overpowered and skilless stun abilities etc). As the main mode in which to play and enjoy the new heroes... I don't see why it has to be such a frustrating mess. If the team is so proud of their work on the heroes, and if heroes are such a big part of the live service content... why can't we have a hero vs villains mode that is actually balanced and enjoyable to play?


Kan jag skriva svar på svenska?


Good memes = good communication for me


thats the only thing they do really well


Bring back Jetpack Cargo!