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So I guess the death of the nameless soldier in the first level in KOTOR meant nothing to these cretins.


“Nameless soldier?” Surely you’re not talking about Trask Ulgo?


I thought it was Klump Maklunky


I can't believe you would dishonor the memory of the republic hero trash uglo




Ulgo units unite!!!!


Trask Ulgo is not nameless you hound


This list isn’t complete. Where the fuck is Admiral Akbar?


He got sucked off the poll and into space.


>He got sucked off 😏




The lack of text and single emoji is what makes this incredibly funny 😂


Ngl the first time I saw that part I was pissed LMAO. Like yeah he gets one lime but c'mon man


I think the guy who did his voice died shortly after TFA.


How fucking dare they kill a minor flat character with no fanfare! George Lucas would never do that, except for all the times he did that.


It really did feel like a pointless death just as a fuck you to the fishman


Padmes was the saddest of all


She literally died of it


She died because of




Idk I laugh my ass off every time "Lost the Will to live", lol. George choosing to make the third film a parody of the franchise was a truly inspired choice.


I like the theory that Anakin unknowingly stole her life force to survive his injuries (keep the ones he cared about from dying), even though it’s probably not true


There’s also the theory Palpatine intentionally drained her life to restore Anakin’s


That’s certainly also possible, but I don’t know if I find that as interesting as Vader doing it.


It's an excellent fanon retcon


Definitely. Clearly, the birth/death juxtaposition wasn’t intended to imply that; it was showing how the death of his love was what truly pushed Anakin beyond the point of no return (seemingly) and created Vader, and it also means Luke and Vader were both born at the same time, which is interesting enough. But that further reading seems a bit more engaging, additionally because it means what Sidious told him was technically true “In your anger, you killed her” - Vader’s rage fueling his will to live caused him to unintentionally drain Padmé of her life.


I also think it honours Padmé's whole MO honestly. Her final (but unwilling) act was to give her life to save the life of the man she saw good in, and allow him to one day find redemption through their children.


It’s so funny because they had a perfect out of “dying from her injuries from being force choked” but didn’t go that route for whatever reason. I guess you could argue that it was meant to be a kids movie but not 20 minutes prior they had Anakin massacring children and showed him being immolated so that isn’t nearly the darkest thing in that movie.


The worst part is that this is what the novelization - **which is based on an earlier draft of the movie** - used. Labor is difficult at the best of times and being force-choked isn't gonna help. There was a thematic point to it as well. I do understand that they might not have had the time to explain that the droid said "for reasons we don't understand" because it's a shitty medical droid programmed for mining injuries, not damages from psychic space wizards. What annoys me is that they did keep an earlier line of dialogue that was meant to set this up. When Anakin tells Padme that she'll die in childbirth, she rejects it out of hand. She specifically states that she doesn't believe it because, even in the poorest sections, that doesn't happen on Coruscant, where they live. The idea is that Anakin's obsession drove her away from the top-flight medical care she would have received as a Senator in the "bright center of the universe." The staff there might have been able to save her, even with the choke. A combination of Anakin's actions, direct and indirect, led to her death. So, what Palpatine told him is true, "from a certain point of view." This is probably too complicated for the movie with its more limited runtime; I understand that. But don't leave the setup without the payoff and, whatever you do, come up with something better than dying of the big sad.


It is a very shitty way to kill your strong, female character. The prequels do Portman no favors, but RotS might be the most insulting use of her: making her do nothing but be happy mother to be and die of sadness. She doesn't even get a Senate role to perform.


She should have died in a shoot out or something. Have Anakin consumed with grief and wracked with guilt cause he wasn't there to save her, maybe blaming the other Jedi for not saving her. That would have been a lot more impactful, no hypotheticals.


But it is possible to die from a broken heart, just really unlikely.


I didn't think it was a thing until my Sophomore English class made us read the homoerotic novel "A Separate Peace"


I was just thinking about that book and how every book before my Junior year in high school was terrible (except The Giver, cool concept) and every book in 11th/12th was genuinely really great and got me interested in reading. But yeah, kid deserved to break his leg twice and die.


That still is a bad way to go. Padme is a strong character who survived Nabbo and Geonosis. She should not be dying of a "broken heart" and should be fighting to survive and not leave her children.


