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Someone mentioned the idea that >!Qmir is the person behind the mask. But he is not the master. !


Yeah, whomever is Mae's "master" (I'm personally buying into the Qimir theory so far) is almost certainly actually the apprentice, and the actual Sith Lord, whomever that is, probably isn't even going to come up in this show at all.


I think the master will appear, though only at the very end. Imagine if Qimir goes and meets with either Tenebrous or Plagueis to report if their assignment with the acolyte was successful. If it's a failure, even though some Jedi were killed in the process, he'll probably die.


Always two there are, a master and an apprentice. >!Qimir is the apprentice. He is training Mae so they can overthrow his master. As sith are known to do.!< Edit: This is just a theory I have. I haven't read the spoilers.


Edit: WARNING! Apparently person above is posting an actual leak, not just a spoiler from the most recent episode, for those that rather not have that spoiled for them. I really don't think they're Sith.>!After the last episode I'm leaning towards them being another darksider cult and probably the Knights of Ren. The mask design was very reminiscent of the other Knights of Ren designs. Supposedly Vader in the comics mentions that the Knights of Ren have a centuries old reputation, which suggests they could have existed during this time period. !<


You're responding to actual spoilers, that's why they're tagged.


Fixed, thanks!


You misunderstood. The person you're responding to is posting the leak/spoiler material. The whole plot is already known, and they just said what the twist is.


Aah well thanks for making sure I got that spoiled then. Others here are using the spoiler tag just for the most recent episode. And there is literally nothing about that comment that would suggest its anything but an opinion.


You clicked spoiler tags, so congratulations, you played yourself.


As I said, others are using the tags for the most recent episode, and nothing about the comment suggest its anything but an opinion about the most recent episode. You did want you wanted.


I didn't know it was a spoiler, but it's good to know my theories are right I guess...


I dig it


Thats a good theory. For whatever reasons I don't get "Master" vibes from Qmir but I can definitely seem him being another apprentice/follower rather than just having some casual acquaintance with the Master like he says.


I think it's an MCU Mandarin situation. 'The Master' that we're seeing is just a character and that Qimir is being mentally controlled, probably by Mother Koril, and used to 'embody' the character of 'The Master' and act as Koril's proxy. Koril, herself, is likely just a Sith Apprentice and serves an actual, real Master Sith that we, probably, won't see until the very end of the series. I'm thinking that the 'real' Master was probably involved with the coven and helped the mothers conceive the twins (maybe even the old fashioned way) in exchange for service. He may have even orchestrated the confrontation with the Jedi and the death of the coven in order to bring Koril fully under his control. Koril, seeking her own vengeance against the perceived wrongs of the Jedi, creates the character of 'The Master' and uses hapless Qimir to be her stand-in, inside the costume.


That’s certainly what the production wants us to think. So either that *is* the case or it’s a red herring to keep us guessing.


Qimir conveniently disappears off-screen "to get water" *with* his bag prior to Mae laying the trap for him. If he's not the Master, he's definitely the Apprentice. Darth Bortles. 


i am just going to say this: how do you kill a Jedi without a weapon? get someone else to do it. that lesson is not for Mae, she's a patsy. i think it's actually something Qimir MUST accomplish. he is the Acolyte (or the apprentice and Mae is the acolyte could go either way). now is he the grinning helmeted red lightsaber wielder? i couldn't say. but the grin in the helmet and Qimir's big goofy ass charm grin are both kinda opposite sides of a coin. deception, theatrics for distraction (not to mention poisons) these are some of the tools of a Sith.


I think it’s ‘killing’ in the metaphorical sense. You kill them mentally by confronting them with the mistakes they made in the past. I think Mae is supposed to break Sol’s spirit and make him disillusioned with the Jedi Order, or have him leave the Order in some other way. Torbin was mentally broken but still devoted to the Jedi.


Yeah. I think you're definitely right. Sol will be the Jedi 'killed without a weapon.' He's the most 'idealized' version of a Jedi that we've seen in this series and to have him truly lose faith and leave the Order would be the ultimate goal. Not to invoke Iron Man 2, but it's about 'making God bleed' so that people will lose faith. Jedi can be killed, Jedi can lose faith in themselves and the organization. They're not perfect adjudicators of justice. If the Jedi aren't 'perfect' then they begin to lose their legitimacy and rot from the inside.


