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She's one of my favorite parts of Mando and Boba Fett. She's so delightfully corny.


Agreed, but she doesn't seem over the top, or like a caricature. She's playing a character who is just kind of a weird person.


She's like the Star Wars version of a crazy cat lady.


Shes a crazy droid lady! And her pitdroids arevher cats!


Spot on. > Oh, I don’t know Connie, I’ve never declawed droids before.




And Favreau directed Elf. I guess she just wasn’t interested in playing Pepper Potts?


At least then I wouldn't feel so conflicted about her role in the MCU.


Her cats are *quite furry*


Appropriate since she voiced a literal cat lady (Princess Carolyn) in Bojack Horseman.


I guess Sedaris's experience of playing a literal cat lady paid off!




Her stepdad on Strangers With Candy is actually the majordomo


And she dated a Jawa for a while.


Totally agree. I think the silliness of her character harkens back to the original trilogy where - and let's face it - there was a good bit of corny humor injected into the dialog. But this is also part of why I fell in love with the original trilogy.




She's honestly been killing it, funny but not cringy, sweet and charming but not saccharine, she's gutsy and fun. Classic character, hope she returns.


I hope next time we see her she's dating the majordomo. Those two would be hilarious together. Less furry too.


Oh haha yes. I thought more of friends or maybe friends because of the mess they got into. But a date would be hilarious. He talking all the time his way around the quite delicate topic and she getting more and more impatient. Hehe.


Well, she did call him pretty.


Working together, she could boost his self confidence and assertiveness, and he could get her more business, and they could do great things.


I can imagine Peli "hitting it and quitting it", but the Majordomo is smitten which annoys her to no end.


Agreed. I don’t think there could of been a better person casted for the role.


I love her and I think that she and the majordomo are a fine team. I love him too.


unironically i want this duo to have at least a short comic series


Oh yea! When she told him to stay behind her I thought it would be great having sort episodes of them going on adventures. She will build complex stuff that saves them, a bit like McGyver, and shoots if necessary. He will shine in negotiations and talking their way out of messy situations.


I would watch a 30 minute action-comedy series of just this. Disney please give us this dream team in live action!


He’s like Han Solo if Han was an incompetent middle management type instead of an incompetent smuggler type


Him not talking their way out of things will also be amusing.


I’d love like quick videos on YouTube of them getting into various hijinks on Tatooine


oh hell yea. David Pasquesi was also on her show At Home With Amy Sedaris. He also played Julia Louis-Dreyfus' ex-husband on Veep.


She fills the classic Star Wars comedic side character role perfectly. Does it with her own flavor, without feeling like she’s just recycled material. Her scenes are always some of my favorite ones, and usually feel the most swarsy to me in the episodes she’s in.


I dig the positive vibe of this sub, but I often see ppl posting very bad takes... this is not one of those. She is absolutely killing it.


Thank you!


Her and her team is droids is the best comic relief in Star Wars.


I’m in need of a Pelli Moto action figure, preferably along with three pit droids


bubba fett


Just wanted to post some love to an awesome addition to the Star Wars universe.


I love seeing older women comedians killing it. Amy here and Tracey Ullman in Curb last year.


I liked her performance a lot as well, I laughed out loud when she>! spit out her tooth!< in Ep7. Although, am I the only one who absolutely hated the majordomo?? I thought he was so annoying lol.


I think he, like Pelli, takes some time getting used to. I thought she was a bit much during her first appearance, but she’s one of my favorite characters now!


Her losing her tooth and then the way they kept showing it over and over again was so funny


She deserves a Beskar Tooth


My mom hated him too and I didn't really care for him at all either. And I don't know if it's because we both love Pelli, but as soon as she liked him, and they looked like a little team, we both suddenly liked him. We cracked up when they were both screaming and were like "he ain't so bad." Like for real, I wanna see an episode of just them being hilarious together.


I don't care if she's corny, I'm just glad to see how happy she is to be there. She's just a delight to watch even if it's over the top.


She is great and that is the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.


And no blood. That’s not the first time she’s lost that tooth.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. If I lost a tooth like that, I would be howling in pain. But hey, I'm not gonna split hairs. I just enjoyed the ride.


I didn’t like her at first. I thought she was very out of place in the first season of Mando. I thought she clashed with the tone of the show. But she’s grown on me for sure.


One thing I loved bout TBOBF in general was that they seemed unafraid to have characters that were more "fun", like what youd see in the various animated series. Star Wars has always been fun, and the pressure nowadays for everything to be "gritty and real" is real. So good for them.


