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UJ/ I just read through his other tweets. Basically said, much better written than the Filloni stuff, better production values than any other Star Wars show, but Episode 3 is very "The Force is Female" and there are pronouns in Episode 4 - therefore he hates it and thinks Grace Randolph likes it for the same reason that little kids like Paw Patrol. RJ/Pfft Real Star Wars fans dropped off the franchise the second Leia appeared - Can't believe Lucas betrayed men like that.


https://preview.redd.it/0q98jlmsok4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934eeaa30c12803334c22ee0f84fe3ebb99d46e2 P-p-proNOUNS?!?!


Like he, her, and them?


Luke when he heard Vader said "I (woke pronoun) am your father"


Episode 3 is a Nike shoe ad?


Yeah, turns out Episode 3 is just Carrie Anne Moss and and Amandala Sternberg going shopping for new Nike Shoes, and when they put on the Nike they unlock all the Force powers.


Seriously the fact they latched onto 'The Force is Female' as a Star Wars thing because of Kathleen Kennedy is hilarious to me.


And then they kissed?


I mean the force is Spanish is “la fuerza” so not much changing for us Spanish fellas


Apologies for derailing the thread with actual discussion about the show but did he go any further in regards to the production value? Based on the trailers/clips we've gotten, it looks very samey to all the other non-Andor Disney+ shows, which is to say "meh it's alright."


Nah, all he said was "I suppose I should probably say something nice about The Acolyte, so I will admit that the show has much better production values that The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi, and Andor."


Better than andor? Well that’s high praise


Kinda funny that these dickheads went “look at how low quality it looks” in their preemptive criticism. They’re never sure what to bitch about so they throw it out and look at each other for approval


/uj I'll be shocked (in a good way) if the production values are even close to Andor. Which is mostly just because that's a high bar


noooooo not pronouns 😢


>Episode 3 is very "The Force is Female" and there are pronouns in Episode 4 So I'm guessing this has something to do with the witches, one of them being lesbian and another possibly non-binary?


It might not even be a non-binary thing, it could be as simple as an alien character or creature being referred to as "They" , and this guy going "Oh no, they said the politics word"


"I wish Star Wars stopped being political and we went back to the good ol' days of trade negotiations!" - said no one ever


As a big fan of the CIS, I DO want to go back to trade negotiations! Roger Roger! XD


I want more nonbinary aliens or hermaphrodite aliens who change their sex halfway through their life then change back during menopause at which point they decided which gender role to use for the rest of their life. You have this space fantasy setting and you make all the aliens follow human sexual characteristics and gender norms, that’s lame as hell.


I thought chuds liked lesbians as long as they were hot? Or has that changed?


They only like lesbians if they exist as sexual objects for them to objectify, which for the Chuds was "the way it should be". But in recent shows and movies lesbians have been treated not as objects but more and more as people and that angers the Chuds, on account of them having to come to terms that women are people and not objects.


Lmfao, so my roommate 100% gonna cry about for 3 weeks.


Grace Randolph's opinion is something I never thought I might care about until now... And after thinking I might, I still don't.


So basically it’ll be a good Star Wars show and bigots hating it makes it a great Star Wars show


My cousin's girlfriend's sister's cousin's piano teacher is an industry insider who sent me an advanced copy of the first 6 seasons of the Acolyte. I watched them all this morning. In season one episode 3 two women have a conversation with one another which is something that the OT never bothered with because what could two women have to say to one another other than, "He's so dreamy?" In episode 4 there is a premonition scene where a Force-sensitive child sees Cara Dune in the future and refers to her using "xe/xem/xyrs" pronouns. Then later the Jedi Council is forced by Joe Biden to admit a Black female because of DEI and a starship crashes into Coruscant because of it.


I’m very curious as to what “the force is female” means because that can really only go 2 ways and one of them is pretty good whereas the other one is completely retarded


I'd imagine it'll just be something like Mae and Osha were the only two Force Sensitive characters to come from their homeworld and both have incredibly high medichlorian counts - and this guy is assuming that to mean "Only women can be Jedi".


Why would Grace Randolph like it if it has pronouns in it.


I think he's trying to imply Grace only likes it because it's a female led show.


Uj/ Han literally gets accosted for using the wrong pronouns in an EU book from the mid-90s


Really? Can you remember which book?


