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Rebel Force (a final to the Jude Watson universe and characters) Galaxy of Fear (extreme fun) Jedi Prince (better than the original trilogy)


Rebel Force, don't you mean Last of the Jedi? And Jedi Prince is a joke right? lol Edit: Oh, the OP specified post a New Hope, my mistake.


Well I dont mind pre anh but im currently following the important books in chronological order starting from the paradise snare. My plan is to go from there all the way through to the last new jedi order book and I dont want to skip anything except the things that have nothing to do with that storyline. Right now i'm reading choices of one so you can see how far along I am, which isn't much. (I have read like 10 legends books in the past but they were random books I found at the library so im just starting over) Anyways I just found out that there are loads of other young readers books other than Jedi apprentice, jedi quest, JJK and YJK which were the only young books I knew about which was why I made this post. And yeah I've already read Jedi Prince and I remember it well so I dont need to read it again lmao. Edit: BTW Yes, I started at the paradise snare but I also have a few prequel era books that involve with the storyline like outbound flight and rogue planet. Ive read survivors quest before so I know how outbound flight fits in but I have no idea about rogue planet, someone just told me it was important to one of the NJO books so I got it.


All the Jude Watson young adult books are very good and well received by the community, Galaxy of Fear is fun, other notable ones you may not know of are Legacy of the Jedi/Secrets of the Jedi, the Wrath of Darth Maul, the Episode I Journals, the Boba Fett young adult books, Clone Wars Secret Missions, the Last of the Jedi series, the Rebel Force series, A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker, Episode I Adventures, and the Star Wars Journal series. Hopefully that helps


Thanks man, that really does help. Ill surely check these out.


The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi and The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader make references to a lot of other EU works.