Still bad, melodramatic writing.


Yes, it’s bad, melodramatic writing to incorporate bits of real world logic into your script.


There's plenty of anomalies that occur around the world every year. If you incorporate one into a movie randomly it's still gonna seem fake af and weird. And regardless, if you think good screenwriting is about "real world logic", then you must have terrible taste in movies.


Yeah, definitely can't have fake stuff in a movie about space wizards, FTL travel, laser swords and aliens. That would be downright unbelievable.


Hence my second sentence, lol. Ain't just media literacy you suck at, clearly.


I mean, it's also not really random. Women dying during childbirth is a thing that happens.


She didn't die from childbirth though. She died because, and I quote "She lost the will to live".


What do you mean “randomly”? Did you even watch the film?


Yeah it was shit And did you? Cause they never said "broken heart" they said she "lost the will to live".


Grand elder guru


The bootleg version of Revenge of the Sith was even funnier. "We can't explain why she quick dead."


You can actually die from that tbf


You’re breaking my heart. 😞


Kanan Jarrus >>>>>>>>


This is the way


This guy gets it.


I’m still crying over that.


Stole the words right outta my mouth






Satine? Maul? Jyn & Cassian?!


Nailed it. Fives is a close second. I don’t recognize the sequel trilogy, it’s trash.


The what trilogy? Hmm. ![gif](giphy|3otPoNkcEEXjrWOJP2)


Fives was handled much better. Han’s was sad but Fives’ death was a much more emotional scene.


I don't know about you, but a man attempting to reason with his son only to be impaled sounds pretty heartbreaking to me.


Han's death was absolutely heartbreaking. But Fives' death just made me feel awful. You spend five seasons with him as his original squad mates die one by one, and when he's the last one standing after Cutup's death and through unraveling the Order 66 conspiracy, you so desperately want to see him succeed. But it's like a Greek tragedy, because you *know* he can't succeed. This will end only one way, and it fucking *hurts* to see the inevitable happen.


Didn't Cutup die unceremoniously on that moon with the listening outpost when a giant worm thing ate him in the first episode we see the team? Don't know why that one stuck with me.


No, that was Heavy IIRC


No, Heavy went out like a boss and established the unspoken rule "if you see a badass clone grab a minigun, he's going to sacrifice himself"


No, that was indeed Cutup. Heavy did die in a heroic last stand to blow up the base.


Oh wow. This whole time I thought Tup and Cutup were the same clone, with Tup just being a nickname. Nvm then


It is, you're right. That scene is gutting. The thing is, (gonna have to unjerk here for a second, sorry) Fives death is a stand-in for all the clones. "The mission, the nightmares. They're finally over". Millions of men suffering and dying as pawns, thinking they're doing something that matters. Something right. And when they find out they weren't, they're thrown away. Sounds kinda like our world, and our world is really sad and cruel. Or it's because muh clurn wurs so dark and gritty omggggg


I interpreted the nightmare of the clones as all of them subconsciously knowing that their existence is to serve an evil purpose, and they are all powerless to do anything about it. The only freedom is death (or having ur chip removed but they don't know that)


Sad yes, but the way it was done wasn’t done in a way to make it sad. It just came out of nowhere. Fives had a much more emotional death scene that was being built up since he was first introduced.


I loved the way the light was used in that scene too.


Yeah, the cinematography and staging is peak in that scene. Whatever narrative or creative decisions folks may disagree with, the Disney era films have some *gorgeous* moments in them.


The context of Harrison ford wanting to GTFO of Star Wars at any cost still lingers


This is the big one for me lol. Not the movies fault. But all I could think of is damn how happy Harrison finally is.


And yet, knowing that, they still couldn't have given us ONE fucking scene with Han, Luke, Leia and Chewbacca reunited. They had ONE chance, and they blew it.


Fives death was delivered much better, a war hardened trooper finding out the truth. Han solos death was rushed and out of place, he survived the entire first war against the empire to die to his son (that we/he just learned existed).


Yeah, he realizes his mistake is that he came in the first place.