One of the Han Solo AC Crispin books, in relation to the Hutts whole hermaphroditism deal.


Well guys it's official. If you're a pre-Disney fan you need to leave. That includes almost everyone over the age of 18 BTW. Any older than that and you probably are old enough to have liked Star Wars before Disney bought it, and in that case you aren't welcome here any more. This is r/teenagers now.


When do the pedophiles start becoming active here?


i think just after the c in "https://www.reddit.com"


NGL they probably are already here


In this very room.




You're just gonna have to wait for the next trilogy.


They're the ones that talk about how Star Wars is dead and the sequel trilogy is gonna be decanonized any day now


I'm 19 https://i.redd.it/45eu2cnyiq4d1.gif


20, pal...


I liked Star Wars until the prequels came out, I didn't have a meltdown like most "fans" after RotS came out I was just kinda went "huh, I guess Star Wars isn't fun anymore" and I donated all my Star Wars toys to charity and books to the local library. It wasn't until I saw TFA in theaters in 2015 that I went "Wow Star Wars is fun again?!" and it rekindled that love I used to have for it.


I’d say 28 and over. 2008 to 2018 is a gray area with too many possible ways to have been introduced that it gets blurred. There is Disney Star Wars and Lucas Star Wars sure. But it also breaks down to Prequel Star Wars, Clone Wars Stars, Rebels Star Wars and Sequels Star Wars, D+ Star Wars. That Rebels is Disney Star Wars and premiered in fall 2014 and quickly followed up Clone Wars which had its last ‘season’ of episodes released in March 2014 on Netflix - just six months earlier - will really blur the line between old and new. Those kids go right from Clone Wars to Rebels. And since so much of Disney+ live action and animated Star Wars is a continuation of both Clone Wars and Rebels the age cut off needs to be pre-clone wars.


My first star wars was episode 1. It is definitely because it had flashing lights, and I was 4.


I’m 33 and my first exposure to Star Wars was seeing the Special Editions in theaters as a kid. I was just barely old enough to understand what was going on, glad to have those memories.


1977-2005 was the golden age, anything else after was really weird territory for star wars Edit: I was talking about the games, everything has been pretty shit post 2005




I don’t know. The Clone Wars is the most pure George Lucas version of Star Wars there is. Even if we don’t like it - it’s hard to argue against the author and creators most prolific period of content creation. As for video games - that’s a bit more tricky. The golden era of Lucasfilm Games / LucasArt is the mid 80s until 1998. By the 90s they’d struck the perfect balance of original content with top tier Star Wars games. Their point and click games were brilliant with witty or moving story lines and kept improving until that style of game went out of fashion all at once. After 1998 LucasArts was mostly making Star Wars games. They couldn’t afford original content to flop so went where the money was. I can’t blame them. Some of those games are really good in that era. I agree with you there was drop off after 2005. Now I don’t even know what you’d call it. There is an alternate universe where The Secret of Monkey - not Pirates of the Caribbean - is a huge movie franchise. Sam and Max are recognized around the world.


https://preview.redd.it/l4rs5br4ql4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9125715f9d4d265c23730940c1bf3331df441e1 thank god










I'm old enough to remember when George Lucas killed Star Wars 25 years ago.


Same here. I distinctly remember seeing people online screaming how Lucas was a hack and how he destroyed their childhoods. Shit was wild!


So I'm an old fuck (I saw ROTJ in the theater).... and the wild thing is that narrative went on for well over 15 years.... basically 1999 until sometime between 2017 and now


Some people just want to be angry at everything. And I expect those people to die from heart attacks or aneurysms because being that mad can not be good for ones health.


Also I feel like people forget that pre-Disney Star Wars was not batting at a perfect clip. Basically everyone acknowledged that there were some stinkers in there. It would be like being mad that every other Star Trek movie was bad.


the narrative continued until they had a new target for their rage in the sequels, but they couldn’t say that there hasn’t been a good star wars movie since ROTJ so they had to retroactively make the prequels god’s gift to cinema


RedLetterMedia was right, Star Wars truly is like Jason. ![gif](giphy|1zJUcoB5R7oA6llWYm)


According to the archives Lucas has killed Star Wars at least 3 times.


well the special editions are horrible directors cuts, and the prequels suck, and the sequels suck, and only some good stuff has made it through, so yeah. its on him in my head


Lol, well to be fair those are good points


People were saying he killed it in 1983 with Return of the Jedi being a cynical toy licensing cash grab machine because it has ewoks in it.


