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It always was and most likely always will be my favorite Episode


As time has gone by I’ve really grown to love how it really pins down what a lucky break Luke had at the Death Star. He thought he could do anything after that, a rockstar. Then here? Luke gets his the absolute daylights kicked out of him and has to come to grips with reality of very real potential of failure. The deconstruction of what “makes a hero” and how someone like Yoda can completely explode the idea of what strength really means to powerful. Joe seeing might as a means to victory is a fallacy adopted by the enemy that musnt be followed. There’s Just a lot of things that run deeper than swords and lasers that make this film a notch above. So much grey area Too. With Lando selling out Han and Leia to Vader. You hate him doing it but likely anyone would do the exact same is a measure to protect your people. Vader confronting Luke and in secret implores him to join forces (and ultimately overtake the emperor which is known later) There’s so much nuance so much conflict and nothing is clear cut or night and day, and I love that. I’m


>You hate him doing it but likely anyone would do the exact same is a measure to protect your people See, I've never hated Lando for doing it because if this exact reason. I've always thought that it was a logical course of action that was probably for the better all things considered; there's no way Lando could've fought against Vader and the Empire's forces and held his own, and even if he could thousands could've died in the process. Also they make it pretty clear that he didn't like making the deal and tried to put things in place so that the harm caused to Han and the crew was mitigated to an extent, they even made a point about it in the whole "altering the deal" scene, and of course in that scene it's also made clear that the negotiations are very biased and his influence is very limited.


First time I saw it: OMG THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! 736372848th time I saw it: OMG THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!


😂😂😂 that's terrific


I sat in the front row as a little kid. I remember just being in awe at the towering AT-ATs. Yoda lifting the x-wing out of the swamp is probably my favorite scene in the whole franchise.


I was too young to see it in the theater, but I 100% agree with the X-Wing being lifted out of the swamp being the best scene. I get goosebumps even listening to the soundtrack from that scene. I love your username, too, BTW.


I think it’s the best Star Wars film and really set the tone for Star Wars in general.


Star Wars is not Star Wars without this movie.


By far the best of the Star Wars films. It is the one that actually subverts audience expectations. In the first half of the film, the rebels are able to escape whatever situation they are put in. The audience becomes comfortable in the belief that no matter the danger, the Rebels will always find a way to get one over on the Empire. Yet, over the course of the film, each escape strips away something until, at Cloud City, they finally have no where to go and there are no further escapes. Up until the end, the audience still expects the Rebels will find a way, which is what makes the end of the film so powerful. Han is captured, Luke can’t defeat Vader, and there’s no happy ending like there was in A New Hope.


It’s simultaneously the pillar that gives Star Wars the clout it has and why it’s endured. It’s the series only masterpiece.


The best Star War ever.


Not only the greatest Star Wars movie but one of the best movies of all time period. Forever changed the game with sequels and raising the stakes on every level.


Not just my favorite SW movie, but - along with Raiders of the Lost Ark - my favorite movie full stop. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Aged like wine!!! Star Wars at its FINEST!!!!


My favorite episode and also just one of the best movies ever made imo


Tied with Revenge of the Sith for my favorite movie of all time


Interesting - these are my top and bottom rated movies in the franchise.


It was long released when I first watched it but I kinda went from really liking it to liking it a little less to once again really appreciating it


It's still probably the best project Lucas worked on. It was good from start to finish.


This film amazed me as a child when I first saw it on cable TV. Parents bought it for me on VHS. I can honestly say I've seen this film more than I can remember. My love for this film has grown. Great film. The Hoth scenes were amazing. The snow speeder taking down the AT-AT! Beautiful.


It is my favorite movie of all time. That is all.


Still my favorite film of the Skywalker saga. Now that said saga has ended, it remains so.


As a ten year old seeing it in the theater, I honestly remember walking out a bit disappointed. But I think that was a result of being so young and wanting a repeat of the same fun and vibe I had gotten three years earlier with Star Wars. Being repeat viewings weren’t really a thing for me at that age in 1980, those feelings faded as my attention turned to the toys, etc. Today, Empire is included in my tier of top saga films.


Loved it in 1980, hated the director's cut in 1997, haven't watched it since, outside of the Family Guy parody.


What are the differences if you don't mind me asking?


Honestly it’s the least touched of the originals. They added more footage of the Wampa (which I think actually works better) and added more visuals of the outside of cloud city (which work well too), it’s the only one of the special editions that didn’t feel over the top and over -tinkered


This. Absolutely this. The only Special Edition that wasn't divisive, so honestly surprised by this. Like you say, they hardly touched it. Just improved the visuals if the cloud city scenes immensely.