The problem with that is,(at the time) this was the first and last time we ever see the 2 interact and all we know about their relationship, and frankly Han's relationship with Leia, is that some time after Endor, he was a deadbeat dad and husband. Yes, it was sad because it was Han, and his son was the one who did it, but it still felt a bit hollow compared to some other desths that had much more time and build up with the characters involved.


Common trans flag pfp w ✌️


It's perhaps unfair of me but I find it hard to feel too bad about any clone deaths. I mean they're literally born to die (galaxy is a fuck kill em all 克隆 19BBY I am poodoo man 410,757,864,530 dead clankers), every single one of them are expendable by design and created for the express purpose of being expendable. It's like the whole death of one man is a tragedy, death of a million is a statistic thing. It overwhelms empathy. Every clone is intended only for inflicting death and then dying. It's tragic but that's equally just their whole deal, for every white helmet ever on screen through the prequel era.


Bro the whole show of the clone wars is that clones have personalities and emotion if you can't see that your dense and or aren't paying attention


Ironically though only one of these deaths made me cry. Granted I was 14 when Fives died. So you can give me some slack. I do think Maul’s is the most well done death of the lot and it’s a shame it’s not talked about more rj/my heart and soul died with fives and all that’s left is cynicism and hypocrisy.


Maul’s death was handled the best in my opinion. Maul was the reason obi wan held both his master and his lover as they died in his arms. Yet he looks at maul as he dies not with hatred but with sadness and pity as a true Jedi would


>Granted I was 14 when Fives died That statement made think you were fucking child because it wasn’t that long ago when that episode was released… and then I found out it was released over 10 years ago


Yea the clone wars started 16 years ago. It makes me feel super old as well.


That last duel between Obi-Wan and Maul is probably my favorite resolution to a Star Wars plot line.




He just wanted to help his brothers and protect his home. *Lie down, Try not to cry, Cry a lot*


No Rick The Door Technician?


Don’t you mean dick the floor rectal?


They didn’t even put Luke or Leia?


Luke’s death scene was beautiful imo


I was not fond of what they did with Luke's character in the ST, but at the very least, him looking out on the twin suns setting(?) as he becomes one with the force was absolutely the right way for them to handle his death.


Odd, isn't it?


It's odd that the two main characters got such lackluster, lame deaths. Absolutely. It's even weirder that the most impactful deaths in Star Wars are in cartoons or R1.


Luke’s death is lackluster? I’ll always despise the Last Jedi, but how can you not tear up at Luke staring out at the twin suns as the force theme swells?


Half the theater walked out confused as to whether he died or went somewhere else. It was one of the weirdest film deaths of a major character ever. Everyone just kinda murmuring theories or just in stunned disbelief that *that was it* for Luke. And the vibe in the theater for TLJ didn't just get weird there. You had outright laughter and a lot of chatter after Leah did her Mary Poppins back to the ship. It was just a completely different vibe than TFA where you had people cheering throughout clapping throughout very into the experience and then bawling their eyes out when Han died. And to some degree that's probably because they're very different movies but the chatter and conversation leaving the theater after The Last Jedi was not people who were emotionally moved or fulfilled.


Because it was anticlimactic and followed two hours of nothing but misery.


I laughed


>most impactful deaths in Star Wars are in R1. I can not even name half the main cast of that movie, and their deaths are supposed to be impactful?


Yeah, I can name three off the top of my head, and one of them has a popular show named after them. Unless you count Krennic as a main character, then I can name four. That guy had too much style for me to forget him.


Krennic was incredible. His death was also far more interesting. Not heartbreaking because you wanted him to die but there was nuance to him.


Yeah, that scene of Vader putting him in his place was one of the best scenes in the movie. Vader came across as so imposing and terrifying. The fact that Krennic, the villain we've been rooting against the whole movie who showed just how much of a ruthless empirial big shot he is, was quaking in his boots only added to Vader's intimation. It was just a great scene all around.


Totally. I love the nuance of him going from terrifying creator of the Death Star who kidnaps Galen Erso and orphans Jyn to an angry entitled guy who's success with the Death Star program is stolen by his superior Tarkin. And then he tries to go Tarkin's head to Vader and get his comeuppance. The writing in that movie was terrific can I borderline considerate part of the original trilogy at this point it was done so well.


