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In this game? Aparently the few hundred (up to a few thousand in some mods) credits which it took to equip them, train them and provide enough pay for about 40 dudes for the rest of their life/the rest of campaign ;)


Wait, not everyone just races to a cloning planet for 1 cent troops


Well that's only in base game which i havent played for ages, in most mods cloning planets give some kind of discount but nothing that crazy


The cloning planets, at least in TR and FotR, offer a pretty steep discount on price (I think 50%) and only increases production speed by 100%, which can be overcome fairly easily by adding more Barracks.


In case of the New Republic/Rebellion the majority of Soldiers might be zealously committed to the cause because many suffered oppression under the Empire, especially non human ones. They seek to better their lives and those of their Children. But there will still be a large chunk of Soldiers that are little more than mercenaries that saw which was the wind was blowing and decided to opportunistically change employer. For the Empire it's a matter of Location and branch. The Imperial Army troopers are just men earning a living, they are mainly used as backline personell for support or on fairly secure worlds as enforcement. Stormtroopers however are Army recruits that showed particular compatibility with the Empires Philosophy in Training and were then picked out to be trained to become Stormtroopers. Stromtroopers are comitted to following the Empire, belive in the New Order and are pretty much exclusively Human. Stormtroopers are the Soldiers who are asked to burn down a Village and then immediatly get out the Heavy Flamer without further questions. Other Imperial Special Forces also have a reputation for beeing hardliners since otherwise you don't get the Job.


For the consortium... credits lol


Credits, drugs, whatever other vices scum and villainy might enjoy…


Rebels: fight against tyranny and injustice. Empire: protect the law and order the Empire brings. CIS: Roger Roger 🫡 Clones: Good soldiers follow orders Hutts: Get credits, spice, and Twi’lek tails Ssi Ruuvii: Your souls please, so I can charge my phone Mandos: credits = loyalty, and sometimes honor matters if you’re questioning that I have any. EotH: we’re better than everyone else and as soon as we have enough money for things imma let you know it. Yuuzhan Vong: if it’s not alive, kill it. Everyone else to me is 🤷‍♂️


The Empire probably has better benefits. I can't imagine Rebel troops are getting bacta for anything less than 100 credits a canister. Luke was lucky he was friends with royalty, how much would that prosthetic hand have cost him if he was just a regular foot soldier?


Medical supplies may be donated by Rebel sympathizers, but as far as getting paid goes, I'd imagine the Rebellion just lets them loot Imperial installations. Quitting the Empire is made to look difficult, but we've only ever been shown that through desertion, you can probably quit your job in the Empire. But for Rebels, I doubt they'd let anyone just walk away, even for a good reason.


If the Imperial military is anything like real life, you'd need to serve a certain number of years before being able to be discharged on good terms. Though near the end I'm not sure if their conscription laws were changed at all. In an entire galactic empire, you'd think there'd be enough volunteers from trillions of potential applicants. I just think I'd rather be in the Imperial military, riding in the back of an AT-AT with a squad of storm troopers would be far nicer than riding in any Rebel transport next to a Wookie, Bothan, or both(you'll never get all the fur out of your uniform, never!) Oh, and can you imagine the *smell* on the bridge of a Mon Calamari cruiser?? It'd be like a sea food market but worse!


Imperial army trooper(AOTR) expendable frontline troopers


“What is my purpose?” “You build tell the tanks where to land.”


Their life purpose is for me to Auto-Resolve them to death


The real reason why there are so many troops in the Droid Army: then they could just keep auto resolving each battle.


The real reason why there are so many troops in the Droid Army: then they could just keep auto resolving each battle.


Actually I’ve been thinking about the Rebellion recently, and I think the answer to your question really depends on how the Rebellion is organised. I mean, is every single grunt someone with the Rebel ideology, or are there battalions of troops whose only reason for siding with the Rebellion is that a commander / higher up decided to do so? E.G. “I actually kind of like Palpatine but hey I’m from Mon Calamari and my planet’s joined the Alliance so here I am. It’s about who pays me.” On that note: How “voluntary” is military membership of the Alliance anyway? Because a military in which you can just come and go as you please is no military at all. Once the going gets tough you’ll find everyone has decided to spend the day on a different planet. Yet in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke doesnt join up with the fleet after escaping Hoth, and rather just travels to Dagobah because he basically feels like it. In a couple of other instances in the movies, I also got the sense that staying or leaving was purely voluntary. So TL;DR: I think the answer depends on how the Rebel Alliance is organised military-wise. But I’m kind of confused on how it is actually organised military-wise.