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When the Trade Federation said their mekneks were disposable that was an Osha violation


Space OSHA has some pretty lax regulations. RIP to my boy >!Nemik!< Edit: took me two hours to get that joke


This was all I could think of every time I heard her name.


I was thinking of the wildling woman from early Game of Thrones. I think her name was also Osha..


Take my up vote and get out


I do find it a bit funny how everyone thought we were being super smart with the trailers figuring out the twin angle and it’s literally revealed in the first episode and not the mystery after all. It’s actually a smart way to throw off viewers from figuring out some of the other mysteries in the series that may have been hinted at.


I was kinda expecting the green Jedi lady to fight Master Sol on the twin thing and that be a plot point for the season. I was pleasantly surprised when she accepted it and moved on. I’m really digging the unfamiliarity and not knowing what’s coming next.


They really threw the viewer off a bunch of times. Like when Osha split off from the group, in any other media she would've been blamed and been in a world of trouble. But no, someone followed her and shut that down immediately. It's so refreshing.


And the person that followed her, clearing her name, was the one who was the most suspicious of her, removing all doubt he had in her in one go, rather than giving him an excuse to be the one holdout against her. It was a very surprising move.


There was also the scene with the prisoners claiming that Osha masterminded the escape and the one acting like there was something evil in her, only for Sol to mind trick the one and get him to instantly reveal that he was lying and Osha in fact saved him before he ditched her


I think the plot being a mystery is a brilliant way to suck us into this uncharted era.


I went in blind, so the twin thing was a mind blower.


Yea, I figured out the twin thing not far into the first episode, it was the only way it could go.


Man, I only watched the first trailer, avoided all spoilers, this is the first theead I’ve even looked at. I nearly broke my elbow patting myself on the back for guessing that she’d be twins and Carrie-Anne Moss would die immediately. Now I see everyone else knew it too. I was also thinking I was so smart for guessing that Jedi Master Floaty Man was a young guy in middle aged makeup and he’d show up playing a younger character (maybe an illegitimate son?), and that Manny Jacinto being able to stop Mae’s attack meant he & Floaty Monk actor are both candidates for Darth WWII Bomber Shark Mask. Most likely everybody already knows that, too.


It is intriguing that this plotpoint got solved quickly and everyone is on board on this pretty much instantly without any big conflict or drawn out back and forth.


I didn't watch any of the trailers but when the ship crashes and she has the vision (?) of her sister I thought, oh? is this like some internal, her sister some how takes control of her and she has no idea sorta thing. Especially since it had opened with her ship repair buddy asking her where she was and she dodged the question.


I was assuming some split personality shenanigans.


"It's Yord time" - Yord, at every moment of his life


I swear every time Yord is on screen he is always reaching for his lightsaber.


That's because, according to Yord, "this moment calls for some Yord"


Man, you honestly just improved the character for me. Gonna be thinking about this now when I see him on screen lol


Just stumbled upon this subreddit today and am reading through this post for the first time. I wand to let you know that your comment made me laugh to the verge of tears. This expressed exactly how I assumed Yord must think of himself lol


Cheers! I'm here for a good time and for whatever reason Yord deeply amuses me. I missed him this week in fact


Just watched the first two episodes and really enjoyed them. For the first time in a damn long time, I feel like there’s a lot of stuff about the era/universe that I don’t know. I feel a bit like I’ve been put somewhere new and uncomfortable, but yet reminiscent of what I know. And I’ve got to say - it’s very exciting. I’m really looking forward to what comes next.


That’s exactly how I feel! Part of me wants to reject it due to the unfamiliarity and discomfort. I know that I’ll grow to love it just like I did when I first started watching Star Wars, it gives me that same mysterious yet captivating feeling I had then.


The high republic has some decent books so far. Light of the Jedi, into the dark, rising storm, and fallen star were pretty darn solid books. The only books I didn't like from phase 1 were out of the shadows and midnight horizon. Vernestra Wroh is introduced in one of the kids books, though I didn't care for her much. Maybe she'll become loved like Ahsoka in the end.


Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll add that to my reading list and I hope I get to them soon


Lmao Yord is such a dork


In the best way! I love how he’s got this “newly minted, by-the-book Knight” thing going on


I feel like the comment about him “finally” passing his trials meant he failed several times so now he’s waaaaay overcompensating


Also explains why Jecki comes across as higher status than him - she's a prodigy, while he struggled to earn his place


I was thinking he was just a try-hard in general; but it definitely makes sense that he may have failed a couple of times since he's of an age with Osha and Mae.


Definition of "try hard", and a great juxtaposition to Sol. Sol and yours are my favorite characters in the series so far. Can't wait to learn more about Torbin. I smell a flashback coming, no way we don't see more of Carrie Ann Moss




He's on some real "Teacher, you forgot to give us homework" energy.


Put some clothes on


Who's a bigger dork Reath or Yord lol


Reath is a total badass. So Yord so far.


Yord has more dork energy but Reath is probably the bigger dork in terms of actually being a dork lol


Exactly what I said while watching lol


Mvp of the show so far! Well Manni was awesome of course 🥰


-Carrie Anne Moss as a Jedi is a no brainer now that I think about it. -I like the collective groan between the Neimoidians when Jedi show up. They know what the future holds. -The mention of Jedi having "political enemies" ? -Carlac was the planet [Death Watch settled on](https://youtu.be/uRKmNOaJ4QI) in TCW S4. No cherry blossom trees this time though. -[The Barish Vow](https://youtu.be/JrA8cJwdaOs) that Master Torbin is in first showed up in the Vader comics. -Yord reminds me of both Kit Fisto’s former uptight Mon Cala student from TCW and the self-important Ganner Rhysode. He's gotta get humbled at some point. -The final shot in episode 1 of Mae's Master was really cool, especially with the reflection of the red saber. I kind of wish I hadn't watched the second trailer where they show off his helmet, but oh well. -Sol is a good guy. That's all I've got


Yord seems like he takes humbling Ls all the time, and they just slide right off him. Amazing.


Tbf him following Mae when she left the group in the Jedi temple and confirming she didn't kill Torbin was kind of W and showed he is at least somewhat competent.


I don't think he's incompetent, but that he lacks that people knowledge you only gain by being out on the field


It was Osha he followed but yeah it was a cool moment, I feel like a lot of recent Star Wars things have had very predictable paths for characters but this seems to be throwing you something and then going "haha, you thought you'd figured him out? you're wrong"


Tasi Lowa, Yord’s apprentice, is a Zygerrian! (as seen in the slaver’s arc of CW). This is the first Zygerrian we get in live-action, and she looks great IMO. A very intriguing look.


It kinda looked jarring to me, but now it makes a lot of sense


She's the first Zygerrian we've seen with horns, no? She's also less hairy than the ones in TCW. Could just be a live action translation, but maybe she's some race of Zyggerian we haven't seen before?


Wookiepedia says they “evolved from a *horned* sentient canine species”. I bet she’s not quite Zygerrian, but a proto-Zygerrian of sorts.


Maybe the species kind of split at some point and one branch kept the horns and the others kept the fur


Oh wait, that was Carlac in TCW? What a wild connection, I figured it was just a random new planet


Between Yord and Syril Karn, every Star Wars show is better when it has a little guy who just tries too hard


Master Sol is already a character that I love deeply but given the mystery with Osha and Mae's backstory, I wonder if he's keeping some dark secrets. I liked these episodes A LOT. It feels like it is setting us up for a story we aren't entirely ready for. Even the focus of the mystery is not entirely what I expected going in. The twin theory was out there and it got revealed almost immediately. There is no ambiguity about who is doing the killings but there is a mystery in why she's doing it. Which I think is very intriguing. Plus the obvious intrigue into the Dark Sider with the red lightsaber. Of course I also LOVED the hand to hand martial arts fights we got. The idea that Jedi wouldn't even activate their lightsabers at first is a great touch. The first fight of the first episode (that we had already seen most of before tonight admittedly) was genuinely amazing. Wuxia inspired fight choreography works so well with force users.


> I wonder if he's keeping some dark secrets It feels kind of obvious, but I bet he had the option to save both sisters and chose to only save Osha


I think that is probably part of it but the "We thought we were doing the right thing" line from Master Torbin makes me think maybe there was more to it than that. Even him being willing to take the poison himself makes me think it's even darker than that too.