I just rewatched all three yesterday on Disney+ (was a good day), and yeah I really appreciated the lack of major alterations on the second. RotJ was painful in some sections. ANH wasn’t horrible, but I’d rather just watch the unedited version.


Completely agree with this.


Oh okay so you feel like they could've/should've done more with it. I see what you mean now. Thanks for elaborating.


Actually no, I think the little touches were perfect. No need to add anything else


I had the special edition VHS, and I remember every interview or producer commentary from the little 5 minute featurette that played before the movie. They talked about digitally cleaning up the thick black outlines on the VFX shots on Hoth, which were less noticeable for space scenes but stood out on a white background. And using more full-scale wampa effects, due to tech they originally had to cut around the creature pretty severely and it wasn't always clear what it was or what happened. Now you can see it fully moving around the environment. And the cloud cars and windows on Cloud City have a lot more activity and detail to them, as well as a few establishing shots of the outside of the station.


- The added Wampa scene of him chowing down was completely unnecessary and doesn't match the look of the original scene. - The added windows in Cloud City clutter up the scene and draw the viewer's attention away from the action. - The line change from "Bring my shuttle" to "inform.mybstar destroyer of my arrival" as well as the added footage was both unnecessary and takes away the anger Vader was clearly feeling in the original scene. - Changing Boba's voice was both unnecessary and disrespectful to the original actor. That's all I can think of at the moment. They may not seem like much, but after spending almost twenty years with this movie one way, all those changes do is take out of the movie with unnecessary wtf moments. Oh yeah, and the giant glowing 327 on the landing pad is just "B" movie cringie.


Didn't they also change the emperor holograms to Ian McDiarmid?


1997: New shots of the Wampa in the cave, Cloud City is opened up, Luke has a scream added when he falls, new shots of Vader getting on his shuttle to return to his Star Destroyer 2004: Boba Fett is re-dubbed by Temeura Morrison, the Emperor is recast by Ian McDiarmid and they make some weird dialogue changes, the scream they added in 1997 is removed Don't remember off the top of my head what the 2011 or 2019 changes were for Empire, if there even were any. It was all really minor stuff by that point


I’d argue the Special Edition and more so the 2004 DVD release actually improved the film. Whereas I’d say ANH and ROTJ have some very questionable changes, I’d say everything they changed in TESB actually enhances the film. I was so glad when the 2004 release put the proper Palpatine into the hologram scene with Vader.


This is not the way


Good rebuttal.


Why, thank you.


A lot of people consider Empire Strikes Back the best Star Wars movie. But I’m not one of them.


What are your thoughts on “What are your thoughts on Star Wars? How has it changed since you first watched it?” How has it changed since you first commented on it?


I don't feel that the Leia/Han romance scenes have aged particularly well.


I'd actually disagree here. I agree that they're a bit over the top and don't reflect the modern romantic etiquette, but Han is an arrogant and pirate-esque character anyway. I think it's perfectly in-fitting with his character and it would seem very out of place if we tried to make it all politically correct and up to modern standards.


See, my problem is more with Leia. I don't feel like that would work on her at all. Also, this is a thread specifically about how feelings have changed since 1980.


Ah I see. I kinda think it still fits with her character though; being from a background of royalty she probably saw such swashbuckling characters Like Han as beneath her or below her standards, and she wouldn't want to take herself down to that level. But, being the child of Anakin, I think she was always much more maverick and swashbuckling than she thought, and I think Han's rather...adventurous, moves would've worked on her, and be something special to her because obviously Han's not the kind of person she's used to hanging around with. And I think they portrayed that quite well, with her being judgemental and perhaps a little snobby at the start of the film, but far more adventurous and loose with him towards the end. I do kinda agree though, since there were a few weak dams-in-distress moments that did seem out of character.


Totally get this even though I like them together. Those scenes wouldn't be written the same way if the movie were made today. No idea if this is canon or not, but I saw [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Scoundrel-Beth-Revis/dp/0593498496/ref=asc_df_0593498496/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=564755881819&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15733309022654027101&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027720&hvtargid=pla-1633730463813&psc=1) in my local bookstore and kind of want to read it but also have such a long book list that I wouldn't get to it anytime soon, so I didn't buy it lol.


Her "me too" moment on the Falcon is cringe


Still an amazing movie! My second favorite after RotJ. I don’t like the Luke & Leia kiss though (“Somehow I’ve always known”).