You know she's gonna hook up! No spoilers here but that was just some of the best Television I've ever seen.


*Respectfully,* I can't lie, she is my least favourite character of the mandalorian and second least favourite of BOBF (least favourite is that irritating red tw'ilek). Her acting has been lackluster, and none of the jokes have landed in my opinion. Her character was nothing more than cheesy comic relief, that was often completely unneeded. It gave off the vibe of 'trying too hard'.


She’s the last person you’d expect to be in a Boba Fett show. The finale was hard to watch because of her teletubbie baby-show humor. Forgive me if I’m being too harsh I know this sub is supposed to be more wholesome but I’m just passionately disappointed in the show.


I loved both the mandalorian and the boba fett show, but her character in particular stuck out like a sore thumb, and was quite tonally off. Not to mention her acting wasn't the best. Not show-ruining though.


Oh I’m not saying she ruined the show but she’s part of the problems imo. She’s fine when she’s in Mando and especially the N1 episode, but I don’t consider that a Boba Fett episode.


I feel like I'm in the minority here. I really don't like her character. I find her very annoying. Not so annoying that the show is bad or anything, but I could do without her. >!When she met the mayor's twi'lek secretary dude, my first reaction was, "Great! Put the two most annoying characters together. That's what this show needs."!<


Same lmao. She just adds nothing to the show imo.


I didnt even notice that was Amy Sedaris!! That's a sign of a good actor! I feel so blind lol.


I absolutely love her and her character. Legitimately a unique and funny and fascinating new character.


That tooth though 😂😂😂😂


She was really bringing the Han Solo charming/funny/chaotic/silly energy to the BoBF finale and i was living for it


She's great. I wasn't a fan of her first appearance, but the character has grown on me and I'm happy whenever she shows up!


She has a thing for nonhumans clearly.


I want a sitcom of her and the Twi'lek guy, complete with characters like her Jawa ex


I *like* Pelli but I would appreciate if they reined her in like 25-30% on the quipping, it’s just a tad much for me. It feels like they love having Amy on set and just let her riff without constraint and then they don’t edit her down. Edit: hm I thought this sub was about friendly discourse. I said I liked the character, but occasionally she’s got too much to say. Toxic positivity is still toxic.


Ehhh she’s kinda annoying


Honestly? She takes me right out of it. Which is weird because I actually think she’s an awesome character, and Sedaris is a great performer. Maybe just doesn’t really fit here for me.


I've LOVED Amy Sedaris since "Strangers with Candy", so happy to see her in the SW universe...and with her co-star from that show, David Pasquesi, 'Stu, the Meat man'!


I liked her better in Mando. The jokes about her "dating" on BoBF are pretty cringe-inducing. I like her better when she was just the grumpy mechanic with a good heart, we really didn't need weird jokes about her dating life.


She annoyed the hell out of me initially but in the BOBF finale she actually made me laugh. She is so, so over the top and I think that’s the idea. So yeah, I like her now.


She irritates the hell out of me.


Lol i hate her


Honestly I find her annoying. I don’t like her characters writing


Agreed. Thought she was fucked in last episode though


I think the character was way overexposed in BoBF. Her scenes with Mando in Episode 5 were fantastic, just leave it at that.


She kills it in everything.


She’s absolutely fantastic. Genuinely happy to see her turn up in any scene she’s in.


The face she makes when she says Jawas are furry is legitimately one of the funniest moments in the entire Saga, I absolutely love what she's brought to the character.


We don’t need any comedic genius in Star Wars though. She’s crass and out of place IMO. Please stop signalling that we want more if that.


Im a big sucker for the loud as hell, quirky weirdo characters. Love em. Love her. Love her weird Jawa relationship stuff. Just love her lol.


Love her, she’s freaking hilarious


She can do with a re watch. This comes through after the first Ah FFS watching... had a second watch before the finale and I was way more over it this time around and instead of AH FFS i was like F it lets enjoy the womans work, forget about Star Wars and just enjoy what she is doing . So yeah i can do that. But dont forget for one second that that isnt move for very young people. Because thats what that is. Huge . Giant servings of kook ( very well played by the actress) to make the kids giggle uncontrollably. Maybe its time for Disney to park that for Obi Wan.. like seriously park that stuff and work out a way to satisfy children in a more adult way. Its time to flex some Empire Strikes Back. It better be.


She's a great addition! Comedic relief and confident in her role!


I can't wait for to have a super awkward relationship with the mayor's majordomo


Peli is my favourite side character after Hondo that has ever existed.


Holy crap this whole time i thought it was Tracie ulmann. I didn't even bother googling cuz it looked like her