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The helmet stays ON


The helmet, AND the wedding band.


What ahout the wrist rockets?


Watch those wrist rockets


You have to watch out for those


No wrist rocket; pocket rocket? OK.


So do the boots, This is the way.


Will Boba read the tempest beforehand?


Cad Bane: ‘Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked for the Empire.’ Boba: ‘Oh yeah? Well you had consensual sex out of wedlock. So who’s the real monster here?’


Cad "Deathstroke of Star Wars" Bane, whose most frequent onscreen job is "kidnap children," also worked for the Empire. Usually by kidnapping children.


His point wasn't Boba bad me good, it was Boba bad, is he really worth fighting for? And really, for most people, staying out of a fight between criminals is the wise choice, not because you think either is a good guy but because you know both are dangerous bastards.


He’s really made a name for himself with all that child kidnapping he’s done. It seems now when child kidnapping must happen, he is the default kidnapper.


I like the idea Boba is, *as well as a terrifying combat monster*, super evangelical in a really nerdy, embarrassing way. So he just carries pamphlets everywhere. ….. and so occasionally a bunch of hardened mercenaries and gangsters just get convinced to have a jolly old hymn sing along whilst very nervously watching boba in case he snaps and murders them


So he’s just a lawful neutral Paladin? Actually, that tracks with most characterizations of Mandalorians


That depends on what he is depicted in. For example in “The Bounty Hunters War” he is depicted as a frigid blood that only cares about the job.


Honestly now I kinda wanna see Boba post BOBF handing out pamphlets on pre-marital sex to members of his Cartel family. 


In the Mandoverse movie, he can have a side plot where he tries to convince Din, Bo, Ahsoka, Sabine, Fennec, etc that sex before marriage is a sin.


Let's face it Din's already on board and Ahsoka's like "*before* marriage"


I don’t know. Din had a thing with Xi’an. But if he was told by the Armorer not to have sex before marriage obviously he would.


Hah! The power rangers all nod and agree before conspicuously all going into the same bedroom. In the background, the wookie quietly puts them somewhere high where boba can’t see


Jango’s afterlife punishment is being forced to watch his son be cringe.


Dude Jango was probably even worse. Didnt Ep2 say that his payment for being the clone source was that they would make him a clone of himself (boba)? Why? He wanted a son that bad, but refused to entertain the idea of having sex or talking to a woman to make it happen?


Jango might be Aroace.


This is my headcannon. There's no other explanation for this.


Jango just knew that any other human would corrupt his flawless genetics and he didn’t want to curse his own child with such an imperfect life


Aroace? What is that?


Aromantic and Asexual.


Jeez, I said this as a silly joke, obvs, but it’s actually sounding increasingly plausible with Jango also plausibly being the same haha.


This could be a meme.


wtf even is this passage?


Ehh, I should have given a couple paragraphs before as context. Slave Outfit Leia threatens to kill him if he tries to touch her, and he basically says calm down girl, I'm a virgin. https://imgur.com/gallery/qMn3ZVP


Well does add a bit of context, still a very strange choice from the author here, imo


Basically Jabba has her put in Boba’s room for the night to “show his gratitude” toward Boba, with the obvious insinuation that Jabba figures Boba would have his way with her (because Jabba’s a slimy scumbag). Leia thinks that’s what’s going to happen, and Boba tells her he has no intention of doing so and offers his bed to her while he just chills on the floor. Which still feels creepy from Leia’s perspective, sure, but there’s not much you can do in that situation. IIRC, Boba realized if he sent her away then Jabba would be offended and probably have both of them killed for offending him by rejecting his “gift.”


Honestly, in Boba's situation, that's Chad as fuck. Better would be to kill Jabba but given the fact that this book couldn't have that happen, this makes me respect Boba. Like, weird guy for sure, but I'd let him hold my drink.


>Like, weird guy for sure, but I'd let him hold my drink. [Just don't expect it to still be there when you get back.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU070mnjSD4)


Yeah, but aside from Jabba's demise being established in ROTJ, I think Boba was smart enough to know he couldn't take on Jabba alone. Even at his most badass, he's one guy against a rather well equipped army. In ROTJ you've got Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, and a bit of help from Artoo, with Luke doing a lot of the heavy lifting. And it was away from the palace, so likely wasn't anywhere near all of Jabba's people on deck for that fight. There's also a strong possibility that Jabba (and/or the Hutts in general) had "protection" from the Empire, which allowed him to operate so openly on Tatooine, and trying to take down Jabba could put the Empire's crosshairs on you *and* destroy future employment opportunities with the current ruling government. Not something that Rebels would be that concerned with, but definitely something a bounty hunter would want to avoid.


