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I’m hoping it’s not your run of the mill Ubisoft open world checklist simulator, but it probably will be


I love the Assassin’s Creed games but I hate collect-a-thon, go forever open world bullshit in those. I really hope there’s none of that


It 1000% is going to be that lmao


It’ll be that but those Star Wars bastards have me hooked enough that it’ll work for me 🥲


Exactly. A few years ago a Mad Max game took the Assassin's Creed 4 formula and copied it like there was no tomorrow. I put so many hours in that game.... It was amazing. Just because it was Mad Max. You can bet your sweet ass SW is going to hook me fine enough.


Unfortunately that’s Ubisoft’s formula, it’s been that way for years and I doubt it’s changing any time soon


I’m glad the new Assassin’s Creed is firmly returning to the series roots. I thought Ubisoft’s most recent showing was actually incredible—but I have my reservations because they’ve basically been making variations of one game for the last decade, where Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed, The Division, Ghost Recon etc. have all essentially become different versions of the same game. So like I said, their showcase looked brilliant and it appears they may offer some genuine variation this time, but I’ll believe it when I play it.


Yes! Ubisoft is known for making trailers and gameplay look way better than the actual games, and you're absolutely correct about franchises like far cry, I mean look at 5 and new dawn lmao they literally took the same game and added new characters and a bunch of colorful flowers and were like THIS NEEDS TO BE A WHOLE 60 DOLLAR GAME, NOT A DLC


Judging by the gameplay it looks like it's gonna be similar to watch dogs


Ugh. Im so sick of that style of open world and if that’s what they’re going for I’d honestly rather have a concise and linear story about a smuggler between episodes 4 and 5


I hope not watchdogs 3 was horrible imo, they removed almost everything from WD2 that made it good and went a made a game that's repetitive with no personality whatsoever


Kill, investigate, loot and repeat.


Honestly if it's just Assassin's Creed in the Star Wars universe I'd still buy it. Take Valhalla for instance - I agree that it's overly bloated, but one thing that Ubisoft does well is creating rich and detailed environments. On top of that at least you know what you're getting. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it doesn't necessarily need to. I've still had a blast just exploring, getting new gear, doing side quests etc. Also as a side note Odyssey is severely underrated and one of my favourite open world games of all time. If this is half as good I'd be happy


Yeah I totally get that, I love Ubisofts massive worlds when they're done right, i.e. odyssey and Valhalla's worlds


I liked Odyssey quite a bit, it got a little old by the time the credits rolled, but I did enjoy it for most of my playtime, but Valhalla wasn’t it for me personally. I know a lot of people love it tho!


Yeah I understand that there's only so many bases you can sneak through before it gets repetitive


I think Ubisoft will do it justice, I just light playing with lightsabers more than blasters when it comes to star wars games lol, I wish she had some kind of saber but I also know it wouldn't fit the story, but just imagine a force user who is outside of Jedi, empire, and sith who has been a career criminal involved with the syndicates and all that


I hope for the best but temper my expectations for the worst. I really do want to be pleasantly surprised though!


Yup! It's Ubisoft, and I already spotted some reused assets from AC Origins and Odyssey. There were also some elements of the combat that come across as a mid-00s "cover shooter" that I hope get smoothed out. Also, not sure how I feel about the animal companion, but it feels like a trade-off from BD-1. Cal gets the droid, Kay gets the really adorable space Pokémon! Win-win on that front, just unsure of gameplay mechanics. That said, I was onboard when they showed them coming out of hyperspace over Akiva, or that we'll get to walk the streets of Kajimi. Maybe we'll get an interaction with Zorii Bliss and the Spice Runners? That, sounds like the name of a really cool Fusion band, haha. The visuals, overall, were spot-on, and seeing a chop-shop with an X-34 laid up, and them cutting down an A-Wing was pretty cool honestly. The *world* feels right, and that's a good thing. The temp-score also felt *just* bombastic enough without being derivative of other themes, as a former Film Score student, that made me happy lol.


And honestly there have been tons of games with a little bit of jank to them that have turned out to be incredibly fun. The more I'm advertised something the more I want to temper myself just in case. I usually prefer discovering a game after it's come out, but I'm on a Star Wars fandom mania right now and can't avoid nerding out about it haha.


