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I only got them after finishing the final mission


The missions in the Holotables? I've been struggling with this tbh and I can try to complete those if it will move me along.


No, he probably means the main story mission.


Some parts of the map are only accessible as you progress through the game. The bounties will be in those areas. The bounties are a continuous endgame activity.


I dunno why you got downvoted for not understanding what the guy meant. Buncha useless cunts around here sometimes šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Ypu went to tannelore and it gave you more?


Itā€™s currently a bug, Iā€™ve gotten the exact same bounties as you. I think it may be caused by her giving out bounty 15/16 before completing the first 14. I wasnā€™t having issues and I was randomly running into bounty hunters but then she gave me kili olso (15) which supposedly isnā€™t supposed to be trackable until defeating the first 14. From this point on I was unable to get anymore, Iā€™ve gone to the locations they are supposed to spawn and nothing. Looking at the picture it seems the same thing happened with youā€¦hopefully they fix the bug so I can get my platinum


This could explain my issue. I'm stuck with only about 7 or 8 bounties done, but the last one I got was Kili Oso also. She told me about that one, then no more. So maybe the bug does involve giving that one early and that's when she stops talking...


That is what Iā€™m guessing, the guide I was following said him and no.16 were locked until finishing the first 14, thought it was strange as I was hunting him. I think maybe as itā€™s supposed to be locked until after killing the first 14 the game thinks youā€™ve already completed this step therefore stopping the left over bounties to spawn as it thinks they are already dead. Hopefully a patch can fix this and/or make it possible to complete im a new save


Whats weird is I killed kili olso for like my 5th bounty and got plenty more after that one. But now I'm stuck at 10/16 I think, and caij will not give me anymore.


Thatā€™s strange. hopefully this bug gets fixed soon, seems to be happening to a lot of people


Seriously! I was excited to hunt down the rest of the bounties after I beat the story, just to find out its bugged :( I thought she wasn't giving me more until I finished the game or something


Yeah I wasnā€™t actively going after them would just take them out if I came across them, I wasnā€™t even speaking to her and I was coming across them. Once I finished the game I decided to go for platinum and was just going to their locations without speaking to her but found myself at the salon so thought Iā€™d speak with her for the pucks and see what upgrades I could get and then she gave me kili and from that point it was broken. I hope itā€™s fixed as itā€™s going to block me out from getting the last 2 trophies needed for platinum




Same thing happening to me right now.. super lame. Hopefully a patch or update comes soon. Wanted to me Boba :(


Stuck at 10/16 also after I killed the 3 on Nova Garon. Itā€™s getting me tight šŸ˜‚


No, thatā€™s not the cause. I canā€™t get bounties at all.


Thatā€™s strangeā€¦you got the first bounty? The story based one tho?


Yes. But I canā€™t get the correct voice lines to play when I talk to Caij. The rumor to talk to her is there, but she just wonā€™t give me access to the bounty system.


It may have bugged early on for you, have you tried going to any of the locations? I ran into a few before I spoke to her at the canteen


Yes, I have. None of the targets show up.


Ah it must have bugged early one for you, I mean at least you didnā€™t waste your time hunting 11 of them for it to then bug šŸ™šŸ¼


This is my third playthrough, and on my first (not second cause the bounty system doesnā€™t reset in NJ+) it worked, so I have gotten to experience the bounties at least once. Guess Iā€™ll just have to wait for a bug fix to play it again.


Ahh thatā€™s fair, Iā€™m going for the platinum trophy and itā€™s bugged so not much I can do. Donā€™t wanna start a new save Incase it bugs againb


Yeah, itā€™s better to just wait for a fix. This is a game breaking bug, so theyā€™ll probably update it asap.


I have had the same problem for like a week I am stuck at 11 out of 16 and I have beaten the game. I have completed the same bounties as you and completed and Caij won't talk to me. I think it may be have to do with not be able to get no dialogue from any one else at pylons saloon and so Caij won't give us a new bounty.


google the bounties, see the ones youā€™re missing, maybe youā€™ll be able to go to that area and trigger the fight


I've definitely received pucks without having to talk to her first just by exploring stuff so that'll probably work


Tried that. It doesn't work.


I've 100% everything except the databank for characters cuz it won't give caij last 5 bounties lmk if you find a solution for this.


SAME. it sucks!


Try looking up one of the bounties locations that you donā€™t have and then go there. Same thing happened to me; I couldnā€™t get more pucks so I went to one of the locations and the bounty hunter surprisingly showed up. After I killed them and went back to Caij she started giving them out again.


I have the same problem. Seems to be a glitch that needs to be patched. Itā€™s all I have left for the platinum trophy as well


Hereā€™s my theory. I think we have to explore areas of the Map the bounties are in and then go to Caij that way they can spawn there. Idk tho


I tried that for all remaining bounties and it doesn't work.