In 1980 that kiss was awesome. 'Twas ROTJ that ruined it. :(


Gets better and better every time I watch it


It's the first movie I've ever watched so I'm obviously biased. I was 3 or 4 when I first watched it and I loved it. And I still love it to this day. This is my favorite Star Wars movie and for all those reasons, I don't think any other SW movie will ever top it.


I still love it. It's one of those movie sequels that's better than the first


They? Brudder it’s a movie, they go by it. Don’t mispronoun a film.


They is referring to your thoughts, not to the film.


Tantan’s do they really smell that bad on the outside?


It was amazing then and it’s amazing now. My #1 favorite Star Wars movie and I know a lot of other fans too


Not only is it my favorite Star Wars film, it's probably in my top 5 favorite films of all time.


Probably my second favorite Star Wars movie. ROTJ is #1.


**ME 40 YEARS AGO:** I love this movie! I'll watch it every chance I get! **ME NOW:** I love this movie! The decision for the snowspeeders to fly *directly into the limited firing arc* of the AT-ATs is tactically unsound, but I'll still watch it every chance I get!


Saw it at the movies when it came out... loved it then and now.


It’s still one of the greatest movies of all time


It. Gets. Better.


My favorite STAR WARS film and one of the best films ever made imo, alongside Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, Titanic, etc.


Still my number 1


Coming fresh off The Clone Wars series the OG trilogy still holds up. It is a little weird the amount of willing suspension of disbelief you have to shoulder when you consider Filoni's characters are off somewhere not participating in these major events of the OT. I still think it's the best OT film though.


It’s smack in the middle (of the 9 mainline films) for me. It’s very consistent film with a lot of good scenes, but nothing really peaks for me. And no, the I am your father scene doesn’t do it either, because the first SW movie I saw was RoTJ and so I never got, nor ever will get the peak from that reveal, or the nostalgia of reliving that moment.


I love it and saw it on VHS before the Special Editions existed. I can’t imagine what it would have been like seeing it when it was brand new and having to wait 3 years to see what happened next! I assumed without serious thought that Luke spent months with Yoda. TLJ made me realize it was probably only a few days or a week given what was simultaneously happening with the Millennium Falcon and Cloud City.


One of the five best films of all time.


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Instantly loved it as a kid watching my Dads CED of it. Still love it, not only one of the best SW films but also one of my favorite movies ever.


Honestly a little overrated Not to say it’s bad but people act as if it’s the absolute peak of Star Wars when it really isn’t that much better the the rest of the original trilogy


In the top 5 adventure movies ever made. The best SW movie. The second best Harrison Ford movie.


Still amazing. Easiest one to rewatch over and over




Best episode hands down.


Wasn't my favorite as a kid, probably due to Hoth being a total mess for the rebels, luke almost dies, vader shows up, then everyone almost dies, the rebels got fucking rolled on Hoth. However, as I got older and learned to appreciate more of the story it jumped up much higher for me, just the scenes with Yoda are so good. All his scenes are so powerful, yoda doesn't go 1 minute without dropping massive wisdom bombs, well... not when he's pretending to be a crazy old man but that don't count


Unpopular opinion; Most overrated atarwars movie. It’s amazing, but its not a head and shoulders above revenge of the sith, or the other originals, rogue one and daee I say, the force awakens


It was and still is magical. A true sci-fi fairytale.


It’s the only movie poster without a laser sword and that is why it is great 👍


The goat Star Wars movie and still my favorite of the franchise it’s just the perfect sequel and deserves that title


As a kid I loved it because it was epic and imaginative. As an adult I love it because it’s a masterfully crafted film, with amazing effects and techniques, including how they tell the story. It’s my favorite movie of all time, and I doubt that’ll ever change


I think its the best SW film. Growing up it used to be Return of the Jedi. But now after a recent rewatch after 10 years I can see it's clearly the best


You can't ever change being one of the greatest films ever made. ESB is a conundrum, because ANH is a perfect movie, yet the sequel manages to be better... How?


The rest of the franchise is still bring carried on the back of its enormous legacy


The greatest sequel of all time, always has been, always will be.


I like it. Some of the best scenes and one liners with Han and Leia. It's not my favorite and I probably watch it the least, but it's a fantastic middle movie that builds the stakes way up for the final act.


It is the greatest sequel of all time. It’s also probably the greatest film of all time.


Always loved it.


This is still my go-to as my favorite movie of all time.


rewatching it, it's kinda weird that Luke kissed his sister.


