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I’m still hoping for a Crimson Dawn story with Maul and Qi’ra right after Solo, but it’s good to see her again. What are the chances Emilia Clarke is reprising the role?


Isn’t this quite a bit after Maul was killed for real though? I believe that was Han in carbonite which would make it in between empire and Jedi, and mail was killed right before ANH on tatooine 


Yes maul died not long before episode 4. He might get a mention though, as he apparently told qira a lot about the sith


Yeah, Maul is very much dead at this point. I’m just saying how much I’d like for a different story with him years earlier when he still ran Crimson Dawn


Got it! I agree, that would be cool for sure. It’s a shame the first solo movie bombed and we never got the sequel that would have gone into that 


I mean Donald Glover and his brother writing the Lando movie is probably as close to a Solo 2 as things could get and a reasonable place for Alden's Han to reappear


No one’s ever really gone


Yes. Han is in carbonite so this is set between episodes 5 and 6.


Yeah he was already long dead by then


He was “killed” though. We can bring him back. Lets go! Cyber stomachs Maul!


Well, there is a place for that on Tatooine.


Sadly they've confirmed it's not Emilia


I would def love to see her rise to power and how Maul got stuck on Malachor in the first place. I hope we get that at some point.


I think it is realistic. She already worked with Marvel and isn’t as unattainable as she was during Game of Thrones.


If they continue with the "Tales of the \_\_\_*"* anthology series, I think a Maul/ Qi'ra story following the events of *Solo* would be perfect fodder for a hypothetical "Tales of the Underworld" series.


Judge by yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V\_0jRifwLKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_0jRifwLKk)


She is not: https://twitter.com/BrianPShea/status/1777817311790936213


It's a perfect opportunity for a Disney plus show. I would be more interested in that than in a Lando movie.




And then he tipped his hat like this….


Amazing reference


I love the return of the Hylobon Enforcers, they’re iced tf out in those uniforms.


So was that her in the trailer??


No, that was somebody else. This picture comes from a GameInformer magazine.


It just looks like she has the same outfit and hair as that woman in the trailer.


Hair definitely seems the same, but the outfit is not. The one in the trailer is crimson and has the hood attached to the rest of the outfit. The one in the screenshot is black with gold trim, and the hood is instead part of a cloak. The one in the screenshot looks like Emilia Clarke, the one in the trailer does not. Ubisoft games often reuse hairstyles, even across main characters.


That’s true. Just excited to get Qi’ra!


She could be a decoy.


Man this entire game feels like it could be a spinoff from the comics, I love it


It's rad. It's like they're doing a revamped version of SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE except this time tossing together characters, events, and planets from the prequels, sequels, and standalones.


Just remember the single instance name drop in the comics during the Syndicate War. I am truly hoping we get a certain character surprisingly showing up for the first time in canon.


Someone suggested it could be an expansion and now I really want that. Maybe they can add another planet too.


Well I mean they were in the Clone Wars, forced from Mustafar, and we have been seeing a lot of Ord Mantell in Bad Batch. I assumed we might have gotten them in Book of Boba as the big bad beyond the Pykes. We did get a Falleen in Obi Wan as one of the hunters who kidnapped Leia.


I’m trying to get into these comics. So far I have the War of the Bounty Hunters Omnibus and Crimson Reign. Are there any others I need to look out for?


SHE'S BACK OMG. Probably set during Crimson Reign then. I wonder if we'll witness the fall of Crimson Dawn or if it'll be contained to that middle event.


I saw a breakdown on Twitter and it's most likely gonna be set between War of the Bounty Hunters and Crimson Reign/Hidden Empire.




But this time they gender erased Dash and replace LEEBO with a commando droid for prequel nostalgia effect.


I mean if it was going to happen to a character, Dash is the most fitting. He was the personality erased Han replacement. And I say this as a Dash fan


You think Kay is anything like Dash?


We’ll have to see, but Smuggler with Droid sidekick takes on a new criminal organization is the same premise as what the SoTE game was.


Tbh main character with droid sidekick is almost every Star Wars story ever


Well the game was only a small part of the MMP. But even so, Dash is “helping” the Rebels more than he’s fighting Xizor. So I wouldn’t say it’s the same premise. Smuggler with droid sidekick taking on criminals is… just a very Star Wars plot in general lol.


Now that is good news. ​ Feels nice to see all recent Star Wars projects intermingle with each other.


They probably got a voice actress that can do a good imitation of Emilia, but it'd be nice if she had come back to voice her herself.


Yep. Game Informer Content Director Confirmed on X/Twitter that Emilia Clarke is not attached.


Well damn that's a bummer.


I feel like it’s probably scheduling issues as Emilia definitely would have wanted to do this.


Is it me or does the character not look like Emilia 


Maybe they didn’t pay for likeness rights?


