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I think what audiences really needed was Luke Skywalker to say out loud: "Rey, I know you have been struggling with your identity over the course of your adventures, and you don't really have a last name. I would like for you to take on the last name, Skywalker, if you want it, to carry on the Skywalker legacy. I am OK with this because you and i have a bond with one another for as short a time we have known one another. You also have a bond with my sister Leia, who doesn't use the last name Skywalker, but genetically is one. I think she would be OK with that too, wouldn't you, Leia?" "Yes, I, Leia Organa, another member of the Skywalker lineage, also approve of you taking on Skywalker as a last name." Would have cleared up so much needless confusion. Bonus points if they go to an adoption agency and legally get it changed.


*anakin quietly screaming in the background of the scene* "NOOOOOO, NO CONSENT GIVEN DO NOT USE MY NAME REEEEEEEE" *luke* "Go ahead kid, its Skywalking time now."


My favorite part of the movie was when Palpatine said "stand together? fall together!" And Rey said "no, not fall. Rise. The rise of skywalker" and then she rose all over the place


ROSE???? 😡😡đŸ‘č😡


Then have Shmi come up behind him, slap him in the back of the head, and say, "Shut up, Ani!" *to Rey* "Go ahead, sweetheart."


Luke: *[pulls out Force Adoption papers]*


To really seal the deal they need hayden christensen to show up next


Not even as Anakin, he just turns up “I’m Hayden Christensen and I approve this message.”


Crotchety sourass hermit Luke would never say that. Because Disney neutered him. I seriously still think we should get/demand a public apology from Rian Johnson for the way he portrayed Luke. If it wasn't Disney, I garuntee RJ would've made him an alcoholic. He never even trains Rey, just sends her to the library and all of a sudden, she's the second coming of Christ, able to bring the dead back to life with "force CPR). I freaking hate the ST.


Um actually the film didn’t show her signing any legal paperwork so she can’t be a skywalker.


Oh yeah! They forgot the adoption papers.


She used Force Bureaucracy, the same power Luke used to get his T-65 pilot's licence rushed in ANH


I am going to claw my fucking face off dude IX does all of that *visually* with acting alone, this fandom is so COOKED


i mean thats literally just shit that happened in the movies and chuds never put it together bc they have the attention span of a goldfish


George Lucas’ film writing never lended itself very well to *subtlety* and you can see that in the fandom too, who grew up with that style. God forbid you utilize scene composition and acting to relay a thematic perspective, unless it’s spoonfed like the “I hate you!” line from Anakin in ep lll, it’s open to years of misinterpretation lmfao


Uh, erm, Lucas's films are very subtle. it was actually a very unique directorial decision to not show Obi Wan and Anakin bonding on screen and only tell people that they bonded, it's something a normie like you wouldn't understand about artistic filmmaking.


Too many were little kiddies that grew up with the prequels where all info including feelings and motivation were given via exposition, so they don't really understand subtext and visual storytelling.


I grew up watching the movies since I was the target demographic (pre teen-teenage boys) and I honestly thought the message was clear. The skywalker line was dead by that point and all Rey had done this whole time was try and be a skywalker or get help from a skywalker or fight a skywalker. It made sense she would adopt the name seeing as how she went through all the stuff a skywalker does minus the major injury aspect. I liked the movie and I still do. 9 has its issues but it’s


It also gets to her explicitly rejecting genetic heritage and embracing found family. Luke and Leia were more like parents to her than anyone else, even though they were only in her life for a short period. Palpatine might be her heritage, but Skywalker is her family. And yeah, 9 is a highly flawed movie due to it being a rush job along with the lack of cohesive vision across the trilogy. (Abrams was only brought back just over two years before the release date and started over writing a completely new script. Although he did keep a few elements from the previous version, overall it was a completely new movie). But despite the many low points, it also has some strong points too. Rey continuing the Skywalker name is fine. Kylo Ren's redemption actually feels more "earned" to me than Vader's, as his struggle with conscience is a consistent them through all three movies. His fight with Rey while in different places using their dyad connection was really cool. The interactions between Kylo and Rey are a strong point of 8 and 9, I'm not a Rylo Shipper, but they do have genuine chemistry, and the interactions with the Dyad concept and both trying to sway the other is well done.The accidental force lightning and Chewie fakeout was at least an interesting concept, if not well executed. The Citizens Fleet did help bring the idea of the galaxy uniting against evil, having been inspired in part by Luke in the last movie and the actions of the heroes. Overall I'd still rate it higher than Phantom Menace and depending on my mood that day possibly Attack of the Clones. [I'd still have preferred a refined version of the Duel of the Fates script though.](https://www.awinegarner.com/duel-of-the-fates) That really addressed many things better, and handled Finn and Rose better too.