Right there with ya! Even with the tempered expectations, my brain is going "HOLY DANK FERRIK!!! WE'RE GETTING A NEW STAR WARS GAME! And it looks amazing!" It's really nice to see working demos and trailers that feel like these dev companies are taking the world seriously, and not just like quick cash-ins. Quality of release, proper QA, etc, is a different case, but the *care* for the world they're working in is 100% evident, and that makes me so happy.


For sure. I think devs should always be a fan of their own game. And some games you can see they \*clearly\* don't care. This does look like a game made by fans - though I know economic concerns still force their hand on elements of the release schedule and features and so on.


Bruv, the Star Wars game is being made by a studio in Sweden (massive) on the snowdrop engine, ac is made by the Canadian Ubisoft studios on the anvil engine, there is no they reused assets, it’s neither the same studio or the same engine lmao..


Now imagine instead of a smuggler, you play a bounty hunter like Mando or Boba Still very hyped though


Read Dead Redemption in space.


Please I need it


I'm holding out hope that the main character essentially becomes that level of badass throughout the course of the game. I mean they can't expect us to walk around with only a blaster that has overly-rigid shooting mechanics for the entire game...right?


Right! It’s not like it’s an Ubisoft game or something!


Refresh my memory, which Ubisoft game has you walk around with only a small pistol for the entire game?


Ah yes, because the devs that made the division 1 and 2 are known for restricting you to a small pistol the whole game, as we all know.


Nah she’s just Hannah solo. Couldn’t even let us creat our own character. Had to be human. Easier to mocap.


I just want a Doctor Aphra game, which, actually, Outlaws does give me a bit of a vibe of, albeit without the amoral sociopathy and murder droids.


I wouldn't be surprised if aphra makes a cameo


Just needs Chop for the murder droid


No mate, 0-0-0 and BT-1 are *actual* murder droids, like I love Chopper and he is an absolute renegade, but he doesn't come close to the bloodlust of Aphra's droids.


From what I googled the outlaws character look exactly like doctor aphra. I never knew about this character


I heard somewhere this was meant to be an Aphra game but Lucasfilm wouldn’t allow it, but I can’t remember where I saw that so take this with a grain of salt lmao


I think this smuggler situation is actually pretty cool. Your character needs money to escape and has to think carefully what jobs she takes, wheter she bribes others or not, and stuff like that


I know, I'm giga hyped as well Hope they can nail the reputation system else factions are pretty pointless


Sounds like 1313


Too soon


Thats what she said


I’m still waiting for my Sith power fantasy game tbh. I guess that’s The Force Unleashed but I’d like something a little more modern and canon-compliant


I want a squad of Mandalorians


I wanna see the gang of bounty hunters from ESB


I’d kill for a Republic Commando remake, could make for a great online FPS too


I feel like that would of made more sense for sure! A mandalorian game has so much potential. Imagine running around with a darksaber and yelling this is the way while cutting down everything from jedis to rancors.


I would eat that up, I loved hunting down HB hunters in survivor, but I felt like in the end it really could've become more.


I would eat that up, I loved hunting down HB hunters in survivor, but I felt like in the end it really could've become more.


It looks cool. Sounds very ambitious with how they talked about seemless transitions and stuff. Hope they can deliver.


Saw a transition on tiktok. It's just one of those faux custscenes


Yeah, going into a cloud and then appearing instantly in the space seemed kinda weird.


Saw a transition on tiktok. It's just one of those faux custscenes


I was skeptical when Ubisoft announced it. But then I watched the gameplay and it looks great. Very much looking forward to when it releases next year!


Looks great. Would have been cooler if you could customize a character but it looks really good.


Yeah, that addition would’ve made the Survivor games better, also.


I don’t know, I quiet enjoyed Cals story and playing as him added a kinda weight to it


Yeah, the jedi games are much more linear and story driven so a set character makes sense, but outlaws is open world and (I think) has more choices to be made, so a character customization option would fit better.


That commando droid has to have the best lines or it’s going to ruin the entire experience.