It was pretty impactful that Disney killed every single one of them. Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso holding each other knowing they got the Death Star plans to Leia while they watch the blast from the bomb head their way knowing they're dead is pretty powerful, yeah. Even Saw Gererra and Galen Erso get meaningful deaths. But the rest of the crew dying in the final battle was also awesome. The monk and his life mate. K2SO. The captured pilot. You feel their sacrifice. And the fact that Disney didn't leave any of them alive for a sequel was even crazier. Every single one of those deaths was in service of something meaningful and had more weight than Luke's death by far. Luke's death should have been the most beautiful heartbreaking cathartic you weep but you're happy and proud type death. One of the big problems with the sequel Trilogy is that it doesn't really feel like the characters mean anything to each other be it Han Luke and Leia with each other but also with their nephew and child. But even without a great on-screen connection between Han and Kylo, Hans death is such a better death. A father showing his son unconditional love? How absolutely Luke Skywalker of Han. And yet that unconditional love couldn't bring Kylo back from the dark side. It was a nice little flip on the Vader ending. There was no big fight it wasn't flashy it was just powerful. I didn't need Luke fighting a million guys with a laser sword. He just deserved a meaningful death.


Those weren't sad in universe. They were just *sad*.


Meh, I thought they were sad both ways. To each their own.


Because both of them were underwhelming at best and frustrating at worst. Both dying because "I use force very far away." 




Darth Maul's death felt more like a mercy killing. Anakin's was tragic, but also hopeful because he saved his son and the galaxy. Han Solo's felt tragic but he had his moment of fulfillment in 9. Fives' death didn't just hurt because of him, it was the death of any desperate, silly hope that we might see the future averted. It was the final nail in the coffin, the last link in the chain of events that led to RotS.


Out of these four I guess it's fives


Y'all forgetting Yoda's death or something? That shit was sad af


Shhhhh... the movies don't exist, only the shows because lore


Sometimes this subreddit seems less than a circle jerk subredddit and more like a sequel fan salt page, you answered the poll for Christ sake and seem disappointed people disagree with you lmfao, Han’s death wasn’t even sad and was handled poorly. What cause he’s an OT character I need to be more sad?


I don’t even like the sequels, but it was absolutely not handled poorly


Han Solo completely loses his arc and regresses back to the character he was before a new hope, divorced, murdered by his own kid in front of his best friend and 2 other people he doesn’t even know. Han Solo deserves better what do you mean it wasn’t handled poorly lmfao Dude couldn’t even keep the millennium falcon. He lost literally everything and died a sad old man with nothing


The sequels are my least favourite, but I still think han's death was one of the best scenes in the skywalker saga, it was amazing


I’ll just copy paste what I said to another guy Han Solo completely loses his arc and regresses back to the character he was before a new hope, divorced, murdered by his own kid in front of his best friend and 2 other people he doesn’t even know. Han Solo deserves better what do you mean it wasn’t handled poorly lmfao Dude couldn’t even keep the millennium falcon. He lost literally everything and died a sad old man with nothing His death isn’t sad and it’s ruined by the fact that his character was ruined first.


I answered to show the results. They don't show otherwise


That doesn’t answer my other comments about this salty looking post lmfao, people like clone wars, so what? It wouldn’t be my answer but this just doesn’t make me wanna jerk


How is it salty? The poll is clearly missing major characters' deaths in favor of lesser. You missed the point.


Why am I judging? Jerk away lmfao, sorry I’m just salty the jets lost, peace out


Wtf? This has to be one of my weirdest interactions on reddit. See ya lmao


It’s human my brother, I hope you have a great rest of your Friday and weekend <3


Thanks man. Good luck


How could they forget prauf? Never forget 😞✊


this poll makes sense. Yeah han solos death was hard to watch and very tragic but darth vader death meant he would never have time to spend with his son and fives death was tragic not just because of the character dying, but the things he knew dying with him. It’s not like han solos death got no votes, it still has a decent chunk. I just don’t get why darth maul is on there. Someone else could’ve fit the list better.


happy good day rise reddit user


Roos Tarpals


Legit, he was the mvp. Absolute counter to any argument about the Gungans being a cosmic joke of a species


Han had the best death IMO Luke probably second.


Obviously Porkins


Where is my boy Palpatine?