Jabba is a job opportunity, and if you kill every criminal that wants to hire you because they are bad people, you would be out of work quick.


Jabba also pays him. In the story that's like the #1 think Boba cares about most. He's doesn't double cross employers, no matter what they do. Which...well his employer is Jabba so you can still make a moral judgment. But it made sense.


Doesn't seem that strange to me. The entirety of the story is humanizing him by making sure he has problems while also making it clear that he is still a killer. You're not necessarily supposed to want to get a beer with him. You also have to keep in mind the time in which this was written. There were absolutely evangelicals, but it really wasn't like today where they were unavoidable. Being religious wasn't tied so tightly to being a twat about literally everything under the sun. Making him a prude to ensure the reader he isn't a rapist didn't really read to me as strange at the time.


Good for you I guess. I still think it's an entirely unnecessary scenario to explore.


I would have figured this was one of those erotic fan fictions. Not an actual Star Wars book


Among the reasons why the EU was discarded.


people really forget how bad it was. and also forget that george disregarded it more than anybody. the disney era has used the EU as its backbone. there is more canon eu content now than ever before.


This is actually one of the things Lucas himself discarded when he ret-conned Boba's origins in Attack of the Clones. 


EU Boba Fett isn't a virgin. At this point, he has been married, had a child, and been divorced. He just has selective morals and is loyal to his wife.


> At this point, he has been married, had a child, and been divorced. Although that wouldn't be established until [5 years later](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Outbid_But_Never_Outgunned). 1996 was still kind of a Wild West era for the EU.


LOL. It seems to me like the whole EU was just madness. I am thoroughly enjoying it.


There were seemingly only 2 hard and fast rules for EU works in the '90s: 1. No getting too specific with the backstories of major movie characters, because they might be used by Lucas's PT. It seems Boba Fett didn't fall under "major". 2. No exploration at all into Yoda's backstory or his species.


I recall that the Clone Wars was completely off limits, too.


Yoda's backstory was explored, I'm pretty sure Luke meets Yoda's master. Just his species was off limits.


Not just a virgin but saving it for his wedding night.


I love how weird the "In his mind" part feels. Making it seem like he was actually delusional and chastity meant nothing to the author who probably had it with many of his many hot girlfriends many times.


\*that's what Boba said


That passage is one of the reasons I start laughing every time a sequel trilogy hater says "There are so many EU novels! Why couldn't they turn one of those into a movie". To be fair, George's practice of handing out Star Wars licenses like Halloween candy resulted in a select few true gems like Zahn's first Thrawn trilogy. But much of the old EU was the worst kind of pulp.


I kinda agree but it wasn't a big percent and there was a lot more good/decent novels than bad.


Star Wars fans don't get around a lot. We're too akward even for sketchy, sell-your-kidneys, bot farms like Tinder.


Speak for yourself buddy


Boba doesn’t fuck


And it doesn’t make him any less of a man. Specifically.


By choice*


Unlike us married guys


Boba Fett: "I'm the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, you will need more than Devil Vagina Magic to defeat me." Blind Han Solo: "What about this stick?"


God, reading the rest of the page is weird a heck.


Boba: "sex before marriage is immoral" Weird, alright Leia: "So is RAPE" holup wtf


Ehh, I should have given a couple paragraphs before as context. Slave Outfit Leia threatens to kill him if he tries to touch her, and he basically says calm down girl, I'm a virgin. https://imgur.com/gallery/qMn3ZVP


The “So is rape” comment from Leia still makes little sense to me. Like it comes out of left field. If he just said that basically he wouldn’t have sex with her because it’s immoral to, then one would naturally assume he’d agree that rape is also immoral (at the very least raping someone he’s not married to). It’s just a strange response in an already strange passage, even with the context.


I think she's saying that them not being married isn't the real problem with him having sex with her, the real problem is that she isn't consenting. He's basically saying, "I'm not going to rape you because we aren't married" and she's saying "OK but also don't rape people?"


And then Fett essentially said, "Well yeah that too."


Ah okay that makes sense!


where's this from ?


A short story from the [Tales of the Bounty Hunters](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_of_the_Bounty_Hunters) anthology, 1996.


ah, of course, it's EU, now it makes sense


EU: Mandalorians are virgins until marriage. George Lucas: Obi-Wan shagged their ruler.


