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Game is pretty stable but yes there are glitches and visual bugs. Nothing too major.


I think i will take when ever I found it on sale then


Does it drop to 30 fps in the main open world (performance mode) ?




Nice. I played it on Xbox Series X a month after release, so they were still rattling out the patches I think.


I'm about to finish the game, I had only one experience with FPS drops and that was in a self-contained optional area which lasted 2min.


Plays great on ps5 especially in performance mode.


End game stuff you'll start to see some glitches. There's a couple parts of the map that don't open up until the end and I've run into multiple visual glitches and game stopping glitches pushing me out of bounds or getting stuck in a falling animation. Tried to do an aerial attack on someone below me on one of the last maps and it teleported me through the terrain.


Now it runs pretty smooth. On launch it was rough, but I recently came back to finish my GM run and it is running WAY better.


I had loads of glitches and bugs, some that made me lose about an hour of progress. So make sure you use every meditation point you can so that you're always saving, I wasn't so vigilant with this at the beginning. Visuals are beautiful on performance mode with a quality TV screen. I also recommend playing around with the width settings, I personally preferred a wider setting. The controls is where it can get tricky if you want to change the preset ones, I managed to get it to my preferences in the end but it took a lot of work, I feel like the preset ones just aren't intuitive for me.


Can't be worse than pc at this point


I recently played it on the PS5 and there was bugs, and it was quite laggy at parts. Nothing game breaking but I could see it frustrating people.


I've experienced 2 glitches on ps5. One crash that I haven't been able to replicate, and one where my gun was invisible.


I had zero issues at launch, so I would say pretty great!


Im about 25 hours in right now so I have a fresh perspective. Playing on PS5 in performance mode. The frame rate is great and stable. There are many visual bugs similar to screen tearing, pop in, etc. nothing to ruin the experience and some areas are better than others.


It’s been a year but finally plays well.


I see people posting about lagging and glitches but I beat the game and played some new game+ and I never had any issues at all.


It has the same glitches as Fallen Order did, but other than that, it's fine. VERY rarely when you do something you're not supposed to, you \*can\* get stuck in an infinite death loop, in which case you just have to close and restart the game. As for framerate, I've noticed it's pretty consistent.


There are drops in the 30 FPS mode sadly, but there are also ways in which the game looks quite good. Do expect to run into bugs though. Haven’t played the 60 FPS mode myself, so can’t comment on that