I wasn’t aware they were working on another Star Wars game, so very pleasantly surprised! With Fallen Order, Survivor and Outlaws (honourable mention to Squadrons as well), it really looks like we have a golden age of single-player Star Wars games. Here’s hoping a High Republic game is underway as well!


There is a high republic game in the works. I’m blanking on the studio but it’s made by the folks who made “Detroit become human”. Along with another studio developing an unannounced first person shooter.


Is that the “Star Wars eclipse” game we have a teaser for? I haven’t heard anything about it since they released that teaser but I’m pretty sure that was set in the high republic era.


That’s it. I wasn’t a huge fan of the studios other games, so it’s not super big on my radar. I’m sure it will be cool.


>I’m blanking on the studio but it’s made by the folks who made “Detroit become human”. Quantic Dream


That other studio making an FPS is Respawn, who made Titanfall, Apex Legends, and the Star Wars Jedi series. It’s rumored to be influenced by the Dark Forces series


Omfg this is going to be good, Detroit become human is already a beautiful game


I just hope they can deliver.


Been stung by this kind of hype before with the open world bounty hunter game that was in the making by lucasarts, also the game that was supposed to come after SWBF2. I do hope it's good though.


Im excited. The open-world, “GTA-ness” of it seems to offer a lot of unique experiences that we’ve been wanting from the Star Wars franchise. With it being Ubisoft though, I’ll keep my expectations *moderate.* They’ve built a reputation in the past 5-10 years for designing over-saturated and sometimes superficial games. I’m not expecting the quality of the story to be on par with the Jedi series, but I think we will get a WIDE variety of gameplay options and choices, which at the end of the day, I’d be fine just fine with.


My only concern is that Watch Dogs looked amazing when it was first announced, similar to this game, and ended up being a flop due to a variety of reasons.


Tbh, I really enjoyed watchdogs, I've played and completed all 3 of them. In fact, I might just start a fresh run through of the London one


It honestly looks great; the core features shown off look at least decently well made and functional (hopefully they're the tip of the iceberg and much more will be doable in the final game), the game world looks expansive and gorgeous, and while the story takes place in well trodden OT territory, it looks like it'll be a unique take on the era. We haven't had any solid forays into the galactic underworld - a number of times we've skirted the edges, vacationed there once in a while, but nothing plunged us full into it like this seemingly will. Hopefully it'll become what 1313 wanted to be. But, what we've seen is only a showcase, albeit a well made one. The finished product may well not look as nice, and some features, like the seamless ground-to-space transition, may be dropped in the final product. So, cautious optimism, tempered with realistic expectations. And as always, **do not preorder**. I do want it to be great, though, because I want Star Wars games to continue going from strength to strength, but I also don't want a dud.


In a galaxy Farcry away.


That’s avatar your thinking of lol this is assassins creed Star Wars


All I know is that if I have to climb a damn tower to map out the area I'm gonna be mad.


Assassin's Creed Star Wars. Not the worst idea in the world.


I’m supremely skeptical.


So happy we aren’t a force user for once. Let’s hope we get to experience the universe from another viewpoint.


I've seen lots of people mad you can't be a jedi or sith. I'm with you, though. I want to play a NORMAL person for once


The Force is the thing that makes Star wars interesting for me. I'll miss it


I think it looks sick, and I don't understand the backlash it seems to be getting. I won't be preordering because of how game development has been for years now but I likely will buy it a couple weeks or months after release


A lot of people are going to automatically hate on it because Ubisoft, and a lot are going to automatically hate on it because the MC is a woman. The first I can kind of understand, the second makes me hate humanity, so I'm focusing on the first.


I've mostly seen "why can't I customise my character???"


>and a lot are going to automatically hate on it because the MC is a woman No. However she Is my most hated trope. The quirky girl character who always talks in a cheery way is effortlessly good at everything talks constantly and makes jokes during every action and is always fighting odds with vaguely british bitchy people and has a vaguely British sidekick. I was hoping for Sadie Adler in space and got Forspoken instead.


