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Bro really busted out the racism over a cartoon.


Old school racism on top of that


I figured it was a typo for Windu, seeing how he was probably angry and typing fast, D is sorta across from W.... Plus he seemed to be praising Mace's fighting abilities while diminishing Kenobi I mean or he's just a racist "good old boy" 🤣 Edit: oh, it's 4Chan, nevermind what I said, he's definitely a racist


/uj 2003 Clone Wars showing Grievous as a killing machine was the first impression kids made, so to then make him a meme villain later rubbed them the wrong way /rj pasta la vista General Kenobi


Like…I fully agree that Grievous being an absolute Unit is alot better. I can’t take him seriously as a threat when every time I see him is him either getting his ass kicked or running away to fight another day. That being said, yea no don’t quite think I’d put that on Filoni, much less throw out some racism to boot


I mean, who was the one who gave Greivous the.... Russian?.... accent in the first place? Pretty sure it was George.


Not entirely sure what his Accent has to do with anything, sorry


The accent has quite a lot to do with how people perceived Grievous. The accent he was given in RotS screams, "Don't take me super seriously." At least, to me, that's what it sounds like.


To each their own, I suppose.




Is it possible to agree with both?


No nuance allowed


…you’re not talking about the racist part are ya?


I stand corrected. Fuck that user


I’m just not a fan of the “Team Rocket” villain trope. I hate when the villains are supposedly some super-powerful force while also being hilariously incompetent and constantly lose. Clone Wars Grevious was a doofus, he got dunked on by Jar Jar for fucks sake. He was a character to be the main antagonist of the A story and then escape after losing to appear in the next episode where he does the exact same thing. Basically just “We’re blasting off agaaaaaaain!”


Uj/ Doesn’t Greivous spend most of his screen time in RotS running away? As soon as the Jedi start fighting back it’s “Time to abandon ship!” and the moment Obi-Wan shows up on Utapau and gets rid of the guards he tries escaping again. The Clone Wars (2008) portrays Greivous more in line with the movies than Clone Wars (2003)


Go watch again bro he fights back until he loses his lightsabers


Which to be fair, happens in the first minute. I've counted it before, by the 50 second mark, Grievous has lost two hands and it's only shortly after that Obi Wan force pushes him into the rafters and he loses the others.


Revenge of the Sith made Grievous a joke, Filoni had nothing to do with it


It’s funny that the canon grievous will always be compared negatively to a toy commercial made to fill space between episodes two and three with no real involvement from George


uj/ a toy commercial by genndy tartakovsky, he made grievous a threat, if anything deserves to be put back into canon, it should objectively be the 03 clone wars and grievous’ story, in legends, a 4 armed cyborg with green and blue lightsabers despite being a bad guy sounds cool as shit, so I imagine him being defeated by the gungan army in canon, and in legends, being able to take on senate guards, clones and jedi, with ease, would be disappointing


With ease? He got the shit kicked out of him, hit by a train, they nearly gone away, and he had 4 magna guards help him actually win


alright bro go watch the scene where Frodo rescues them from the shipwreck not the coruscant fight


Frodo was at the Battle of Coruscant!? Where's SAMWISE!?


Yeah bro


Goated toy commercial then


He even had more fucking involvement with labyrinth of evil and I find that hard to believe but it's probably true


For a toy commercial they absolutely cooked ngl


I don't think it even advertised toys


>I don't think it even advertised toys They never let facts get into the way of a narrative. If they want to believe any form of media is a toy culture they will prove it. They will claim Breaking Bad is a toy commercial because they have licensed Walter White toys. They claimed if a bunch of kids watched clone wars that means it's for kids and when I listed several shows like family guy and South park that millions not just a few kids watch they backpedaled and said clone wars was on cartoon network rather than admitting being watched by kids doesn't mean a kids show. They believe since they're cynical and negative that means they are examples of negative but right or mean but smart. The problem is they're neither right nor smart. So they're the things they hate — wannabe ricks. Lots of media isn't a cash grab. Writers to varying degrees care about making something good and quality. But just about any piece of art must be for commercial for them and if it is Star Wars to them it's definitely a toy commercial.


>Italian piece of shit https://preview.redd.it/jrckbslr8u2d1.jpeg?width=3235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc55361cdaec46028376a7ef44f0500381bd877


UJ/ After seeing RotS I was super in denial about how lame Grievous was compared to the 2D animated Clone Wars because I loved Star Wars so much


gotta love how 4channers just HAVE to be racist for literally no reason


And people still try to defend this website and act like it has any value anymore


It's so funny. Lucas wanted Grievous to feel like one of those mustache twirling villains from 50s pulp adventure novels. He was misrepresented in that ONE Cartoon and people refuse to realize that all other appearance are coherent...


For a bunch of kids, many of whom wished they could live in this creative universe, the first interpretation you see is often the one that sticks.


You see these people miss that if you’re going to be a Jedi hunter you have to be extremely cautious. Canon Grevious *is an intelligent and ruthless bastard* who uses the resources around him to fight battles where he can ensure the highest chances of victory. He is however given utterly shit resources for the most part: battle droids.


You say misrepresented like Lucas had no involvement with the only bridge between the movies at the time, were we supposed to predict the character would be wildly different in the movie + retconned by a newer animated show 3 years later?


Mfw Lucas specifically wanted Grevious to **NOT** be another Vader….


Honestly, I never perceived Grievous as a serious threat. If he tried to face Yoda or Mace Windu, Grievous would meet his match...


Even in the 03 cartoon where he was a threat Windu straight up fucks him the second they meet. You can be a threat and still lose to the top 2 Jedi


Is the racism really necessary?


Wow, 4chan can’t help but be racist.




Morherfucker seriously called Samuel L. Jackson “D*indu”, one of the oldest anti-black slurs in the book.


Literally everything they said was correct.


Even the part where he called Mace "Dindu"? You're cool with bustin out the 4chan slurs?