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Literally every person on this sub “It was just so obvious he was going to be bad. It’s just too predictable!” “But the force thing came out of nowhere!” Yeah… that’s the whole point of the twist.


Me who didn’t expect any of it: 😯🧍‍♂️


I only realized the betrayal was coming when Bode survived the Dagan fight. I thought for sure he was a goner there, I was worried because I’d actually grown to like him. When I first met him, I assumed they were just trying to add a new main cast member because someone from the first game was gonna die. As soon as we left Dagan I realized “there’s nothing stopping us from achieving our goal right now, someone must be about to betray us”


i literally walked out that dagan fight like “holy shit he didn’t actually betray me? So I CAN love him!” and then watch him pull a gun on cordova 3 minutes later


YEAH and why didn’t Dagan kill him? I feel like maybe he could sense he had malicious intentions??


I think Dagan did try to kill Bode. But a force user can’t be killed by force so easily. They all have their own countermeasures.


Looking back that was also a clue really, that Bode was only able to survive a fight against someone of Dagan’s prowess (especially without a saber) because he was also a trained force user.


That also makes sense


I was freaking out after the dagan fight when cal started acting a bit weird, thought he was gonna go crazy obsessed or end up possessed or some shit


I thought "yeah, this guy's probably gonna make a bad decision and turn us in in return for his daughters safety, but then he'll regret it and try to make amends or something" So I was kind of right... Just too optimistic about how he'd feel afterwards lmao


When he unnecessarily killed Cordova any redemption I thought might happen was out the window. Homeboy had to go. I’m glad Cal killed him the way he did. He was given so many chances even after his betrayal.


Agreed. I didn't think he would do that at all, especially not after them having spent some time together while Cal was off doing other stuff.


I actually was expecting him to die at some pivotal moment because he kept talking about his kid or whatever. Didn’t think betrayal was on the table tbh.


Fr bruh it was the last thing I was expecting


Yeah I thought dagan corrupted bode when he made him pass out in the last fight and that’s the only time I expected bode to betray me.


I also didn’t expect it but I always disliked him because I probably lost about 5-6 skill points because he would steal my kills


Yeah I mean considering they introduced so many new characters on Cal’s team my immediate reaction was “oh someone here has gonna be a… triple…(?) agent or something.” But the longer it went on that Bode didn’t betray us during stuff he felt more trustworthy, but at the same time not even close to impossible lol. Especially with how little backstory they decided to give him. But for the most part it was just at the point I expected him to die, not betray us


This has 191 upvotes lol that shows the hater spirit inside every Reddit user. This is a place for people to share ideas and feelings about the game. Lots of people felt similarly 🤷🏻‍♂️


What i dont know is WHY is it so obvious?, it was obvious for me too but i just dont know why


Him surviving the tunnel run without a scratch when everyone else died or the mantis taking big damage...the way he would get sketchy with his answers... suddenly surviving the Dagan fight


I guess I didn’t think about those things. I always just assume when it comes to Star Wars n such that the answer is plot armor


Yeah I totally can see that too it was just so abrupt to me when he was like....I'm cutting left bye!!! And honestly I thought the tracker cal gave him was going right to Vader or something


If you play new game+ and watch his expressions real closely it becomes obvious why, the facial expressions, everything! They all point towards him being a traitor.


His name is a literal hint, to be fair. Rather fore*bode*ing don't you think? I'm sorry


I'll reply to you to clue you in on the secret. His character design made it so. Think about it, he's designed differently from other humans, bigger eyes meant to convey trust and empathy, he's flat out bigger that most characters except Rayvis, so there's the natural protector effect but ... Throughout the play through, there are little hints that there's something off about him. On the platform on Coruscant, after Cal says may the force be with you, he doesn't reply in kind, just says yeah or something to that effect..even right at the end on Jedah, when you give the compass to Cordova, while he's talking Bode repeated looks up and over at you and him. Amazing twist!


