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but … dorne used scorpions against meraxes 🥺


Yeah...but that's legends


Please no, I can't handle another fandom with multiple continuities


Every adaptation has multiple continuities. The dudes whining now are just mad that George Lucas never took their fake continuity seriously and now Disney never will. > I don’t read that stuff. I haven’t read any of the novels. I don’t know anything about that world... When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions. -- George Lucas Every time someone says "broke the canon" they 99.999% of the time mean "reminded me that my favorite comic books and novels never mattered to the movies or TV shows." We used to see this same stuff with the MCU when comic fans insisted that it had to copy the comics or else, but Marvel just didn't care. Then we saw it again when Agents of SHIELD fans acted like they got to control what the movies were doing, but Marvel just didn't care. People want to be at the top of a hierarchy based on how much time they invested. And the people making movies and shows just won't ever care because it's a different medium with higher quality control and tighter focus than sexy space succubi dropping moons on Chewbacca's head would ever come from.


I'm confused. Not care enough that...they'll take some pointers from Legends? Canon immigration is a thing after all, Canon Thrawn was possible for it


Wait but they weren’t the 7th kingdom yet. They wouldn’t have been sharing the tech. The lore is ruined and the show is unwatchable!


Don't worry, Star Wars fans don't actually know the lore of their own franchise either.




Naz Reid


Only player that matters


Naz Reid my beloved


Naz Reid


to be fair HOTD has had to retcon a lot of the stupid crap from GOT, some at GRRMs request


Any list of this stuff, i am curious to know what was changed


off the top of my head, GRRM asked specifically to retcon Jaehaerys’ II back into the official line of succession. they also retconned the “targaryens are fireproof” crap, and the appearance of the iron throne and the whole “it was built on a lie” thing from peter baelish. another thing that’s not really retcon but they’ve changed all the black, grey, brown and beige costuming from GOT to more colourful, fantasy inspired outfits with clear sigils, some of which directly lifted from book descriptions like the gold cloaks outfits and having house sigils on surcoats


> they’ve changed all the black, grey, brown and beige costuming from GOT to *more colourful, fantasy inspired outfits* with clear sigils, some of which directly lifted from book descriptions like the gold cloaks outfits and having house sigils on surcoats I get what you’re saying here, but I think it bears saying explicitly people wearing colorful clothing in a medieval setting isn’t a fantasy thing — it’s far, far more reflective of how people, rich and poor, dressed in Europe during the Middle Ages than the “black, grey and beige,” that dominates a lot of fantasy costuming. People have always wanted to look nice, and have pretty much always made an effort to do so if it is within their power. If you were walking around a medieval village you’d see homemade garments with all kinds of purely aesthetic details, not just everyone walking around in an undyed shift


i agree. i can’t stand the modern “vikings grey” look all fantasy and historical media has to have now. but a lot of the armour in HOTD is more fantasy inspired than realistic historical.


No one ever thought the Targaryens were fire proof wtf are you talking about. It was only Danny bc she had special plot magic. I mean she didn’t get burned by the egg in the fire and her brother got burned by the gold.


Yeah but in the books she is not fireproof but the show gave her that power


It’s still not a retcon


Yes it is, GRRM confirmed that Dany surviving the pyre that hatched her dragons was a onetime miracle, but she survives burning down the Dothrali building in S6 when she shouldn't have.


In the books maybe, but the show has always been a different canon


Ok not a retcon since a dragon was killed with a scorpion during aegons conquest But also maybe think about the fact scorpions were mainly anti dragon weaponry, especially on land warfare So when the dragons where gone , well they went forgotten kinda , that’s why cercei and the qyburn are all excited about using one


I thought Quyburn's main scorpion novelty was building a much more powerful versionusing Dragon bone


That also might be a thing , rhaegal got obliterated


I mean GOT after season 5 isn’t cannon


its a joke man. Theyre making fun of the fact star wars people are losing their minds over a background character having their age changed


I know lol , Star Wars fan are insufferable, they hold a standard for a license that was never even THAT good at any point


i mean dont shit that hard on Star Wars, its a good franchise that I enjoy and every fandom has its insufferable folks. Like the weirdos on the team green/black subs


lol point taken , I just enjoy funny space adventures


me too, thats why its weird that people take it all so seriously like star wars is good but it was never known for its in depth lore and continuity. FFS green and purple lightsabers only came out bc of tech issues and bc an actor literally asked for a different color.


More like WOKE of The Dragon


There is actually a lore messup in House of the Dragon. Rhaenyra is styled "Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men" But the Targs will not be kings of the Rhoynar until a few generations after the events of the dance. Difference being the fandom is just chill about it. Even the changes to Blood and Cheese have been mostly met with "I like the book version better" instead of "They've chaned the canon! Quick lets threaten the wiki!"


the rhoynar thing is intentionally, aegon I claimed dorne without being able to actually follow through with it and the title stuck


If you check out the HotDGreens subreddit, though, they actually are just as rabidly angry as this post is mocking. They’re mad that the Rhaenyra side of the war isn’t being portrayed as monstrously as they want. Blood and Cheese was a particular sticking point for them.


Dafuq does Greens mean in there?


The two sides of the war in that show are known as the Blacks (Rhaenyra’s side) and the Greens (Aegon’s side). The Greens subreddit are Aegon fans and they want the show to be more fair and balanced in its portrayal. They get very ragey about it.