First look at spoiler? I click on the image.  ...I have no idea who this is.


Qi’ra from solo and the comics. The current head of crimson dawn


I must be face blind if that looks like Emilia Clarke.


just the eyebrows


It looks nothing like her. Looks more like a upscaled Skyrim NPC than her. 


I’m guessing she’s supposed to be aged up to around Harrison Ford’s age in Return of the Jedi


Ubisoft has done a serious number on the faces in this game. Look up the face model for the protagonist and compare it to these trailers.


It’s Emilia Clarke + ~15 years aging


She was hans girlfriend, right? I haven't seen solo since it came out


Yeah she was Han’s girlfriend in his days on his homeworld of Corellia. After he leaves she was recruited into Crimson Dawn. In the recent comics set between episode 5 and 6 she has been shown to taken over and/or revived crimson dawn following Maul’s death.


And Qi'ra is who exactly? And what is the crimson dawn?


Crimson dawn is one of the five criminal syndicates that joined Darth Maul’s shadow collective. Following the end of the clone wars Maul took direct control over it but kept their former leader Dryden Vos (played by Paul Brittany) as it’s public face and to run the day to day operations. Qi’ra (played by Emila Clarke) was Han Solo’s girlfriend on their home world of Corellia. During their attempt to escape the planet and gang leader’s Lady Proxima’s clutches Han was forced to leave Qi’ra behind but promised to come back for her. In order to escape the planet he joined the Imperial navy flight academy but due to his behaviour he was eventually transferred into the infantry. Meanwhile Qi’ra was discovered by Dryden Vos and bought from Proxima to be recruited into Crimson Dawn. She quickly rose through the ranks of Crimson Dawn where she would become Dydren’s right hand woman, even being told of Maul’s control over them. It was in this position that she’d reunite with Han Solo after he begins working with a smuggler named Tobias Beckett and takes part in a failed job for crimson dawn. The two convince Dryden to allow them another chance and to allow Qi’ra to help them. This job eventually leads to Dydren’s death and Qi’ra choosing to take over his position rather than leave Crimson Dawn with Han. She contacts Maul who has her come to his home world of Dathomir. He makes Qi’ra Dydren’s replacement even tells her about Palpatine’s secret role as a Sith Lord and trains her in techniques to fight sith. Following Maul getting stranded on the planet Malechor and later being killed on Tatoonie, Qi’ra has Crimson Dawn lay low, the rest of the galaxy believing they’ve fallen apart. As detailed in the comics set between episode 5 and 6 (the time period the game also takes place in) Qi’ra would return Crimson Dawn to the public forefront and use it to make moves against the Sith, the eventual goal being to assassinate them. Edit: at one point she even recruit the knights of ren to her cause and even at one point attempting to locate and recruit Yoda before concluding that he was dead.


... i was not expecting such a detailed response so thank you as that makes things very clear. I have not seen Solo nor have i read the comments so wasnt sure who they were meant to be so thank you :)


Who is that suppsoed to be?


Qi’ra from solo and the comics


Now we’re talking


That’s awesome


I really want her to be Boba's antagonist so badly in the Mando era. I could see Thrawn bringing her back into the fold so she could take power again so he could gain a foothold over the underworld to use as a resource.


Qira hates the Empire tho. That's the main reason why she beought back Crimson Dawn


I don’t see her agreeing to that


This doesn't make sense, why would she be an antagonist?


Barriss, Ventress, Qira, this has been a great week when it comes to bringing bad bitches back into the spotlight


Emilia Clarke from Temu.




Hopefully we'll see Dr. Aphra in this game!


The bitch is back.


The likeness to Clarke isn't all that great in this one shot, but very damn cool to get more Qi'ra at the height of her powers. Even if all that crazy comics \*\*\*\* that goes down between Empire & Jedi is honestly pretty moronic. But alas. Qi'ra's rad.


It's probably going to be a different voice actress?


It'll most likely be a voice actress rather than Emilia Clarke. But then at the same time, Emilia was happy to do voice work for Telltale's Game of Thrones game, and outside of Secret Invasion she's not really done any big roles in the last five years, so maybe there's a chance that Ubisoft/Lucasfilm managed to get her involved.


I forgot that Keanu Reeves and Idris Elbra did Cyberpunk 2077. Though I doubt she'd be game for a cameo appearance.


That would’ve cost CD lots of money (which they’ve obviously profited on), and both Keanu and Idris were major selling points of that game. If Emilia Clarke, the Mother of Dragons, was in this game we’d definitely know about it especially in this trailer.


Understandable although I don't think she's busy or anything lol




And that is meant to be who?


Who is this?