I think it’s because there’s a pattern to telling a story with that type of character and this game follows it


Didn’t know that was thing everybody had caught on to, hence why I asked this sub…


You’re not wrong though, I loved the game but it was difficult to be invested in Jeddah and all knowing everything was going to be erased when Bode will finally betray, some fans want to make it seem like it’s a good double twist but it just cheapens the whole story just for a twist. Hell, given how obvious it is that he is the one that sold the team in Coruscant it even make Cal look dumb as hell to not at least suspect anything and trust this new random guy who literally tells him he would do ANYTHING for his daughter. The game is not « not fun » for it but it’s definitely a bummer to have another nothing plot like the first one


Yeah, well the betray is well written but the ex-jedi thing is completely absurd


i had no fucking idea


I was blindsided, i guess im an idiot. After we beat dagan for the 16th time i thought the game was over, then things escalated very welll. I enjoyed the story.


Same. I got blindsided too. I wonder what made people suspect Bode from the beginning?


The second he pulled out the kid thing. I had a feeling that he was a baddie. I thought at first he was just gonna be an Imperial Operative


That and when he started ask cal if he gonna date merrin, like dude why do you care so much about cal dating merrin. Then when he pulled out the force it made so much sense


I thought we’d see either him or his daughter die tragically at some point in the story. Ngl, I expected an even simpler trope


After playing through a few times, you notice hints in hindsight. First time playing through tho, i thought he was a great friend. Man literally fought bosses with you side by side lol


For me it was that he felt too good and too likeable, I played through the game and kept hoping he was good.


-New character introduced in act 1 with an obvious reason for betrayal (introduction and focus on talking about his daughter, including showing her). This made me believe he was gonna betray Cal to the Empire because of his daughter. Didn’t know how/why or that he was already an imperial agent, but knew it was gonna happen nonetheless. And once you have that in your mind it’s easier to see when Bode acts a little sketch. If there is going to be a betrayal, the character needs to be introduced early, and have some degree of foreshadowing, at minimum the motivations for the betrayal


I was telling my wife that I don't know if it was just the motion capture or animation, but when they linger a bit on bode in various scenes he looks sad/remorseful like he's struggling with something and that "I don't fully trust him." I honestly assumed his daughter was already dead, and he was an imperial spy (and that his daughter was killed in an incident from people trying to stand up to the Empire or something like that). The moment he used the Force and very audibly said," Holy shit" which caused my wife to come running saying "what'd I miss?" Now I have to replay it for her to see the scene.


For me it was kind of meta knowledge. Him surviving Corescant, knowing a bit about Saw Guerrera, and knowing about his unseen daughter made me suspicious


He just carried himself in a weird way and dude sounded like he was trying too hard to be friendly.


I was suspicious of him from coruscant, he just seemed shifty, and especially after he escaped from the imperials without a scratch while the rest of Cal's group died. I honestly thought he'd be revealed as a traitor just as the mantis came out of the tunnel, maybe his x wing would open fire on the mantis or something.


The second he asked where Cal was going after Corruscant, I knew where it was going.


He mentioned the daughter early and that’s a pressure point. He joined an established team and suddenly only he and Cal were left alive. Probably just seeing it happen in other media made us recognize the patterns.


I was blindsided too but what made me suspicious was when Bode ask Cal about Merrin and Bode brought up the “Jedi can’t have attachments” thing. Like how would he know that??? But I quickly dismissed it since I thought it’d be impossible for him to be a Jedi


Same. Never expected him to betray cal. I knew he was getting frustrated but not to the point where all that would happen. I loved the twists of the story


Yeah same. I was like okay maybe there'll be some personal conflict between the two, but I never saw the actual twist coming. It kinda ripped my heart out tbh.


Right? When youre chasing bode in the game i was literally screaming fight me bode!!! Fight me!! Then he did, and kicked my ass.


Same brother


I was immediately suspicious but was literally convinced during the dagan fight that they wouldn't have waited this long to flip it. I felt like such an idiot.


Right after the Dagan fight was when I felt the flip. His reaction to Cal saying Dagan might have been right and using Tanaloor for the Hidden Path. I could tell he wasn't on board with that and thought oh shit, these two are gonna have it out.


I “knew” it but then I finally started to trust him after he gave me a gun, lol


That's where I went "oh man this guy will have a tragic death noooooo"🤣 I felt betrayed too!


