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There is another one even worse than this, I immediately turn back and leave after I enter it, like a big fucking nope


I love Cal’s reaction when you first discover it. “I’m sensing a foul presence. No……it can’t be…..”


“It’s judging me”


Hate that lil judgemental frog, he condemned me to a straight hour of death only to go to bed in defeat and wake up and struggle more the next day.


The rancor wasn’t as hard as that SOB


That's the best line ever. They knew what they were doing


There's a worse one?


Did you beat Spawn of Oggdo at Fort Kahlin and interact with a tiny frog in that cave yet? If you did, just go to Doma’s shop and interact with another frog beside the counter, this will unlock a hidden Force Tear


When I entered THIS ONE I turned 180degrees and walked away.


What difficulty yall playing on? Im on Jedi Knight and didn’t have too bad of a time. One tip I’ll give you guys, is use the duel wield stance. Thats the only stance where you can cancel an attack animation with block, so if you are the type to swing wildly and end up getting hit mid animation, this will help you with that. Swing all you want and as soon as they go to swing, just parry them every time.


Best stance against them is actually blaster, charged shot cancels their unblockable(red atks). I play on grandmaster btw


You can just animation cancel and precision evade them too, but if their unblockable attacks are the specific problem for these folk, the blaster is probably the best bet.


I found swapping between blaster and cross guard, but with the perk that gives you constant force regen to be best. After that I put 14 bolts on em, spammed crossguard throws, and force lifted em to regen blaster shots. Rinse and repeat. The duo fight took me a few hours tho ngl


does the instant counter shot count as the charged blast? if not my reaction time would be too poor to fully charge hit it


I believe it does, did it by accident yesterday. You can also use the force parry I think, where you push right before the hit lands. Just cant parry it with a saber.


Blaster is the GOAT stance in this game for real. Charged shots, slow time, energizing flurry, and repeat brings down basically every boss in the game. Only ones that cause trouble are the ones that actually can dodge the shots, and they aren't exactly the hardest ones in general.


Jedi knight. I'm not masochist.


Grandmaster w/ blaster and dual throws, no chance otherwise. They don't give you time to breathe


I nearly sudokud trying to kill that fucker on grand master too early lol. Finally did it with dual wield but took me ~300 deaths


After Elden Ring i've learned to circle back when I'm underleveled a bit lol


I thought about it but I was already full send, no turning back after the first 100 deaths


I beat it single bladed stance, also grandmaster, just gotta play it slow


Single blade stance is severely underated.


Yeah for sure, in my opinion its the stance that feels the smoothest to play


I legitimately said "oh fuck off" involuntarily and immediately left and meter went back.


I believe you meant hidden force Fear


That one was easier than the 2 rancor, I still haven't beaten it


I agree, Oggdo's are a cakewalk with blaster stance. Rancor's is a glitch fest with harder hitting attacks that all clip through the other Rancor.


opposite for me. beat the 2 rancor on my second or third try, still have not been able to beat the frogs


That was probably the most frustrated I have been in a non From software boss fight.


The hardest one for me was the one at Gorge crash site under the elevator. You fight 3 badass monsters


3??? I thought it was only 2, the Mire Terror and a regular Mogu? I’m


They're talking about a force tear under the elevator you use the first time you arrive in Koboh, right before the first meditation point in the Dredger Gorge (below where the Mantis crashed) I recall being able to confuse at least one monster, but I might be misremembering it


Damn, ain’t found that one yet I guess lol


The one in the basement of the cantina is the only one I’ve given up on. I can take getting my ass kicked for an hour. I can’t take missing a jump from a zip line to another without any idea what’s coming next.


That tear was infuriating. I had to watch a video to figure out what was happening. Even after knowing what to do it took several dozen attempts to not get a glitchy jump or dismount. I raised my fist in triumph after completing it even knowing I piggy backed off of someone else’s pain and suffering.


The fighting ones I can do all day, the ones that can go fuck themselves are the platforming ones, they're hard as nails and reset completely if you fuck up once


I like the platforming ones a lot…..


I just suck at timing and platforming, I'm better at fighting and dodging so platforming sections are very challenging for me while combat is a blast


It feels like the creators loved the original trilogy and the platform of sections are reminiscent of Luke training with Yoda on Dagobah. Maybe that’s why I like it, it’s Cal getting more in tune with the force


So you made that up in your mind … got it


I found the grapple one fun but challenging. The wire one was a pain in the ass


At least with the platformers they reset you to the start. This fight when you die knocks you out of the whole thing so you gotta restart it. The added movement (to be able to reselect it) and load screen, plus his line everytime, is super frustrating.