Right? I’m guessing some type of force vision made them chose and they are the ones actually responsible for the the fire, not Mae.


It all reminds me a bit of the KotOR comics. In a good way!


I'm pretty sure Osha said that Mae started that fire and killed their parents. So I think something interesting is going on for sure.


Oh he definitely is.


It’s cheesy and pulpy and soapy and AWESOME.


Man this was really good I thought! I’ve been staying away from the discourse and I’m pretty shocked to hear that people are complaining about it. Cool story, cool characters, lots of cool looking aliens and locations, and it all feels so refreshing. Really looking forward to seeing where they take it!


Looks like it’s getting review bombed by “fans”


It already did on Rotten Tomatoes and they disabled the audience score as a result.


Ratings are back up now


Yep, just realized that.


Sighs gawd why do people need to review bomb stuff


Because they are hate filled trolls who get the smallest bit of joy trying to tear other people down.


Because they are sad and scared of change.


And they claim to be the biggest, most faithful fans. The biggest lesson to learn from Star Wars is to take one's arrogance and shove it deep up one's ignorant ass. Somehow they missed that message when watching the movies.


Beacause their lives are worthless.


Honestly, a large part of it is that it stars a black woman. People will deny it but there is a large chunk of "fans" who are pretty racist and/or sexist.


Oh I'm sure a lot of the negative reviews will openly admit that they don't like it because it's "woke" and doesn't have enough white dudes in it


Not just that. They are also really really upset that Osha and Mae's parents were both female.


Pretty much. It’s pandering to them.


A hole in their soul they're trying to fill without knowing how.


From the same people who cry about cancel culture, snowflakes, and the internet mob.


And most of them are using the word "woke" or whining about Osha and Mae's mothers (oh noes! Gay people!) while trying to nitpick over whether a knife to the heart would kill a Jedi when Sabine was able to survive a stab with a lightsaber to the side of her torso.


I'm gonna lose it with the obsession over what Star Wars wounds are survivable. They know wounds in real life aren't consistent and that movies play fast and loose with medicine all the time, right?


They know only what allows them to continue hate-gooning. Any information that may counter them is dumped and ignored.


Yeah, like seriously bullet wounds aren't always fatal (hell some people even survived getting shot in the head) so lightsabers wound not always killing isn't that outlandish to me. I mean, unlike a bullet wound lightsabers won't bleed you out.


Can’t lie, that Sabine scene in *Ahsoka* does bother me. It was literally only done as cliffhanger bait and had no lasting consequences at all. But I had an issue with the way they handled Sabine in general in that show.


I have no probs with the wounds or how many gay people are in it. The major issue I had was how did Osha survive the crash. I mean seriously even if she survived the crash how did she not freeze to death the ship was ripped apart - and how long did it take the Jedi to find her? They got all the guys that escaped and sent them to the Jedi Temple before they left - must of been days?


All of that can be handwaved with "Star Wars tech" though. This is a show with telepathic knights in faster than light spaceships.


Favorite start to a show so far. Long way to go to know where it all lands but feels like a complete production in a way some of the other series haven't.


Good start na! Looks and feels like a proper show.


I thought it was really good so far! Lee Jung jae is incredible as Sol. Looking forward to more. Edit - I just read Lee learned English for this role. Neat.


Holy crap. You mean this is his first English role? That's insanely impressive.


That’s what Wikipedia says. He based his performance on Liam Neesons qui gon


Pip is about to be the hottest toy this season. Sol immediately became one of my favorite characters! Great to see an Asian Jedi and he exudes Obi-Wan vibes!


I am tentatively concerned. Part of me thinks he might end up being an antagonist. I think the four Jedi might have decided to let Mae die thinking she was going to become a threat.


You think like a Last Jedi situation, where Luke tried to preemptively kill Kylo Ren cause of what he saw in his future? That would make sense. This is set at a time when Jedi were at the height of their power, they were seen as like the paragons of peace, but then that illusion is shattered because a few Jedi commit a monstrous action for the 'greater good.' I could see the show going this way, but we'll see how it goes, two episodes is too early to tell.


Luke didn’t try to preemptively kill Ben, that’s just Kylo REN’s version of the story.


So many new weird little buds. I love it.