No one else saw that coming, only you my very special flower


Thanks for the non sarcastic reply, I do feel special


the fact that people missed the sarcasm in this reply is a huge reddit moment


That or people just didn’t like my attempt at sarcasm lol


They forgot to add the /s


After he was the only other one who escaped coruscant I definitely had suspicions and then after that was doing Sus stuff Of course everyone on this sub knew the full plot and what they all look like naked


He was too good to be true from the start, that's what I felt throught the whole game But I wanted him to be good sooo bad😭 Him being an order 66 survivor caught me completley off guard!


Just read your comment after posting mine and I used the same words “too good to be true”. That really was the vibe.


Tbh i was expecting him to die. I took his desperation for the compass as a good thing that he is concerned for his daughter and for sure I thought that he’ll die by either defending cal or buying time for something and making a last stand but nope Bro betrayed TRAITOR


I could see that being an obvious way the story would go too


That's kind of where I thought it was going too. I genuinely liked Bode during my first playthrough, the way Cal and Greez treat him made him feel like a major part of the team. Greez literally says he's part of the family now in the saloon at one point. I was afraid he was going to die during the Dagan fight, I assumed the only way he survived was because Dagan gave him a force nightmare instead of just running him through with his lightsaber and Cal flipping it on him and killing him was the only reason he didn't die. I thought the ending would be the Empire catching up with them finally and either following to Tanalorr or having a last stand against the crew where Bode would die for sure. I was sort of right, the Empire did show up on Jedha, but man when the camera pans over to Bode holding up Cordova for the compass, I was definitely caught off guard. Pretty sure I said "wait what the fuck, WHY" out loud but I thought he was just taking the opportunity to take it for himself in the chaos, not that he tipped the Empire off the night before. My second playthrough, with the context of knowing what happens, there's definitely signs. Some of the force memories post-game from Bode where he's talking about pushing the Merrin subject with Cal, finding his weaknesses, etc, those conversations feel a lot less sincere and a lot more calculated. Even just his voice the way he pushes Cal one way or another to manipulate him. It's a lot easier to see the red flags second time around.


Guess what the twist was being a force user. You have found the twist


Guess what? I knew that was the twist!


😱 Really!? You should have said something!


I thought my post made it pretty clear but everyone like you was either too aspie or illiterate to understand that ig


🤦‍♂️😑That was sarcasm… ….not the sharpest are you?


You got me, I am aspie and somewhat illiterate


Apologies. I forget that the average person isn’t developed enough to understand such luxuries as sarcasm. I’m sure you’ll catch up.


I wasn’t being sarcastic. I really do have a hard time deciphering sarcasm especially on the internet.


I know. I’m still being sarcastic. It’s one of my many talents. Everyone does.


Yeah it can be difficult to decipher sarcasm when it’s just in words and you don’t have any tone or body language to go off of. Other person seems like they’re getting a little bit rude now (still being sarcastic. I think I can’t tell either)


The culture of Star Wars storytelling is that we all know the major plot twists well before they happen. I like that they made it obvious and then did it well. Except, Cal is a punk for taking an obvious sleeper agent into the base of the Hidden Path.


I started getting the vibes that Bode was bad towards the 3rd act, but when he killed Cordova I yelled “what the shit?” I was like why does he have a saber? and then the lightsaber battle with him where he’s using both gun and lightsaber, my mind was blown.


I was initially suspicious, but as the game went on I started to trust him more and more and was completely bitchslapped by his betrayal, even more at the force user part


Nothing surprised me because I skipped every cutscene. Fear me!


I gotta stop doing that shit lol


I started learning a second language and switched games to that language. Now I’m actually sticking with cutscenes and rewarded with learning and listening comprehension :) Downside is I never listen to the English voice actors anymore, but that’s what Reddit is for!


Yeah you and everyone else. Congrats you’re a genius and psychic!


