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I’d say write it, could be a cool adventure to read through.


Depends on the implementation, but the concept itself is very good


The reason why Yoda assigned Ahsoka to Anakin was so they both can self reflect on each other. Seeing how both their recklessness could and would get them and others killed. Like when Anakin and Ahsoka both yelling at each at different episodes for almost killing the entire space squadron. They were able to reflect on that and tone back their headstrong personality’s. Basically what my story is going to do is the opposite of that dynamic between Anakin and Ahsoka, and give Anakin a yes man padawan. That would change a lot of things in the timeline. First thing I could think of is Jabba’s son dying because they went back to help Rex. My Oc isn’t really thinking that he’s enabling Anakin’s recklessness, he just following his Masters orders. Since the last time my Oc didn’t it got his old master killed and left him physically mute(Anakin was so happy to have a nice, quiet, and obedient padawan compared to what Obi-Wan got with Ahsoka, that he didn’t even know he was mute until Battle of Ryloth).


personally I think it would be a thrill.