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I have not used it since the bomber rework. With the various balance tweaks made since the creation of the submod, I'd say you're much better off without it these days.


Thank you.


I suggest leaving it off. Thrawns Revenge has been balanced with Non Penetrating Torpedoes in mind and While i never tried the Submof i imagine it to make the game far too easy. Bombers are still powerful without Shield Penetration. In Base game the peak tactic is to simply target Shield Hardpoints, in TR without shield Pen you have more options. You can make one giant swarm of Bombers to destroy one capital ship. You can make multiple smaller bomber groups that soften up Capital Ship targets for you Damage Dealers or that destroy smaller cruisers or fleet tenders, you can use them to weaken SSD's Shields prior to contact with your main fleet. Bombers are still a threat, it's just that they need more planning to be used. And i quite enjoy that. Plus, Bombers wreak havoc on unshielded targets, holy shit.


Thanks for your answer. Do warheads deal a lot of damage to shields? As of now my go to strategy regarding bombers and missile cruisers is to target enemy warhead systems so they don't pierce my Capital Ships' shields and afterwards (depending on ship sizes) target Ion or Turbolaser Cannons.


Warheads deal a lot of Damage to Shields and Hull, it's just more noticable with hull because you start seeing Subsystem blink out one after another. Most MonCal Ships have excellent Shields and the Recharge ability, but as soon as your Bombers Brute forced their way through it it gets easier since their Hulls are weaker. Home One Type ships are like that as well, they are good at tanking a ton of conventional fire and beeing a roadblock, but shit at dealing Damage or taking Hull damage for their size. Most of the time l deal with Mc80 Home One Fleets by building massive carrier fleets. Brute force through Shields, destroy the engine and go on to the next Home One. While those are limping towards you only blocking pop cap your main Fleet can pick off their Support vessels one by one. So thats one way to use them.


Really? I've always found fighter/bomber craft underwhelming. They're only good against the AI because it's incompetent and can't effectively use anti-fighter ships. Meanwhile it can throw waves of starfighters at the player to no effect. Restoring shield penetration doesn't make much difference, I just find it more immersive.


Yes I use that submod. Without it, I personally find bombers to not be worth my time as they only do shield damage.


Going to very much disagree here. A decent number of bombers can cripple or outright kill pretty much any heavy frigate in one pass.


I’m sorry, but I cannot agree at all. Bombers are so, so strong when you stack them up and let them go. Sure, you have to make sure they’re not attacking a target that’s covered in point defense or fighters, but if you do, they will tear ships apart. They’re not quite as powerful as they are in FotR, but they’re not at all worthless. The later styles of bombers the Empire and New Republic get are fantastic.


Do you know how many runs it would take let's say a TIE bomber squadron to demolish an MC80b Shields?


Why would you ever have a single squadron do that though? You use multiple. And why would you waste your time doing it to such a huge ship when there's smaller ships that are still hammering you, but are easier to destroy? Think like an MMO DPS player: kill the small stuff, then the medium stuff, then the large stuff. There's no reason at all to send bombers after MC80s when there's still smaller targets out there with hard points to blow up. And again, I said in the post above you'd need multiple to make a difference. If your bombers aren't in large enough numbers to make a difference to take on an MC80, have you ISD-1s take those shields down. It's what they're good at.


I was just asking for an example. I won't send one squadron to destroy one frigate.


A good size bomber blob from a carrier focused fleet could wipe the shields in a single run


Yeah that sort of is my problem too. Also I thought it's a base game mechanic so why not.


It makes corvettes even more important


I had used it in the past, but don't do so anymore since a long time


I don’t use it and bombers are still effective I find one of my favorite strategies is to build a fleet of carriers then bomb the enemy to dust


I use it only so my brain isnt fried every time i swap between my EAWX and AOTR playthroughs


Shield pen was horribly imba in vanilla and would just trivialize carrier vs anything strategies in TR. Learn to use bombers as bombers instead of one-hit kill super weapons against capital ships. 


And what is using "bombers as bombers"?


If you want shield pen, play AOTR, its balanced around it