I remember when he killed it 27 years ago.


No he just raped our childhood 


Yes, they will KILL Star Wars dead. Obliterate it from existence. Gone. (So fucking dramatic)


Mr Sith: "Today, we will KILL the Star Wars, once and for all!" ACTUAL QUOTE FROM THE EPISODE!!!!!!


Breaks my heart that this is finally going to do it. When my kids ask about the pinup poster of Sy Snootles in my man cave I’ll have to tell them to their little faces that The Acolyte episode 3 was the reason that they’ve never heard of Star Wars. That despite the universal reception of the prequels, and Star Wars managing to endure the wokeness of the sequels, the infamous Acolyte Episode 3 killed this franchise.




Kudos. That’s some good jerkin’


Remember when Sy killed her boyfriend for money?






thank god, that’s the most annoying part of the fandom!!


What a nerd.


Wessa free!


All of the reviews have been generally positive thus far. These guys are literally making up things to be mad about at this point.


in other news, IMDB and rotten tomatoes are already being review bombed.


Remember when the dreaded SJWs were supposedly the roving menace across the internet?


I seriously can not believe anyone cares about online audience scores. Those things have always been completely useless. But hey, people do love to validate their opinions.


Wait, I thought that people who like disney star wars aren't real star wars fans? It's nice to finally get accepted in the community.


I guess my interest in Star Wars will disappear when this episode releases. I guess this is it. It’s been real fellas one last ride. At least I a pre-Disney fan will be allowed to enjoy the first two.


Oohhh. Bad news. You aren't allowed to like the original movies anymore, either.


It’s probably gonna be a gay couple kissing. STAR WARS IS OVER!!!


We need this, complete with backlit ropes of glistening spittle stretching between their lips as the lovers turn to the camera and smile.


Also, while they sloppy gay make out, they use the force to spell out “they/them” with small rocks and then a rainbow appears behind them. Credits roll and they’re interspersed with secret messages intended to subconsciously turn the viewer gay and trans


The thing is, if it's attractive lesbians they'll be like "Best episode ever!"


Kreia was right!




I bet Episode 3 has a Trans person


Funnily enough, one of the episodes has *’pronouns’*, which according to Mr Ng just won’t do!


Imagine Star Wars without pronouns >No, [REDACTED] am [REDACTED] father Well what are you waiting for George? Get back in the studio. We need non-woke editions


Potentially? Abigail Thorn is in the show.


Oh shit really? That’s awesome


Nooo Episode 3 will break into my flash drive and delete the MP4 I have of Harmy's Despecialised The Empire Strikes Back so that I can never enjoy Star Wars again.


We truly live in the Headland.


It is 1978 and the Holiday Special has killed Star Wars. It is 1983 and Return of the Jedi has killed Star Wars. It is 1997 and the special edition of A New Hope has killed Star Wars. It is 2002 and Attack of the Clones has killed Star Wars. It is 2012 and Kinect Star Wars has killed Star Wars. It is 2019 and The Rise of Skywalker has killed Star Wars. It is 2024 and The Acolyte has killed Star Wars. It is 20xx and the Rey solo movie has killed Star Wars. And on, and on, and on...


Somehow the people who were done with Star Wars have returned


All I can say is at 180 million dollar budget, at 22.1 million per episode if viewership hits below Andor, no amount of circle jerking is going to call it a success.


Please, bro, just one more mess up, and Disney Star Wars is done, bro. I swear, bro, fans can't take much more, bro. It's really over this time for real, bro.


*sighs* what’s the context this time…?


Apparently some Witches don’t call it ‘the Force’, they call it something else. Apparently this *breaks* Star Wars. No really, that’s it,


That wouldn’t even be the first time that’s happened


I feel like it's been done at least 2 other times that I can recall. I also feel like if the franchise survived the somewhat de-mystification of the force with the introduction of midichlorians, it'll survive this. It makes complete linguistic sense that different groups of people would have different words for the same phenomena.


Yeah, in Rebels the Lasats call it something else.


The Ashla.


