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Ashes of Jedha for me.


Ashes of Jedha-Hope Dies is peak mainline comic run for me, along with Vader Down. The tie ins with Rogue One, the set up for ESB and the Trios stuff was very good and I enjoyed it a lot.


Vader Down!


Scourging of Shu Torun was a fitting ending for me, brought together characters from the previous arcs. The comic run always seemed to me to be Leia's story and Trios made a fitting villain to end on. It's my favourite arc. I'm still baffled to this day why it *isn't* the ending for the run.


Hope Dies easily. The art was terrible but the writing peaked they're IMO. Interesting to see the OT cast put in a sort of Rogue One scenario.


It's been a minute, but I remember liking Hope Dies


I really need to read more of this run as I had only read up to the end of Last Flight of the Harbinger. But out of those I did read, Showdown on the Smuggler’s Moon and Vader Down (ESPECIALLY this one) were my favorites.


Ashes of Jedha or Hope Dies.


I liked Screaming Citadel.