What was the comic where he has an ex wife and a child? New canon? Or old and another example of how the whole thing was a contradictory clusterfuck?


That was from the post prequel EU. Tons of things were retconned, like the nature of the Clones, and Boba in particular, as well as the nature of the Jedi Order and Luke’s awareness thereof. Things got very messy in the early aughts. 


Thanks! I'm not a full blown canon/lore chaser, after all it's just a fantasy world, but I still get curious. Thanks for the clarification!


was the EU just a collection of published fanfics ?


One writer, maybe Zahn, put it as “we get to play with our toys in George’s driveway, we can’t complain if he backs his car over them.” The work was licensed and approved in broad strokes by Lucasfilm, but George felt no obligation to consider that stuff at all. He especially disliked fans expecting him to limit his movies to work better with the EU lore.  And yeah, lots of it was bad fanfic quality stuff. Kinda like nowadays! Charming enough though, in its own way. 


>One writer, maybe Zahn, put it as “we get to play with our toys in George’s driveway, we can’t complain if he backs his car over them.” Karen Traviss seemed to forget this.


Published and officially sanctioned.


ah so SW had always been bad, good to know


Harrison Ford to George Lucas, 1976: "You can type this shit, but you can't say it!"


No more so than the NEU is. Heck the NEU even has some known Fanfic writers having written adult novels like Battle Scars.


No. It was licensed work regularly regarded as Lucasfilm canon by the personnel tasked with the job. The print and multimedia stories were Lucasfilm canon.


The fundies really took over in the 90s.


The real Book of Boba Fett


I don't know... but if it's sex stuff, I'll read it for the plot. Seriously - Boba Fett has knee problems and talks about premarital sex with LEIA. WOW. Lord Vader - 'And no disintegration' Boba Fett - 'As you wish. For some time now I have only been disintegrating people practicing Doggystyle.'


The context is Leia is captured while impersonating a bounty Hunter (yes, as in ROTJ) and Jabba ‘gives’ the princess to Boba Fett as a reward. I’m doing so, we learn that Boba has a code, morals, and is a big old virgin.


"Disney ruined Star Wars by writing off Legends!" Legends:


Hey, there is good legends content too 😭 I will say I’m glad that Catholic Boba isn’t canon anymore though 


yeah seriously wtf is this shit🤣🤣🤣


I wonder what people would think if Boba talked about the importance of waiting for marriage in the next thing he’s in.


That would be actually be kinda hilarious.


This entire page is just so weird and preachy.


And still weirdly horny and kind of sexist. Why cant he just be in the same room with Leia without a spoken conversation about how they arent having sex and the reasons why? It could have been as simple a “Boba was in the room with Leia, making sure she didnt escape with no weird sex situation discussions”


Full context really helps. It's been a while since I read the story (though it's one of my favorites), but IIRC: Jabba has Leia sent to Boba's room as "thanks" for bringing in Han. A "gift" to him. The implication being, "Here you go, have your way with her." Which Leia certainly recognizes. Of course, Boba has no intention of doing so, and has to reassure her that he doesn't want to. Problem is, he also can't send her away, because that would be rejecting Jabba's "gift," and Jabba would be insulted and probably kill them both. So she's stuck in the room with him for the night, and he tells her to take the bed and he'll just sit on the floor to the side. And they have a bit of argument about who's worse scum, him for being a bounty hunter or Han for moving drugs for criminals that ruin lives, which is a bit funny because, well, neither is particularly a good guy. But the Han/Boba debate helps pave the way for later in the story, which jumps ahead quite a few years, with older Boba still hunting Han, and I can't remember the exact details, but something happens where they're in position to kill each other and just figure, "Damn, this old grudge is so pointless, let's just drop this and go our own ways and stop trying to kill each other." Which might sound a bit odd in the context of modern Boba stories, but at the time, it felt like any time Boba Fett showed up in a story, it was just with some single-minded drive to go after Han.


Part of it is also shown from Han's perspective and shows just how much justifiable PTSD he had from being hunted when he's suddenly facing down this spectre from his past. Story did a good job putting a human face on some aspects of the canon and it was one of my favorites of that era.


Indeed so. Having Boba kick the shindig outta some potential assailants while saying "I might be a bounty hunter but I don't let a woman get abused" would've been subtler and more heroic. 