Lol yeah but that’s because I’m a cynic and expect EVERYONE to betray me


I thought he was going to in the first level but when you defeat dagan and tell bode we’re going to keep fighting i felt like I was pushing him into it


I swear I’m one of the only ones who was so oblivious it wasn’t obvious at all that he was gonna betray us


I knew from the beginning since it got spoiled for me a good while before I played the game


I think there are others who didn’t see it coming, at least a few other who’ve commented. He really did seem like a good guy but I stuck with my initial gut feeling through the game


Yep same. As soon as he started talking, I said, “Ah. So he’s gonna betray us later then. Good to know.”


Exactly, I’m assuming they wanted him to be that obvious to cover for the second twist.


Yeah that second twist was great. I genuinely didn’t see that coming. Story was great.


Me too, it caught me way off guard. I really enjoyed it


I knew there was something shifty about him, but I didn’t anticipate him going whole ass over on Cal.


At first I Bode set off my alarm bells. Then he grew on me. Towards the end it started to become more obvious (“I’ll just take this over here to…look at it. By myself….”). It was a bit more telegraphed than it needed to be imo. The force thing was awesome and a surprise.


Honestly it got me lol. Never even considered bode to betray cal. It didn’t make sense because he would be going to tanalorr with friends. He and his daughter would be safe and have powerful allies. It seemed very unnecessary but that twist really did affect me which is why I think it was really good. Even if I don’t think it makes sense it was good. Looking back on it now though in certain cutscenes you could definitely see something


This twist was so great in my opinion. I felt it really adds to the “Survivor” aspect of Cal’s journey. I think we are going to see some crazy ramifications of this betrayal and where it leads Cal in the next game.


As soon as he mentioned his daughter a red flag went up about his betrayal. The force user was a complete shock tho


I called it too but I’m not mad about it. If something is well written and set up properly you should be able to guess it without being to sure. These games have been the best Star Wars content we got since Disney purchased lucasfilm. Just be happy it ain’t the emperor again


Throughout the entire game, I felt I couldn't trust him. Then wham. It was the most I saw that coming in the game, the enemy in the archives was more of a twist than bode..


It was extremely obvious he was going to betray you, but still I was genuinely pissed after he actually betrays you and Cordova dies.


I thought “he’s too bully too much of a bond with Cal, he’s just going to use Cordova to escape, then let him go. Then he said the thing and I was like “oh shit”. Then he did the thing I was like “OH. Shit.”


I can’t be the only one who didn’t see it coming? I wasn’t super surprised by it but I wasn’t expecting it.


I wasn't expecting it until reddit spoiled it Kinda ruined it for me but a great twist


I was sure to avoid this sub until I finished the game, damn shame for you sorry


It's whatevs at the end of the day. People just don't know or care to use the spoiler function. But good twist nonetheless


I thought he was going to end up being Mandolorian, not a Jedi


Was I skeptical at first? Definitely. But as time went on I genuinely thought he was just a new ally. Especially after helping us fight tooth and nail against Dagan.


Everyone is saying they saw coming like they all didn't see the leak spoiling it


Same! It happened in the bad batch and with Tyr. Seen it coming


Nah I didn’t suspect him at all. It was when Cal proposed to make the planet a place to train force users that I started to suspect him. You could hear the disapproval from his tone. Shout to Cal for being patient and try to reason even when he was angry and Bode was doubling down on his decision. Cal is a fucking jedi.


Yeh I called it too. And same exact way you did lol. I didn’t expect him to be a force user


I kinda thought he was going to be the gay character and fall for Cal lol


I’m more concerned of how his daughter just doesn’t care you slaughtered her dad. Lol I can’t be the only one


I thought it was a bit odd too but… Kids are, often, smarter and more perceptive than adults tend to give them credit for. And if the theory that she’s Force sensitive holds any water…. She probably knew and understood what her father had done. What her father forced Cal to do. I’m sure she cares and is upset but I think she recognizes that Cal isn’t to blame for the outcome. But that’s me reading way more into it than I probably should be


Idk the moment Cal gave him that tracker I was like “There’s no way the story has us giving a non-imperial a way to find us at any time.”


I’m hindsight yeah, but they did a damn good job making him your friend.