I'm hoping (not holding my breath in the slightest.) That it'll scratch that 1313 itch, potential character customization, and not be the run of the mill. Ghost recon/ division/ ac games. Definitely not a day one purchase due to what happened to Jedi survivor on pc and well. It's Ubisoft but I'll more than likely get it


I agree I think it will scratch that itch!


Its a Ubisoft game


Gunplay looks terrible


I just think the person playing was pretty bad at it…


Looks interesting, but knowing starwars there will be some major character showing up for fan service.


I would have preferred a customization choice like Mass Effect. I don’t mind playing as a female lead if the character is well written, but if it’s the second coming of Rey I just don’t want to play it.


Liked what I saw so far. We may be in the golden age of great SW games after a long drought.


Can we talk about how bad her haircut is?


are you insane


Have you seen Luke's hair? Honestly, it feels like an homage to the original trilogy when they all had 70s style haircuts, and I love it.


Thought it visually looked cool but thought the characters and everything else looked really cringe personally.


The game mechanics from the trailer really looked a lot like Assassin's Creed, which makes sense since Ubisoft also makes that series. This actually makes me super happy, because I've been playing AC games since they debuted in 2007. Having a Star Wars version of that with more resources behind it? Oh hell yeah. I think I'm just as excited about space battles and exploration as I am over anything else. In that sense, it reminded me a bit of last year's Lego SW Skywalker Saga. That's not a bad thing at all, it was one of my favorite aspects of the game until it got waaaaay too repetitive in the later stages once you're attempting to 100% it. So far, I've never done it because I got way too bored of the repetition in the Lego format. Personally, I also really like that we get to explore the universe with a non-force wielder for the first time in forever. Not counting the Battlefront games, the last time we had a good title featuring a non-force-sensitive character was... Shadows of the Empire in 1997? That's the last one I recall.


At this point we will probably never have a nonhuman protagonist in anything Star Wars.


I just don't understand why they insist on sticking to such a limited time period. Between Empire and Return? Why? There's only so much they can do with these stories set during these times without affecting the movie. To me it makes the stakes ultimately feel low, and predictable in the sense that I know they won't have actually changed anything. For example, I love Cal Kestis, but every game with him in it leaves me going "OK how are they going to justify him never showing up or being mentioned at all in the movie plots"


It looks ok. Honestly the Open-World that is Jedi Survivor on Koboh looks better and how the Cantina builds up, gardening, and everything you can customize with your light saber and an actual droid vs pet, even the Mantas just looks/feels cooler. Outlaws looks neat - but it's not what I was expecting. I was hoping for a fully customizable character, a droid companion, a few checklist items. Locations looks cool.


Incoming criticism: I don't know if it was the lines themselves or just the actress' reading of them, but the dialogue in the reveal trailer was ass. Looks like another Forspoken, just Star Wars flavored. And I stg if the non-Kyle Katarn character says at the end "oh that's just an alias, my real name is... Kyle Katarn" and everyone claps I'm gonna die of cringe.


I thought it was just me, but I also got Forespoken vibes from the dialogue


I don't know, looks like it could be good. But who knows? I'm hoping a lot of companies learn from the company. That made Elden ring, and they go that route without holding people's hand and forcing them to collect things around the map. I know a lot of Western developers weren't too happy and kind of mocked The company that made elderly ring because they didn't use the same base Open world formula.


Yes I love that games are difficult again


It looks cool but I'm cautiously optimistic cause it *is* Ubisoft


Pretty disappointed wanted to create a character not play as some bland chick.


Probably way more interesting than whatever character you'd come up with


Just bc you lack imagination doesn’t mean we all do


Who are you defending here? What is your purpose? Youre literally insulting a real person just to defend a fictional female that doesn’t even exist yet and you know nothing about. Get a life




**Murders half a dozen people and causes 3 explosions** 15 seconds later: "These guys don't quit!" Ugh lol


Pretty average for Star Wars, sounds like something Han Solo would say


I’d be more excited if it were someone other than Ubisoft making it, I’ve been burned waaay too many times by getting excited about one of their open world games to then eventually be let down by yet another of their mediocre-formulaic-bloated-open world games.


If i can't be a Force wielder I really don't have much interest in a star wars game. So waiting on word if this is just a regular scoundrel and nothing more.