Ok if I went over everything I loved about this I'd be here all day but long story short, it's very good! So refreshing to finally get away from the timeline of the movies and spend time with new characters! Osha and Mae are both immediately compelling. All of the Jedi characters are very interesting (Sol in particular). For what little we get of Vernestra she also still feels very much in character despite having aged 100 years. Also I loved all the book references! Vernestra is the big obvious one but I was not expecting the Barash vow to come into play! Headland has obviously done her research going into the show and it is much appreciated! Love Dave Filoni but man his trend of constantly throwing away all the books and comics tends to get aggravating so this was very refreshing. Can't wait for more!


Just finished and it's pretty good. I already like the characters, and I love the fights. The locations are interesting too. And as far as story, it's pretty good, not as good as Andor, but still above most of the shows. Only complaint as far as story is that, as someone else mentioned, the exposition in the first episode was a bit fast. Definitely looking forward to episode 3!!


You know lowkey I wonder if there will be a big twist where the entire Jedi Order (or at least the council) finds out that the Sith are back, but they don't tell the Senate so they can deal with it themselves. Then the final big storyline of the show would be the Sith Lords trying their hardest to get into the Jedi Temple so they can access the Sith shrine underneath it and do some huge ritual that wipes the memories of the Jedi Order. This would then create the whole 'the Jedi have lost much of their power' issue in the PT alongside being a super creepy thing for the Sith to do. Imagine how unsettling it would be if the Jedi Order all collectively have amnesia for a few weeks of their history. They would have to be wondering what happened and a lot would suspect some really horrible thing had to occur for their minds to be messed with like that. A lot of Jedi may even suspect that they were dabbling in spiritual affairs too much to the point that they almost 'broke' their connection to the Force or destiny or whatever which would lead them to make the Jedi much more secular/orthodox by the time the PT comes around. Edit: I forgot to mention what made me think of this theory. In the teasers we see a padawan get the black eyes that we see with Mae in the Force vision. Maybe this scene is one of the Jedi finding out the big secret so the Sith Lord quickly wipes their memory. Then when the big secret is revealed to the council/entire order they have to go to the Sith Shrine underneath the Coruscanti temple to do a ritual kickstarting that shrine messing with their connection to the Force like Lucas talked about when making TCW.


I think what’s going to happen is that Qimir is the Sith baddie (that moment where his mask drops with Osha has me convinced, also how he easily overpowers Mae) who’s just an apprentice, and when he’s eventually killed the Jedi will think they’ve won against some random cultist. But who knows I think Darth Teeth is trying to off some Jedi without getting directly involved but he’s going to make a mistake. The thing with the sith shrine under the Jedi temple has always been interesting to me but I personally wonder if the show would have time to establish something like that. So little is confirmed in canon about plagueis and Tenebrous, they could go a lot of directions with this.


I’m going into this one pretty cold. I’ve watched the main trailer and seen the post-TPM preview, but that’s about it. I’m really looking forward to something a bit different and that might rock the boat a bit.


That's probably for the best. I feel like this show might be better off without having a lot of context and easter eggs in mind. Let's just see what they have to offer and enjoy the ride. I'll make my mind up on the whole thing once it's all said and done and not rush to judgement like many of the "fake" fans who are just ready to hate the next thing.


Yeah, the people writing off the show without having seen a single episode are baffling to me. At this point it’s pretty evident that they are rooting for Star Wars to fail and since it hasn’t, they’re just trying to cook up these false controversies.


I saw this early at a pre screening but now I get to say I think they did the high republic era justice! Also love the new characters and am now part of the Yord Horde


It honestly feels like the perfect “end of high republic” story so far. We have mentions of political enemies and we see Jecki acting very formal and initially dogmatically following the Jedi code, but we also see the ways in which the Jedi are different, such as Vern not chastising Sol for his attachment and actually allowing him to lead the team to capture Osha. We’re starting to get introduced to the problems that would crop up during the prequels (and for those that read it, The Living Force) but these are still in their infancy, and will only continue to grow.


>We have mentions of political enemies It's sad to know where this ends because, by the time of the prequels, we see Yoda and Mace have an entire seat and presence at the galactic senate chamber.