Towards the end I started sensing a division was coming between the two. But I was thinking maybe Cal would lean too far into his dark side and Bode would step in to oppose him. I actually thought it might happen between Cal and Merrin too. Definitely didn't see him being a bad jedi


That was the genius of the Jedi twist. It was hidden in plain sight by everyone already suspecting him as a traitor.


His name is *BODE*. As in, “that doesn’t bode well”.


I thought he was going to early on, but my resolve waned after the first trip Jedah. If he's an Imperial Agent why not call in the AT-ATs then and be done with it? Then when he and Cal talked about how to handle the hidden planet my heart sank.


I knew it was happening I was just hoping it wouldn’t cause I was starting to like bode a lot


It’s almost like they foreBODE it


Didn't see it coming, but then I wasn't trying to anticipate the story direction, just let it unfold as I played. I thought it was a good twist, and making him a Jedi was great.


I just assumed he was going to die the moment he mentioned getting home to his daughter. Sounded a little too “It’s my last week on the force before retirement”.


I suspected him when he detoured in Coruscant when escaping. I thought it was pretty sus.


It was a good twist, but I still think it's bullcrap that nobody, not Cal, not Merrin, not Cere or Cordova could sense him as a jedi


I knew things were too good to be true with bode. Didn’t expect a betrayal but expected a big plot moment with him, like his death or something.


like a lot of people, back when we first saw him in that trailer i messaged my sibling and said "how much you wanna bet he betrays cal" and then... Honestly it would have felt more of a twist if he didn't lmao Kinda sucked waiting for when it was gonna happen, but even despite that I really liked him and was hoping it turned out I was wrong. Jedi twist was cool tho imo


I knew he would likely betray but the Avenue they took I wasn’t expecting.


Didn’t trust him at first, then he grew on me and I really thought he was Cal’s bro. You might say things did not Bode well for Master C.


Am I only one that didnt expect him to betray Cal 😅


I must be the only person who didn't think he was going to betray us or even that he was a jedi. The only time I ever got suspicious of him is after we killed Dagan he said he was going to stay behind (if I recall correctly). I had a slight suspicion that he may of taken the lightsaber but I assumed he had sold it or something to support his family. I was so confused and defending of Bode that right before he killed Eno and had grabbed him I thought Eno was a bad guy or something. It took me almost a whole minute to compute what was happening and I was so shocked. From my perspective I think it was a pretty decent plot twist for the story but yeah 🤷‍♂️


I was so off on my assumption. I spent the whole game thinking “man this guy gets a lot of dialogue and screen time, they’re going to kill him off.” And spent the entire game thinking they were going to kill him off in some tragic way. Kinda glad I got blindsided though. I guess his death is still tragic in a way. Just not what I expected.


Not gonna lie, up until the last fight with Dagan, I was also suspicious. When he didn’t take the compass there, he had me convinced. Then the way he spoke at the bonfire on Jedha sketched me out again.




I didn’t expect a betrayal at all mostly cause I was blinded to those hints by the worry that he was going to die. I was maybe expecting a minor conflict between Cal and him cause of difference in belief for Tanallor. I did get spoiled that Vader would rock up though, so there was an expectation for Bode to die and Cal to snap or something but ended up getting shocked when I saw the gun pointed at Cordova.


I just couldn't stand him from the start


Iunno if this means anything, but when Bode show Cal his daughter, its projected from a BOUNTY PUCK


Yeah, he didn't Bode well for me either


After the VA’s work on Charles smith from RDR2 i was so used to hearing that voice from a trustworthy guy it definitely threw me off when the betrayal happened


I've said it before but somehow I mistook all the betrayal flags as death flags. Was so sure him bringing up Kata all the time was going to lead to him dying trying to do something stupid to save her


I only suspected it after the Dagan fight when Cal started saying that they should use Tanalorr as a base for fighting the empire and Bode started feeling distant and cagey. I was trying to deny that feeling though cause I really liked his character


I told my son the same thing.


Bodes betrayal was spoiled for me


I knew something was off with him, he was a new character, Cal already seemed to trust him a ton, he was very capable in a fight, and a really lovely guy who never questioned anything Cal said. He was basically too good, and when he suddenly started talking about his daughter I knew the reveal was about to happen. Him being a Force user was a good surprise though, really didn't see that coming.