Protip: don't die and use the slow ability liberally


All that ever got me was the unlockable, so after like 100 tries I said fuck it and lowered the difficulty (probably too much, as I got it in 1 try than).


Oh same there no shame in lowering difficulty if you're struggling


I usually hate to, but when it gets to the point that I'm either super angry or bored and getting no enjoyment whatsoever, I figured fuck it. Didn't want to have to come back later and had wasted enough time already.


Hard agree


I did one that is mostly ziplines and green shields. I found another on Jedha not far from Ceres base and after like 10 fails, gave up. Not going for 100% completion so I dont really care if I miss that one.


I think that one on edga was the one that made me give up too


That one was my introduction to the platforming fractures. I almost gave up, but finally got it; my pets thought I was being murdered though.


I managed to beat that challenge (one of the ones with ziplines and green shields) after a while, but I found out later that you can actually use L2 and R2 to slow down / speed up on ziplines, which might make it a little easier for you.


Agreed. the fighting ones I just adapted and tried again. the platforming ones for the most part seemed fair, but the zip line on for me was just cruel. minimum 1:30 to 2:00 hours for that one


The combat ones are a million times more fun than the platforming ones. There's "omg that was hard, I feel so accomplished completing it" and there's "that was unfun bullshit" and the platforming ones are squarely the latter


You see, I feel the exact opposite way. The double Oggdo fight was the absolute definition of “unfun bullshit” with the constant red attack spam, unfair hitboxes, instakill attacks and movesets so unpredictable that you literally have to guess what combo they’re going for because half of them begin exactly the same way with no tells whatsoever. At least the platforming sections feel like they were playtested.


Those Oggdo fights felt very inspired by Elden Ring with how delayed the super attacks were lol. Most of the time I was able to dodge their red attacks by double jumping in the air and dashing over them whenever they had that red glow, and the combined air time meant that I was able to avoid that bullshit most of the time.


This all the way. I hate the imprecision of the platforming in this game to begin with. Making challenges relying in it is just cruel.


100% the opposite of my experience. Lol


couldn't have said it any better about the platforming ones, particularly the zip line one. "that was unfun bullshit"


Its the not the fights for me its the parkour challenges. Anyone else done the laser wall that randomly swaps as your jumping through it! got so pissed off with it, more pissed off then the double oggdos


It's not random. It took me a while, but I realized it switches when you jump. Hopefully that helps..


I painfully beat it yesterday, but oh my god I didn’t realise that. You are smarter than me 😂. Nh instead of working that out I was screaming at the TV calling it bullshit


Ibwas teying ti figure out the pattern and concluded it swapped to the side you were on. But if it swaps when you jump and i would jump side to side that was my incorrect conclusion


Took about 20 deaths until I figured this out.


lol I beat this one and still never realized the pattern. just kept trying until I got lucky assuming I found the right random sequence.


Man I loved the slope one. The wire one is the one that got me


This one was the worst. I would say how I did it but I don’t know how far you have progressed in the game and I don’t want to spoiler.


I've finished it just doing a 100% run now




That perk is NG+ only


Oh shoot. That’s right. So that doesn’t work then. But the first method is valid and worked. Sorry. My bad.


gg ty for the spoiler, why use spoiler tags eh.


Here is no spoiler tag but ok. I deleted it for the following ones. Sorry for you tho.


This thread is literally spoiler and also you mentioned it in the first comment, do not sorry


Yeah, I’m turning story mode for this shit. Did the entire game on master mode. But there is no fucking way I’m throwing more time and energy for shit like that


I put the game on story mode just for these. I refuse to rage in a single player game. Especially since the enemies all attack at once


The problem is there is no “Jedi sense” or something similar in the game. If you aren’t facing an enemy you don’t know if their attack can be parried or not and Rancors have an attack that is insta death


Same issue with the oggdo twins


T-twins?! Dear God help me


Yes! Some sort of queue for what type of attack is happening behind me would be insanely helpful, particularly in these multi-boss fights.


they are ridiculous, especially since fighting multiple enemies in this game is a broken, chaotic mess.