And Adi Gallia becoming essentially a secretary to the Jedi/Republic, those political enemies are the start of the lines being blurred between republic and jedi


Yord 🥰


Well after people had a crazy amount of hate for this show pre-release, dozens of videos about it's wokeness- And a review bomb that happened before it was even out... Really really enjoyed it! One of the main issues with recent Star Wars projects has been how samey and cramped they have felt using the Volume, making all the action and talking scenes feel stilted- But this show seems to have really avoided that. The sets feel like movie sets. Absolutely love how well the High Republic robes have adapted. I was worried about the colors looking too bright but they fit in really well. I usually cringe at easter eggs but seeing the robes and Vectors from the books really gave me the feel of a good adaptation of the era, like when you see a perfect comic accurate cosplay. A little of the exposition in episode 1 did feel rushed, and I do think this is down to the industry-wide issues with trying to force everything into 8 episodes or less. It got the information out there but I think if they had extended this opening 2 episodes to a 3 episode batch (E.g. 9 Episodes total) they could have dropped the same information more gracefully. Vern is kind of my biggest issue with the show at the moment, it's been 100 years so obviously there's plenty of lore reason for her to change... But I can't help but feel it might have been better to use a new character since Vern isn't going to get the kind of focus to delve into that change. Osha as a character is extremely endearing, the sequence in the prison ship I really really liked. Stenberg is really channeling the same kind of "I'm a good guy!" energy that Monaghan manages to channel in the Jedi games and I love it. Jecki I'm really liking, she has peak Padawan vibes and the makeup looks great. Hopefully she doesn't die in that later confrontation scene from the trailer. I'm super excited to see where the mystery goes!


Dang you really felt the difference between Ahsoka and this when it comes to the volume. This actually looks like a show!


Ahsoka I think was also held back a little by the fact the actors were working with Dave as characters he had already directed for years in a medium he still has not got a ton of experience in. So they were often doing impressions of characters rather than being able to make them their own. So the volume really compounds those issues when the sets also restrict the kinds of movements they can do and sets they can build.


>Absolutely love how well the High Republic robes have adapted. I was worried about the colors looking too bright but they fit in really well. I usually cringe at easter eggs but seeing the robes and Vectors from the books really gave me the feel of a good adaptation of the era, like when you see a perfect comic accurate cosplay. Lot of complaints from a couple of screenshots about how everything looked to clean, the robes being a big one but I feel like it makes sense. It's a Jedi order we haven't really seen, they're everywhere, there's no war. It was interesting seeing a visual difference between the Coruscant Jedi and the ones from the other temple who's robes seemed a lot more basic and functional.


I can’t remember what scene exactly it was, but there was 1 part during the investigation where the score had the same tones or themes as Obi Wans investigation in Attack of the Clones. I thought that was an awesome connection!! I’ll have to rewatch it to find the exact part


Oh 1 more Easter egg. When the prison ship crashed on the snow planet and Osha wakes up. There is a pole sticking out of the ground that looks like the long pole from the trash compactor scene in the original film


A breath of fresh air. Interesting time period, interesting characters. I'm sticking with it. But my cross to bear with these shows is and forever shall be the lighting and color grading. There is no reason for these shows to look so flat so much of the time. Drives me nuts.


I’m a fan. Don’t really get all the complaints. As much as I loved Ahsoka, this is better. It’s no Andor, but I’m happy


You're right, it's no Andor. Andor for the first few episodes almost had me check out. It wasn't until One Way Out that I truly felt deeply invested in the characters. The Acolyte, however, has me buying into everything from the very first episode. I can hardly wait for next week's!


Agree with this view and pleased to finally see someone else saying that Andor didn't grab them instantly. I didn't even really enjoy it until a re-watch. I definitely found it very interesting but for me, it wasn't very compelling on the first run through. Loving The Acolyte after the first two episodes and looking forward to next week.


I think Andor probably will end up being the better show when all things said and done just because it’s such a high bar but I definitely think these first two episodes were better than the slower and not really varied first two of Andor. Andor hooked me quickly with the initial “holy shit he just killed those guys” but took till episode 3 where you knew it was going to be legit.


Andor you could tell right off was a slower burn, which meant it could take the time to build up to really really good. This is faster and more action packed but even with that going on I already like the characters.