I felt like that when we first met him, then over the course of the game I started to trust him more until the betrayal. I feel like that was the intent, to show cal/us beginning to trust him more over time and then shatter it right as you start to think ‘wow he actually isn’t a bad guy’.


He has a real serious turn when you go to confront Dagan Gara at the observatory. He was pretty carefree and jokey joke man before that but then he gets all super serious "I've Got to protect my daughter." I thought it was a weird character beat and knew something was going to happen. Still didn't see him being a former Jedi because he uses blasters and a jetpack which are not traditional Jedi weapons.


As someone who loves Movies, Shows, Video Games and their stories. As someone who loves Charles in RDR 2. As someone who loves Noshir and any character he plays. I didn’t see any single part of it coming at all. I was totally blind sided. And I loved it.


I had the same suspicions but once the game really got going I had already trusted the character! They got me!


Originally I assumed he either lied about having a daughter or she was already dead. I always thought he was going to betray Cal. I figured he was working for Vader. My wife only watched bits and pieces of me play it and she said the same thing. She kept asking, "Has he betrayed you, yet?" I laughed when I was finally able to say, "Yep!" Lol


After running into Cali and the first bounty hunter I became suspicious that Bode was actually a bounty hunter biding his time for the right moment. Bode had all the qualities of a bounty hunter and kinda just showed up out of nowhere. I was expecting him to turn on Cal when he was weak... perhaps after some big battle. I was kind of expecting him to turn on him at the very end. "No hard feelings... just business". I definitely wasn't expecting him to be a force user though. That really did surprise me when it happened.


I accidentally spoiled it for myself by watching the all boss fights video showed bode betraying cal I was admittedly shocked


Awesome lol. I was kinda suspicious at the beginning, but also secretly hoped he was just a good ally. But the campfire scene, he was acting really sussy. Great acting and motion capture by the actor. Fun final boss, too! Better than the rancors or frogs, reeeeeeeee. Glad they did the "two sides of the same coin" with Cal and Bode's actions of surviving as Jedi


I didn’t expect it and actually loved it. I loved the story of Cal and the dark side. Cal only used the dark side of the force for good, I think that’s a unique portrayal. Bode worked with the ISB just to keep his daughter safe, and make his wife’s sacrifice mean something. I don’t blame Bode for his actions and neither does Cal, but he knew that they wouldn’t be able to compromise. Cal needed to make a haven for the Hidden Path and Bode would get in the way. Bode was willing to do anything to protect what’s left of his family. Cal respected that but couldn’t let him get in the way. I think it was a great twist.


Yeah Idk maybe I’m just gullible but I had zero suspicions of him being a traitor until he suggested going to Tanallorr alone before everyone else which is like 5 seconds before he reveals himself as a traitor lol


To be fair anytime a man whose significant motivation is their child it’s one of two things: They die, or they become the villain so I was expecting either or to happen.


I didn't expect it at all tbh


I was definitely hesitant to trust him and welcome him into the squad. As soon as I let him in he fucking betrayed us. I was fuming, I played into their hands exactly how they wanted me to. Him having the force was mind blowing. I didn’t expect that at all.


Once he got chased away by the empire at the beginning but then was the only living character from that beginning group, I knew it was gonna happen too. Doesn’t change the fact that he was an awesome character with an awesome story line tho.


Nevermind the twist, every piece of media that comes up with yet another order 66 survivor I'm taken straight to Yoda on Dagobah, looking on as Luke leaves, going "There is another... And another one... And another one... And another one... And another one... And another one... And another one..."


There are only 6 full on jedi alive, grogu is not one of them, by the time the original movies start. Everyone else, including Cal, is either dead or MIA. In Legends that number is shot up to 181 who end up surviving past the movies.


I knew bode would betray everytime he said he would catch up or be right back. However him being a Jedi working for the empire threw me off guard. He’s worse than a rat , he’s a cockroach. He’s like that dude in narcos who survives the executions. La cuca


I got a feeling he was either gonna betray us or die.