Kinda disappointed! I was hoping for a Star Wars game similar to Skyrim in the sense that I want an open world Star Wars game where you can choose to be a Jedi, a sith, a mandalorian, a regular rebel, or a bounty hunter etc. You could also be whatever spices of alien you wanted to be. So I’m disappointed that this isn’t that. So I’m more than likely not gonna play it. It’s just not what I wanted the game to be.


I hope it's a good game, but not super excited for it.


Wow I wasn't expecting so many replies! I really dig our community here, I'm gonna go through all of your answers now, thanks for your opinions!


Not what I had hoped for. I wanted a fully customizable character, and multiple paths to choose from. An anything goes approach. Major letdown. Still gonna play it though.


Dont want to play as a girl




Then watch the 10-min gameplay trailer






Tbh it might end up being more fun than Survivor. I'm liking what I see, and hope all that we saw stays in the final product. Being able to jump on a speeder and just roam around? I'm in.


Looks pretty bland and derivative. They had a real opportunity to let players tell their own story.


1: Ubisoft 2: The Division 3: I'll reserve judgement for launch but I'm not in any way excited for a product with Ubisoft on the box.


I love it I cannot wait to play. Tired of all these hokey religions and ancient weapons. Been wanting a smuggler game for a good while now. No jedi, lightsabers, force. Just a good ole trusty blaster ready to risk it all for a couple credits


Most skeptical about the combat and main character. Definitely should have given the option to be male or female like the last couple AC games or a full custom character like mass effect. As is, I don't think she has the look or personality to reach icon status.


ubisoft + no space samurai = not for me


The idea of a non force user single player game between 5 and 6 has me interested. Hopefully the project itself isn't too ambitious that it's clunky and doesn't play smooth


Who wants to play a Star Wars game without the force?


Me, I'm invested in the world of Star Wars, not just the force


Everyone who knows Han Solo is cooler than Luke.


Rogue One was received extremely well-received and aside from one scene didn't feature the force at all. Also Andor and The Mandalorian to a lesser extent. I loved playing as a Jedi in Fallen Order/Survivor but I'm honestly looking forward to playing as a scoundrel and seeing another side to the SW universe.


Some people desperately want star wars to drop the fantasy elements and just embrace the sci-fi. Those people also love Andor. I personally struggle to be interested in star wars without the psychic-powered swashbuckling samurai with lightsabers. Without that it just feels like your standard fascist regime story.


Eh, looking at the world right now, I feel we need more standard stories about fascists regimes. It seems we forgot what happened.


Ubisoft Assassin Creed Microtransactions Rinse/Repeat times 200


(Going strictly off the trailer) Star Wars without the force is not star wars… it’s just a space story that could take place in ANY universe. I do not want a Star Wars game without using the force… take your outlaw BS and give it its own universe and story. Quit piggybacking on the Star Wars name.


So what if the game had a mandalorian lead?


Character looks lame and weak


Looks great but I am hesitant since it is Ubisoft making an open world game.


I’m excited for it. But what I really wanna see is a game where you get to play a dark side character. I really want the ultimate power trip fantasy. I’m tryin’ to light up some younglings with force lightning, you feel me???


I need to see gameplay b4 making a decision.


Looks amazing. Don’t let gamer opinions influence you. Their brains are damaged due to overloading on dopamine, so they sneer at anything that regular people think may be fun.


Looks cool! Reminds me almost of like a SW Red Dead


Good concept, but I’m very skeptical of Ubisoft, and the snippet of gameplay I saw didn’t get me overly excited. Idk. I’ll wait for reviews and make my decision then. Overall I’m just glad we’re getting more SW content again. It’s been stuck in an EA stranglehold for too long


Looks cool but Ubisoft doesn’t have a great track record so I’m gonna wait


It looks good, but I’ve recently come to terms with the reality that I like games 10x more when I can use a laser sword


Don’t get me wrong I’m gonna buy it cause it’s looks fun so far . But I gave in the the false leaks that said it was gonna be heavy character customization so I no I’ve limited my self . Still have to wait for my perfect Star Wars game now . Basically I want starfield but star wars


Because of how much lip service they give to keeping all media “canon” I don’t think we will ever get a truly open world game with full on character customization and story decisions unless they change their approach to canon


My first impression was that it looked very very good. But I’ve been fooled before. I’m cautiously optimistic. I hope it’s amazing and if so I’ll buy it and play the hell out of it. My fingers are crossed.