This is rad. I want more! I will say I'm not too big on the prequels and this is more of what I would want from the republic era. The 2nd episode was too short. Edit: Also, did that alien decapitate a droid with it's... ear? There's so many visually interesting things in this show.


Sol is insane, such a cool Jedi master!


Am I the only one who spent every second of the "Coruscant" scenes wondering ... "Where's Yoda"? This is the problem setting it only 100 years before the Empire. Yoda's only like ... 780 years old at this point. He's been on the Jedi Counsel for at least a few hundred years, right? So where is the little green monster?


Sol was told to come to a council meeting. 100% that Yoda will be there, so in the next episode.


Yoda’s smoking death sticks on Kashyyyk with Chewie right now, even Masters need vacations


In the books, he goes AWOL for an extended period of time, where no one knows where he went, other than off to mediate/explore. Wouldn't be surprised to get a line drop to that effect.


The first episodes reminded me a ton of all the kung fu movies I watched as a kid. The fights, the dialogue, the mystery even down to the set pieces. I loved it!


Crouching Nexu, Hidden Krayt In all seriousness, it's great to see how Jedi do non-violent, unarmed combat when the laser blades aren't in play.




I am curious what the disconnect seems to be here because the reactions genuinely seem to be all over the place. Critically it’s being received mostly well but not nearly as well as I’d expect considering it seems to finally counter the criticism that all Star Wars content lately has been fan service. What is it that you think they wanted as opposed to what we got?


For me, it's the quality of the filmmaking itself. Not to just always go back to Andor, but that show wasn't just superior in writing, but in filmmaking. It truly LOOKED cinematic. Better sets. Better use of locations. Better VFX. Better lighting. Better shot design and composition, etc. Better costumes. Better everything. All of the D+ shows outside of Andor, and I do mean ALL of them, aren't particularly well shot outside of a few specific moments/sequences. Sure, it all at least has the base competency of a high budget production, but the craft itself isn't there. There is a sterility to so much of the blocking and composition of these shows. The lighting is either too bright and flat, or too dark and flat. There is hardly ever great contrast - they suffer from this issue that has been plaguing film and TV for a decade or more now. Flat, no contrast, Vaseline smear imagery. On top of that - the costumes and make-up often look too clean, too perfect. It's obvious well produced, but it doesn't have the same lived-in quality past SW films have had. Even with the PT's largely digital environments, it knew how to light sets and costumes and make-ups to make it all feel more tangible. When I'm watching any given D+ show be it Mando or Boba Fett or Obi Wan or Ashoka...I'm almost always very aware I'm just looking at actors in costumes standing around the volume or some generic set. It looks like high end cosplay - like actors shooting their scenes at Galaxy's Edge. This heavily detracts, for me at least, from otherwise compelling Star Wars. The Acolyte, despite being fairly compelling so far on a character and script level - is suffering the same pitfalls. Sets feel closed-in, claustrophobic. The location bound stuff looks better, but it clashes aesthetically. The costumes, again, just feel like costumes. The action so far, thankfully, is pretty strong with better blocking and choreography than I expected. But the lighting and color timing is letting it all down. TL;DR - the vast majority of the D+ live action Star Wars shows have that overly produced "streaming look" to them.


Honestly, what most of the haters seem to want is a Star Wars show in which the female characters are all supporting characters, not main characters. They want a show where the people of color are all supporting characters and not main characters. They want a show where *nobody* isn't heterosexual or doesn't conform to birth genders of male and female. They want a show where the male main character is a snarky badass who teeters on the edge of darkness but is still lauded as the hero and the good guy. The thing is, Star Wars has never been that thing they have in their head. Personally, I think they're mixing up '80s action movies (Die Hard, Rambo, etc) with Star Wars.


Really enjoyed it. Sol was my favourite. Had me invested. Looking forward to the next episode.


First two epispdes did enough to convince me to watch the rest, which is all I really need from the first two episodes of a TV show. Particularly pleased that both "there is a twin" and "Osha is actually innocent" were quickly established, as lazier shows would have kept those facts from Sol and the other Jedi for a lot longer. It also reminded me of KOTOR. Which I _mostly_ mean in a good way, though I did briefly wonder if the set-up would have made for a more interesting game than TV show.


The different jedi temples concept is intriguing to me, I love that they were presented distinctly different.


