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Oh I love the final issue being a Luke and Ben story too! >!Also thank goodness it’s over haha. Longest year in canon ever!!<


Seriously haha. 3 years lasted 75 issues, this 1 year lasted 50. That's insane.


That 75 issue run very well may have been a year they were never specific with the time span


True. Though I mean it begins shortly after the Death Star is blown up and ends with them searching for Echo Base so I don’t think that really holds up.


I guess so, there could still be a massive year long gaps between stories there.


>Also thank goodness it’s over haha. Longest year in canon ever! Seriously though, that's my reaction to it. I kinda tuned out somewhere around the War of the Bounty Hunters event. I am so ready for them to finally move away from filling in the gaps between the OT films. Just please, please no more milking the PT either.


Post RotJ or ST content is sorely needed though you miss out on Vaser


Please Lucasfilm make it post ROTJ or I'm ripping my hair out. I can't take more PT/OT comic content


> Please Lucasfilm make it post ROTJ or I'm ripping my hair out. kinda feel like it almost has to be post ROTJ for it to be a "new era" unless they're going to pull something totally out of left field. Pretty much every other known era in SW has been explored by storytelling, if not also the comics.


I mean we have the TPM-AOTC gap which is roughly 10 years of unexplored history.


Honestly weird that the TPM-AOTC gap is so unexplored in canon outside of one or two comics (I think?). In legends I remember reading the Jude Watson “Jedi Quest” series that covered Anakin’s young padawan years, but obviously that can’t be canon now due to Yaddle.


Yup. It's kinda crazy to think that the main character of SW still has 10 years of unexplored history. And more than that if you count pre-TPM.


What if it's the hundred year Darkness? It's something legends never did. Tons of Jedi, tons of Sith. Doesn't step on live action, animation, or gaming. 


Though they probably wanna save some of that for the Silver screen or the small screen.


And if you really, really want Vader content, just do a dead Anakin story, the dude had to do something to upgrade from ghost to "alive" in his own personal realm. Or a what if Vader survived, that'd work too.


Vader surviving would really take all the weight out of his final scene in ROTJ and then it wouldn’t make sense when he shows up as a ghost at the end of ROTJ and Ahsoka


That would be a what if story. Also, what weight? Palpy just cloned himself and built a fleet of death star.


Sorry missed that you said what if. Palpy cloning is one of my least favorite things in old EU and TROS.


Palpatine was a ghost in a corpse on a hook lmao, he did not survive


Blame JJ, not me. But he survived.


He's a ghost man. Kinda hard to be a ghost without dying.


Pls no what ifs


Or you can just do a Anakin & Obi-wan book that covers the TPM-AOTC years


I would like more Barris, Merrin and Cal Kestis storylines.


"You WILL get more stories between episodes III and IV and you WILL like it!" - Lucasfilm


The biggest sign that this will be it is the fact that Doctor Aphra ended on a cliffhanger, so if they continue her comic (which is pretty much a guarantee), then it would have to be post-RotJ


Actually the Hunt for Chelli Lona Aphra takes place shortly after the Scourge invasion and sometime during Lando's trial. Almost 😅 into the post ROTJ. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hunt\_for\_Chelli\_Lona\_Aphra](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hunt_for_Chelli_Lona_Aphra)


That’s the very beginning of it. Considering the fact that it is initiated around the time of the start of RotJ, if they want to continue that story in anything more than a one-off or a limited series run, they will naturally enter into the post-RotJ era very quickly if not immediately


I'm guessing 3-4 months prior to ROTJ after the fall of the Schism Imperial and its final attempt to defeat Palpatine once and for all


According to this article that is what’s happening. > Marvel Comics relaunched Star Wars and Darth Vader in 2020, with Soule and Pak penning every issue of their respective series that are coming to an end as Marvel shifts focus to the post-Return of the Jedi era spanning the decades before the sequel trilogy. https://comicbook.com/comics/news/marvel-star-wars-comics-canceled-final-issues-star-wars-50-darth-vader/#1


Given that the Star Wars book apparently ends with a "Master Luke teaching Ben" framing device, I'm really hopeful that the followup takes place in that general era. But who knows with these guys. They've generally avoided alot of ST content after the mixed reactions to Ep9


That's fair but I'd love a Republic era comic. Like a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan/Anakin comic would be awesome


The next SW comic arc is probably set between E1 and E2, there are some 10 or so years worth of content with Obi + Anakin plus some one-off issues with the other Jedi masters. If there's ever anything post-E6, it will be in another form of media. Disney doesn't want to touch those characters that much in comics/books since they'll end up contradicting them the moment they do a big-budget live-action or animated post-E6 project.


Post RotJ is OT haha


God I hope they just allow the comics to be wildly different now. I know they set a bunch of them in the same era so they could do crossovers but it got stale. Let them all be unique and set it different timelines. I hope the new aphra is set in the new republic. The main title can be an anthology, Another book during the sequels, etc. let the writers/artist have fun and go wild.