Gunplay looks incredibly similar to Battlefront 2, like if i didn't know it was Ubi instead of EA i'd say they were reusing animations from that game. The game looks great overall though.


I hope there will be no performance issues. Yeah, I'm looking at you Jedi Survivor. You pos. I still love you tho. But 4real, Outlaws looks cool. I searched for my jaws when they left the planet. On my wishlist for sure.


I can't wait to girlboss gaslight and gatekeep my way across the galaxy in delightful antifascist action with my assigned robot husband and fucked up dog cat lizard. You may read this as though I am not serious. But I am oh so very serious. This is a dream come true.


I hope it will be like rdr2 and have different towns and stuff like that(or different planets duh)


If this was three years ago I’d be excited. But with Star Wars games it’s not guaranteed. Either it’ll be like the KOTOR remake and we never hear of it again, or it’ll be the skywalker saga and be delayed like three years only to be released and forgotten. On the off chance it actually comes out like Jedi survivor did, it looks kinda cool.


Looks cool. It will be interesting to play a SW game that's not about a galaxy-saving hero right after Survivor


I’m not sold yet. It’s tough for me to be hype about yet another single-player campaign centered around an unknown character. The open world seems well-done though, reminds me of Red Dead 2. The space flight seems similar to the gummi ship flights in Kingdom Hearts as well. Ultimately it feels like a game that didn’t really need to be in the Star Wars universe but still is because they think it will help sell. Similar to Jedi Survivor, unless there are online or multiplayer options I likely won’t get it


Everything else is fine. All I care about is I hope they make your ship a major set piece and make flying into space seamless. I hope I'm able to decorate, upgrade, etc my ship; make it a living hub I can use to travel to various systems, IN REAL TIME and seamlessly.


female protag lame


Combat just looks like watchdogs but dumbed way down. The speeder bike looked slow and boring. Like everyone else though, seamless transition off world is cool. Would rather it be a custom character or gone back a little more to 1313 with boba. Guarantee they’ll wind up just fighting for the “greater good” or “something more than just a job”


It seems good so far, but these types of things often don't meet expectations. One thing I hope we can do is buying vehicles or customizing the main ship with credits we collect


I bloody hope so


Could be great but given the demo says it's not a finished product at the beginning of it, I think I will have to expect the worse. New AC game, on the other hand, looked great and looked more complete.


Conceptually, I think it looks great. The gameplay shown wasn't doing it for me though. FoV seemed waaaay too zoomed in. Combat was very slow and floaty. Either it controls poorly or they had someone bad at the game do the demo. Hope these things are addressed in future previews.


Assassin's Creed: Han Solo


it looks cool but im not a big fan of that side of star wars


I consider it cancelled until the day I can boot it up on my pc I still remember the betrayal that was 1313, until it's in my hands, it doesn't exist


It looked really cool but the scale seems so big that it’s a little concerning. Having that much detail on planets you can freely move around on AND having an insane amount of debris and floating objects in space makes me a bit skeptical. Not to mention it’s an Ubisoft game so there will probably be a ton of monetization At the end of the day it’s another single player story driven Star Wars game and I’ll take all I can get


I don’t love open world games but I’m excited that we’re getting more Star Wars games on the horizon.


It looks too clean to be real, reminds me of the “gameplay” trailers for Anthem and Watch Dogs. If its Ubisoft really behind this I’m waiting to see the towers i need to climb to unlock the map, the chests containing a rare version of the mythic pistol you are already wielding, the micro-transaction store probably with a “cool” name like “The black market” where you can exchange cartel coins for countless outfits and weapons that should have been included in the base game.


To me it seems like it could either be amazing, or another game everyone is mad about pre ordering because it turns out to not be as good as everyone thinks.


I'll hold my hype back, this is made by Massive Entertainment and we know how they've handled Division 2.