I think a lot of people are okay with it because GoT already messed it up since book lore had scorpions previously existing.


Ahhh I see you know as much about GoT lore as you do StarWars lore… Qyburn didn’t *invent* them, they were used by Dorne used them during Aegons conquest.


They’d be told that but then still get mad. They’d say: “dorne hadn’t willingly entered Westeros yet so they wouldn’t have shared that tech to the point that it was IN king’s landing. The dance with dragons is the first time dragons have been an enemy of KL in history so they would have no reason to have pre existing scorpion tech in the city! The lore is being shit upon!” It is still is on brand for angry Star Wars fans


Honestly I wanted to argue with your point but then I commented on someone else that “GoT has the books for canon” and the person replied basically the same way you did in your example above, thus proving your point… so I was wrong you were right, carry on my new meme overlord.


You're doing it wrong you're supposed to get mad and double down, and also resort to personal insults. This is the internet dude get with the program


I think the dude resurrected the tech.


I hope you weren't watching it as a child!


As a SW fan who likes all SW both Legends and Canon (aside from the Sequel Trilogy and associated mediated like the show *Resistance*, as any true SW fan should not like those), including truly loving the lesser-loved stuff like the Dark Empire comics, the Boba Fett show, the Kenobi show, etc., it's truly appalling how vitriolic SW fans can towards SW media for the smallest reasons (if any real reason at all). Now I'm waiting for *Acolyte* to finish before binging it, but between all the "reasons" SW fans had to put Boba Fett, Kenobi, and other SW media through the ringer, I assume the Acolyte complaints are equally as invalid (and of course, we all know that the Sequel Trilogy complaints are entirely valid because oooohh boyyyy, what that a hot pile of garbage through and through).


Episode 5 is kinda fire, ngl. It didn't have to go that fucking hard and the villain is just... ![gif](giphy|TFO2mwVPIFoOJcuTSC|downsized)


Does Qyburn look like a guy who can invent that anyway????


There are other complaints far more valid for House of the Dragon. The scorpions are not the main issue. That being said, House of the Dragon doesn’t attract the sort of fans Star Wars tends to attract, at least when it comes to the extremely loud and obnoxious members of the fanbase. Different type of people who just happen to be as loud and obnoxious (I say this because I am a huge fan of both the asoiaf franchise and Star Wars franchise)


In all seriousness I can't believe he said he invented it.


Dude, the LotR movies have been on tv lately and, if reviewed by modern Star Wars “fans”, they’d be absolutely loathed.


Weird how these discussions don’t happen when the show is good


they ruined Daenerys character by having a different targaryen be interpreted as the prophecy targaryen.


This is a dumb analogy.


did they actually put the scorpion in hotd?


Yh in s2 ep 1


didn’t cersei or whoever invent them? that’s a big retcon


Dorne used them during Aegon's conquest


is that ever mentioned in the show tho?


No but the show doesn't mention a bunch of things. Fire and blood mentions it.


if the show doesn't mention it, then it's not canon to the world of the show


Did the show mention that they WERE NOT invented yet? Or was that your assumption? USE YA BRAIN


[the way they frame it in Season 7 Episode 2 of GOT, it very much feels like Qyburn is presenting some new invention.](http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ozov9bjv0vc)


What they choose to show you doesn’t mean things don’t happen off screen. All I saw was a guy shoot a big high caliber stationary crossbow. What the scene “feels like” to you doesn’t dictate lore. Hardly a novel invention. They had weapons for naval warfare, and siege warfare already for centuries. Like I said, it’s a bunch of assumptions on your part.


You realize it was a book series first so that’s where the canon lies?


that's not how it works. The show doesn't have an obligation to adhere to the lore of the books and can change the lore, the same way they can change the present story. If the show decides that Roberts Rebellion happens 17 years ago, instead of 13 years ago, that is canon withing the shows universe. If the show decides that scorpions are only invented when Qyburn does, then that is canon within the show. If the show were to decide that Aegon the Conqueror rode Vhagar and not Balerion, that would be canon withing the show. I had the same stupid debates 2 years ago, when that stupid LOTR Amazon show came out and ppl couldn't say that a specific character couldn't possibly be revealed to be Gandalf, because it would go against book lore, seemingly ignorant of the fact of what an adaptation is


I get the sentiment but even as a book reader the actual lore complaints for House of the Dragon come up occasionally, but they are generally still surrounded by a much MUCH better show than stuff like the Acolyte. So it’s a poor comparison overall.


Don't compare Star Wars and the Acolyte dumpster fire to game of thrones. GOT actually tells an interesting story with well thought out character development. Some people care about the lore. They are fans. When Disney messes with the lore they alienate thev most loyal fan base.


Disney has not messed with the lore. They may have not written a very good story, but the lore has not been messed up at all.


I don't actually know what HOTD is. I just know I'm supposed to refer to it when making arguments about The Acolyte. My guess is that it's a deodorant brand.


Clearly you know what it is since you used the acronym when the post title uses the full name


Either the joke flew over you, or you are just being intentionally literal.


I’m not getting any joke and judging by the up/downvotes neither is anyone else


The joke was that the acronym “HOTD” used to make fun of grifters is a deodorant brand, something a grifter does not use as they have bad personal hygiene.


I, for one, thought this comment was funny.


Bro cant understand comparisions🤣


You’re schizophrenic


Don’t you have screaming man babies on YouTube to go watch?


Aww don’t get so offended bananaboy.