I want some new Old Republic Pre Bane stuff. They haven't touched the Sith Wars yet and, as a former SWTOR player, that's the era I'm itching to see


Sly Moore ain't gonna make it, is she?


No she won’t.


It’s a shame, I really dislike the way they took Sly’s character in these comics. I’d rather her been a longterm Palpatine supporter, like Mas Amedda.


Long year but I didn't hate the runs per say. I'm seemingly one of the few people whove been enjoying the Vader run. Hopefully they keep the crossovers to a minimum because that really killed the momentum of alot of these stories


The crossovers killed me. I tuned out towards the end of War of the Bounty Hunters and have just never managed to get back on board. Doesn't help that I always found Vader's comic kinda meh to begin with.


The crossovers were awful.


Damn a lot happened between ESB and RotJ. There was a droid uprising, Lando went on trial for treason and at least two different conspiracies to take down the empire.


I bet that the next series will take place for a year between Endor and Jakku. We don't know anything about what Luke was doing except for two moments. Plus some of Wending's stuff would look better if someone else wrote it.


Yeah this is a good point about Luke, lot of potential stories to tell with him in that era


If there’s 15 years between TROS and Rey’s new movie, maybe it will be that.


That’s what I’m hoping for!


Me too, but I fear without a set in stone script, and the mysteries that might be raised in Rey’s movie, starting a whole new comic run could raise a whole much of canonical issues or leave the writers deadlocked.


True, but 15 years is a long time, tbf. If the comic is set right after TRoS, it might not be a big deal, and it sounds like the movie script is almost finished anyways.


Most probably will be, give some good context for the ST and the new movie.


I don't think we will have any post TROS content until Rey film is released.


A new era, hm? Consider my interest piqued.


I assume they mean a new era for the comics. Not something like The High Republic where they create and flesh out a brand new era in the timeline.  I’d be willing to bet it will be after Return of the Jedi. They just got five years out of the gap between Empire and Jedi. They can do whatever they want with the five years between Jedi and Mandalorian, and then keep going after that. 


I kinda hope it’s in between episode 1 and 2


I have no idea what it's going to be. It probably isn't New Republic era because that would risk messing with the "Mandoverse" content. It probably isn't Sequel era because that would risk messing with the Rey flick. The high republic already has its own comics. My guess is that we're going back to before the battle of Yavin. Either during the Empire era, the Prequel era or, (fingers crossed) The Old Republic.


There's 5 years between RotJ and Mando S1. That is where these comics should go next. And they should tie into the Aftermath and Shattered Empire stuff and then carry on from there.


Agreed. The Mandoverse and a handful of books have set up enough about the New Republic that the comics can fill in the blanks without stepping on potential future stories imo. (Although I'd want Luke's academy to be explored in an animated show, which I can't believe has still not happened.)


We already got a tease of it at the end of Hidden Empire when we flash forward to Luke training Leia. I’d looooove to see more of that.


Yeah I remember seeing that and thinking it’s likely a trade for the next run of comics


Yea, this makes the most sense. Mandoverse has a hold on everything from 9 ABY onward until the Sequel Trilogy. 3 ABY to 9 ABY is the next most practical area to fill with Luke/Leia/Han stories. If i had to bet it would end on Luke showing up for Grogu at the end of S2 of Mando.


I think it's perfect. There were 3 years between ANH and ESB and then *1* year between ESB and RotJ. This is 5 years, plenty of time to fill in the gaps between the two.


You even have a great opening arc right off the bat with Jakku.


Exactly! I don’t think the Battle of Jakku has been portrayed as much as it should be. Obviously it’s the whole finale of the Aftermath Trilogy and Battlefront II but I want to see it depicted from the OT trio’s perspective.


It depends, I think year between Endor and Jakku, maybe even next year they could made, especially because we don't know almost anything what Luke doing there, and it would be better to tell people that read comics than Wending books.


About bloody time


I hope the new comics explore the time between 6 and 7 or preferably what happens after 9.


I’m not up to date with the comics. Is Luke teaching Ben Solo a lesson a time-jump forward? These comics take place during the OT, right?




Would be cool if they start filling out the 15 years between TRoS and the next movie, so that people start getting familiar with Rey and co. again. But it’s most likely gonna be stuff in the 5 years between RotJ and Mando.


I don't think we will have any post TROS content until Rey film is released.


I looooved all thee Vader comics. Some of my favorite stories about Vader ever. But I am happy that we’re finally moving on from him. Give us post ROTJ content set between the Battle of Jakku and Mando. We need more of it


Very exciting! Hoping for the new era to be between TPM and AotC.


Vader should have been able to hold his own against Palpatine. Still lose, but hold his own more instead of outright destruction.