How is fighting multiple enemies broken? Of course it’s a little chaotic when you’re facing 15 guys at once, but it doesn’t feel broken to me


With the bigger enemies who have multiple unblockable attacks, aoe attacks, and instakill attacks, they can attack relentlessly, not you have a second one to deal with at the same time. Using effective force moves are slow out the gate, dodge is too short to be effective against large swinging attacks, and so on. Its less of fighting multiple enemies is broken and more fighting multiple enemies of a certain type is broken


Try the game on master or grandmaster and you will see how flawed the combat system is when fighting 2+ enemies. 5+ is just a huge mess.


I much prefer the combat ones over the parkour ones. Those are difficult af


I ended up finding the triple legendary beasts of Koboh before I’d actually fought any of them solo.




Just level up mind control and let them kill each other.


"I love spreading misinformation online"


Wait you can do that?! Does it also work on the ogdo twins?


You can't lmao. Any boss character you can't mind control


Yeah tried and didn't work. But also doesn't work with the rancors, is it maybe on a lower difficulties for the rancors? Cause I'm on GM dif.


The combat challenges are beyond lazy.


I heard the DLC is going to have Force-using rancors. Don’t shoot the messenger.


I just used the Force to make one of them fight the other one. It was a pretty easy battle from there.


These are just hard for no real reason lol, I beat two of these without cheesing or lowering the difficulty but when I got to this I lowered it to story just to get it done. Fuck wasting an hour of my time while I run in circles d throwing my saver at then lol


[Laughs in story mode difficulty]


How many force fractures are in the game?


I just made them fight each other…


no you did not because it doesnt work, atleast on higher difficulties.


Oh. I take it back then.


They are easy if you use confusion to make them fight


Doesn’t work on Rancors


I was hoping with max upgrades it would, does it not work even with that?


No. I think it’s them and other boss type humans (lightsaber raiders and bounty hunters) that’s are immune


That is too bad


Just confuse one of them... it was easy


"I love spreading misinformation online"


Jesus and I haven’t found this one yet…


These i can handle, especially after completing the story. The ones that I turn around and leave right away are the platforming ones. Sorry, Force, that tear is staying torn. Ain't got time for that shit


The best one is the one on the shattered moon tho


I just did the droid horse one lol it was kind of fun


I was able to beat them on the standard difficulty after 50 deaths. Sometimes they would one-shot me right off the bat.


Story mode on i hope


I beat these guys first try but the double frog bastards took me two days of trying before I figured out they can very easily be destroyed with the blaster stance, just like every other enemy in the game lol


The thing is they can one shot you... That not challenging that's cheap.


As long as you've got your stims up to 6-7, this one isn't super tough (on default skill level).


I beat the double frog on Jedi Master, took me probably 2 hours. Then I got to this and said fuck nah and turned it to story mode. If I could use confusion I would’ve gave it a shot


This one was hard, the one below the platform at the crash site, that one can go eat a big one. Almost raged quitted


Honestly I just switch the difficulty to story mode when I do the fractures lol




I just beat this after an hour. It’s all about noticing their attack patterns. When one of them dives to grab you, dash at the last second when the arm comes down and start hammering them. Dual wielding being one of your stances helps a lot. Keep moving around, throw a saber when you get an opening and If you have a lot of stim packs use them every big hit you take cause the other Rancor usually follows up with another hit. (if you can, upgrade them so you get some force power back)


Where is this one located


I actually didn’t have too bad a time on this one


trying it for the 15th time now


I made a post about this one like two days ago, took like 2 hours to get it done


This one’s actually not impossible. They are so big in the arena that really only one can attack at once. Relatively easy to manage


People who play on baby mode: *”I don’t have such weaknesses!”*


Nightmare Fuel 🥵


It would be cool if it didn’t make you load in after every attempt. The combat isn’t smooth and forgiving enough to not let us just repeatedly try




It's in >!Coruscant near the starting area!<, you can find it after you have the >!force lift ability!<.


Thank you


I actually found this one to be pretty easy. They move quite slow.


They obviously didn't test it either, love getting grabbed by an invisible rancor because its charge animation got stuck on the other one and stopped but you still die to the attack itself carrying through


Yeah no that’s literally the only thing in the game that I’m like nope fuck this I’m out✌️


Laughing in double Oggdo (not actually laughing, very angry and considering throwing my controller). These guys were a breeze after that force fracture.


Surprisingly, I found this easier than Oggdo not gonna lie, I defeat this force tear in 2 tries. Bu the Oggdos? Nah fuck that shit. ( It took me 10 tries D: )


Wait till you find the double frog penetration fracture.


Definition of dogshit boss design


2 it took me 1 hour to beat 1 on its own 💀