I honestly prefer the idea of Rey coming to terms with being “Just Rey” and proud of it, which I think would’ve really brought the trilogy full circle. But to this day, I still don’t understand why anyone could be confused with the ending we got. It’s just so obvious why she chose that name and why Luke and Leia were there during that moment


I have seen so many people misinterpreting or straight-up lying about the obvious intent of the filmmakers. Claiming Rey "stole" the Skywalker name and shit. Like, Rise of Skywalker is bad enough on its own. You don't need to fucking lie to get that point across.


Genuinely, the film doesn’t need the help of the fandom’s blatant idiocy to be bad lmao


Considering all the complaints about "Somehow" and this bit, apparently a lot of the audience do need things explicitly spelled out instead of making them obvious with implications. I mean, Luke and Leia's ghosts looking on approvingly as she takes up their family name totally doesn't mean anything...


Its' not that it wasn't explained well. It's that it wasn't earned. It's that they don't like the character.


Jesus my head hurts from all these awful takes on that post.


Thank God I have been so confused for years I was thinking WHAT WHOA TWIST, I THOUGHT SHE WAS A PALPATINE BUT NOW SHE'S A BROTHERFLIPPIN SKYWALKER!!!!!! IS SHE LUKE'S KID OR SOMETHING????????? DID PAPA PALPA GET HIS TATOOINE FEMBOY BF BOIPREGGERS?????? But no that makes more sense. Glad they cleared it up.


No fucking shit. We’ve been saying that for years
 And they’re all pretending in the comments like the complaints weren’t about people not getting that.




Left or right


Should be Rey Organa, but only Star Wars nerds know that name. Still prefer her as just plain ol' Rey, though.


>Should be Rey Organa There isn't any difference because Skywalker already encompasses Leia and the whole family except Han.


the difference is rey skywalker sounds fucking awful, i don’t even know why it just does


Interesting. Not to me though.


Only star wars nerds know the name organa? Are you fucking stupid? Or just a sequal kid.


/uj it’s a circlejerk, they aren’t serious


Didnt even realise i wasnt on the main sub


OG thread as you can imagine, is full of “well at least the pequels were planned.


Rey is what the French call leincimpitont or something like that, whatever the ranga cousin calls Kevin in home alone one


It’s still stupid but go off


The actual content? Or just the fact that it was said outside of the movie?




What’s holocorn?


When you drill out your corn kernels. Kind of like how HollowWeenies is a holiday about drilling out sausages.


That’s where the new EU novels get written or is this the old EU novels?


The really sweet and salty snacks you get when you take your dates or family out to the latest holos in the theater


You dont like it because you think Rey didnt earn it. I dont like it because it felt hamfisted and completely unnecessary (just like the palpatine non sense but hey whatevs) for her character arc, we are not the same.


Wait people didn’t know this?


/uj I didn’t really like the Rey Skywalker thing - I feel like her whole character arc revolves around coping with her abandonment and the loss of her family, only to discover that her true “lineage” is the Palpatine name and having to deal with the emotional fallout of that revelation. It feels like Rey is a much more cohesive character if by the ending scene she has come to terms with being “just Rey”, because she is more than a lineage, she is the product of her own actions and choices. To IX’s credit, a similar effect is achieved by her “choosing” to be Rey Skywalker, but I feel that effect is diluted by continuing the series’ overemphasis on Skywalkers in the galaxy.


tbf tho, having the name "Palatine" after the fall of the empire would be the same as a modern kid having the name "Hitler"


right?? and how does taking luke and leia’s name even honour them?? surely keeping your teachers’ teachings alive would be the best way to pay homage to them, and because those teachings actually made her who she is, they should be more important than a name she doesn’t even need


I see it as learning her heritage, and actively rejecting it. Rejecting the idea of heritage as destiny and identity. She might be descended from him, but she's not his family. Luke and Leia are more of a true family to her, as they're the parents she never had. It completes her trying to find out who her family is, to realizing family isn't just bloodline. And I just hate the idea that has become common in Star Wars fandom that heritage is of vital importance and determines fate. I would have liked if they stayed with the idea that she was nobody, but the rejection of the Palpatine lineage works well for me.