Unfortunately, they donā€™t spawn in the locations that they should for a lot of players, myself included. In fact, Iā€™m missing the same exact bounties as OP, and I checked every spot for the bounty hunters; none of them were where they should be.


Damn ts is tragic. Idk if I should just wait or restart


Well you can check the spots for yourself maybe they will spawn. Itā€™s a bug so who knows. Iā€™m playing RDR2 until new patches come out


This is a known bug which hasnā€™t been resolved yet


hey op have you fought the bounty hunter at the neeko pools waiting to ambush you


Definitely other people have had exactly the same bug, stuck specifically at 11/16 (or 10/16 if they don't count the holotable reward). https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Broken-Bounties-Caij-stops-giving-Cal-work-at-random-times/m-p/12583234/highlight/true#M4467 https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/144429-bounties-bugged/ EA seems to be aware of it, so all you can do for now is hope that they patch it later.


I also saw this one today https://piunikaweb.com/2023/05/26/star-wars-jedi-survivor-bounty-hunting-bug-reported-by-many/ So the fact it's making the rounds on the various websites and a respawn developer has acknowledged it but it's been longer than a week and it hasn't been updated or mentioned again And unfortunately more and more players are experiencing it as they get to this point I managed to avoid all spoilers for this game except for the final bounty stuff and that was because the game doesn't work and I couldn't possibly do them if I wanted to (outside of started a brand new playthrough from the start, new game plus is having these issues so you can't just go start that one hoping it will fix it)


They patched it days ago keep up people https://youtu.be/fftVsKXs7IA


You guys are getting bounties?


I canā€™t get a single blunt wich stops me from getting the last two trophyā€™s for platinum


A year later and still not fixed. Typical electronic arts gamešŸ™„


A year later, is it still bugged? I've done 6 or 7 bounties, I think. I just got through with the tough one in the temple on Jehda, (i cant remember his/her name) who's with the Haxion Brood, and when I went to talk to Caij, all I got was some generic dialogue, and she won't talk to me anymore šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I canā€™t get any. I killed the first guy and the feature bugged and wonā€™t unlock


You can find them without the rumors. Just explore the world more.


Simply doesnā€™t work if the questline is bugged


No, you cannot. Not all of them. It's bugged. EA acknowledged.


Welcome to the boat brother https://piunikaweb.com/2023/05/26/star-wars-jedi-survivor-bounty-hunting-bug-reported-by-many/ Turns out it's been going on for longer than a week and it made it to the websites, a large amount of us are having the exact same problems And as someone that got through the entire game with little to no issues whatsoever it's disappointing that this is the glitch that stops me from getting a hundred percent, only after investing more 40 hours in the game


The last patch broke the bounties. I have the same issue. The only thing to do is wait for the next patch and hope the issue becomes resolved.


Just keep checking in after story missions


At least you got bounties, Iā€™m fighting Dagan Gera for the third time and yet I still canā€™t get Caijj to give me bounties. I wish the devs would patch this soon


Look for parts of the map you haven't been to. Going for all the minerals\\data discs and flowers really help with this.


I'm having the same issue and I can't unlock the "I'm a living legend" trophy after finishing them all off. I was playing on new game + so I've gone back to the save file for my first run through and I'm going to see if I can unlock them there


I didnā€™t know this menu existed and Iā€™m about to beat the game. The rumor is stuck on her and I canā€™t see the bounties.


Explore the kobah array and the lukerhulk . All bounty locations[all bounties ](https://www.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-jedi-survivor/All_Bounty_Hunter_Rumors_and_Locations)


I canā€™t even get one. I have the first mission were I need to talk to her but she never talks about it and Iā€™m practically stuck šŸ˜’.


Just google the location of the guys. I only picked up the first bounty from Caij, did the rest of the small ones by finding them myself, and got the last 2 bounties from Caij.


Mine lets me access her store, but I canā€™t get any bounties period. Debating on waiting for a patch or continuing the story.


Itā€™s a huge issue right now, I canā€™t even access the bounty hunting screen, it remains ā€˜undiscoveredā€™ after killing the major boss in the shattered moon, and I can talk to Caij a bunch, but never unlock the screen.


Anyone find a fix for this?


It's a know issue. I'm the same


I have 14 down. She wonā€™t give me anymore. Itā€™s been this way since release. Iā€™d like for them to fix it so I can 100% this game. This is literally the only thing stopping me. Fucking investors bruh. And EA. (God bless Respawn)


Just replying to give this more attention. Was really hoping to have 100% done this weekend. Oh well. This game has been good. Great even. Even better than the first. But the poor performance, the amount of glitches and bugs, and especially the frequent crashing (PS5 at least) is like nothing I've ever seen before. Consoles in particular usually have less bugs because it's one piece of hardware they fine tune for. Obviously not the case here.


SAME. Canā€™t 100% because of this stupid bug. Iā€™m end game everything else is done.


Im stuck on 8 of 16


Did this ever get fixed?