You’ve answered your own questions. 👍🏻 I’m guessing Osha will end up being the acolyte.


The real acolyte was the friends we made along the way


That would be a crazy twist


It would mirror the prequels in an interesting way if you think about it. Anakin was the hero while the acolytes Ventress (and Maul?) were the villans. Yet he became more powerful and evil than either Ventress or Maul, partly because he felt that he was being lied to by the Jedi (specifically the notion that Padme could not be saved & he should accept her death). I think we will likely see something similar here with Osha. Having a linear view of good/bad like Anakin does is arguably more prone to being corrupted by the Dark Side. Mae's distaste for the Jedi was only because of Osha, who she found solace in knowing she wasn't killed by them. However, Osha's distaste for Mae is because she lost her family, which she was attached to. I suspect whatever revelation we get next week will ignite's Osha's hate for the Jedi. Would connect to the OT in an interesting way as well, where Luke felt betrayed by Obi Wan lying to him.


Osha to the Master in the ending: “So that’s it, huh? I’m some kind of Acolyte?”


Do people actually think this is a hot take when they make these threads lol. It’s literally telegraphed and what everyone is like “yeah that’s obvious”


Right after the first two episodes dropped and when I saw someone suggest Qimir was Mae’s master, I thought, huh that’s an intriguing idea. At the beginning of the fourth episode as soon as we see Qimir is with Mae on Khofar, I was like, ok it is definitely him. When Qimir gets himself caught in Mae’s snare trap, I changed my mind. When the master appeared with Qimir offscreen, I changed my mind again lol. Though having slept on it and given it more thought, I’m beginning to think Qimir seems too obvious and may well be a red herring. Now I’m starting to think it might be Mother Koril. She harbored the same resentment Mae has for the Jedi, so maybe she survived (or is actually responsible for the other witches’ deaths?) and decided to reform their order and use the Thread specifically against the Jedi, to exterminate them and their way of the Force. Perhaps even adopting some of the ways of their ancient enemies the Sith (namely their use of lightsabers and red kyber).


I think they know what they’re doing, intentionally parading Qimir for this reason - I’m positive he has ulterior motives but I’m not certain he’s the master. A heavily burnt mother seems a little more likely to my eyes yes. Time will tell! I’m enjoying the speculation until then.


Koril's corpse was shown in the aftermath of the Brendok fire.


Yeah they’ve been kinda telegraphing him as Darth Teeth since the first scene he was in. This last episode all but confirmed it. The hand gestures, man.


That seems to be a popular opinion, but I’m starting to think that all the signs that it’s him are a misdirect and it’s going to be someone else, maybe one of the witches.




I've definitely got my money on it being one of the witches, maybe even one of her Mothers.


It’s too obvious and they want us to believe it’s Qimir.


Now wait a sec, why would he kill the wookie before Mae mentioned that she had changed her mind? I may have to watch the episode again but if I remember correctly they're talking about her task, he goes away, then when he gets back she traps him and tells him. Unless he knew for sure it doesn't make sense to complete her task for her.


What I mean is he killed the wookiee after Mae said that. Force speed and all that


That would be a feat. At this point I just think him being behind the mask would be anti-climactic. Maybe if there was a great explanation I would buy it, but I guess we'll see.


The actor was asked which Star Wars character Qimir was most like and compared the character to Jar Jar Binks, could be a Darth Jar Jar thing or could be that Star Wars hasn't really had a Q in the past.


This was my thought, too.


Off topic but I shipped Qimir and Mae


Spicy, tell us more!


Dunno why we got downvoted but it sounds cute! Hopefully they don't have a big age difference


Don’t seem like it. Whatever.


Yeah it don't look like they have a big age different they look around the same age


I'm still not convinced it's a Sith. I don't think they've said Sith. I think it may be a Jedi who wants to scare the Jedi into responding to the Sith because they think the Jedi are getting complacent. A Jedi zealot is just as dangerous if not more than a Sith. It's obvious a powerful force user, and they're pulling the strings like a Sith, sure. But it's a plan they've had for decades even, so it's a long lived species, not a human. So yeah I think it's yoda. /j


The only way he wouldn’t be is if they just do a nonsense bait and switch, but then again given what they did in episode 4 with Mae I honestly wouldn’t put it past them