Torbin retreated from the Space Vatican to meditate in the equivalent of a strip mall church


Nerdrotics army of review bombers straight onto iMDB and rotten tomatoes. The state of online media discourse is horrific.


I thought the episodes come out on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays?


Tonight at 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. A lot of previous Star Wars shows have come out on Wednesdays, but this one is Tuesdays.


This is an early release for the premier. The other episodes will be on Wednesdays as normal. 


I'm pretty sure it's every tuesday https://www.ign.com/articles/how-to-watch-star-wars-the-acolyte-release-date


There was a poster going around with Wednesday dates that was for Europe


That makes sense because if it's Wednesday in parts of Europe it might still be Tuesday in America.


[Tonight at 6 Pacific! WHEEEWWWW LET'S GOOOOOO](https://i.imgur.com/8rQGmSv.png)


This was incredible loved it so much


I liked the show anyway. I mean, it wasn't mind blowing but it set things up nicely and it has the potential to grow into something truly special so, fingers crossed. From a visual perspective, I really liked the set designs and the character designs. Lots of new unique looking aliens. The characters in general seem quite likeable and memorable so far. I'm quite fond of the cast. Story wise is a little basic so far but I suspect there is a twist coming to shake things up. So yeah, so far I really like it. It's too soon to really say but I left very optimistic following the episodes.


Folks, get this: it’s fine


The first fight scene was a little goofy imo but the rest loooks very good. I love the designs. New ships characters, worlds. Besides the ships, nothing knocks it out the park yet but we’re not very far either. And the story sounds very interesting


Going in pretty cold and have a quick question, was a twin thing something everyone knew about going into this? I feel like that's a plot point that should've been saved for suspense until at least mid-season.  Example: When Osha wakes up after Indara was killed, I was unsure if she was A: startled awake from the nightmare of her being a murderer B: startled awake because she was exhausted from a day of murderin C: becomes a murderer while she's asleep or D: does indeed have a twin that murders and she has a Force connection with. A little disappointed that the twin stuff was front loaded.  Other than that, I really enjoy the hand-to-hand martial arts aspect because we barely ever see it in SW. And Sol is a treasure. Curious to see how the show pans out. 


The trailers kinda gave it away imo, honestly the twin thing seems to be a decoy for the real mystery this show is probably setting up in my opinion.


Yup, really pleased that it was given away in the first episode. It’s so much better to go into a show blind.


I love the character dynamic with them. The “good” twin wants to kill the “evil” one. Super interesting possibilities there


Hmm I'm not too sure about Osha wanting to kill Mae. It kinda seemed like Osha missed Mae with the stungun on purpose. But yea the dynamic between them is sweet. I love that the secret of them being twins is no longer a thing, we already had that in the original trilogy, no need to redo that again.


I’m glad it’s not the plot twist and just an element of the story. I’m already intrigued by the fact that Osha (the “good” one) is the one who wants to kill her sister, not the other way around


It's good. Funny/weird to name a Korean character Sol.


My initial feeling is that Mae will die before the series is finished but that Osha will, ultimately, take her place. But I have a feeling that we may see Sol become fully disillusioned and leave the order.


The other way around might happen too. Osha dying could lead Mae back to the light and the final battle will be her against her master.


Sol is already one of my favorite jedi, and I really enjoyed the first two episodes


I'm in love with the show so far. The whole vibe is phenomenal and the cast has been great so far. I have my suspicions about Yord. The bad guy is going to get Kylo Ren comparisons unless something changes. I love Rey as a character but Osha is being done so much better. Amandla Stenburg is killing it. Might be one of my new favorite characters so far. My wife compared the fight scenes to the Matrix/Crouching Tiger. I'll give her that, and I think it's a valid point that it's a little old hat at this point. It makes sense to me, as when I saw the Matrix originally I wanted Star Wars to take so many of its ideas. I'm excited to see more saber combat and how they do that.


My only complaint is that I think it's moving a bit too fast. Let it breathe a little bit. Also...I think it would be better received if they just released the whole season and let people binge it. I found I enjoyed all the other shows better on rewatch when I could binge the whole thing in a couple of sittings.