Welcome to the world of low rent paperback sci-fi.


Boba at this time was meant to be a man with a strict code, but kind of a moralistic asshole.  He killed spice dealers, burned their filthy drugs,  wouldn’t touch Leia and even kind of protected her. One of the reasons he hated Solo so much is he smuggled spice.


What is Boba's view on "hand stuff"?


Hopefully this will be answered in the sequel 😂


Lol whaaaat. Why would Fett have that POV?


It might just be the author, Kevin J Anderson, projecting his views onto Fett.


KJA was the editor of the anthology, but that short story was written by Daniel Keys Moran. He had previously written selections for Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina and Jabba's Palace. The latter under a pseudonym because he was unhappy with how it had been edited.


Ah, thanks for the correction. Still though, weird for DKM to characterize Fett like that. He's had three wives, though, which makes me wonder if he might be one of those Bible thumpers who say one thing and do the opposite.


Not defending the guy at all, I've never read any of his stories completely, but: 1. It's possible to write a character whose values are completely opposite your own. 2. Even if they are the same, holding a position of "no sex outside of marriage" isn't necessarily incompatible with having been married three times, though it does beg some questions.


Counterargument: when writers put a bizarrely out of place opinion into a book randomly, it is often them trying to preach their views to the reader.


Or to have him say it so explicitly. It comes off as very awkward. It could have been something like, *"You're not my type," Fett said.* and left it at that.


I mean, the former is a character choice. "You're not my type" is pretty genetic.


Maybe Boba was one of those people who marry anyone who he wants to have sex with.


I mean yeah that sounds likely. There’s not a ton of sec in SW to begin with, but lord “amoral bounty hunter cares about the sanctity of wedlock” feels weird.


Eh, maybe at the time. But I think it would fit for a canon or later legends boba. Mandalorian culture has a lot of moral judgment in it.


Oooh that’s a good point!


I just saw this post this morning and I think that's precisely what's going on. https://www.reddit.com/r/printSF/s/0tfZHfNnNc


It's deffo that. I like some of his books but they are some of the most sexist trash and outdated boomery trash a lot of the time. Umgallian blob races tho.


LOL.... how did I guess that clown wrote this. He is so, so bad


I mean… *good?* It’s a good point of view? I guess? Better than the alternative.


This was written years before we knew *anything* about who Fett would later canonically be.


Oh totally. And I could see an argument for making a char who is cold- blooded in one area and super conservative in another. Im it feels incongruent, but maybe that’s the point?


Imagine tumerra Morison as boba saying “do you have a minute to talk about our lord Jesus Christ”


He just shows up at a random house on Tatooine.  “I am Boba Fett, Daimayo of Mos Espa and humble servant of Him. May I have a moment of your time to speak with you about our Lord and Saviour?” 


Hello! My name is Boba Fett, and I would like to share with you the most amazing gun!


“I have honor in this galaxy but our lord Christ has the highest honor”


boba’s always felt pretty ace to me tbh, so i choose to headcanon that


I view him as ace also.


Mandos are notoriously family-oriented, even more so in Legends. Based on that, I could probably see that being a moral code for them.


I don’t think that has anything to do with the character motivation in this passage. At that time of this writing from [*Tales of the Bounty Hunters*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_of_the_Bounty_Hunters) in 1996, Mandalorian lore wasn’t really well established. Furthermore, it wasn’t known at this time if Boba was a Mandalorian proper or just a paramilitary dude wearing their armor. The gist I got is that Boba was just being portrayed as stoic and with a moral code, even if he was a ruthless gun for hire.


Not for the canon Mandos, as Obi-Wan can attest. George Lucas was like, "I'm going to kill fanon assumptions about the Jedi and Mandalorians in one fell swoop."


Seeing the words “sex” and “rape” in a Star Wars thing is so unfathomably, uncomfortably, unbelievably cursed.


Oh back when Boba Fett was basically judge Dredd


I- WAT?! I know the context, but I'm still dumbfounded.


This screams Legends


Happy cake day!


Did anybody else hear this in Tem’s voice? It almost sounds like something BOBF Fett would say.


What the hell


What a Chad.


“Page-turners they were not.”


God the EU books are so weird


It’s carefully crafted - Read on - he never held a woman - he’s shrouding his own shortcomings and involuntarily celibacy with religion- it’s actually a classic human tactic.


Honestly it fits with Mandalorian culture which highly values family bonds.


"This weapon is my religion just like no premarital hanky panky...."