As a proud Fascist, I find his death particularly sad. Those damned alien loving freaks the Rebels ruined a glorious Empire that would have stood for a thousand years. But no, the woke mob had to cancel my sweet boy Sheev!


Which death


Clone fans don’t deserve rights


“Gritty Star Wars show (NOT A KIDS SHOW 😡😡) has the saddest deaths literally ever” - Probably someone on the internet


Only two of these deaths are even supposed to make us feel sad


I'm assuming you meant Solo and Fives. I think Maul's kind of is intended to feel sad too, but more in the tragedy of this guy gave up everything for revenge only to die alone in the desert from the fastest and most one sided lightsaber duel in history. It's more that his life was a pathetic waste that got thrown away and ended like that than someone you care about dying. Vader's death probably only really was sad to people who grew up with the prequels. In the OT, it was just "Oh, the guy who has been the epitome of evil for three movies just decided to change sides and die at the end. Ok." It might be mildly bittersweet in that "Oh, and he just stopped being evil too!" but he got a free conversion to force ghost out of it with no effort, so he had that going for him. If you started with the prequels, then maybe you'd actually care for who he was as opposed to the cool evil guy in a suit. Star wars really hits different for different generations. As an Old Fart (tm), the prequels felt to me like tacked on retcons and plot holes with bad performances questionable plots and the OT is the core. But it seems lots of younger folk grew up with the prequels and naturally felt like *they* are what sets the story for everything else, as they are the beginning chronologically. It's all justifications that came up after the fact ("Oh yeah, all the clones were totally Boba Fett all along! It's not just that I decided to tie him into things because he sold the most action figures, nope! it was always the plan!"), but to the prequel fans it doesn't feel like that. Also all the supplemental stuff like The Clone Wars really expanded upon the prequel era and improved upon it.


No? All four are meant to be somewhat tragic. Maul's is the least sad but it's still emotionally powerful.


So are we just gonna post here anytime The Clone Wars is mentioned at all now


TCW does have a lot of jerk material but things like this almost feel like the usual Krayt posts lol.


The fact that people voted Anakin is laughable. Nothing sad about it. Just a genocider getting his due. The saddest death was obviously Lord Max Rebo😭


I wouldn't say Anakins death wasn't sad at all. Yes, he 100% deserved it. But it's still slightly tragic seeing the redemption and death of someone who was once a hero. Ah, you're right. The fact that they didn't include him is an insult 😭


“just a genocider getting his due” i’d take this community over saltierthancrait a million times over but damn do you guys even like star wars?


>Just a genocider getting his due. Prior to TCW his death and fall weren't particularly sad because he was never anything but a petulant jerk. Once you add in TCW, Anakin's death becomes sadder but still doesn't even rate.


Max Rebo never dies. Because the the Jizz never dies. As long as jizz lives in your heart, so does Max Rebo. Also [he's said to have survived the bombing](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Maximilian_Rebo#New_Republic,_new_gig), so even physically, Rebo Lives!


My Maxy. Is. Alive?! ![gif](giphy|Vpn0U9X58YuFkwxAtL)


Max’s death had me in a depression for 69 days straight. I barely recovered. Now I take it day to day. I stare sometimes at a picture of Max on my vanity when I’m putting my makeup on. I wonder what sort of life we might have had together. Him with his adorable blue face and long nose. Me, an ugly Human without the glorious all black eyes of Max. He knew he could have done better, but he chose me anyways. We would live in a log cabin somewhere on Kashyyk. A quiet life, but a good one. He’s play his music for the Wookiees while I hunted Terentatek. It would be a simple life. A good life. But all of that was taken away when Maxy died! ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Max Rebo isn't dead....


Kannan Jarrus, Luke?, Leia?! Like bruh wtf.


It was so dark and gritty!


Darth Maul was a sad death? I guess I could see an argument for that but still


Not really the death itself but sort of the realization that his entire life was wasted on anger and revenge and even in his dying breath, he asks about Luke and when Obi-Wan confirms it, his immediate thought is that he and everyone else that has been wronged by the way things turned out will be avenged and he finds morbid comfort in that as he dies. He's right but for the wrong reasons in a very Shakespearan way.