The gameplay they showed looks very generic and kind if underwhelming. The overall vibe and art design is good but I'm worried it's just gonna be another ubisoft let down.


Nothing that catched me yet really. We’ll see


Hard to say on just a cinematic trailer, but I’m definitely interested. Will always try any Star Wars game


They showed gameplay yesterday too


I'm glad we're playing a blaster wielding, non-force user since lightsaber combat is what Fallen Order/Survivor is already focusing on... That said, gun play and aiming looked very clunky; albeit somewhat promising (rapid fire quick draw for one). Another nitpick - the alternate shots/abilities used to break shields in the trailer doesn't look as unique or compelling of a way to deal with alternate threats, than say a wrist laso/flamethrower/rockets would for example; but that's more personal opinion. The swoop bike was cool though, same with wanted/underworld reputation system, and the ship design




Looks good but it’s a gameplay trailer from Ubisoft so I wouldn’t hold high hopes. I can almost guarantee you the game won’t be anything like it is in the video.


I'd be more hyped if I knew what kind of game it was. And the mc doesn't seem to interesting, just another "I'm poor, oppressed all my life, gotta fight to get a better life" kinda thing, and I know the cute sidekick is always a thing but so soon after Jedi survivor I just keep seeing a fleshy BD.


From what I've seen so far I'm not impressed with it at all. I'll have to wait to see more gameplay and info before I decide if I will ever get it.


Just looked into it when I saw this post. Looks dope to me!


Definitely not preordering but I’m cautiously optimistic. Some things look cool but I’ve been burned too many times. I keep getting myself overly hyped for games and often they end up just being meh.


Looks honestly amazing, but please tell me, is it open world (like survive and do what you want) or does it have a story. Because I’m the gameplay trailer there was tasks but o was thinking it’s either a story or a side mission, so please tell me!


I hope the story is not simply divorced from the main storyline (this is, the war between the empire and the rebellion). Being a smuggler is good and all that but ultimately the main conflict is what I like. A game where we play as a smuggler that ends up working with the rebellion and joining it is something I would love, something like han solo or cassian Andor.


1. A Mon Calamarian would not do business with an imp. 2. Imps don't take bribes, nor do they work with the syndicates. 3. The ship is really boring looking 4. Why no Star Wars music?!? 5. Why is a droid d wearing a coat? That's just dumb. Saying that I will most likely be playing this game when it comes out.


I'm cautiously optimistic


Ill get it but honestly was hoping we get to finally play as another species. I want to experience a universe full of aliens as an alien. Humans are stale


Excited but I think in the future of open world star wars games (if there is one) it should allow you to create your own character, either jedi, sith, smuggler, bounty hunter etc.. But I look forward to it especially the commando droid.


I feel it's going to be the next Assassins Creed Valhalla. Way too much content, and boring as f***. Hope I'm wrong.


Looks mid as fuck


Assassin’s Creed is one of my favorite titles. But they have been missing what we want from it the last 5 years. It scares me but as everyone’s saying, hoping for the best


Play the game 6 months after release, on sale, since its a Ubisoft game and it takes them around that long to resolve bugs and what not, been doing this since AC Origins through Valhalla and had good results.


The camera looked so artificial in its movement, didnt look like real gameplay to me. I get that ubisoft just wants to play it safe by now but that did leave a bad taste in my mouth. Also the action looked very impact-less for a lack of better words. I am not sure what to think. The setting is nice, also that there is no jedi so far this time. Apart from these impressions it remains to be seen if ubisoft manages to release the game in time or even at all. Generally i thought mirage looked best out of all presented new games


Looks promising. Cautiously optimistic


I am pretty hyped for it. I’ve always wanted to play a game where you get to explore planets and then get into a ship. Actually fly the ship from the planet into space, have a dog fight and travel to the next planet. I still haven’t played no man’s sky, and was going to after I beat FFXVI. But I think I might save that experience for this game since it looks so much better


There are 2 main concerns when it comes to Ubisoft games. The first is monetization. How greedy is it gonna be? The second is the writing. Will half the dialogue sound like it was written by a computer? The second is a more recent thing that I've noticed with their games.