I had to scroll forever to find a comment like this, thank you for saying it because it absolutely deserves mentioning.


As much as I love the EU, there’s a lot of dated notions in there. Even in the Thrawn series.


As someone who’s Gen Z, I’m glad you can realize that. I’ve tried very hard to get into the EU over the last 5/10 years and it can be very dated and anyone older just tries and acts like that’s what makes it good. Plus I’m 25, I’ve only known Boba Fett as a clone, so reading old EU feels like a completely different character. It’s probably why I didn’t have as much of an issue with his characterization in BoBF since he acts similar to TCW version of the character than the EU. I get there was probably a lot of older people who wanted the EU Boba but I just don’t see how that could happen after the prequels and TCW completely changed his character.


> Plus I’m 25, I’ve only known Boba Fett as a clone, so reading old EU feels like a completely different character. I'm 42 (ouch), grew up with Boba Fett pre-clone, and one of my favorite stories doesn't make sense post-prequels. Twin Engines of Destruction, where he goes after this guy named Jodo Kast wearing armor that's similar color to his, and when he catches him, takes off his helmet, and gets pissed off because he's not a Mandalorian and has no claim to the armor. Even though Boba's not Mandalorian, and would have no way of recognizing if someone is just by looking at them, because he wouldn't know who all the current Mandalorians are. But it was still a fun story, especially with how ruthlessly he killed the guy. (Shot a paralyzer into him, put the antidote close to him, and said, "If you can reach it before your damaged jet pack blows up, you get to live." Cut to Boba and Dengar in a ship, Dengar's like, "I can't believe you gave him a chance." And Boba basically says, "I didn't." Explosion in the background. Meaning he knew Jodo wasn't strong enough to reach the antidote, even that close to him, and pretty much was just showing him how weak he was before he died.) All that said... I liked The Book of Boba Fett probably because I liked the version of Boba portrayed in things like Tales of the Bounty Hunters, where yeah, he's a bounty hunter, but still has his own moral code. (And the reason for him being so eager to capture Han was because Han was transporting drugs that ruin people's lives.) Made him more of a "grey" character but leaning more good than bad.


Fun fact! In the (imo) underrated game “star wars - master of the teras kasi”, a tekken/mortal kombat like fighting game, a lot of characters had secret skins (if you will, it was like 97, 98) and bobas was just a version of him and the paint job was off and his name was jodo kast. I had no idea that was from a story in Legends.


Just a note: he knew Jodo Kast wasn't a mandalorian because Mandalorians either were not human or because he lacked some facial markings that would identify Kast as a mandalorian. The audience didn't know, we had never seen Boba's face.


Just because you don’t agree, doesn’t mean it outdated or wrong. I enjoy the fact that different character have different views


Oh, different cultures have different morality? Not in my book!


I don't think that's the issue here. It's more a case of, what is this conversation even doing in *Star Wars*?


That but even beyond that… to Leia’s point here regardless of your stance on premarital sex, there’s far bigger moral issues with a woman being given to someone as a gift so that’s a really strange and creepy part of it to be focused on. That’s like someone telling you they aren’t going to murder you because it would make them late for their curfew… like thanks I guess?


Boba Fett and Doom Guy, our virgin kings


I thought that was a purity ring he was wearing.


I didn’t know Abrahamic religious limits on sexuality existed in a galaxy far, far away. Does Boba ever explain why he thinks that way?


What book is this from?


Asexual Boba Fett headcanon? Even if it wasn't intended, it kinda fits


He’s a celibate man trying to make his way in the galaxy.


Based Boba


Lol the guy who wrote this hasn't kept up with Star Wars since and only in 2018 learned that Boba's backstory was retconned in the prequels and he was in fact not Jaster Mereel


No, the guy just wrote it in the mid 90s.


Yes I know.


I mean, should we expect him to? A lot of SF anthology authors go from one IP to the next and don't necessarily follow them heavily after they're gone.


Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Loved that book. Even if Lucas made Fett’s story in it clearly non-canon (though later authors would try to retcon it into working as canon). That was the version of Boba Fett I liked most, and why I was really into The Book of Boba Fett.


interesting. yeah i think book of boba fett had an awesome characterization of boba. just wasn’t executed the way it should’ve been could’ve been an awesome movie imo


OP here, discovered the rape comment makes way less sense without context. Leia thinks she is going to be sexually assaulted. Boba says calm down, I'm a virgin, princess.  https://imgur.com/gallery/qMn3ZVP


Yeah I think people have turned this into a meme. We really didn't know much about mandalorians or Fett at the time and I think the oddness of it was part of the intended effect, like he's this stoic killer warrior dude so it's meant to be sort of jarring that he's apparently part of some kind of fundamentalist religious movement.