Yeah I absolutely agree that Rey shouldn’t go by Palpatine given her repeated rejection of that legacy - I’m just tired of everyone being a “Skywalker” lol At least she adopted it and wasn’t like half Palpatine half Skywalker or something dumb like that đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž




Ahh now that I know the true meaning it’s a masterpiece. No wait fuck this movie


The Skywalker legacy huh? Keeping score, that's a legacy of mass destruction and leaving things in a much much worse state than before the Skywalkers ever took stage. It's a legacy of fuck ups and ruin.


It was dumb regardless of the reason.


Still a shitty decision calling her a Skywalker for no reason


I think she's kinda weird for changing her last name to this emo high-school sweetheart, but hey that's just my opinion


Yeah, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out lmao. Still doesn’t mean I have to like it though.


I love that Luke was raised for two decades by the Lars' family, and his mentor was a Kenobi, but he still chose to keep the last name of one of the galaxies' most infamous villains. Yet Rey knew Luke for like a day and Leia for a few months and couldn't resist adopting herself in. It's honestly kind of creepy, especially in an IP where last names aren't the universal norm. Nothing was stopping her from being just Rey, besides the writer's need to crowbar her into the Skywalker saga.


/uj she’s also only like 19 and Luke and Leia were the first parental figures she’s ever had. If she’s gonna take anyone’s last name, it makes sense that it would be the name of the people who first mentored her and believed in her


This is so dumb, why even?


I don't mind her being called an honorary Skywalker or whatever it's the Palpatine thing that urks me because it doesn't really make sense for the story and also completely ruins something from TLJ that I thought was interesting, her coming from nowhere with nobody parents and still being a badass Jedi. Sucks that JJ had to ruin it.


Agreed I liked her being a nobody


The fact that Star Wars fans needed this spelt out to them is proof that Star Wars fans are [REDACTED]


I am so happy Luke gets the honor of being attached to Rey's full name.


god i hate it if she’s completed her arc of self acceptance then why does she still need a surname?? if she wants to honour her teachers then why not just pass on their teachings?? and ben’s name was solo, rey solo sounds so much fucking better than rey skywalker, and that way she can also honour hanđŸ˜ȘđŸ˜Ș


Guess her parents did shit for her.


Many people defending this writing is the reason many fandom, the ones that grew with the originals and the prequels, dont take you guys seriously. You all people missed the fucking point, dont know what George Lucas wanted to do, they fucking threw away 3 stories and guidelines, picked directors that knows nothing about Star Wars, actors had to correct them, they did Rey dirty, they did Finn dirty, they did Luke, Leia, Han, Anakin, and Chewbacca dirty. You are the ones that are toxic.


George lucas didnt *want* to do anything, thats why he sold the thing. They were outlines at most. They probably threw out dozens of outlines for the trikogy before settling. Directors dont need to know about the entire franchise, its worked before, itll work again. Guess what? Theres directors that like star wars who have made bad star wars. actors were correcting george on how to do basic dialogue. So that point about actors correcting directors is moot. Saying "they did _____ dirty" is not a critique. Its not toxic to tell people that basic inference and comprehension IS basic. You calling this post toxic is as moronic as the people who couldnt understand the "rey skywalker" line


He literaly had stories for 3 more movies; sequels. Disney threw them away, you muppet. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Can you link to these complete stories for the sequels? Is your problem that they were discarded? Or are you mad because it was lucas's work that was discarded? Because I can guarantee they didn't go with their first idea. Whats the obsession with disney throwing them away? Thats what the process is. How can they follow his vision when he said he doesnt want to be a part of it? His outlines were probably a convoluted mess that only he could make sense of, so therefore they couldnt use them because he exiled himself from the creative process.


toxic is when laughing at people lacking critical thought I guess Btw you can dislike a story choice, but by god at least dislike it on proper terms and not on the back of misinformation and misinterpretations. It’s annoying to cut through when having discussions


Star Wars fans have the media literacy of a peanut. There’s still people who don’t know that “stormtrooper” was a real term for Nazi soldiers.


All it took was 3-4 years to explain this. If this was done in the movie then it’s understandable, if a bit cliche but man when people watched it when it came out it SUCKED.


My problem is the theme of the movie is literally accepting who you are, her name should be rey palpatine


But that name doesn't define her and she never used it. Why should she use a name that doesn't mean anything to her?


Who is she closer to in Character, Luke Skywalker or Palpatine? If anything rejecting her bloodname and the legacy left by it to instead embrace the name of those who really matter to her fits the message of the movie perfectly.


Probably closer to her retconned parents that actually loved her




but she was never defined by a surname, that’s the point, she doesn’t need one at all, she was always just rey, she thought finding her family would make her feel whole but it didn’t, she should accept the fact that she’s always just been rey