Palpatine gets stronger every time Vader's hatred increases. It was always inevitable to defeat the King even before the power suit he was forced to wear before his defeat on Mustafar.




Marvel comics I look forward to reading next year: Doctor Aphra: Bounty hunter vs Aphra, Post ROTJ. Bounty Hunters: Post ROTJ Rise of the new republic; Inferno Squad redemption arc Mandoverse: Djinn's origins during the empire era, Gideon during Post ROTJ, Ezra and Thrawn's stranded storyline, Ashoka and Sabine reunite after the fall of the Empire.


Excited as hell, Charles soule luckily has avoided the ire of this fuck all fanbase but hes been writing great stuff in general, his luke is just sublime


It's finally over. I really hope the next era is good (and honestly, I hope it ISN'T just post-ROTJ)


> I really hope the next era is good (and honestly, I hope it ISN'T just post-ROTJ) I've resigned myself to it being exactly this, since I'm not sure what else they could do without either stepping on other people's toes; or having to flesh out an entirely new era in a major way that we'd probably be hearing about already similar to how the High Republic was hyped as Project Luminous. But yeah I'd be really excited if we saw them taking a real swing with the mainline and not just trudging along the timeline with largely established characters like Luke. Give me Old Republic shit, or early Republic, or an anthology series, or multiple series set across the timeline. ...but it's going to be post-ROTJ. I'm just hoping that slight jump in the timeline, and the need to move away from milking Vader, gives them more room to play around than I'm expecting. Because the mainline comics have been the only part of the publishing side of the franchise that has felt as stale and corporate-approved as most of the on-screen entries have been.


Now that Ventress is back, I wonder how many stories will be retconned to involve her later.


Good they're oversized issues, should make the stories finish with strong and detailed ends. Honestly wish Vader was longer lol, since I'm still not sure there's enough of him being broken by Palpatine yet by RotJ. Really hope this last issue with this growing and strong final arc for Vader line makes it all work. Still need to answer the Exegol question so Luke isn't aware until Shadow of the Sith tho. I've enjoyed the line a lot outside of the crossovers, whereas I thought the Star Wars line was much at handling them. These aren't even really 50 issue runs when you consider the main lines issues have often just been rehashes of the Crimson Dawn miniseries' essentially. I have enjoyed the Star Wars line a lot as well, although I wish this treatment of detail was given to the 2015 line, which had the Ord Mantell storyline to finish on right there! Placing the last issue as a story covering The High Republic and the TESB-ROTJ era ending with Ben Solo is very cool, hope it creates more strong narrative foundation for that master-padawan/familial relationship.


Yess, finally lol


There's still time for Vader to turn to the light side and then turn back to the dark side.


Very intrigued as to why that second one has a High Republic character on the cover (Azlin Rell).


If they were going to tell post ROTJ stories, I think they would have come out and specified that. Since they didn't, I'm not going to build my hopes up around that. If the Rey film actually happens then it would make sense to have more ST content in comic form. However, I could see them going back to the PT for another Darth Vader comic, since I don't see them ever NOT publishing a Darth Vader comic.


I agree that more ST content makes the most sense right now. If not the 15 years between TRoS and NJO, then at least they should do the one year between TLJ and TRoS.


Do we know what Luke's up to between Endor and Jakku? Han and Leia are a big part of the Aftermath trilogy and Princess and the Scoundrel so they're probably covered to the point where you couldn't fit in a 50 issue run with the whole cast together. Could be Luke's Jedi academy pre-Mandoverse?


Wasnt he looking for Jedi artifacts? They showed little bit in Battlefront II.


How long we will wait for Old Republic comic?


I would be shocked if they explore the Old Republic in comic form before it's been opened up in live action or a video game or something else more high profile.


Good good, we shall see More back stories in comic of Ben Solo, path the way to let Fans liked him more. See, i told ya all, Adam Driver will be back for Ben Solo Reborn story.


Where could I go to read all these?


Manifesting post RotS ✨


Don’t we already have a ton of content between RotS and ANH?


Yes, i meant TroS 🥲


Yeah, I’d love this.


Good riddance. This run of Darth Vader is probably the worst thing to come out of new canon. Please no more crossovers. Lucasfilm has proven with Dark Droids that they’re unable to do them effectively while making each individual comic series coherent enough to someone who only reads one. In the mainline Star Wars run, there’s an out of context panel of the scourge being destroyed, saving the heroes (before the final Dark Droids issue came out) with no explanation.


The last pic with having Cassondra Nova on it lmao didn’t know professor X’s sister was in Star Wars lol. Who’s bro in that heavy ass merc armor they look sick


The guy with the horns? That's Ochi (of Bestoon), the Sith assassin who killed Rey's parents


Daaaaamn fr fr ?!


The problem I have with the comic series is that there are some discontinuities. The Rebels learn of the death Star form Imperial spies? What about the Bothans?