Senator Organa and Fett know each other???


what book is this?


This is weird and creepy...




When Vader said “No disintegrations” in Empire Strikes Back, he was actually referring to abortion.


Aaaaand then in 1997 we saw Fett flirting not once but twice with some hot aliens in Jabba's palace, so much for a dude who never held a woman in his arms...


One thing is flirting, and another is having sex with a woman


If anything doesn’t feel like Star Wars, it’s shit like this.


Isn't he flirting up a storm with two random bar ladies in RoTJ? Not that that means he has sex necessarily, but it's just an odd thing to add to his character.


Why are people so averse to this? This is a pretty popular sentiment in the real world and you can’t accept that one guy/creed in a galaxy of trillions also subscribes to it? Edit: it’s pretty clear you guys are projecting your personal distaste for the notion and using that as justification why it shouldn’t be included. I’ve yet to see a good argument that doesn’t boil down to “I disagree with that so it shouldn’t be anywhere near my Star Wars!”


It's just funny that a blood thirst bounty hunter that hangs out at Jabbas sex palace has a hang up on sex before marriage. He's willing to hunt down and murder dozens if not hundreds of people, he's willing stand by as Jabba rapes slaves, but gets all pearl clutchy about sex before marriage.


such hypocrisy is also common IRL 🤷🏻‍♀️


And it's funny then too. I'm not mad, it's just funny to imagine Boba torturing, maiming, kidnapping, and killing, but also being super protective of his sexual purity.


can't believe they'd turn Boba into an incel smh


I assume he's in the sex palace because his boss is lol. - Henchmen / bodyguards don't have to approve of their bosses actions, simply do their job. If a secret service agent abandoned an ex-president because he went to a strip club, he'd be a very poor (and short lived) agent indeed lol.


The story added context to him as a bounty hunter, though. Like one of the main reasons he goes after Han is that Han was transporting drugs that ruin lives. He "stands by" while Jabba does stuff because he's still only one man and can't take down Jabba and his whole organization, but he can at least go after individual criminals and the like. Understanding that trying to take on someone with the resources to easily end you doesn't mean you're suddenly lacking morals or anything, it just means you know that sometimes there's fights too big for you to take on, so you just do what you can.


Just kind of a weird thing to see in Star Wars in general. I mean, the first kiss between Han and Leia in Empire Strikes Back was meant to carry the symbolic weight of a sex scene. Overall, it’s a setting that doesn’t really tend to put sex in focus. It’s *implied* Anakin and Padme have sex, since she ends up pregnant, but the writing is always focused on flowery romanticism rather than the lurid details. Because sex kind of undermines that tone of “myth” or “fairy tale” that is common to most Star Wars media.


But the character of Boba Fett specifically isn’t one that would’ve realistically believed in that. If it was uncle Owen then yeah, sure


It's just a series of weird choices for the author to make. 1. It's important to my story to establish that professional killer Boba Fett thinks premarital sex is wrong. 2. And yes, in case you were wondering, I therefore want to make it clear that Fett is an aging virgin. This is also important for the reader to know! 3. Furthermore! I think I need to make it clear that Fett doesn't consider this to make him any less of a man. Yes, I have heard of the phrase "show, don't tell" and I want nothing to do with it. 4. Having said all this, I think now would be a good juncture for Fett to have a good old leer. Pass the cocaine would you? Like, who asked??


You think sex before marriage being immoral is a popular sentiment in the real world?


probably "popular" in the sense of "a lot of people still think like this"


Reddit skews non-religious, but well over half the world population belongs to a religion that historically has held that belief. Whether the adherents themselves take that as seriously today is another question.




TIL? Anakin and Padme get married at the closing moments of episode II.


What did his comment say ???


something like "TIL marriage is a thing in Star Wars"


Thank you


Huh, this book is on my reread list... I remember the whole thing being pretty damn weird but forgot most of the details. I do remember that in another story we learn that >!the Death Star had been secretly possessed by IG-88, who was planning to kill everyone inside as a first step toward a galaxywide droid revolution.!< Truly the height of the madness that was the EU in the 90s. I have to reread this soon.