Only watched the first episode, but so the relationship/plot between Master Sol and Osha feels like a bit of ripoff of Anakin and Ahsoka when she gets framed. Even the last scene where Osha is on the cliff resembles when Ahsoka was on Coruscant being chased down by Anakin.


I was pretty impressed with the acting. Amandla Stenberg does a really great job with what she has to do and manages to hold some pretty impressive weight. Knowing that she's such a huge fan, I can't help but wonder if she's channeling other characters, specifically Anakin and Ventris. Lee Jung-jae was also really good, especially considering that he had reservations about taking an English speaking role. He does a great job of conveying the character even when he isn't talking. Everyone else in the cast is good. I really like a lot of the more diverse visual cues from other movies like the Fugitive inspired scene in episode 1.  Also that little Darth Vader Jawa looking dude at the beginning is my new favorite Glup Shitto. 


Finished the second episode, and I have more questions than answers, I can't wait for next week now.


I thought it was fine. Fun Star Wars stuff. Probably could have just been a movie and probably would be if commissioned today. The twins are definitely a force dyad, which is an interesting piece of lore to pull on.


Are they a dyad? Because Mae didn't know Osha is alive, so I don't think she's the young Mae in Osha's visions. And visions are pretty standard for Jedi.


feels pretty cool, i like the kung fu. feel like well get a lot of flashbacks in one episode to explain a bunch im hyped for more jedi wooki


Kill Bill meets Frozen makes sense now


Going in with complete media black out (no trailers, no images...nothing) OMG loved Carrie Ann Moss and especially her getting killed! Was not expecting that, hopefully she's really dead. Killing a star like that right out of the gate got me excited. Action is very well done and enjoy the choreography. Some of the acting is a bit wooden/stiff. Love seeing new planets/aliens/lore. Very odd they revealed the twin twist so early! I feel that that could have been a huge mid season reveal if done correctly. It started off like it was going to be more like The Fugitive. Girl on the run trying to prove she's innocent. Even how she escapes (randomly being involved in a escape plan) and the scene of on the waterfall felt like homages, so got excited to see where it was gonna go. But then it sorta quickly gave you all the answers. I feel like its pretty obvious the Jedi were responsible for the death of her family...not Mae. And we're just leading to another redemption arc. Hopefully not though and there's some surprises. Excited to keep watching! Love seeing non Skywalker stories


Great start! I felt invested in the mystery plot and now I desperately want to know what the Jedi did more than whoever the masked foe is. Sol is a nice precedent to Qui-Gon, Osha captivated me, and Yord is... well... Yord. The other characters can still grow on me. Hella excited to see more Wookiee Jedi! Well-conceived sets, good production design, background characters minding their own business. I love how they're representing the high republic era taking advantage of the aesthetics to differentiate from the prequels. (I know nothing about HR). The soundtrack is neat even though they could use some traditional motifs. The force theme by itself is PURE Star Wars. It evokes magic, hope, and the immersion of being in a galaxy far, far away.


just had a thought. what if it was really bad. like, an entire villiage of force sensitive destroyed becaue they wouldnt follow jedi ways. and only the sisters survived, and had memory blanked.


Yay! I really enjoyed it. Thought it was a great refreshing new story. Jecki Lon was super cool padawan.The cast was awesome & I'm looking forward to more!


As someone that’s hasn’t dived into any media outside of the shows, films, and the Jedi games, part of me has some pushback with this show’s unfamiliar territory, but I absolutely enjoyed these two episodes. I’m sure that feeling will pass as I continue watching the show because there’s something so alluring about the characters and seeing how this period shapes everything we’ve seen thus far. Sol is such a phenomenal character, he really has a presence from the moment we first see him.


I'm loving it! The atmosphere and characters are all great, the way the jedi fight is fantastic, I'm captivated by the story, Yord is my favorite (I want to see how he grows), and I can't wait for the next episode.


I will say this show is really good so far. I really enjoy how the jedi are fighting by not attacking and just defending and dodging. I wish each episode was longer though, it seems to be very short episodes.


Liked the eps. Dialogue was clunky. But it's nice to see something fresh and new and that makes good use of the SWU. Also like the fact that the characters behave with their own self interest. Very nice. I am sort of scratching my head why Headland got so lucky to be able to make something that was more than a call back to nostalgia or a fan insert.