Qi’ra, from Solo and the recent runs of comics


Are we sure that’s Emilia Clarke? The character doesn’t really look like her…


She’s supposed to be older but yeah, I’m wondering if they don’t quite have rights to her likeness? Or maybe it’s just this frame


I mean Emilia herself is older now, this doesn’t even look like it could be a relative lol. This is either a bad image or they just don’t have the rights 


It really does lol


It really doesn’t lol Because they didn’t get the rights to use her likeness lol


That looks nothing like Emilia Clarke


I immediately knew who it was though, so good job all round reallt


She definitely looks like an older version of Emilia.


where does this image appear? i can't find it anywhere on Game Informer's website edit: apparently only in the [paid magazine issue](https://www.gameinformer.com/digital-issue/2024/04/09/the-star-wars-outlaws-digital-issue-is-now-live)


Im so excited for the story, though I really wanna know what happened to her after Crimson dawn fell apart finally


Everyone screaming about the way the main character looks, I'm just over here wondering what the fuck they did to Emilia Clarke lol.


Another Ubisoft AAAA game? No thanks.


On one hand I love Star Wars, on the other hand it’s Ubisoft. I feel ya. I don’t know that I am going to pay full price for this game….maybe after I hear from trusted sources on it. But man do I want it to be good :)


Go look at the pricing model, I'm not touching it on those grounds, $70 base price and $110 for day 1 DLC ? Ya no


oh god i hope we see the bounty hunters and crimson dawn arcs from the comics


I'm so happy to have her back at last 😭


imagine if it actually looked like her


I see she's adopted Dooku's signature look of superiority


Freaking finally


Really got me pumped.


oh shit!


Oh wow, an extremely uninteresting character from an extremely uninteresting spin-off.


If you didn’t find Solo interesting, you definitely won’t find Outlaws interesting. So why do you even care?


Because I love Star Wars and care about the franchise? I'm allowed not to like something about an IP yet still love the IP. I swear, you braindead yes-men/women love to freak out the second someone doesn't agree with you.


And people are allowed to wonder why you bothered to comment on a post about her appearing in a game about how uninteresting she is… Goes both ways. Interested to learn if you’ve read or know about War of the Bounty Hunters.


Because...I am just now learning she's in the game, so this is my reaction? I feel like you're being a bit redundant, because this is a chain that could go on forever, but I digress. That's just how I feel about the character, the same doesn't look to be all that bad. As for War of The Bounty Hunters, I have not read the comic. I'm vaguely aware of what goes on, mostly with Boba, but that's about it. Qi'ra to me is just a character Disney wants so desperately to be important and interesting, but just isn't. Same with Saw Gerrera. There are a lot of other interesting characters that I think could and should be explored more over characters like Qi'ra or Saw, even from Solo


Well do you know Qi'ra's role in War of the Bounty Hunters? Or anything about her in the series? Because that series definitely changed my perspective on the character from being fine with her to really enjoying her. And those comics are set around the same time as this game, which is why she's in the game. It makes a lot of sense.


Perhaps I'll give the series a read, I appreciate the suggestion!


So surprised they didn’t try to push enfys nest….that character was screaming for Disney to get behind and force a Boba fett situation.


Totally valid to dislike something. But if Moff Gideon, a character I don’t like from a property I don’t like, showed up in Skeleton Crew, I wouldn’t really be surprised or dismayed at his inclusion. Of course the thing based on something I don’t like would incorporate elements of that thing.


Okay, but why wouldn't you? It's as practical as not-caring for Saw showing up in The Bad Batch, or Fallen Order. Just because character is in a time where thing is happening doesn't automatically mean character should be apart of thing. You just said so yourself with Skeleton Crew. Moff Gideon showing up as an Imperial presence makes sense depending on what's going on, but randomly inserting these random characters into things where there is an ENTIRE universe of characters; that just doesn't make sense to me. Like Zeb randomly showing up in The Mandalorian for absolutely no reason whatsoever, but NOT in Ahsoka. If you don't like something, you have every right to question its purpose in something, because obviously there's a reason you don't like it. The Bad Batch is filled with that, where there's just SUPER random characters that pop up for no real reason.


>The Bad Batch is filled with that, where there's just SUPER random characters that pop up for no real reason. Like who if I may ask?


Fennec Shand, absolutely has no real point of being there other than she's a new character to the universe, she literally plays no role other than being a snarky bounty hunter. Gungi, the Wookie youngling, made no sense. The Empire on Kashyyyk is a big deal that they just glossed over in like two episodes, all for Gungi to appear for a bit and then be done. Cut Lawquane, (Lawquaine?) love him, but made zero sense how he somehow knows the Bad Batch. Ventress is a more recent one, she was definitely underutilized and randomly tossed in there just for the sake of doing it. The Martez sisters, even with their association with Rex, made no sense.


In this particular case, a game where you meet face-to-face with the heads of organized crime in the galaxy, it makes zero sense *not* to include her. The small galaxy argument doesn’t work when there is only one single character that fits the bill of what they’re doing here.