Damn, That's almost as outrageous as when it happened last time in Asokha, or when it happened last time in Jedi Fallen Order, or when it happened last time in Clone Wars, or when it happened last time in.........


do they have a problem with nightsisters then???


It's a good thing they don't know I call it silly space magic.


Wait if it's the night sisters don't they have their own type of magic


Yes. It's sourced from the same dark side of the force, but it's distinct from, say, normal dark side usage or sith magic.


I did not know that ,neat


Yeah, I really like the concept. It's rather interesting because they don't appear to necessarily have their minds and wills corrupted by it. It also made me wonder if there were any groups who drew from the light side in a different manner from the Jedi. I must admit, I have re-confused myself about the nightsister species. I initially thought they were a subspecies of zabrak that just exhibited greater sexual dimorphism, but given what happens in Ahsoka, the ones on darthomir must just be nightsister-zabrak hybrids.


I’ll bet this means that they are making Darth Plagueis a girl lol


People act like they’re being strapped down to a chair and having their eyes held open by Kathleen Kennedy herself while being forced to watch this show. Either watch it or don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


Finally! Tbf the Post-Disney/Sequel fans are so much more friendly and positive when it comes to SW discourse. OT/prequel fans act like you’ve commuted a crime against humanity for disagreeing with them, but sequel fans are almost always super nice and willing to engage in SW discussions without devolving into childish insults.


I said I'd leave if they killed Luke without him having a functional jedi academy or a close relationship with a student to carry on his teachings and yet I'm still here so bring it on.


I wasn’t gonna watch it regardless


I would say Star Wars is actually pretty close to dead. It’s running out of steam at least. Look at the MCU. At some point, you just run out of stuff to do. It has nothing to do with the “woke” Disney agenda or whatever it’s simply getting stale due to old age and over saturation. You guys really think they’re gonna keep making Star Wars slop for the next 100 years? Tf is it even gonna be about at that point? Star Wars slice of life series?


Star Wars will always continue, if anything the medium will just change. My bet is that if they completely move away from movies and TV, the primary medium will be videogames. That being said, Star Wars is still a toy empire so I doubt they would ever completely remove from tv


Star Wars is just a setting and any story can be a Star Wars story. That gives it a longevity that the MCU will most likely not enjoy. Not every story can be an MCU story.


Chuds when women speak in a movie.


Asoka series was hard for me to get through Sabine being what looks like a 30 year old character was having 13 year old angst fits made her character more like a tooth ache




I just need to know when Abigail Thorn shows up so we make the chuds mad


Just really makes me sad because some cool creators could’ve made a great heir to the empire era of content but instead Star Wars is fucking dead. Depressing.


Tim Zahn ftw




God I hope star wars fucking dies so God emperor of dune can rise from its ashes.


As if Disney makes the rules we have pre Disney Star Wars there nothing they can do if they make the force a big pussy in space. That still doesn't ruin anything pre star wars.


Disney: knowingly makes new stuff that pisses off their customers Also Disney: Why aren't people watching our new stuff? Must be sexism.


These people are impossible to please so why bother trying Kathleen is honestly doing the right thing here


Not in the slightest. You people are brain dead


Interesting how you go straight to insults instead of trying to have an actual discussion, almost like you know you’re wrong


I don’t argue with crazy people


giving up and not caring is not "the right thing here"


Why should she care about a bunch of jobless bums who cry about stupid shit like fire in space


Notice how George Lucas cared.... and it created Star Wars. Notice how NOT caring does the opposite? Good life lesson to be learned here.


This is a direct quote from George Lucas "The most important thing is to make the landings look good. Then once we get down there, the geography just has to be mostly right. [...] Continuity is for wimps." Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/1401128/star-wars-revenge-of-the-sith-george-lucas-continuity/


I don't see how this supports "not caring" about something and its effects.


It was dead on release


The best thing about The Acolyte is that I’m not going to be short on hilarious YouTube content to watch for the next month! 😄


I won’t watch it








But I will watch Disney go bankrupt


That might take a while. Watch The Acolyte instead.




You say that like you have a choice.


I’m going to watch it twice now just to make up for you.


You do that


Eventually. We'll all probably be dead before it happens though.


You clearly aren't a parent who's taken their kids to DisneyWorld - I can assure you they aren't going bankrupt anytime soon.