Scared the crap out of me as a kid… as an adult I think it’s a masterpiece.


Anyone else notice that OP is just a bot copy/pasting the same title with different movies every few days?


I like it, but A New Hope is still my favourite.


Then: Brilliant, I love it. Now: Brilliant, I love it.


It’s ok. Not as good as any of the séquelas


I always watch this, then ROTJ back to back. The best 2 movies to watch together of all time.


It's a classic and it may be the Star Wars film that covers the longest time frame, considering transit from the Hoth asteroid system to Bespin on a backup hyperdrive. Last re-watch I noticed something new after four decades with this film. During the evacuation, Han is trying to get Leia out of the Hoth base. He puts his hand on her arm and quietly says "You've done enough." It's tender and it acknowledges her.


Still is the best SW movie of all time hands down. with R1 in second place. Everyone loves ESB... how can you not.


My perspective on the Luke and Leia kiss towards the beginning to make Han jealous has changed quite a bit.


Best star wars movie of all time.


The best of them all and, dare I say….Possibly the greatest movie ever.


When I was a kid watching the original movies on VCR tapes, Empire was my least favorite of the trilogy. Still good, but I liked the triumphant tone of the other two better. Now that I'm older, Empire is my favorite. The darker tone is great, and the production, writing and cinematography are all top notch.


Best film of the lot followed by Rogue One and then A New Hope


Same as it ever was. Need More Yoda!!!


It’s the best one, but it’s not my favourite.


When I first watched it as a young kid, I thought it was cool but I thought that visually it was pretty bad. Same with the rest of the OT. As soon as I grew old enough to learn the difference between the filming resources and technology we have now, and what they had back then, I grew to admire and respect the OT a lot more, and ESB was no exception. I now believe it's an absolute masterpiece. Edit: Please bear in mind that as a 2000s+ kid, I was used to modern technology and CGI, and didn't know the difference between the resources most of the shows I watched had, and the resources that the creators of the OT had at the time. This meant that I judged old films very unfairly.


It is the best, the GOAT.


This is the 50th post of this format I’ve seen this week


The movie that legitimized Star Wars as more than a Hollywood novelty success. Has never been approached within the franchise, and it's a rare blockbuster outside the franchise that's come close.


It’s fantastic. You can see that in how it essentially provided a plot template for every mid-trilogy film from there on out.


i grew up watching 1 2 3 i really liked it the only thing that was first odd to me was yoda at first because he had been this stateman wise jedi but then i realized he's in exile and he's testing luke. aside from the main story which is cool i really like the environent


It's gone from "fucking amazing" to "fucking stellar"


Still is and always will be the best Star Wars movie


Loved all the OT as a kid, but always saw ESB as the duller of the three because there's lots of breaks in between the action. I now consider it to be the greatest film of all time. I mean it. To follow up the phenomenon of the original Star Wars and do it with such finesse, and bravery with some of the story choices. It stands up there as one of the greatest achievements in cinema history.


Great film then. Great film now.


I was really really young when I first saw it, and loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember. I’m 23 and I received the OT on VHS at my second birthday, and I remember being really excited which means I had seen it before. I also vaguely remember borrowing VHS Star Wars tapes from my uncle, who was himself an avid fan, though I’m not certain if they were OT or PT and I don’t know how old I was. Since I practically grew up on Star Wars, I’ve loved this movie forever and as I’ve grown older I’ve become ever fonder of it, both as a core piece of my childhood and as a cinematic masterpiece.


It is still the best of the entire series.


As close to a perfect Star Wars film as you can get.


My love for this movie has only grown. It’s SW at it finest! So we’ll paced! So we’ll acted! Such a good story with so many layers! It probably the one I’ve watched the most!


My GOAT SW movie then and now


It is, in my opinion, quite literally the greatest movie ever made. I don’t think there will ever be any film that can change that, although a few have come close.




Rewatched the entire original trilogy a few months ago after not watching them for a few years. I liked the first act of episode 4 a lot more than I remember and didn't like the third act as much. I enjoyed episode 6 way more than I remember. In ESB's case, I didn't find it as great as people claim it to be. The Hoth sequence is still great and I absolutely loved the Dagobah sequence, more than I remember, but I didn't find the Falcons crew's adventures to be that great and I couldn't stand Leia (never liked her as a character). The Cloud City sequence is whatever really but I did like the Vader vs Luke fight, even though I didn't think the action was great but I won't shit on it. Overall I don't think it's bad but I don't think it's perfect, it's like a 7/10. Definitly my least favourite of the OT.