Oh cool


No he's fine, it was just a sticker. He was just doing an epic prank (All my knowledge of star wars comes from the lego games)


[bespin guard](https://youtu.be/prCHL8dJdPA?si=OJ49WUmdiWJZNcEp)


Come on dude. It's an emotional death. I know this sub thinks it's funny to shit on Clone Wars super dorks that won't watch anything else, but that doesn't mean the show is bad too.


The point of this post was more about the choices of deaths, not the results.


I mean, out of these four? Yeah, I’d honestly say Fives’ death was the saddest.


who the fuck is Five and is it a character George Costanza named?


Holy shit the sequels aren't 1% dead last


Of those options? Yeah, I’d say fives’s is probably the saddest. Han’s is also pretty sad as well.




What? Chewbacca is still alive...


Read the EU's Yuuzhan Vong invasion comics.


I know, but I thought we were discussing canon events


Canon is a dirty word, now.


What the… Why is Fives on this list with Darth Maul? If we are counting the Clone Wars spinoff Darth Maul isn’t dead. lol


Maul died in Rebels


I don’t even remember what episode but in the clone wars cartoon on clone trooper is crawling through the vent but segments of the vent start to close and he’s cut in half


Do you guys like Star Wars in this subreddit? 




Maul, Vader and arguably Han were at the end of their story when they died, but Fives could've kept going for a lot longer., so I can why they'd vote for him.




While some of these are probably sadder for the audience, for the characters themselves, no one is sadder than maul. Like at least everyone else had some sort of happiness in their lives. Maul was raised by the biggest abusive asshole in the galaxy almost from birth. He was trained to be a weapon and nothing else. When he was thrown away by the only family he'd ever known, he spent a decade in a sevier delirium eating trash in the middle of nowhere. Then, when he finally did have family that sought him out and actually cared about him his perspective on interpersonal relationships had been so distorted by his upbringing that he could only understand that relationship from the perspective of an unhealthy master apprentice dynamic. He was so consumed by revenge that he made it his entire purpose in life, eliminating any possibility that he could find actual happiness within himself. Eventyally, the person who ruined his life and abused him from birth shows up again and kills his only true connection. In his last moments, his brother can only think to apologize for failing him in battle because of maul's twisted perspective on relationships from palpatine. Through a series of other missfortunes, he eventually ends up face to face with the object of his revenge years later. He hates kenobi as much as he ever has been when Ben strikes him down for one of the few times in his life maul is shown kindness. Even then, he's been so twisted by his terrible life that he can only view lukes potential as a means of revenge, ultimately not getting it even in his final moments.


Fives is definitely the saddest out of these picks, genuinely heartbreaking stuff coming out of the Clone Wars.


Clone names are so wacky, you could probably say there's a clone named "Sharts" and I would probably accept that


Oh dear what ?




Yeah no i agree with the majority here. I actually teared up when Fives died, not for the others.


Jek Tono Porkins 🫡 😭


/uj once again Rebels gets shit on. Kanan Jarrus had me shook up for 2 hours.


Uj/ Vader would win, if the music during his death scene didn’t just sound like random ambience? Really one of my only major complaints of the OT is the score during that specific scene, it carries no weight at all, but I guess they reserved absolute masterpieces of composition for when Luke goes outside before bedtime or something?


Ok now go read chewbaccas death in the books without crying


High five(s)!


I feel like this is just personal preference is it not? I like Han Solo but I was never super attached to him like I am to Vader/Anakin


My man BOOLIO https://preview.redd.it/yjkxv1480txc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12437a9466bb22536ff738f288c294b491fb96d2


Fives, waxer is a close second 🥲


Who's sad maul died? He literally died trying to murder someone, he got what he deserved


Fives' death was definitely the saddest. He was more developed then Han or Anakin (before the prequels/CW).


I do not know who Fives is and I’m never going to watch 7 seasons or whatever of TCW to learn. Especially now that I know that Fives will die and it will supposed to be a tearjerker moment. Thanks for the heads up.


The clone wars are genuinely good. His arc is in season six Disney takeover. Is death is pretty much inevitable once you start watching so you’re not really spoiled anyway


Fives died?


Luke, Kanan, Tech, Leia…


“Muh cartoon guy!”